Carine. B

Bienvenue sur ma Page Music/ Welcome to my music page


” One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying and praising and honoring God with a loud voice; and he lay face downward at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him [over and over]. He was a Samaritan. Then Jesus asked, “Were not ten [of you] cleansed? Where are the [other] nine? Was there no one found to return and to give thanks and praise to God, except this foreigner?”“
‭‭Jesus said to him, “Get up and go [on your way]. Your faith [your personal trust in Me and your confidence in God’s power] has restored you to health.”“
‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭15-19AMP‬‬

Your miracle is happening now…

Reflecting back on my journey, I use to find it hard to believe that I could be whole again as though the trauma’s stain will never be washed away. How could it be?! It’s now part of who I am, how I think and experience life and it’s okay for me and the people who love me to get this ‘’version’’ of me.

The coping mechanisms and good reasoning, the feistiness of turning the pain into purpose… disguised as disbelief of the Father’s purest love and intent to make me whole again.

So maybe you feel like me and a little lost in between finding reasons, good ones to justify the complexity of our life experience on earth, and the trauma and the triggers…and believing that Jesus can do so much more! So much more for us and wants to do it!

So let’s refocus on the Truth that Nothing is impossible for our God! As we cross over to a new year, let’s believe that the miracle is happening now while we recommit ourselves to our ‘’whole ‘’ourselves.

Thank you Jesus for wanted the best only the best for me! For calling me deserving of what you have to offer! Thank you Father for your gentle revelation of the depth of your love over and over again so I might never lose sight of who You are!


Thank you Jesus for coming ❤️


A simple prayer for Hope during this season!
Praying with you ❤️


Hang on the 💫

Starting a series of medidative verses, prayers and affirmations for anyone who is having a tough time…Hope it encourages us ❤️


Did you know that have a streaming?

EMMANUEL IS HERE was released in 2019. The song was written in 2018 amidst filling for my divorce, realizing that the 6 years of marriage was really over, that I would be raising my son by myself!

It was the coldest of Christmas…I needed something to help me hang on to an anthem to remind me # that darkness has an expiration date, it won’t last forever 💕

Photos from Carine. B's post 11/30/2023

It’s a wrap for 2023! Surely it was a year of confirmation to remain authentic and rooted in my culture.

I have not always been confident about my ‘’sound’’ or even songwriting skills coming from West Africa, Abidjan. I still wrestle with finding my place in this BIG SPACE but this past year, my focus did not shift from God’s mission to lead me to lead to places where I belong and always have.

I remember til this day the doubts that I had before release an Afro gospel song which ended up winning an award! I remember writing Second chances with tears in eyes sensing God’s presence so strongly as a ‘’yes’’ for validating the lyrics of this song!

I am so glad to see that these songs have blessed so many of you 🥹

I am encouraged friends, I really am encouraged to keep sharing my story, our stories, the broken ones, the imperfect ones that God still uses with pride!

Love and Merci ❤️



I am beyond grateful to have been awarded the honor of Gospel Song of the Year at 43rd Convenant Award hosted by the

It was a wonderful weekend of celebration of Gospel & Christian Music in Kitchener, CA, a truly humbling experience to have met so many amazing artists & music creatives all gathered to worship JESUS and fellowship with one another!

My debute in this industry is a long story and I was not expecting this but this award means so much to me, not only because it recognizes Sean Quigley ( my producer) brio, but also because it affirms the message of hope and faith that I strive to convey through my music.

Christian Music is MUSIC, very much needed! We should not be afraid to stand proud as the kind of art we put out there changes lives! Even when it is not always welcomed it brings people together, mend hearts, bring comfort and joy…restores for the Glory of God!

To my fellow worship leaders / Christian artists & creatives your ‘’public’’ worship is needed don't stop sharing ❤️

Thank you all for your support!
Much love,



A dream come true!

