Lunar Love Candle Co.

Lunar Love Candle Co.

Small batch soy wax candles, hand poured in Ontario.

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 24/10/2022

Can we just swoon over these shots captured by Charlee… she makes all my cottagecore, foraging dreams come to life! Take a look at her page and just look at the talent. From photos to face serums, she just has all the things that are good. 🙏🏼 thank you Charlee!


This is a CUSTOMER CONTEST 🍁 if you’ve purchased our autumn or Halloween candles this season, please tag us in your posts - both photo and video and you will be entered to win a 4oz cast iron cauldron with your choice of scent and crystal! These cauldron are a little spooky but can be used after the candles done for burning sacred herbs, palo santo and incense pyramids.

Contest closes October 24th at 8:59 pm EST and the winner will be announced just a minute later at 9 pm EST 🎃 can’t wait to see your pics and vid’s 🫶🏼


My birthday is TOMORROW [09.27] 🌻 make sure you’re subscribed to my email list so we can celebrate together. So excited 🫶🏼


Hope that everyone has a restful weekend 🐿 I’ll be spending it with family and we will absolutely be watching the new episode of ring of power. Part of my loves it. And the other part of me is so conflicted because they’ve spent SO much on this show. $75 million an episode. Could you imagine how many families that money could impact?! So yeah, it’s a bit of a conflict. And at the same time I’m enjoying it so much… What are your thoughts on this topic?


Just a little personal post - hi! I’m Nicole. There are some new faces round these parts and I want to thank you for joining this candle loving community. This is 100% an outlet for my creativity to run free and I’m fortunate enough to have formed some really cool relationships through this medium.

Some things about me. Obviously I’m crafty af - always loved being creative, artsy and free. I tried to suppress this side of me for years because I had an engrained belief that art “can’t pay the bills” and while this does not supply me with a full time, livable income, it does supply me with soul satisfaction, which is tres important for long term, sustainable happiness and general wellbeing. I have just started a content creation business, where I create user generated content for other businesses and brands. This has also inspired me to be just as caring and attentive with my brand. Why is it so easy to give ourselves the bare minimum but go over and above for others? Reformed people pleaser, I am also leaning in to discovering “me”. Who I really am before I masked my genius. Who I am before society told me who I should be, how I should act and what I should do to be “successful”. I did that. And I burnt the heck out. My body was in fight or flight for years and I didn’t realize how exhausted I was. So for the past year and half I’ve been in a phase of repair, deep rest and reflection. Figuring out this next phase in life and rebuilding a solid foundation for myself from nothing. Classic Tower moment, am I right?!

My main goal here is to create an open and supportive community rooted in wellbeing, healthy living, and spirituality (whatever that looks like for you!). I make and sell candles. I am highly intuitive. I love helping others with their businesses. And I have the softest spot for animals, which is why I donate what I can from sales every year to an independent animal welfare organization. I’m just here learning along the way. I’m human. Nice to meet you.


Golden Hour 🌾 the hour before the sunsets. The golden shower of warm light that graces the earth before the night comes. This candle is the perfect mix of chai tea and golden milk. So cozy and comforting with just the right amount of sweetness.
All candles are now available online at 🪵 go say hi!


This years Harvest Moon is September 10th. This moon has many different names but according to the farmers almanac, for several evenings the moon rises soon after the sun sets, which resulted in bright moonlight to aid the farmers and crews harvest their summer-grown crops aka fall harvest. A very abundance time.

This candle smells woodsy and spicy with notes of cedar bark and spices like cinnamon, nutmeg and clove. A rich fall scent to welcome the abundance that autumn bestows 🍂


Enchanted Woods 🐿 smells vanilla and musk with a hint of freshly picked apples. Such a nice, neutral scent for any space. Bring on the autumn vibes 🍂


Stop me now with autumn 🍂 everything! So glad with these candles. They smell amazing. 3 fall inspired scents. Going to be available in a golden tin set as well. QUESTION: do you think I should launch these and the Halloween collections and sets at the same time? August 20th? Let me know party people 🐿


Mediation is a practice that can lower your blood pressure, calm your nervous system and reduce anxiety 🧘 before your session, light a candle to signify presence and intention. The flame can act as a focal point and the scent will send you into a relaxing bliss. English lavender infused with reiki and amethyst crystals emanates a calming energy and encourages you to melt into your practice.

PSA - don’t fall asleep with candles light 🕯


Strawberry 🍓 season is here and I am HERE 👏🏼FOR 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼 The strawberry moon was in June but the best berries are ripening now!

In southern Ontario, we import most of our fruit year round. But in the summer we grow the BEST strawberries around! I have been obsessed with berries this month and am soaking up all their nutritional goodness. One thing is - PLEASE rinse all your berries well. Generally I spray all berries with vinegar. Let sit for a few minutes, and rinse with water to remove dirt and other microbes and bugs hidden to the human eye. Stay nourished my friends ✌🏼

Did you know: berries have some of the lowest Glycemic Index of many fruits. Meaning they don’t spike your blood sugar as high. They are packed with antioxidants, keeping your skin gorgeous AND they’re packed with fibre. I mean, it’s a win win and when I say this candle smells delicious, I mean it!

