West Kelowna Massage Therapy

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West Kelowna Massage Therapy & BodyTalk on Google 10/21/2022

We are Hiring! We are excited to invite you to join our amazing team of heart centered practioners. We are looking for full time and part time Registered Massage therapists:)

West Kelowna Massage Therapy & BodyTalk on Google Join Our Team! West Kelowna Massage & BodyTalk invites you to join our team of heart centered practitoners. We are looking for Registered Massage Therapists to join our amazing clinic. We offer an opportunity to grow your practice with flexible hours and a enthusiastic and compassionate work environ...


Guasha is the traditional Chinese medicine practice of rubbing a smooth-edged tool across lubricated skin to relieve muscular tension and fascial adhesions. Gua refers to the scraping action, and sha refers to the characteristic local darkening or redness of the skin that occurs. Often used to treat muscular tension, guasha is also used to treat colds and flus, headaches, and support some chronic illnesses. It increases micro-circulation, suppresses pain, reduces inflammation systemically, and promotes lymphatic drainage. If you are interested in guasha and how it can help you, book an initial consultation with Kylie Rodger, our Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner!


Brandon Proppe is a Registered Massage Therapist who believes in the power of healing with one’s hands. Massage can relax and take away discomforts to help people deal with their daily pain or anxiety. Brandon’s area of focus is influenced by Myofascial Release, Neuromuscular Therapy, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation. His objective with every client is to help them achieve their goals, whether that is dealing with anxiety or moving pain-free again.

When Brandon is not practicing massage, he is usually lifting weights, hiking, golfing, or enjoying any outside activities around the Okanagan Valley. He believes that physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. He grew up playing basketball, rugby, and running track, and through these activities experienced his fair share of injuries. To aid in his recovery he utilized massage therapy and physiotherapy; this first-hand experience of manual therapy and therapeutic exercises inspired him to help others with these modalities.

To book in with Brandon, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/10!


A BodyTalk session begins by discussing your health status and personal issues you may wish to address. Then, you will relax on a treatment table your practitioner gently uses your arm to establish Yes/No communication. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, your BodyTalk practitioner is able to ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur. To book a BodyTalk session, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/list!


Contemporary research shows that acupuncture modulates the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. It affects several neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, such as serotonin which helps with depression, anxiety, and addictions. It also affects oxytocin which is involved in regulating the parasympathetic nervous system, our 'rest and digest' operating mode. Switching us into a parasympathetic state helps to drop muscle tension, slow the heart rate, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, moderate breathing, and balance reproductive organ function. Acupuncture also increases norepinephrine which relieves pain and suppresses nervous tissue inflammation. The insertion of an acupuncture needle activates a release of endorphins which are natural painkillers. It increases blood circulation and dilates blood vessels, thereby delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, hormones, and immune factors to imbalanced areas of the body. To book an acupuncture session with Kylie, visit https://kylierodger.janeapp.com/ /1!


Cupping is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves creating a partial vacuum within a cup which is adhered to the skin as a kind of reverse massage. This relieves muscular tension, releases fascial adhesions, and increases blood flow to the tissues. The partial vacuum allows fresh blood, oxygen, and nutrients into the tissues. Cupping leaves darkened circles which disappear within a few days to a couple of weeks. Cupping is offered as a part of an acupuncture session with Kylie Rodger, R.TCM.P. To book an acupuncture session with Kylie, visit https://kylierodger.janeapp.com/ /1!


Our intention at West Kelowna Massage Therapy is to provide our clients with a holistic approach to treating conditions and injuries. We believe regular Massage Therapy treatments can help restore health after motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, muscle tension and sprains and can be effective in improving sleep and reducing stress. Massage Therapy can be an effective and alternative way to improve your bodies overall physical, and emotional wellbeing. To book a massage, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/list!


CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tension deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole body health and performance. Using a soft touch, CST releases restrictions in soft tissue that surrounds the central nervous system. Conditions that Craniosacral Therapy Addresses include concussions and traumatic brain injury, migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back pain, stress and tension-related disorders such as PTSD, brain and spinal cord injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, TMJ syndrome, and central nervous system disorders. To book a massage with CranioSacral Therapy, book in with Corbett McCabe or Brittney Young! Visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/list!


What are some reasons why you may come in for a BodyTalk session? Here are just a few: allergies, headaches or migraines, depression, anxiety stress, phobias, insomnia, arthritis, digestive disorders, auto-immune conditions, physical injuries, recovery from trauma, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, pre-and-postnatal care, hormonal imbalances, reproductive disorders, and more! To book a BodyTalk session, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/list!


Massage Therapy performed during pregnancy can reduce anxiety, decrease symptoms of depression, relieve muscle aches, joint pains, and improve labour outcomes and newborn health. Benefits also include hormone regulation, reduction of swelling during pregnancy and improvement of nerve pain. Other benefits include reduced back pain, reduced muscle tension and headaches, reduced stress and anxiety and improved sleep quality. Brittney Young, RMT, has a focus on prenatal massage in her practice! To book in with Brittney, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/6!


