Jane Burning Holistic Consulting

Jane Burning Holistic Consulting

Spiritual based seminars are incorporated from an Iroquoian perspective, whether it's working with S

As a holistic consultant, Jane Burning offers training that incorporates traditional values and spiritual principles. A holistic consultant is conscious of the inter-connectedness of our minds, bodies and spirit. Jane's training is vastly unique as it includes private consultations with your agency/organization to suit your needs. After the initial consultation, she includes any spiritual insight


Today I now understand how my mother could hurt me. How she could hit to feel alive. How she could say things she didn’t mean.
Today I look at my mom with dignity. The bravery she had to face life when she didn’t want to.
The pain my mother carried is the same pain I’ve carried. The pain my daughter carries is my pain. What we come to know is that each generation becomes less and less.
Healing is messy. It is not about blame or shame. It is about seeing the absolute truth in its most purest form. Yes we are hurt no we are not broken. Yes we are victimized no we are not victims.
Standing in your authenticity brings the focus inward. It is knowing you chose the perfect parents to awaken who you authentically are. It is seeing the bigger picture of what we are to be and become more.
May my daughters become more and my granddaughters become even more. Nyaweh goh

Photos from Jane Burning Holistic Consulting's post 18/07/2024

A wonderful evening with Bonnie Hill of Bonnie's ashenute baskets. Great company and lovely energy. Next workshop: basket purses!

Derek Miller w/Lacey Hill 'Colorado Springs' Official Video 24/05/2024

Ace one Derek miller and Lacey Hill 👏🏽

Derek Miller w/Lacey Hill 'Colorado Springs' Official Video Derek gets a 'break up' letter backstage before he is about to go on. Lacey Hill and Billy MacInnis join him on stage and they lay it down proper, because li...



Speaker Spotlight: Jane Burning, Jane Burning Holistic Consulting Services

Jane works from a place of integrity with respect for self, others, and the world. Through her own healing journey and awakening of her sacred bundle her purpose is to help others to see their own purity. Jane has studied in the Western models of Social Work and has delved deeply into traditional soul healing and energy work. More importantly, Jane has been blessed with a method to help heal on a cellular level. Understanding the soul and how we came to be in human form is the foundation of Jane’s work. With an awareness of Native Family Systems and how generations of trauma have impacted individuals, Jane has helped individuals disrobe shame, hurt, and anger allowing them to embrace their authentic selves. Jane believes it is essential for us to recognize and heal our own emotional scars in order to begin rebuilding self, families, and Nations. Many First Nations have benefitted with Jane's work through individual healing and/or understanding workplace dynamics. Jane used a virtual platform during covid -19 to assist work environments. Educating individuals on energy and understanding triggers of our ever changing world.


Lawerence and Dwight from Braided Waves are brothers united to bring healing to the people. With many losses and heartache they are finding their most authentic selves and awakening their bundles.

This beautiful lady Jane Burning has helped me in ways I can’t explain. She has such a powerful story! And her presentation video made my body react. Where I couldn’t hold back my emotions, she talked about choosing out lives in the spirit world. How we chose our mother and our father before we get here. I understand now why I chose my mother, why I chose my father. I’m so thankful for the weekend in 6 Nations! Extremely thankful! If you need a great presenter she is tagged in this post! You won’t be let down! She’s amazing!


Let us show up recognizing our value, honoring our courage, while having the integrity of our ancestors. On this International Women's day I invite you to hold all women in a space of love. May we be inclusive and have empathy for our sisters, mothers, aunties, grandmas, and friends.
For those who are hurting and feel disconnected to your lineage of women know you are not alone. You are always connected to our mother the earth and our grandmother moon.
Wherever you are in this moment breath into your body and feel life running through you. That is your connection to your purity. You are the love you are looking for. Celebrate YOU


Support for a good cause

We are inviting Family, Friends, community-minded businesses and organizations, and allies from the local and surrounding areas to support our fundraising efforts in one of the following ways:
Donations of prizes for raffle;
Monetary donations (cash or cheque) that will assist us to purchase sought after prizes, to draw the largest crowd possible.

Please note that we will need to confirm raffle prizes by November 20th 2023.

Your support will directly contribute to the growth and prosperity of Skaronhyase’kó:wa Everlasting Tree School, helping us continue our mission to provide a holistic, culturally rich education to our students. Your generosity will not go unnoticed; our sponsors will be recognized through our social media and feature links to promote your business, before, during, and after the event.

Whether big or small, your contribution will make a significant impact.

With heartfelt appreciation,

On behalf of the ETS Parent Circle, Skaronhyase’kó:wa Everlasting Tree School Leadership Circle, Staff, Students and Future Generations.


Ho'oponopono is a very gentle and loving method of resolving internal conflict and generational trauma. When we experience trauma we are prone to triggers and transferences. Triggers will active the brain to old limiting beliefs we have made of ourselves, others and the world. By sourcing the origins of these limiting beliefs we can love ourselves back to balance. We never want to ignore or deny our wounded self; we must embrace and love ho'oponopono ourselves back into the truth of who we are.

Understanding Ancient Hawaiian Spirituality Check out this Video Collage designed by Kailee Soong.