Performing for the Opening Ceremony 43th Covenant Award on November 17th 2023- 7pm Bethany Church 160 Lancaster St E,
Kitchener, ON N2H 1N2

Tickets available for purshase! Hope to see some familiar faces there if you live close by🙂


Blessed to be among Friday’s headliners for the Canadian GMA 43th Convenant Awards 🎉
Thanks to the and looking forward to connect with Christian Artists across the country


“I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭13‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I have a thousand reasons to thank you today and forever! Thank you Jesus 💕

Photos from Carine. B's post 09/26/2023

Where do I even begin?!

Thanks for my production team and voters and community for selecting the songs!

Big thanks to Canadian Christians Radios for supporting airing the songs since the release!
Many many thanks, I am so grateful for your support!

Thank you Jesus for trusting me with this gift even when I can't see you’re still working 💕This is already a big win!
So what do we do now?!😆

Stay tuned for more updates!


For Anyone who needs self-forgiveness today, a lil self-kidness to get through the day! 💕


If He sustained you this far, why would He give up on you now?
When Holy Spirit speaks to your fear 🥹
There’s something about Fall that draws a special kind of intimacy with God.
Our emotions running low is in fact a blatant invitation to spend time with the One who loves us the most 💕

Carine Bado -Tu Le Veux (official lyric video) 08/31/2023

Je vous invite a decouvrir mon nouveau titre Tu Le Veux -maintenant disponible sur Youtube 🙏🏾

Carine Bado -Tu Le Veux (official lyric video) The official lyric video for "Tu Le Veux" by Carine Bado"Tu le Veux" is available everywhere on the EP, FOUND & CROWNED: Connect with Carine Bado https://ca...


What is your favourite song so far?!

Apparently Second Chances is people fav 🙆🏾‍♀️ and if you are like me then your favourite depends on your MOOD!
You got upbeat songs, slowbeat songs and even a French song 😃


‘’Tu le veux’’ Mon nouveau titre est disponible sur toutes Les platforms! Je prie que ce vous encourage, qu’il vous fortifie de savoir que Rien n’est impossible au Pere et qu’en son Il le fera 💕

My song is available on all platforms! I pray that this encourages you, that it strengthens you to know that Nothing is impossible the Father. All hope is not lost friend 💕💕

Tu le veux ©️Carine Bado // SOCAN 2023


Rien n’est impossible à TOI!
(Nothing is impossible for YOU)

I am so excited to release my first French song in exactly 2weeks 😃
I often refer myself as an immigrant but I have been living in Canada for 15 years! That’s a long time to actually consider myself a proud Manitoban too! This country has been so good to me 💕
So long story short, writing in English comes way easier for me than writing in French so I am a bit nervous about that one but also excited to challenge you to still allow that song to minister to you!

As a bilingual Afro worship leader, I am committed to stick to authenticity no matter the cost as a true reflection of the KINGDOM! And I thank you all for rooting for such a cause 🖤

Presave my ep and get ready for my next upcoming song ‘’TU LE VEUX’’!


I knew years ago that I was going to write songs but what I didn't know how emotional and complicated the journey to releasing them was going to be…

See I just wanted to write songs not sing them... How could I? It's not often that you’d see an immigrant single mom do these sort of things?! Let’s be honest for a sec…

And everytime I turned to this scripture my heart’s posture found its position back to what really matters! It's a beautiful story with layers and layers of truths
and no matter the journey there was still an “happy ending “.

Oh friends, He loves us so so so...I felt Him right there, everytime! Can't wait to worship with you with these songs 💕

Stay strong know that His love conquers it all!



🥁Ep art work reveal!

This is final, this is it 😃 As independent artist some skills really have nothing to do with music and it is probably the most challenging aspect of public sharing something we spent a lot of time crafting…
And even in those moments we can still depend on God and believe that Only Him makes all things perfect!

So it will be well for this little ex-perfectionist ( well recovered) I know that the heaviest rocks on this path are lifted by his GRACE!

