UN, You Know? - GIMUN

'UN, You know?!' is GIMUN's blog on international affairs. eng: http://unyouknow.org/
fr: http://un

Our goal is to promote international news and provide information on international affairs. Many conferences covering various subjects are taking place in Geneva, all of them raise major issues. By attending them our journalists get the chance to reflect and write about them.


Nous cherchons à promouvoir l'actualité internationale. Beaucoup de conférences, ayant de thématiques variées, ont lieu à Genève. En rapportant leurs contenus nous espérons vous pousser à la réflexion.


GIMUN is always looking for journalists and translators! If you are a student, interested in international news, and fluent in French or English, this is your chance to contribute to an established bilingual online journal, run entirely by students. It is an opportunity to report on conferences, conduct interviews, translate fascinating texts on various international matters, or get a sneak peek into GIMUN’s events, among other things…


Dear readers of UN, You know?! blog, if you are interested to write about the actual hot topic, don't hesitate to contact us :) we are looking for new journalists and contributors :)


L’enseignement de la tentative de putsch de juillet 2016 dans les écoles turques : vers une nouvelle représentation du social en Turquie?

Nouveau article de notre journaliste Camille de Felice sur l’enseignement de la tentative de putsch de juillet 2016 dans les écoles turques : vers une nouvelle représentation du social en Turquie?

unyouknowfr.wordpress.com Par Camille de Felice Quelques semaines après les événements du 15 juillet 2016 au cours desquels une frange de l’armée turque avait cherché à s’emparer du pouvoir par la force, lors de la rentrée …


The teaching of the putsch attempt of July 2016 in the Turkish schools: towards a new representation of the social in Turkey?

Read our new article by Camille de Felice and react to the teaching of the putsch attempt of July 2016 in the Turkish schools: towards a new representation of the social in Turkey?

unyouknow.org By Camille de Felice Translated by Anis Arioua After few weeks of the event of July 15, 2016 during which a section of the Turkish army had sought to seize power by force, During the school year 20…


Read about the forum of social innovation in Armenia by our editor-in-chief Nataliya Borys.
On 3-6 February 2017, Yerevan became a hub of innovative ideas which flew in the air spreading creativity and EYP-spirit. AYSOR4Innovation NSC of EYP Armenia gathered 120 local and international participants under the theme of social entrepreneurship and innovation. “New ideas, project initiatives, hundreds of new friends and much more” organizers claimed. It sounded so impressive and innovative, so I decided to apply.


Armenian youth asks for changes. Some personal impressions after AYSOR’s session.

New article from our editor-in-chief, Nataliya Borys. She shares her impressions about AYSOR conference in Armenia.it is about changes in Armenian society,eternal friendship of Russian and Ukrainian peoples, eco-friendly and smoking free spots in Yerevan, women in the kitchen, and other topics! Captivating reading!

unyouknow.org By Nataliya Borys. Eternal friendship of Russian and Ukrainian peoples. When I was accepted to participate in the AYSOR session in Yerevan,[1] Armenia, I was truly excited by meeting old friends, b…


Notre monde a simplement besoin d’humanité.

Notre monde a simplement besoin d’humanité.

Mawuli Affognon partage son experience et ses impressions de la 18ième conférence annuelle de la Geneva International Model United Nations 2017 : « j’ai observé des jeunes du monde entier débattre de divers sujets. J’ai vu de la conviction, des émotions et des éclats de rires. J’ai côtoyé des jeunes ambitieux, soucieux de leur image et déjà sous la pression de la réussite sociale ».

Il insiste que « dans ces belles institutions aux murs impressionnants, parfois, on oublie très vite les petites mains » et « Je pense que notre monde gagnerait beaucoup en paix, si nous avions l’humilité d’observer et de donner la parole à celles et ceux qui souvent ne l’ont pas »

Effectivement, notre monde a simplement besoin d’humanité. Merci à Mawuli de nous le rappeler.


unyouknowfr.wordpress.com Par Mawuli Affognon. Ce sera mon dernier pour la 18ième conférence annuelle de la Geneva International Model United Nations 2017. Je préfère vous le dire. Je déteste écrire à la première personne. …


Our world simply needs humanity.

