Swiss IGF

Swiss IGF

The Swiss IGF is a multistakeholder forum that promotes dialogue about public policy issues related to the Internet. More information:

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

The rise of generative AI raises concerns about information quality. Detecting and preventing the spread of (deep-)fakes is crucial. The impact on information quality, from fact-checkers to preserving knowledge for future generations, is significant.

Speakers 🗣: Jeannette Frey (BCU Lausanne ), Beat Estermann (Berner Fachhochschule | Haute école spécialisée bernoise ), Murat Karaboga (Fraunhofer Institut), Catherine Gilbert (Keystone-SDA ), Sindy Schmiegel (Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences ) and Amélie Vallotton Preisig (bibliosuisse)

Coordination: Amélie Vallotton Preisig (bibliosuisse) and Laetitia Ramelet (TA-Swiss)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

Digital services empower communication and transactions. Yet, they raise important concerns about market dominance, disinformation and hate speech. What are the possibilities for national regulation?

Speakers 🗣: Nicolas Sacroug (Proton Privacy by Default), Estelle Pannatier (AlgorithmWatch CH), Anna Jobin (Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg) and Nicolas Zahn (f0t1 GmbH)

Coordination: Dr. Anna Jobin (Université de Fribourg), Guillaume Gabus (digitalswitzerland ) and Riccardo Ramacci (Stiftung Mercator Schweiz)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

Digital currencies, virtual identities and the metaverse change our behavior in the virtual sphere. Social balances are shifting, privacy and legal compliance have to be enforced. How can money laundering be prevented?

Speakers 🗣: Christian Grothoff (Berner Fachhochschule | Haute école spécialisée bernoise), Karl Wüst (Mysten Labs), Dr. Anita Lamprecht (Liquid Legal Institute), David Sommer (Zühlke Group) and Adrian Koster (NDB / MELANI)

Coordination: David Sommer (Zühlke Group)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

It's the hot topic of the hour: . The rapid progress leads to notable achievements but also to a rise in demand for regulation. How should governments harness the potential while mitigating its risks?

Speakers 🗣: Thomas Schneider (Bundesamt für Kommunikation (BAKOM)), Mäder (Grünliberale), Min Li Marti ( Schweiz), Gerhard Andrey (Grüne Schweiz), Angela Müller (AlgorithmWatch CH) and Guillaume Gabus (digitalswitzerland)

Coordination: Guillaume Gabus (digitalswitzerland) and David Marti (Pour Demain)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

Social media is shaping political opinions more than ever. Concerns are rising about hate speech, disinformation and manipulative microtargeting. How can freedom of information be guaranteed?

Speakers 🗣: Sophie Achermann (Public Discourse Foundation), Florent Thouvenin (Universität Zürich), Urs Bieri (.bern) and Flurina Wäspi (Stiftung Mercator Schweiz)

Coordination: Riccardo Ramacci (Stiftung Mercator Schweiz)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

Data holds its highest value when seen as a common good. The creation of a law is currently debated in the Swiss parliament. What are the chances and risks of a new law? Does a secondary use of data stand in contradiction to data protection?

Speakers 🗣: Nationalrätin Judith Bellaiche (Grünliberale ), Samuel Schütz (Bundesamt für Statistik - Office fédéral de la statistique ), André Golliez (HSLU Hochschule Luzern), Jonas Bärtschi (Swiss Data Alliance) and Lara Burkhalter (Berner Fachhochschule | Haute école spécialisée bernoise)

Coordination: Jonas Bärtschi (Swiss Data Alliance) and Philippe Lionnet (SECO)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

Delving into the digital era’s fundamental rights & ethics. The discussion is evolving around the blurring of real and virtual worlds, legal protection against digital discrimination and🇨🇭contribution.

Speakers 🗣: Peter Kirchschlaeger (Universität Luzern), Anne-Marie Buzatu (ICT4Peace Foundation), Benedikt Wechsler (Federal Department of Foreign Affairs), Evelyne Tauchnitz ( Luzern ) and Isabelle Lois (Federal Office of Communications)

Coordination: Evelyne Tauchnitz (Universität Luzern)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 13/06/2023

The hostile geopolitical environment puts pressure on vital institutions like the open internet. Which issues matter most for the internet and digitisation this year? Where and how will they be negotiated?