Happy new month! I am very very excited and I hope you joined the e-fam because they got this first ahah

Have a wonderful month, believe in wonders💫


We got a release date! Stay tune and join the fam if you haven’t 😃 Check out my website too!

This past few days God reminded me of GRACE! GRACE as the plate that sustains the offering we bring Him, as the peace of mind that allowed Jesus to sleep inside the boat in the middle a raging sea!
His GRACE is sufficient while we wait for the promises to be fulfilled! His Grace carries it ALL, It expands even when it feels like we are falling apart!
Grace, Grace and more Grace!

Let this be a reminder every time we fall into ‘’earning ‘’ what was already given!


I want to hold space for healing, for realness, for hard conversations wrapped in GRACE as Holy Spirit works in our heart as we sing and talk to our Father!

….another wild dream eh?!
But you know what there is space for you…Join❤️


This trip to Nashville felt different! I was challenged outside of my comfort zone to engage with everyone: the Uber driver, the cashier at the grocery store, the young girl at the restaurant taking our orders…and of course all the talented creatives at the songwriters’ retreat.

Seeing people for who they are, hearing their stories and offering support or simply a prayer and vice versa was the highlight was my trip. It truly was not just about the songs although we wrote amazing songs but the conversations were just as profound! Among these great conversations that I had, one struck me the most and it wasn’t about songwriting…

See for a long time, I used to qualify my marriage as a ‘mistake ‘ because it only lasted a season. But what I did not realize is how I kept denying the blessings, it brought into my life such as the gift of motherhood!

And I ponder on that thought for a few days…and it brought self-forgiveness to my soul.

Healing hits differently through God’s whispers...Go easy you!


Carine Bado 07/07/2023

Es-tu sur ma liste de distribution? 🤔 Rejoins la famille pour avoir access direct au lien de diffusion chants! Juste ton courriel et puis on connecte apres!

Carine Bado Home page of Carine Bado, a solo artist from Winnipeg. Worship music is more than just music, it is opening up the door for the people's soul to connect with God. I am Carine, a Worship leader & songwriter from Winnipeg ( MB)- Canada and I pray that whome


God will never fail you!
That’s all💕



The wait is almost over… You guys stuck with me since day one. You’ve embraced and welcomed this West African French speaking First-generation immigrant and hold space for these songs even when I didn’t have a clear vision of what God wanted me to do with them.

God knew then and now He is doing something…And although I do not have all the answers, I would love to give back as much as I received from you all if not more!

Be patient with me here, I am not quite sure where this is going or what it’s gonna be to but I have a desire in my heart to also hold space for you.

So let’s not panic lol for now sign up as a first step or pray about it if you’re not sure! 🙂

Or send Pm to let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you!


Link in the bio to join ❤️

Timeline photos 07/03/2023

De retour de Nashville après avoir participé à une formation de perfectionnement en écriture de chant et j'en ressort affirmée et convaincue de ce que Dieu est en train d'accomplir dans nos vies! Restez à l'ecoute quelque chose de nouveau se prépare!


‘’ I don’t have to keep proving myself’’ kinda face

I am currently at a songrwritting retreat and I had to do a lot of digging to realize that the desire to be knowledge and approved was weighing down on my shoulders as first generation immigrant stepping into non traditional spaces…

So we literally wrote a song about dropping these unhealthy expectations to just BE ( in a sense of being care free) to live in God’s freedom and rest in His love!


It is easy to only share the breakthrough stories, the beautiful testimonies and hide the work in between because it is not always pretty!

As a divorced single mom who leads worship at church and releases Christian music, there were times where I told myself that I should hide, that perhaps it was not the right time nor the right place to stand because my story is still messy, is still painful and complicated…yet healing is happening in between, exactly in the middle!

Far off from the ideal that a church’s leader should project…I still do not have it together and won’t pretend that I do! But hiding out of FEAR and SHAME or living beneath what God has spoken over my life is no longer an option!

God’s thoughts are so much Higher, friends!

