Carmen Okabe

Carmen Okabe



My niece, Antonia Lomer, is a great young woman with a great project, with real impact on women’s health. Please take the time to read, share and contribute if you can. Thank you all!


I hope this message finds you well!
I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you 🌟

💡 Over the past few months, I’ve been working on a groundbreaking health project that has the potential to make a real difference in women's healthcare. I'm developing a new way to look at menstrual pain and use the data behind it to differentiate between women that have Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS) and Endometriosis.

🌱 My project is now at a crucial stage, and I’ve launched a crowdfunding campaign to help bring the solution to life. I truly believe in the impact this technology can have, and I’m reaching out to you because your support would mean the world to me.

Here’s how you can help:
✅ Visit my campaign page [ ] to learn more about the project and contribute.
🎯 Share the campaign with your network. The more people who know about it, the better our chances of success.
🗣 Give me feedback. Your thoughts and suggestions are invaluable as I move forward.

Every little bit counts, whether it’s a donation, a share, or even just spreading the word. I’m so grateful for your support and can’t wait to keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you so much for believing in me and my project and contributing to keep women beautiful on the inside as well on the outside!

And if you want, you can join Pain Patterns communities on Social Media:

Instagram Page -

page -

LinkedIn Page -

Thank you! ☺

Photos from Carmen Okabe's post 09/06/2024

After 4 years in which it was not possible to organize international events because of Covid, finally preparing to be again a speaker at the I-Ching International Summit in Singapore, in such prestigious company of famous Masters and friends.


To keep or not ?!


Nu îmi sta in obiceiuri sa comentez Vocea României, dar astăzi am avut parte de un regal extraordinar, multe voci superbe, Gilberta Wilson o voce atât de specială și nu m-am putut abține din a căuta pe net despre ea. Am aflat ca este născuta in Romania și crescută in Andaluzia, vocea ei are modulațiile senzuale ale Andaluziei. Nu sunt critic muzical, făceam doar un Exercițiu de Imaginatie, puteți sa ii Spuneți Vis: ce Extraordinara Românie am avea dacă copiii românilor de pretutindeni, școliți in țările in care cresc acum, s-ar întoarce!! Dacă toți cei care, ca și mine, au trăit zeci de ani in străinătate si au acumulat competențe in specialități care sunt puțin cunoscute in Romania, s-ar întoarce acasă!! Doar ca, din păcate, in Romania e greu “sa fii profet in țara ta”!! Și rămâne doar dorul de Romania aia Mare și Exteaordinară!!


-Are you an angel😇? someone asked me.
- My constant occupation is Being an Angel! From time to time I need to clean my wings…


Mi sono persa nel mare…

Photos from Carmen Okabe's post 04/07/2023

My new look!


Some 25 years ago…


Life is great when shared with the loved ones !


Dear Friends, I hope you are all safe and happy!
As I am in the process of writing my next book, I am looking for some of you willing to participate in this project. I am Offering 8 ( eight) free consultations with the Gosei method, based on the theory of the Five Elements, as part of the study. The persons who will be chosen will in exchange agree that the information we exchange can be used (keeping their name confidential of course). You can express your interest by sending me a private message. For more on the Gosei method, join me on a FB Live the 1st of June, 21.00 CET.


Carmen Okabe


First time I came to China was about 35 years ago...( I know , I was still in the kindergarten 😂). Then I was coming more or less regularly for business, events or courses. Now I chose China again for making it my second home and main business stream. I believe in China’s potential and growth and am happy to be able to contribute with my international experiences. All what I have done during all these years makes now sense!


Fashion Feng Shui for Life: Real-World Solutions for Finding Fulfillment and Prosperity The next chapter in the most innovative image and personal enrichment system around, Fashion Feng Shui for Life takes five-element style principles and applies them to tangible, real-life situations. Learn more about what makes you who you are at your core, gain insight into your interactions wit...


