Steadyhand Investment Funds Inc., Vancouver, BC Videos

Videos by Steadyhand Investment Funds Inc. in Vancouver. Steadyhand offers a better way to invest. Our funds, investment strategy and advice are focused on p

One woman's story about her decision to invest with Steadyhand

Other Steadyhand Investment Funds Inc. videos

One woman's story about her decision to invest with Steadyhand

Bonds have gone through the worst calendar year start in history. With interest rates continuing to go up, investors are asking themselves if they should be abandoning the asset class. In this video, Salman Ahmed walks through three reasons bonds still warrant a place in balanced portfolios.

Robo-advisors: Where are they now in 2022?
Many of the original robo-advisors have pivoted or sold their businesses. In the video below, we tell you what happened to the companies that made the biggest splash in Canada and the U.S.

2022 Mid-Year Review
What to make of rising interest rates, soaring inflation, and talk of recession? We shed some light on these top-of-mind issues in our Mid-Year Review video.

Our Volatility Meter is a great tool for investors to get a sense of how stocks and bonds (and various combinations thereof) have performed in previous years. We walk you through it.

In one of his Twitter posts, Elon Musk claimed that “ESG is a scam”. Salman Ahmed explains why his post reflects a poor understanding of what ESG is.