Freedom From Psoriasis

Freedom From Psoriasis

Freedom From Psoriasis is a page for helping people clear up their psoriasis with a simple, inexpensive and natural protocol.

Why aren’t the super-rich braver? 13/01/2024

It is so encouraging in these times, when so many men have given their balls away, to read an article by a 'real man'. Douglas Murray is a real man. He is brave. He is smart. He is relentless. And he's got a pair and uses them. Cheers, Dakota (a woman)

Why aren’t the super-rich braver? A lot of people dream of having what is known as ‘screw you’ money. In my observation, this is not simply in order to be able to live in a castle or own Ferraris or Van Dycks, or whatever is your wont. It is in order to be able to say those fine, demotic words


Hi Everyone: I'm so sorry but this post went to my other FB page and so it missed getting to you at Christmas. But here it is now. I hope you all have a wonderful (with clear skin) 2024 and I'll try (no promises) to be more active this year--which will be my 10th year virtually psoriasis free.

Goodness, this year has flown by so quickly that my head is spinning. And I wish the news we listened to was more uplifting but it wasn’t. Many of us are suffering from an overdose of bad news. Wars. Depression. Drug addiction. It goes on and on.
I remember the 60’s. That’s what happens when you have the good fortune to grow old. And I remember Peace Marches in Vancouver, the city I live in. Imagine, marching for Peace. It seems so naive now. But I woke up a few weeks ago thinking about what my Christmas card design would be. And the image that accompanies this post is what came to my mind. Not about taking sides. Not about hate. Not about judgment. Just a sincere desire for Peace.

We’ve had a few rough years with Covid. I’ll just keep this short. Remember your friends. Hold them dear. Opinions can be toxic and cause separation and pain. We’re only here for a blip in time. Use that time wisely. Nobody wants to experience regrets when their time to leave arrives.

This is a little note I wrote to myself and read when things go sideways:

“Remember, it’s just a molehill!” It puts things into perspective.
Wishing you all the best this Christmas and an even better 2024.
And, of course, psoriasis-free.
"May happiness be your default setting",

Dakota and Lucky❤🐾..and as Charlie would say: "Take care...and all that."