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 29/06/2022

Custom projects with dream clients make my heart so full 💗

I’m a naturally creative person who enjoys working 1:1 with people so the custom projects are just *chefs kiss*🤌🏼 for me.

Whether you’re hosting an event, want to mark a milestone, give ‘thank you’ gifts or honour a loved one, these unique candles act as a functional way to bring warmth and memories into any space.

If you or someone you know is interested in creating custom candles, send us a direct message or email [email protected] and let’s get started!


Flowers do have powers 🌺 have you noticed when you gaze upon flowers for a second you’re so present. You’re in awe of the beauty before you. And for that second, you’re not worrying about what to do next or stressing about your problems. You’re just admiring these beauties that popped up from seemingly no where, that grace us with their multi-coloured brilliance. Flowers are powerful healers and they deserve all the admiration, cultivation and care.


Happy Summer Solstice and SUMMER COLLECTION LAUNCH DAY! Thank you to all who placed an order today 🌺 I know you’re going to love the new summer scents. They will aid in amplifying your intentions for this coming season - both summer and cancer season.

Candles inspire you to shine bright, encourage heat bearing activities like sun bathing, exercise and sweat cleansing, and they uplift any space they’re in. Fire is such a powerful tool, which reminds us that we too ignite others by being lit up 🔥 Just like when I say “burn responsibly” we must use our powers responsibly to ensure we’re elevating, not degrading. Inspiring not conspiring. Healing not harming. So SHINE BABY SHINE ✨ and happy summer solstice.


As we welcome summer with open arms, we are embraced by its warmth, it’s hope and it’s beauty 🌞 Summer Solstice acts as a reminder that when there is darkness, light will always come. When we lose faith, humanity will be restored. And like a phoenix, we will rise from the ashes renewed and strengthened by the trials.

Right now is a perfect time to open our hearts and receive the love and light summer brings. Like the heart chakra, we must be balanced in both the physical and spiritual realms. Rooted and grounded to the earth, admiring her bountiful gifts of plenty 🌺 🐝 being in a state of gratitude. We must also open our minds to receiving inspiration, intuitive nudges and messages. There is beauty all around us. The summer boosts the vibrancy and saturation 🌈 bask in the gifts and medicines that nature provides. Take action when inspiration is planted. And welcome summer with inviting the light with more light of a candle 🕯

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 18/06/2022

Pride month may be half way through but love will always prevail. LOVE IS LOVE regardless of gender, s*x, and preference. Regardless of what society tells us is acceptable. Love loud. Love courageously. And love who you love 🌈 ON THE SITE NOW.

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 17/06/2022

These flower wax melters are so cute and will be on the site this coming Tuesday 🌸 I’m going to sell these in a set accompanied by 4 wax melts and a set of 6 tea light’s! Each set is unique as I will choose the wax melts and tea lights randomly.


The Crown Chakra 💜 In Sanskrit known as Sahasrara - meaning ‘thousand petaled’.

The final of seven chakras located at the crown of the head and above, said to govern the aura. It is our feeling of connectedness with all living beings. oneness and divine enlightenment.

When out of balance or blocked, you may feel bored, restless, like something just isn’t right. You may also feel disconnected, lack clarity and direction in life.

To bring into balance, silence. Find moments throughout the day where you can just be silence. No music, tv or podcasts. Just quiet. Appreciate the beauty and life in the sights around you. Gratitude 🙏🏼

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 13/06/2022

Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ Super Strawberry Moon 🍓

Let this illumination wash away anything that you don’t want to blossom and bloom this summer. If you’ve been feeling small, stuck, undervalued, or bored, it’s time to shed a skin and come into this new phase anew ✨


The Third Eye Chakra 🧿 In Sanskrit known as Ajna - ‘perceive’ or ‘beyond wisdom’.

The sixth of seven chakras located between the brows, said to govern the pineal gland. Represents our imagination, seeing beyond the physical and our intuition.

When out of balance or blocked, you may suffer from constant headaches or migraines, impatience, and negative thoughts that block our vision. You may also have chronic insomnia and in some cases vivid to the point of disturbing dreams.

To bring into balance it is vital you connect with earth energy 🌲 connect with nature. This will calm your mind, ground you back into the physical and relax your nervous system. Take deep breaths and come back into your body.


Sunday 🫶🏼 This month I have committed to daily journaling and it’s been going very well. It’s even easier when you have a gorgeous journal with prompts to get you reflecting. Shout out to for this beautiful piece of artwork. It is my favourite journal and is a joy to write in daily.