Our world simply needs humanity.
Mawuli Affognon shares his experience of the 18th Geneva International Model United Nations Annual Conference in Geneva, 2017: “, I watched young people from all around the world debate a variety of topics. I saw conviction, emotions and bursts of laughter. I worked with ambitious young people; worried about their image and under pressure to be successful in life”.

But behind this scenery, as he says “sometimes it is easy to forget about the little cogs in the big wheel” and “I think that our world would be more peaceful if we had the humility to observe and to give a voice to those who often do not have one”.
Obviously, our world simply needs humanity. Thanks Mawuli to remind it to us.

Read more on https://unyouknow.org/2017/09/29/our-world-simply-needs-humanity/

unyouknow.org By Mawuli Affognon. This is my last blog post for the 18th Geneva International Model United Nations Annual Conference. I would just like to let you know. I hate writing in the first person. I don’…


The Ottoman Empire is it back to life in modern day Turkey?

Today, Turkey was voting for the constitutional referendum. Is the country back to the Ottoman Empire way of life ? [by Camille de Félice]

Aujourd'hui, la Turquie votait au référendum organisé par le président Erdoğan . Vers un retour de l'Empire Ottoman dans le pays se demande Camille de Félice dans cet article.

unyouknow.org By Camille de Félice. Translated by Matthew Hall. The period following the attempted coup d’état on 15 July 2016 in Turkey has been characterised by efforts to reshape our understanding of h…


Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN)

Are you looking for a productive way to spend a part of your summer? Do you want to make new friends in a sunny and exotic environment? What about GIMUN's study trip? This year's destinations are Turkey and Cyprus. You will be discussing peace agreements and meet with IOs, NGOs and activists, to grasp a better understanding of this particular situation.

To discover more about this amazing opportunity, do not hesitate to click on the following link: http://gimun.org/?page_id=5088


Cherchez-vous un moyen productif de passer une partie de votre été? Voulez-vous vous faire de nouveaux amis dans un cadre ensoleillé et exotique? Pourquoi pas le voyage d'étude de GIMUN? Les destinations de cette année sont la Turquie et Chypre. Vous discuterez des accords de paix et rencontrerez des OI, des ONG et des militants afin de mieux comprendre cette situation particulière.

Pour en découvrir d'avantage à propos de cette oportunité incroyable, n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur le lien suivant: http://gimun.org/?page_id=5137&lang=fr


- 31st March 2017 :
Alas, along with your final committee sessions comes our final issue. This conference had it all: fierce debates, laughs, and long queues (especially the fight for coffee!). We hope that your week has been as fun and successful as ours. The conference was filled with many surprises which made it all the more interesting, like for instance the opening ceremony concert. We have been graced with guest speakers and debates that have filled our brains with more information that we could ever ask for. Our last three guest speakers are featured in this issue, and we managed to get informative interviews with two of them.
Read more ➡➡➡ https://unyouknow.org/2017/04/03/the-gimun-chronicles-31st-of-march-2017/


- 30th March 2017 :
La semaine bat son plein, commençant peu à peu à s’essouffler pour bientôt toucher à sa fin. Prochainement, cette 18ème édition du GIMUN 2017 s’inscrira dans les mémoires de chacun d’entre nous comme un souvenir figé dans le passé. Il est temps de prendre conscience qu’il ne nous reste plus que quelques heures pour profiter de l’ambiance intense des débats et de la solennité du Palais des Nations qui accueillait encore hier la présidente du Chili. Il est temps de prendre conscience que l’expérience humaine dans laquelle nous sommes plongés va bientôt se terminer, et que nous avons probablement manqué quelques occasions de rendre cette semaine encore plus inattendue et sans pareil qu’elle ne l’est déjà.
Lire la suite ➡➡ https://unyouknow.org/2017/04/03/the-gimun-chronicles-30-mars-2017/


