MyRest Acupuncture Studio, Vancouver, BC Videos

Videos by MyRest Acupuncture Studio in Vancouver. Vancouver's best open concept acupuncture and health studio. We're on Main Street, between 18 & 19th.

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Need some relief from that daily grind? Book your appointment at My Rest and experience the difference quality acupuncture makes.

#acupuncture #restful #relaxing #remedy #chinesemedicine #painrelief #relievepain #acupuncturist #acupunctureatmyrest

Other MyRest Acupuncture Studio videos

Get Acupuncture Today!
Need some relief from that daily grind? Book your appointment at My Rest and experience the difference quality acupuncture makes. #acupuncture #restful #relaxing #remedy #chinesemedicine #painrelief #relievepain #acupuncturist #acupunctureatmyrest

Happy Canada Day! 😃 #happycanadaday #canadaday #healthycanadaday

You may have tried meditation before and found it difficult to focus. If you're new to meditation, this is normal. You don't have to be a Zen master to meditate successfully. When you're learning how to focus in meditation, start by taking a few deep breaths and relaxing your body as much as possible. Then begin trying to concentrate on something simple like counting breaths or silently repeating mantras such as "one" or "om." Be aware of any distractions that arise during this exercise, such as thoughts popping into your head or sounds coming from outside the room where you're meditating, but don't react or judge them — just let them pass naturally like clouds floating across the sky on a sunny day. The benefits of meditation are numerous, but one of the most important ones is improved focus. When you meditate regularly, you will find that your mind becomes less distracted by thoughts and emotions, allowing you to concentrate more easily and for longer periods of time. Book here ➡️ #focus #meditation #myrestmainstreet #focusforbetterconcentration #relaxonmain #improveyourfocus

Happy Father's Day! #HappyFathersDay #happyfathersday2022 #HappyFathersDayToAllFathersOutThere #happypawthersday

Learn about fascia and experience the healing effects of Gua Sha with Ala Wroblewska, Tina Tse, Jing, or Lynn Plautz at My Rest.

Moxibustion is an ancient healing technique that is helpful for so many ailments from tired eyes to chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Check out this great video by Ala and Jing...

Acupressure on PeriCardium 6 for anxiety, insomnia, stress, and nausea.