How are your June goals going? What are you going to recommit to? What are you leaving at the door and what are you bringing into this new week? Let me know 🦋


The Throat Chakra 🦋 In Sanskrit known as Vishuddha - meaning ‘especially pure’ or ‘purest’.

The throat chakra governs the throat, thyroid, mouth, lips, jaw etc. Said to represent one’s ability to speak, listen and hear clearly. To stand in your personal truth and authenticity. Some say it’s the “communication hub”.

When out of balance or blocked, you may be unable to express yourself clearly, there’s a “lump in your throat” or you just can’t work up the courage to say something. You may also have a fear of speaking publicly or expressing yourself openly in front of others.

To bring into balance consider chanting, singing, humming, making throat sounds. The vibration and frequency will aid in massaging the vocal cords, shaking up the stagnant energy and make you feel more comfortable using your voice. If you are unable to do so, listening to music with drums or participating in sound bowl sessions will aid in cell movement and flow.


The Heart Chakra 💚 In Sanskrit known as Anahata - meaning ‘unstruck’ or ‘unhurt’.

The fourth of seven chakras located at the centre of the chest and governs the heart (obvy), lungs, arms and hands. Said to represent our ability to give and receive love, forgiveness and acceptance.

When out of balance/blocked, you may have a difficult time moving on from the past and forgiving; yourself and others. You may find yourself in co-dependant relationships where your worth is found in validation from others.

To bring into balance, work with chest opening yoga poses like sphinx & cobra pose, camel pose, and puppy pose. Also carry around crystals like rose quartz, green aventurine and moss agate.


The Solar Plexus Chakra 🍋 In Sanskrit known as Manipura - ‘city of jewels’ or ‘lustrous gem’.

The third of seven chakras located at the centre of the diaphragm, ruling the liver, stomach, spleen, skin and muscular system. Said to represent our feelings of self-esteem, confidence and personal power. Think “warrior energy”.

When out of balance/blocked, you will feel insecure, highly critical, and overly controlling or aggressive towards others. This may also manifest as excess weight around the midsection and digestive disorders like IBS🙋🏻‍♀️

To bring into balance, eat and drink warming foods (bye bye iced coffee). Start the day with a lemon, ginger tea. Make some yummy soups. Help the digestive system fire up and efficiently process and eliminate food and waste from the body.


The Sacral Chakra 🍊 In Sanskrit known as Svadhisthana - Swa meaning ‘self’ and Adhisthana meaning ‘established’.

The second of seven, located at the navel a couple inches in. Governing the womb space, s*xual organs and lower back. Said to represent our s*xuality, creativity and pleasurable experiences.

If out of balance/blocked, you’ll feel shame and guilt around your s*xuality, enjoying experiences and feeling worthy. You may feel overwhelmed by your emotions and disconnected to intimacy overall.

One way to balance this orange energy centre is to take a soothing bath, as this chakras element is water 🛁 add some orange, tangerine, ylang ylang essential oils and salts to the bath to enhance the experience. You are worthy of delightful experiences.

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 02/06/2022

The Root Chakra 🌹 In Sanskrit, known as Muladhara - Mula meaning “root” and Adhara meaning “support”.

The first of seven, located at the base of the spine. This chakra governs the lower spine and below and represents our basic human needs of feeling safe, secure and grounded.

You’ll know this chakra is out of balance/blocked if you’re in a constant state of “fight or flight”, feeling insecure and restless, resulting in low mood and feelings of not belonging.

One way to begin balancing this red energy centre is to ground yourself outside daily. If safe, take off your shoes and plant your feet in grass/dirt, imagining roots growing from the soles of your feet through the earth🌳 You are connected to mama Gaia. You belong. You are safe.


The chakra collection is live on the site and ready for action 🦋

Seven new candles, 3 different sizes, chakra crystals, chakra inspired sage bundles, and other crystals that are looking for their new homes! See you there 🙏🏼


Tomorrow The Chakra Collection is LIVE
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜

Let the chakra healing, soul expansion, and grounding begin. When we heal, we heal others, the planet and the frequency of love ripples onto every soul who needs love, kindness and comfort. Your healing journey starts here beautiful soul 🦋

Photos from Lunar Love Candle Co.'s post 25/05/2022

Chakra crystal bundles are joining this Fridays launch!

Each crystal represents one of the seven chakras and is perfect for your self-healing process.


Locally sourced, herbicide free, white sage and lavender herbal sticks coming to site this Friday! These smell so amazing, are beautifully made and perfect for cleansing your space, yourself, or anyone that you may be sharing space with.

Dried herbs are a ceremonial, sacred gift from Mama Gaia and should be used in the highest regard, with respect, gratitude and acknowledgment to the plant medicine that has been cultivated, gifted, and used in rituals for many moons.

Smoke cleansing is great for grounding, clearing and uplifting the energy veil around us, our aura.

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New Moon in Libra today ♎️ •Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, beauty, art and money. This new moon en...