Carmen Okabe's cover photo


Timeline Photos


Feedback from my last player is making my day and make me happy to be of service, beyond words!
"I really enjoyed playing "The Transformation Game" with you! You have a natural talent of making one feel comfortable and at ease. The way "The Transformation Game" unfolded
was totally unexpected and resonated deeply with me. You knew how to ask the right questions at the right moment. I really enjoyed this game and felt great pleasure to explore
it step by step. I was almost sad when the three hours were finished. If I could, I would have kept playing the whole day!!
It was a very personal game, unexpected, meaningful and inspiring."


Upcoming Events » Transformez votre VIE & IMAGE | Transformation Wizard « All Events Transformez votre VIE & IMAGE April 9 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm | chf260 Event Navigation Chers Ami(e)s, Bonjour. Je suis Carmen Okabe, Consultante en Image et Fashion Fengshui, Animatrice du Jeu de la Transformation , Thérapeute et Ambassadeur de la Culture FengShui dans le monde. Saviez-vou…


Un jour pour transformer votre vie et votre image avec Fashion Feng Shui Apprends à connaître et appliquer les règles d'or en Fengshui pour contrôler ton destin, booster ta carrière et améliorer tes relations et ta communication. Basée sur la théorie des 5 éléments appliquée à la mode, la méthode Fashion Feng Shui est ta solution pour ne plus jamais dire, devant ta garde…


Stay tuned for the launch of "Take Control of Your Life" webinar series, coming soon.


Profile pictures


I am offering as a Christmas present 10 (ten) licenses for IMindMap software. The persons wishing to become beneficiary of one license, should write to me private messages with their motivation. Happy Holidays!



The International Fashion Feng Shui® Festival – First Edition – IFFF 2015
Are you an FFS Facilitator, an image consultant, a feng shui consultant, a coach, fashion designer or just a fashion lover, a FFS follower?
In the year of the Pioneer Wooden Sheep, we feel the time is right to put our passion for Fashion and Feng Shui together, and so we invite you all to the First Edition of IFFF – The International Fashion Feng Shui® Festival.
This event is aiming to give you all the possibility to learn more about FFS and see its applications in various fields.
We want you to participate in the following survey in order to define the period and the location for this exceptional event. Please use the following link to access the survey!
What does IFFF 2015 stand for?
A four-day event (two days of conferences and workshops, two days of discovering our location's most important attractions)
Putting together, for the first time in an event, Fashion and Feng Shui for Success in Life!
A great location (be it Istanbul, the capital on two continents, or Venice, the final stop on Marco Polo's Silk Road, the locations we propose are two wonderful destinations not to be missed in a lifetime!)
Bringing together East and West, as speakers and audience are from the Americas, Europe and Asia
International speakers and Fashion Feng Shui® Facilitators and Masters sharing their experience with you
Transforming your life and looks with Fashion Feng Shui® in a one-day workshop and enjoying the benefits of being together with an international and professional crowd
The chance to begin a fascinating path following in the steps of Evana Maggiore, who created FFS and whose legacy we want to pass on as Fashion Feng Shui Facilitators, as it still inspires us every day
The chance to see the world through the eyes of Fashion Feng Shui® and learn the techniques to effectively dress your Essence, Intention and Appearance and help others do that as well (as an FFSF)
Come join us and share with us this unique event, taking place this autumn in Europe.

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Here's the link to our survey again:
Fashionably yours, For the fall 2015, we are inviting you to participate to the First Edition of the International Fashion Fengshui Festival - IFFF. Organized by FFSF Carmen Okabe and Cinzia Fassetta, with the full support of Fashion Fengshui International, the event is open to all the fashion Fengshui community, Faci…


Transform your career and life with Fashion Fengshui Fashion Fengshui is a modern application of the Fengshui ancient 5 elements principles. As an active Fashion Fengshui Facilitator, Carmen Okabe is using the method to help you improve your looks, your career and relationships, touching holistically all the aspects of your life.You will discover new…


Fashion Feng Shui talk with Carmen Okabe & Cinzia Fassetta

Cinzia Fassetta and Carmen Okabe, Fashion Feng Shui Facilitators, interviewed by Realitatea TV in Bucharest, Romania,December 2014, talking about Fashion Fen...

Do you know... the 5 Elements theory can be applied to daily life, to real situations and encounters? Follow me and Join one of my conferences about the subject!

Videos (show all)

My new look!
Buongiorno a tutti!
