Pranic Healing Lugano

Pranic Healing Lugano

Kliniken in der Nähe

LaClinique of Switzerland
LaClinique of Switzerland

Forma avanzata di guarigione energetica che implica l’utilizzo dell’Energia Vitale per riallineare, bilanciare e armonizzare il proprio sistema energetico.


Ancora posti disponibili 🤗☀️


Ecco un'opportunità per acquisire strumenti che da subito possono favorire il nostro benessere e quello dei nostri cari! Aperto a tutti coloro che sono interessati o semplicemente aperti 🌞


Join the Institute for Inner Studies and the Pranic Healing community this Full Moon of Gemini as we continue our monthly tradition.

Directly from Master Choa Kok Sui, let us understand the effect of having the “Will to Do Good” as a catalyst to initiate changes within ourselves and everything around us. Realize the inseparable link between giving and receiving, their connection to prosperity, and how their interdependence also translates to our every action. Gain proper perspective regarding conflicts and harness its power to create harmony. Plus, appreciate the benefits of the Meditation on Twin Hearts as an essential tool for a balanced life.

Head to on the 23rd of May 2024 at 9:52 PM GMT+8 and enjoy the benefits of these lessons, group meditation, and blessings.


Una nuova meravigliosa nuova opportunità 🌾🌾🌾


Every year, Wesak brings us the astounding opportunity to practice our compassion by becoming an instrument of service to bless every being on Earth. Master Choa Kok Sui always reminded us that compassion is essential to spiritual development. He has taught us ways to materialize it through service and tithing and often equated compassion as a path to oneness and a saving grace for all beings.

Video streaming will be available on the 24th of April 2024 from 7:00 AM until 8:08 AM (GMT+8). The peak time of Wesak is at 7:48:44 AM (GMT+8).

On the Website:

On YouTube:
Pranic Healing - Institute for Inner Studies Channel


Eccoci quiii !!! Pronti per accogliervi ☀️☀️☀️!


Nostro stand a Tisana pronto!!! Oggi l’allestimento è stato più impegnativo del solito e ha richiesto soluzioni 🙏! Grazie a tutto il gruppo per l’impegno, un BENVENUTO di ❤️ a chi verrà a trovarci !!! Stand 152 ✨✨✨


Through the constant and persistent passion, dedication, and efforts of Master Choa Kok Sui during his earthly life, we have been gifted with diverse and efficient teachings and techniques, which are essential in all aspects of our lives.

Although he is no longer with us physically, his teachings continue to guide and inspire us to be beacons of love, hope, and change. And, as perpetual students of our beloved Spiritual Teacher, it is up to us to treasure, practice, and preserve his works and teachings to their purest form so that many more lives can benefit from them.

Mahasamadhi marks a special day when our beloved Teacher left his physical body to experience oneness with God and oneness with all. Let us celebrate this special day and offer our gratitude as his humble instruments to spread the light and let us all come together to manifest his vision: To bring heaven on Earth!

Visit on the 19th of March 2024 8:00 AM GMT+8 for a special video presentation and meditation entitled “Spiritual Empowerment through Purification,” and as one, let us bless each other and the priceless works and teachings of our beloved Spiritual Teacher.


Seminari avanzati con Master Hector Ramos previsti in aprile 2024 a Zurigo. Informazioni ed iscrizioni su

𝙃ö𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙎𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙚 2024 𝙢𝙞𝙩 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝙍𝙖𝙢𝙤𝙨: 𝗦𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗘𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘇 𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗲𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗻 28.04.2024

Kulturen und Religionen benutzen seit alten Zeiten verschiedene Systeme und Symbole, um die Geheimnisse der irdischen und göttlichen Welt für den Menschen erfassbar zu machen. Die Chakras, die Sephirot, das Dreifachkreuz und andere Symbole werden in diesem Seminar wie Perlen der Weisheit wunderschön zusammen aufgereiht. In die Praxis umgesetzt, schenkt uns dieses Wissen wirkungsvolle Strategien, um ein erfülltes Leben zu führen.

Dauer: 1 Tag
Ort: Zürich
Lehrperson:Master Hector Ramos
Voraussetzungen: Basisseminar
Preis: CHF 340
Preis Wiederholende: CHF 100


Non esiste un modo migliore per iniziare l’anno… fatti un regalo!!! 🙏✨


🌟 Blessing Our Loved Ones This Christmas 🎄

"Meditation on Twin Hearts is the foundation of all other Arhatic meditations because it activates the Heart and the Crown." Master Choa Kok Sui, On Meditation on Twin Hearts

This festive season, let's focus on blessing our family and loved ones with thoughts of love and peace. As we activate our hearts and crowns, we send out waves of love and blessings, wrapping our dear ones in a warm embrace of affection and goodwill. 💖

Think of those who you love. Send them blessings. Easy, isn't it?
Now think of those who've hurt you. Send them blessings too. Not as easy this time, right?

Remember, spiritually there is only Oneness. Let us forgive and bless every person, every being - without exception.

Affirm, so be it.


Join a Global Meditation for Peace with Master Nona Castro

Experience the transformative power of Twin Hearts Meditation, guided by Master Nona Castro. As Pranic healers and spiritual seekers, we understand the profound need to actively bless our world with peace.

In these challenging times, our collective intention can make a real difference. By becoming instruments of peace, we amplify a harmonious energy that extends far beyond our individual selves.