Registered Massage Therapists can help restore health after motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, muscle tension and sprains. Massage is also beneficial for improving digestive function, improving sleep, respiratory issues, relieving jaw pain, helping with a variety of women’s issues, as well as reducing stress! To book in with one of our wonderful Registered Massage Therapists, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/list!


BodyTalk is a safe and effective healthcare system designed to address the “whole person.” This means that no aspect of the human experience can be overlooked, whether it be emotional, physical or environmental. Every cell in the body must be in communication with every other cell in the body for us to maintain health. When communication breaks down within the body due to stress, trauma and genetic tendencies the body’s natural ability to self-heal becomes compromised. With a variety of non-invasive techniques BodyTalk restores these natural lines of communication to bring about lasting changes and optimal health. In a treatment, you relax on a treatment table while the practitioner sits by your side and gentle uses your arm to establish a yes/no communication. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the practitioner is able to ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised, and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur. To book a BodyTalk session with Nikki or Leissa, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/bodytalk!


Leissa is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner with an extensive list of additional advanced courses and knowledge. She is passionate to continue learning and growing for her own well being and that of her clients. Leissa was introduced to BodyTalk in 2017 during a search to regain her health. With the transformations she experienced she was inspired to become a Practitioner herself and share this amazing healing practice with her family, friends and clients.
Leissa strives to create a warm, safe and compassionate environment with the understanding that everyone has their own unique story. She takes into consideration your whole-story and how emotional, physical and environmental influences may be impacting your health. She honors each clients individual needs and priorities for healing. Leissa enjoys working with all ages, children, families, and all health challenges, including mental, emotional and physical health. To book a BodyTalk session with Leissa, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/9!


Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine, single-use needles into specific acupuncture points on the body. This regulates the flow of Qi and Blood throughout the acupuncture channels, thereby initiating one's inherent ability to restore balance and alleviate pain. A well-balanced acupuncture treatment treats you systemically, therefore you may notice an improvement of your chief complaint along with better digestion, sleep, mental clarity, emotional balance, deeper breathing, and a general sense of wellbeing. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat digestive complaints, mental-emotional wellbeing, gynecological complains, insomnia, respiratory issues, circulatory issues, pain, and more. An acupuncture session may include other ancillary therapies such as cupping, guasha, massage, and herbal medicine. To book an acupuncture session with Kylie, visit https://kylierodger.janeapp.com/ /1!


Kylie Rodger is a Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P.) who aims to collaborate with you to achieve your health goals. Your body holds the innate wisdom to heal itself, but we could all use a helping hand from time to time. Kylie uses acupuncture, bodywork, and Chinese herbal medicine to give your body support and guidance to initiate its healing process.
The guiding philosophy for Kylie’s practice is to provide a safe, inclusive, compassionate, and empowering space for individuals to be seen and heard, to decompress, and to blossom into their greatest vision for themselves. Kylie has general practice which tends to focus on digestive health, mental and emotional wellbeing, gynecological health, stress, fatigue, pain, and the maintenance of good health. To book an acupuncture session with Kylie, visit https://kylierodger.janeapp.com/ /1!


Fascial Integration is an alternative therapy that treats immobility and pain by relaxing contracted muscles, improving blood and lymphatic circulation, and stimulating the fascia (the connective tissue that covers the muscle). The technique involves applying sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. Corbett McCabe, RMT utilizes Fascial Integration in his treatments, as well as Visceral, Cranial sacral, Myofascial, Joint mobilizations and Osteo techniques for added effectiveness and to support greater mobility. For a massage with a focus on fascial integration, book as session with Corbett by visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/2!


Tiffany Amundson is a Registered Massage Therapist. She graduated from Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy August 2020 and has been practicing full time at West Kelowna Massage ever since. She is passionate about facilitating a safe space for people to proactively take part in their healing and health journey. Her treatment style is slow and intentional with the hope for her clients to feel their soft tissues releasing to strengthen the body-brain connection. Her favourite areas to treat are conditions involving the head neck and shoulders. Tiffany appreciates the complexity of the human body and understands that each person and their presentation is so unique. Tiffany is very warm, empathetic, and understanding. In her free time you can find her at her favourite hiking trail, the beach, or spending time with her dad, dog, or friends. Tiffany is looking forward to furthering her knowledge and skills in her areas of interest in Massage Therapy and is excited to be a part of the skilled team at West Kelowna Massage. To book a massage with Tiffany, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/8!


BodyTalk is a holistic healing modality that helps re-establish the lines of communication with the body as a whole to influence a more optimal inter-relationship within the body systems. Health challenges arise for a variety of reasons; a BodyTalk practitioner looks at the whole-person, the emotional, physical and environmental influences, so that true underlying causes of dis-ease can be revealed. The BodyTalk philosophy is that every person has a unique balance that should be addressed. Once balanced, one’s innate healing wisdom addresses specific symptoms to establish lasting patterns of good health. The ideal goal is to find the best, most dynamic point of balance within our body-mind complex so that we are easily able to respond to the issues life throws at us with ease and grace. To book a BodyTalk session, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/bodytalk!