And if that’s you reading this, remember that God still uses messy stories! Start living out the blessings that God commanded over your life!

It’s a personal move, it’s trusting Him with all you got and keeping your eyes fixated on Him and Him alone!
And watch Him do wonders with the remainder chapters of your life💕

The Father has good plans, they always are!


“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭91‬:‭1‬ ‭AMP‬‬

In difficult times, this is one of my favourite psalm to read, to know that there is REST in God’s presence.


J’aime ta presence Jesus!


Home is where the heart is 💕


«But the father said to his servants, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe [for the guest of honor] and put it on him; and give him a ring for his hand, and sandals for his feet.»
‭‭Luke‬ ‭15‬:‭22‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I have so much to unpack but as a worship leader writing songs that reflect Biblical truth has truly been an amazing meditation guide!
Diving deep into Biblical stories, re-encountering God over and over…new revelations for my life, for this season and for continuous healing!

It never gets old I am telling you, friends! When we humble ourselves enough to empty out old knowledge of who we think He is… There, He pours in New Wine, RHEMA: new direction, new perspective, new vision

Found & Crowned streaming now!
A story behind is coming up soon
Tap the bio to listen and add the song to your summer playlist!


My new single Found & Crowned is OUT ! Available on all streaming platforms!

Link in the bio 💃🏾


I often speak on my origins, my home country Ivory Coast 🇨🇮 but now I have a song to remind me of HOME!

No matter where I go, I do not miss an opportunity to display my heritage through my hairstyle , sometime my attire, jewelry…or some of my recipes and now I get to share with a song and take you all on musical trip! How exciting is it?!

I am ‘’AKIE ‘’ from the AKAN tribe located in South East of Côte d’Ivoire, a francophone West African country; proudly wearing my traditional attire on this picture. My mom is the daughter of a late Chief’s Advisor of AKOUPE—my village and my dad, the eldest son of a strong hard working Muslim Burkinabe man who migrated to Cote D’ivoire from Burkina Faso in the early 19’s.

There are many stories I could share, happiest memories of my childhood so I wrote a song! It’s a homecoming song that reminds me of the warmth, the love, the cheers, the safety that I grew up surrounded by. And it felt just the same during my stay nothing changed…tho I changed they still love, care and will do anything for me!

If they can love me like that, just the same, how about our Father God, the LOVER of our Souls! Always there, the One who never leaves, He supplies to all my needs even the emotional ones.

He fills up the void in me, gives me wings to fly and a purpose to pursue…

I have a song to remind me that HOME is never too far 💕


Dancing on the waves 🌊


〰️05.26.23 〰️

So excited for this one!


The face you make when you remember WHO YOU ARE!


So many things to celebrate, April was simply incredible!

The highs were high on a personal level as well as the music! The song made it to top chart, got the opportunity to fellowship with other communities around the city…Such an encouragement to keep going!

April really brought me closer to God a new level of intimacy with Holy Spirit during those dark nights, affirming my desires, my dreams, giving me a space to crumble down and pick myself back up again…

Now here’s May!!! Hoping to slow things down a bit and be present for my family and myself! Preparing to wrap things up with two more songs while I practice a lot of self care and dress up as a rainbow ✌🏿

Maybe a teaser this week?! 👀


My emotions have been up and down lately and personally it is the indication that there is an internal battle against a disbelief in my heart…and I know what it is but I can’t do much but PRAISE!

Some fights are way too intense and pull out everything we got but it can never stop our praises from rising! So we are going to do that for a lil while : PrAise!!
Just that…

Join us if you can for a sweet moment with Jesus this upcoming Sunday at 7pm with my brothers and sisters from Riverwood Community Church. It’s going to be a powerful night!

Hope to see you there 💕

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04.12.22I hope this song will light a candle inside your heart knowing what you are loved! Hold on. Carine Pre-save link...
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Merry Christmas/ Joyeux Noel 🎄 ~The first Noel ~ cover / Christmas Concert @godxygen


Winnipeg, MB

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