Earth, Mind and Body Essentials

Earth, Mind and Body Essentials

Earth Mind and Body Essentials provides personalized natural synergies that support your wellness.


Making crystal soaps

Earth Mind and Body Essentials - EarthMindBody 10/12/2023

looking for a nice gift for someone special over the holidays? Check out all the great natural skin care options here:

Earth Mind and Body Essentials - EarthMindBody Earth Mind and Body Essentials - Natural Hygiene made simple - all natural, organic ingredients, of the earth, balanced & blended uniquely for you, to help support your body and mind's natural ability to maintain & replenish itself.


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Bugs Bite! Lotion 12/07/2021

New: Effective bug repellant lotion is now available. Warning, bugs won't like you! 😊 Reminder: use couponcode PICKUPORDER if you're local.

Bugs Bite! Lotion Ingredients/Ingrédients: *(+Certified Organic)/*(+Certifié Biologique): Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil*, Ricinis Communis (Castor) Oil*, Aloe Vera, Populus Tremulodis (Aspen Bark) E

Our Story

I have been working in healthcare for over 20 years. I am a Registered Aromatherapist. I also have a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and am a Registered Social Worker. And It has always been clear to me, working in many different areas of healthcare, from mental health & addictions, to elder care, to botanical synergy and aromatherapy, that the mind and body are intimately connected when it comes to one's health. But just as the mind and the body affect each other in helping to determine one's health, so does the environment in which one lives and breathes.

The plants and nature around us create the biosphere in which we live and breathe. They give us food, fuel, air, shelter, clothing, medicine and protection. Without plants, we wouldn't be able to survive. For centuries, plants have been harnessed for their known protective and healing properties, but slowly over time, more and more disconnection has happened between our plants, ourselves and our environment. As feudal systems (where one still farmed one's own food), has given way to larger segmented industrial systems of mass production for profit, so have we slowly lost touch with where our food and water sources come from; with how we harness our energy; to where our garbage goes and from what we need to do to sustain our livelihood on this planet. Unfortunately, artificial solutions to natural problems have proven unsuccessful. And as global climate change of the planet creates more and more extreme weather events, we will be reminded again and again how dependent we are on Mother Nature to survive.

It is with this in mind that Earth Mind and Body Essentials was founded; on the idea that natural organic plant and mineral ingredient solutions intuitively support our bodies' own ability to nourish and replenish itself. From what we think of our body, to what we put in or on our bodies, honouring ourselves as connected to this natural world, in my opinion, will help us thrive as a species on this beautiful planet. And we can do this by utilizing the natural plant materials' own synergistic wisdom to support us in our day to day activities.