- 29th March 2017 :
There were so many of them, and they all arrived in a mass. They came from all over, at different times and in different ways. Some were tired, some were excited. They were all anxious about what lied ahead. Mostly, they came, because they wanted to pave a better future for themselves and those that they cared about.
Read more 👉 https://unyouknow.org/2017/03/29/the-gimun-chronicles-29th-of-march-2017/


International UN Day 2017

gimun.org Each year, GIMUN celebrate one of the many United Nations International Days with a half-day conference at the United Nations (Palais des Nations). Last year, the event was organised during the International Migrant Day. The new edition of the International UN Day will this year be organised on


- 28th MARCH 2017 :
Depuis quelques heures, la conférence annuelle de GIMUN 2017 bat son plein. Vous-mêmes, participants, êtes au coeur de cette expérience qui ne fait que débuter. N’est-il pas excitant de savoir que les débats, mais aussi les évènements post-conférence, vont continuer à se succéder au cours de cette semaine, alors que les rencontres et les discussions ne feront que s’intensifier ? Les articles du jour aborderont des thèmes tout à fait sérieux comme les injections létales ou le maintien de la démocratie. Ceux-ci seront agrémentés de clichés de la journée d’hier ainsi que d’autres divertissements variés.
Lire la suite 👉👉 https://unyouknow.org/2017/03/29/the-gimun-chronicles-28th-of-march-2017/


- 27th MARCH 2017 :
If you are a veteran MUNer, you know what is waiting for you: debates, concentration and fulfillment. If you are new to this world, you will find out that even though we all know that this is a simulation, it is terribly real. Real, because you will meet people who will inspire you. Real, because you will talk about and defend actual issues, that UN committees, literally next door, are also discussing. Real, because you will leave this week feeding for more, and longing for your next conference.
Read more ➡➡ https://unyouknow.org/2017/03/29/the-gimun-chronicles-27th-of-march-2017/


[FRANÇAIS] Toute cette semaine, nous publions les , le journal réalisé par les participants de la conférence annuelle de GIMUN à Genève. Rendez vous tous les soirs de cette semaine, à 18h30, pour découvrir ces numéros.
Bonne lecture !

[ENGLISH] During this week, we will share the , a newspaper made by the participants of the annual GIMUN conference in Geneva. Read a new edition each day, at 6.30 (pm).
Enjoy the reading !



- 25th MARCH 2017 :
Dans un monde où il devient de plus en plus difficile de trouver l’équilibre entre liberté d’expression, croyances et coexistence pacifique, la conférence annuelle de GIMUN 2017 ne pourrait pas s’annoncer plus en symbiose avec sa ville-Genève. Symbole de paix, de démocratie et de dialogue elle se démarque par son histoire diplomatique riche et érige un principe qu’elle affectionne tout particulièrement: la neutralité. Il n’en sera pas moins capital ni anodin d’aborder les thèmes de crises socio-politiques qui continuent d’ébranler le monde à ce jour.
Pour lire la suite ➡➡ https://unyouknow.org/2017/03/29/the-gimun-chronicles-25th-of-march-2017/


Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN)

Credits: Tatyana Gancheva


Economic Empowerment of Women & Girls in a Sustainable Development Perspective. Act, advance and achieve women’s rights!

NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW Geneva) with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), organized a forum dedicated to the economic empowerment of women & girls in a sustainable development perspective.

Avec l’aide de la Direction Suisse du Développement et de la Coopération, le Comité ONG de la Condition de la Femme de Genève (NGO CSW) a organisé le 10 octobre 2016 au Palais des Nations de Genève un forum dédié à l’émancipation économique des femmes et des filles dans une perspective de développement durable.

unyouknow.org By Nataliya Borys. NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW Geneva) with the generous support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), organized a forum dedicated to the econ…


Countdown #2 AC2017


A youthful boost for world governance.

