UBC Chemists for Diversity and Inclusion
Official page of the Chemists for Diversity and Inclusion group at the University of British Columbia.
On May 1, Support Our Science is leading a nationwide walkout of graduate students, postdocs, and all that support them. This walkout is intended to demand federal increases in funding for graduate students and postdocs supported through Tri-Agency (NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR) scholarships, fellowships, and grants.
The chemistry department will join the walkout starting at 10 am under the breezeway. We look forward to seeing you there :)
Join us tomorrow at 5:30 pm in the grad lounge for a board game night! 🎲 We will be providing snacks and hot chocolate for those who attend - please bring your own mug. We will also have a selection of board games and jackbox games available, but if you own any specific games you’d like to play, please bring them!
Admission will be $5 or 3 non-perishable food items. All donations will go to the AMS food bank and will directly benefit the 40% of UBC undergraduate and graduate students that are food insecure.
We will be holding our first journal club meeting (JCM) of the year tomorrow at 12:30-1:30 pm in the grad lounge! Don’t forget to sign up by filling out the form: https://forms.gle/Vgf4QzgGusYt4NybA
Here is the link for the article that we are going to be discussing: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00429?ref=pdf