Reflect on the timeless words of St. Francis of Assisi: “Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.”

Join us in this powerful meditation session to cultivate inner peace and extend it to the world. Together, let’s create a ripple effect of positivity and harmony.

DM us to receive the link.

Photos from Associazione Pranic Healing's post 22/11/2023

Grazie a Tutti per gli inestimabili Insegnamenti e per questa bellissima esperienza 🙏🙏🙏


"Your Spiritual Development depends on your ability to Forgive others." Master Choa Kok Sui


Quanti bei volti alla presentazione di ieri alla fiera del Ben-Essere Olistico, in cui abbiamo parlato di “Guarigione e autoguarigione con il Pranic Healing”! Gli interessati hanno anche potuto sperimentare un breve trattamento presso il nostro stand e ottenere info sulle nostre attività e sull’ Istituto Pranic Healing Svizzera, nonché su seminari e meditazioni.

Photos from Pranic Healing Lugano's post 07/10/2023

Prontipartenzaviaaa 🙏


Da oggi saremo alla Fiera del Ben - Essere Olistico all’Asilo Ciani di Lugano 😁!!!
Venite a trovarci?


"Inner Forgiveness is therapeutic. If you do not Forgive you cannot be Internally Healed. Forgiving heals the Soul." Master Choa Kok Sui


Ecco un'altra splendida opportunità!!!
Solo per studenti di Pranic Healing che hanno frequentato il Seminario Avanzato - liv 2.


Solo per studenti di Arhatic Yoga 🙏✨

Ritiro di Arhatic Yoga 2024 in Italia il 15 - 16 - 17 marzo 2024 ad Assisi (Italy)

Come iscriversi? Seguici su Summa Salus , a breve condivideremo il sito dedicato con tutte le informazioni utili.

Ci sarà la possibilità di richiedere o ripetere gli avanzamenti? Sì, il 18 marzo 2024 - Avanzamenti livelli 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2
Vi incoraggiamo a condividere questa notizia con quanti potrebbero essere interessati a partecipare. La partecipazione di un gruppo diversificato di praticanti arricchirà sicuramente l'esperienza di tutti.
Speriamo sinceramente che voi possiate unirvi a noi in questo ritiro speciale in un luogo speciale.
Non vediamo l'ora di condividere questa esperienza di crescita spirituale con voi e con tutta la comunità di Arhatic Yoga
Con affetto
Francesca Angrisano


Chi vuole ve**re??? ✨✨✨


Happy Founder's Day

"The teacher is like the sun, always radiating light. As the teacher radiates light, it makes the teaching simple and clear." Master Choa Kok Sui

As we celebrate Founder’s Day this 2023, join us on the 15th of August (9 AM | GMT+8) for a special video presentation and group meditation as Master Choa Kok Sui goes deeper into the significance of “Blessings: Obstacles and Effects.”

Altogether, let us express our appreciation for the legacy he has given us through his wisdom and teachings, and affirm our commitment to preserving, supporting, and spreading his works and practices in every way possible.



Remembering Grand Master Choa Kok Sui - 2023
August 15th, 2023
7PM (19:00 hour) Rome, Italy Time Zone

Join Master Hector for a special offering remembering Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.

This is a free event, however, contributions are welcome.

Click here for ZOOM link :


Every August, we come together to celebrate the birth of our revered teacher. It is a month of joy and abundance to have the good fortune of celebrating and remembering our great mentor, Master Choa Kok Sui—our teacher who redefined spirituality, lightened our souls, and influenced the minds of thousands worldwide with his teachings and practices.

He taught us to grow, love, share, and see the world from different perspectives and to remember, practice, and manifest the greatness of our souls.

His wisdom and teachings continue to guide and nurture us. And for all these blessings we have received, it is now our responsibility to keep on evolving, to inspire and improve the world to be a better place for all, and to constantly give recognition, respect, and gratitude to our beloved teacher with our minds, hearts, and actions.

As we celebrate Founder’s Day this 2023, join us on the 15th of August (9 AM | GMT+8) for a special video presentation and group meditation as Master Choa Kok Sui goes deeper into the significance of “Blessings: Obstacles and Effects.”

Altogether, let us express our appreciation for the legacy he has given us through his wisdom and teachings, and affirm our commitment to preserving, supporting, and spreading his works and practices in every way possible.


Partecipa anche tu a questi inestimabili Seminari ✨✨✨

Photos from Pranic Healing Ethiopia's post 18/07/2023

👏👏👏👏👏 🙏


Seminario in francese e inglese ✨✨✨.

Stefan Weiss a été formé par Maître Choa Kok Sui en 1993/94, avec sa femme Cheryl. Il est devenu le premier enseignant de Pranic Healing et a été chargé de la direction générale pour la Suisse.
Stefan transmet les connaissances complexes de Master Choa avec une grande simplicité. Dès le départ, son objectif a été de diffuser le Pranic Healing dans toute la Suisse. Il attache une grande importance à la qualité de la formation de tous les enseignants suisses de Pranic Healing et enseigne lui-même le Pranic Healing avec beaucoup de passion et d'engagement.
Envie de faire sa connaissance?
Les 17-18 juin Stefan enseignera le séminaire psychothérapie pranique à Lonay (VD).


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Strada Di Pregassona 28