St. Patrick was a young 16 yr old boy when he was captured and enslaved by the Irish. He was actually British.
He became a saint when he brought Christianity to Ireland upon his return.
Today in Ireland St patricks day is celebrated as family day.
Today I am reflective of my grandmothers lineage and I celebrate her in totality. I celebrate my father she brought into this world and all the kindness and love he gave us.
Happy family day everyone celebrate all that is in your sacred bundle and embrace all that you are. Many blessings to you 💚


On this International Womens Day I want to recognize and honour my indigenous and my Irish ancestry.
The cells in my body remember ancient memories. I continue to heal and transform painful unravelling of cellular memories.
As I connect to my inner most wisdom I see what was needed and what was absent. I awaken with intention what my memories need and resonate with the most purest of light.
I am more than the pain in my story and my ancestral trauma. As I resonate the truth my ancestors heal and become more. The vibration is real. It is pure. They are free. I am free.
May we celebrate our lineage and how we woman have vowed to heal ourselves, our families, and our community.


Today we Honour Our Men. Men need to know it's okay... to talk about feelings, to ask for help, to break down, to not be okay, to cry, to go to therapy, to be vulnerable, and to need support. Ganohkwasra is available 24/7 at (519) 445-4324 to support you.


This week I turned 60 years old. I would say this past year has been one of my most difficult. I have told my classes I should write a book called “so you thought you knew”.
I have learned about my worth and recognized my limitations. I intend on letting go of being the “perfect” mom and trust that my children picked me for a reason. I also know inter-generational trauma will take life times to heal.
My purpose is to fulfill who I truly am and I believe I am doing that without a doubt.
I love service and my life will continue to serve. This means healing never stops and growth is always evolving. I am happy to say we have choices and we all deserve to be a part of the greater good. We are worthy of a celebration. We are human, we have a story, and we came into this body with the knowingness of who we authentically are.
We are not the pain in our stories we are pure love and pure light 💕🙏🏽
Nyaweh, thank you to all those who’s spirits I’ve witness grow into more than your story. I am humble


Healing is not about getting rid of the ego but embracing it. Bring it close. Let it tell you what it feels. Listen to the pain which it holds on to. Then love it, transform it by giving it what it needs. Then you will transcend all the limitations it allowed you to believe.


On this day let us remember the truth of who we are. Let us know in the depths of our soul, the absolute truth. Creator remind us of our sacredness and all the gifts we possess in our heart center. Help us to see our lessons hidden in every cell in our brown skin. Ancestors grandmas and grandpas may we know our purity so we Can heal. Guardians hold space for us to awaken so we can heal our ancestral lineage. We are pure love and pure light. Our awakening heals whole lineages 🙏🏽🪶❤️


I am a First Nations woman who has been healing myself and therefore healing my lineage of women. The resurrection of truth and the resurgence of our divine intelligence is awakening.
So much change is upon us; we will never be the same as pre-Covid. This my friends is a good thing. Yes it’s been difficult. Yes it’s been painful and yes we are grieving. Remember, birth is to death as death is to birth.
Let’s walk through the doorway to the new earth with a spiritual knowingness of who we are and who our ancestral lineage came here to be.
This means we must let go of so much painful truths which keep us in the lower vibrations in our human form.
Let’s all begin to gather under the Great Tree of Peace and bury the weapons which caused great wounds to our psyche. It is time 🪶❣️


Today embrace all that you are becoming. Move forward in the most authentic way until you can become more. Try not to get caught up in your story and begin to see you are more than the pain.
As we learn how to heal … we awaken. The awakening is like a beautiful flower just blossoming to its fullest potential. You are beautiful, you are loved


Never doubt your true essence. Even if people around you cannot see you, validate you or take time to know you. Believe in who you are and keep moving forward. 🙏🏽♥️

It’s a good day to be Indigenous!! 💫 🏅


May 2022 enter your life with a vast amount of light. May the love you feel
Multiply 10 fold and May you discover the beauty all around you.
Let this year be the year of the awakening. Try not to let another day pass you by without you knowing your authentic light.
Happy New Year everyone ♥️

118th Anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre 29/12/2021

118th Anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre Today, December 29th, 118 years ago, in 1890, more than 200 Lakota were brutally slaughtered by the 7th U.S. Cavalry. In 1973, A.I.M. and other Lakota people...


Today is the day I was born. The pain body felt the depression of my mother. I decided I was unimportant, others don’t want me and the world is cold and unpredictable.
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to repair that with my mom, who is now in spirit world. She let me know it’s not that she didn’t want me but that she was fearful of having 2 babies as my brother was only a year older than me. My mom let told me she would take from me what is hers. She would now heal that which I carried a lifetime from me. It is now up to me to do what I can to change that belief in his ream. This has been a core issue as I remembered the heaviness in my breath. I am forever grateful for FIT and my spiritual connection.
What I know today is that my breath is my healing property. It belongs to me and and helps me awaken the truth of who I am. I am consciously breathing today through the body memories and celebrating the choice my soul made to come to this realm. I am connected , others hold space for me, the world is ever changing and evolving just as we are. Thank you momma for bringing me into this world. ♥️🙏🏽

Videos (show all)

I am a First Nations woman who has been healing myself and therefore healing my lineage of women. The resurrection of tr...
Lindsay Bomberry Level I Reiki
Usui Shiki Ryoho
Testimonials 2014