Brittney Young is a Registered Massage Therapist. She graduated from the Vancouver Career College of Massage Therapy in 2019 after completing her Human Kinetics degree at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan in 2014. Her passions for holistic healthcare and the human form bring an ongoing dedication and understanding to her massage practice. She recognizes the importance of injury rehabilitation and prevention, maintenance, and self care throughout all aspects of life. Her treatment style is based in myofascial release and Swedish massage while incorporating trigger point therapy, mobilization of joints, craniosacral therapy, and a range of other subtle and direct techniques to create treatments suited to each individual.
Outside of the treatment room, Brittney can be found enjoying the Okanagan outdoors through skiing, hiking with her dog, or snowshoeing. She brings her knowledge and experience of activity and movement in the treatment room and believes in the importance of making time to rest and decompress. She looks forward to helping you reach your health goals and ultimately feeling your best!

To book a massage with Brittney, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/6!


Registered Massage Therapy combines a mixture of therapeutic techniques including; Swedish Massage, Myofascial release, Trigger point therapy, and Muscle energy. Our R.M.T’s assess the body as a whole rather than in segments. We then isolate and treat the root of the problem not just the symptoms that stem from it. Throughout an appointment, we continually asses our patients to ensure progress is being achieved, so they get the most effective treatment possible. We believe that regular Massage Therapy treatments can help restore health after motor vehicle accidents, sports injuries, muscle tension and sprains, and can be effective in improving sleep and reducing stress. Massage Therapy can be an effective and alternative way to improve your bodies overall physical and emotional wellbeing. To book a massage appointment, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/team!


Corbett McCabe, RMT, has a 3-year Massage Therapy diploma from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy (OVCMT) in Vernon, BC, 2010. Corbett began his massage career working in Revelstoke before moving and starting West Kelowna Massage Therapy. Corbett has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Indigenous Studies from the First Nations University of Canada and U of R. Corbett is also currently working to complete a Manual Osteopathic Therapy Program from MOCC. He is extremely proud to be the Advanced Myofascial Instructor at OVCMT. Corbett is very treatment-oriented and his practice mainly focuses on Integrated Fascial Techniques (IFT). These include Myofascial, Cranial Sacral, and Visceral Therapies. Corbett has studied and completed a 3 year IFT series under his mentor and friend Natale Rao.

Corbett can help you with acute or chronic injuries, digestive and breathing issues, musculoskeletal dysfunction and even post-concussion syndrome. His technique combines deep fascial releases with techniques very similar to osteopathy. Much of his practice focusses on Women’s Health (including uterus and bladder work) working with infants and children, as well as pro and amateur athletes.

Corbett and his family have been living and working in West Kelowna since 2016. He was born in Winnipeg Manitoba, however grew up in small towns throughout Saskatchewan including Regina. He enjoys spending time at home and work with his partner, “Nikki Sunshine” and their wonderful children. Never a dull moment in their home. He has had an extensive sports history playing anything and everything. A fond memory was competing for Ireland in the Men’s Field Lacrosse World Championships way back in 2002. He feels honoured to have been learning spiritual teachings from Cree and spiritual Elders since he was 18 years old when he first began his spiritual journey with ceremony. He is looking forward to meeting and helping you. To book a session with Corbett, visit https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/2!


The therapists at our clinic are all passionate about helping you to feel your best! We love working as an integrative team so we can serve you as best we can. Treatments that we offer include Registered Massage Therapy, BodyTalk, Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbal Medicine! To learn more, visit our website www.westkelownamassage.com, or follow along with us here as we share more about our clinic and offerings!


Nikki McCabe is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner who emphasizes her sessions with a heart centered and compassionate approach. Nikki’s journey of alternative healthcare has spanned over the last 20 years. Along the way she met incredible mentors and teachers who guided her innate gift of the healing arts to her BodyTalk practice. Nikki has had the wonderful opportunity to become part owner of the clinic in 2017. Her dream was to create a community of beautiful therapists who could contribute to the overall wellbeing and health of the West Kelowna community. For Nikki creating community within West Kelowna Massage Therapy & BodyTalk through practitioners who share in her beliefs of treating the body as a whole including the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects as well as contributing to their own wellbeing is essential. Through this work she believes when we can continue to improve ourselves from within it benefits all of our community. She is so excited to welcome you to our clinic, we are all here to work together to prioritize your health and wellness. To book a BodyTalk session with Nikki, follow this link: https://westkelownamassage.janeapp.com/ #/staff_member/3


We are so excited to unveil the new look for West Kelowna Massage Therapy and BodyTalk! Our clinic and team of passionate, skilled, and dedicated practitioners have been serving the Central Okanagan community for many years! We offer Registered Massage Therapy, BodyTalk, and Acupuncture treatments at our clinic. We acknowledge being on the unceded Syilx territory and are grateful to be here. To book your Massage, BodyTalk or Acupuncture treatment today, visit www.westkelownamassage.com!

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#260-2300 Carrington Road
West Kelowna, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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