[ENGLISH VERSION] Would you like to communicate directly with the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva about global issues? Do you think this is practically impossible? Well, the think-tank Foraus and the Global Studies Institute made this possible for an evening.
➡️➡️ https://unyouknow.org/2017/03/01/a-youthful-boost-for-world-governance/

[VERSION FRANÇAISE] Vous aimeriez échanger directement avec le directeur général de l’ONU Genève, concernant des problématiques globales ? Vous pensez que c’est quasiment impossible ? Eh bien le think-tank Foraus et le Global Studies Institute ont réalisé cela le temps d’une soirée.
➡️➡️ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2017/03/01/gouvernance-mondiale-un-coup-de-jeune/

unyouknow.org By Nataliya Borys, translated by Aymeric Jacquier. Would you like to communicate directly with the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva about global issues? Do you think this is …


Switzerland supports professional training for nursing staff in Kosovo.

In Autumn 2016, Deputy Minister of Health Mevludin Krasniqi informed the Swiss delegation of the needs related to nursing staff in Kosovo. He called upon the Swiss Chamber of Commerce to help for professional training for his country’s nursing staff.
➡️➡️ https://unyouknow.org/2017/02/14/switzerland-supports-professional-training-for-nursing-staff-in-kosovo/

En automne 2016, le vice-ministre de la Santé Mevludin Krasniqi a informé la délégation suisse des besoins liés au personnel infirmier au Kosovo. Il a appelé la Chambre de commerce suisse à offrir son aide quant à formation du personnel infirmier de son pays.
➡️➡️ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2017/02/14/aide-helvetique-a-la-formation-du-corps-infirmier-au-kosovo/

unyouknow.org By Valentina San Martin, translated by Lori Favier. In Autumn 2016, Deputy Minister of Health Mevludin Krasniqi informed the Swiss delegation of the needs related to nursing staff in Kosovo. He ca…


Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN)

Can you believe the Annual Conference 2017 is only 40 days away? To mark the occasion, listen to previous participants talk about their amazing experiences at GIMUN's AC.

Pouvez-vous croire que la Conférence Annuelle 2017 est dans seulement 40 jours? Pour marquer le coup, écoutez d'anciens participants parler de leurs expériences à la CA de GIMUN.


Le populisme de Trump est le nouveau politiquement correct ?

Journalists are the 'most dishonest human beings' Donald Trump said.
▶️▶️ https://unyouknow.org/2017/01/20/trumps-populism-is-the-new-political-correct/

Les journalistes sont les "humains les plus malhonnêtes" a dit Donald Trump.
▶️▶️ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2017/01/20/le-populisme-de-trump-est-le-nouveau-politiquement-correct/

unyouknowfr.wordpress.com Par Ashlee Pitts, traduit par Joris Bervoet et Lucie Cathelain. L’antipathie pour le politiquement correct et l’appétit pour une nouveauté, voire l’irrationnel ou l’imprévisible, ont visiblement ét…


Trump’s Populism is the new Political Correct.

Did you watch the inauguration of Donald Trump today ?


unyouknow.org By Ashlee Pitts. The antipathy for political correctness and the hunger for something new, even irrational or unpredictable, seemed to be the driving force behind the appeal of the new president-el…


Financing projects for disadvantaged children worldwide : The United Nations Annual International Bazaar 2016.

[ENGLISH VERSION] "I was completely amazed by all these colorful stalls and delicious food". Read the whole article about the United Nations bazaar’s event, by Nataliya Borys ➡️ https://unyouknow.org/2016/12/30/financing-projects-for-disadvantaged-children-worldwide-the-united-nations-annual-international-bazaar-2016/

[FRENCH VERSION] " Je dois dire avoir été totalement stupéfaite par tous ces stands hauts en couleur et par la nourriture délicieuse." Retrouvez le compte rendu du bazar annuel de l'ONU par Nataliya Borys ➡️ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/financement-de-projets-pour-les-enfants-defavorises-a-travers-le-monde-le-bazar-international-annuel-des-nations-unies/

unyouknow.org By Nataliya Borys The 22 November 2016 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva there was an annual United Nations bazaar’s event, presented as “one of the most significant events in the life of …


Timeline Photos


Financing projects for disadvantaged children worldwide : The United Nations Annual International Bazaar 2016.

[ENGLISH VERSION] : The 22 November 2016 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva took place one of the most significant events in the life of the UN community in Geneva : the annual United Nations bazaar’s event. But what is this international bazaar?
▶️ https://unyouknow.org/2016/12/30/financing-projects-for-disadvantaged-children-worldwide-the-united-nations-annual-international-bazaar-2016/

[VERSION FRANÇAISE] : Le 22 novembre 2016 avait lieu l’un des événements les plus importants dans la vie de la communauté des Nations Unies à Genève : le Bazar international. Mais qu’est-ce que le Bazar international ?
▶️ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2016/12/30/financement-de-projets-pour-les-enfants-defavorises-a-travers-le-monde-le-bazar-international-annuel-des-nations-unies/

unyouknow.org By Nataliya Borys The 22 November 2016 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva there was an annual United Nations bazaar’s event, presented as “one of the most significant events in the life of …


UN, You Know? - GIMUN's cover photo


UN, You Know? - GIMUN


UN Day 2016: Climate Change, a many-sided, urgent and growing threat.

📢 New article available !
On 24th October 2016, GIMUN celebrated the 71st anniversary of the UN Charter, by holding the annual UN Day at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to discuss the current threat of climate change and how young people can tackle it. Read the whole story on UN You Know ? ➡ https://unyouknow.org/2016/12/13/un-day-2016-climate-change-a-many-sided-urgent-and-growing-threat/

unyouknow.org By Flavio Baroffio On 24th October 2016, GIMUN celebrated the 71st anniversary of the UN Charter, which came into force exactly on this date in 1945, by holding the annual UN Day at the Palais des …


Journée internationale des Nations Unies: la menace urgente et complexe du changement climatique.

📢 Nouvel article !
Le 24 octobre 2016, GIMUN a célébré le 71ème anniversaire de la Charte de l’ONU, avec une journée autour du réchauffement climatique. Le récit sur UN You Know ? ➡ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2016/12/12/journee-internationale-des-nations-unies-la-menace-urgente-et-complexe-du-changement-climatique/

unyouknowfr.wordpress.com Par Flavio Baroffio traduit par Marion Marchetti. Le 24 octobre 2016, GIMUN a célébré le 71ème anniversaire de la Charte de l’ONU, entrée en vigueur ce même jour en 1945, lors de la journée interna…


UN Day 2016: Climate Change, a many-sided, urgent and growing threat.

[ENGLISH VERSION] "On 24th October 2016, GIMUN celebrated the 71st anniversary of the UN Charter, which came into force exactly on this date in 1945, by holding the annual UN Day at the Palais des Nations in Geneva to discuss the current threat of climate change and how young people can tackle it." Read the whole article on UN You Know ?

[VERSION FRANÇAISE] : "Le 24 octobre 2016, GIMUN a célébré le 71ème anniversaire de la Charte de l’ONU, entrée en vigueur ce même jour en 1945, lors de la journée internationale des Nations Unies au Palais des Nations de Genève. Cette année, l’évènement avait pour thème le réchauffement climatique, les menaces qu’il représente, ainsi que la marge de manœuvre des jeunes générations à ce sujet.". Un récit de la journée à retrouver sur UN You Know ? ➡ https://unyouknowfr.wordpress.com/2016/12/12/journee-internationale-des-nations-unies-la-menace-urgente-et-complexe-du-changement-climatique/

unyouknow.org By Flavio Baroffio On 24th October 2016, GIMUN celebrated the 71st anniversary of the UN Charter, which came into force exactly on this date in 1945, by holding the annual UN Day at the Palais des …


How I created a new MUN Delegation : The importance of Model United Nations

In this article Florence explains to us how she created a new MUN Delegation in her school. A very inspiring story about youth initiatives and necessity to spread UN values in today's global society.


unyouknow.org   By Florence Goodrham   « If the United Nations does not attempt to chart a course for the world’s people in the first decades of the new millennium,who will? » Kofi Annan

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