Speakers 🗣: Konstantinos Komaitis (The Lisbon Council), Stephanie Borg Psaila (DiploFoundation), Pascal Fouquet (Piratenpartei), Johannes Fritz (Digital Policy Alert), Anna Jobin (Université de Fribourg - Universität Freiburg) and Nicolas Zahn (f0t1 GmBH)

Coordination: Markus Ku**er (ISOC Switzerland Chapter) and Nicolas Zahn (f0t1 GmBH)


“I am convinced that today’s dialogue will help us to develop a shared vision of a digital society. The interactive informs about challenges and opportunities offered by the and ”, says Bernard Maissen, Director Federal Office of Communications, at Opening of .


You have an opinion on the megatrends , but didn’t register yet for today's ? You can still follow the talks.

🔴 Live Stream: (starting 9am)

Swiss Internet Governance Forum 2023 live | 12/06/2023

The Internet changes every day. You can be part of it & contribute to the open development of the Internet for the benefit of all. starts tomorrow at 9am. It will be streamed on


1️⃣ Digital governance and the multistakeholder approach 2023 (9:15-10:30)
2️⃣ Fundamental rights and ethics in the digital age (09:15-10:30)
3️⃣ Data as commons (10:45-12:00)
4️⃣ Political opinion-making and debate culture in the digital space (10:45-12:00)
5️⃣ AI: How to regulate? (13:30 - 14:45)
6️⃣ Digital currency, digital identity and the metaverse (13:30 - 14:45)
7️⃣ National platform regulation in a globalised world (15:00 - 16:15)
8️⃣ Which consequences does AI have on the quality of information and knowledge? (15:00 - 16:15)

Swiss Internet Governance Forum 2023 live | An dieser Stelle werden am 13.6.2023 die Sessionen des Swiss IGF 2023 öffentlich live übertragen, siehe Programm. Les sessions du Swiss IGF 2023 sont publiquement diffusées en direct à cet emplacement le 13.6.2023, voir le programme. The sessions of the Swiss IGF 2022 are publicly broadcast live...

Swiss IGF 2023 | 05/05/2023

Registration for the is now open! The event on 13th of June is free and open to all, register here:

Swiss IGF 2023 | The Swiss IGF discusses digitialisation-related topics that are of high interest to many stakeholders throughout Switzerland.

Call for Issues 2023 | 16/12/2022

The call for issues is finaly open, please share your burning topics here:
Der Call for issues ist endlich offen, bitte teilen Sie hier Ihre brennenden Themen :

Call for Issues 2023 | Das Swiss IGF sucht nach Themen im Bereich der Digitalisierung, die für zahlreiche Akteure in der ganzen Schweiz von grossem Interesse sind. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Vorschläge bis zum 31. Januar 2023.

BAKOM Infomailing 58 02/09/2022

Let’s recap the discussions at the seventh on the June 2, 2022. The Swiss IGF discussed burning issues relating to the internet and digitalization focusing on important topics such as artificial intelligence, the power of platforms, sustainable digitalization, cybersecurity and digital participation and self-determination. Read more here.

BAKOM Infomailing 58 Ausgabe vom 30.08.22: Offene Debatten zu Internet und Digitalisierung am Swiss IGF - Neue Frequenzen für Breitband-Wi-Fi


You can follow online the discussions on Internet Governance at EuroDig, currently taking place in Trieste.

Set the sails right! The registration for the 15th is now open! From June 20 to 22, the EuroDIG community discusses , , and in Trieste and online. Register at to attend


Once again this year, there were many exciting discussions with the participants at the about upcoming challenges and opportunities of digitization.
We have summarized the conclusions in the messages from Bern.


Recordings 2022 | 07/06/2022

In case you missed the or want to watch the discussions again, you can check out the recordings of each session on our website until June 22.

Recordings 2022 | The recordings contain the original spoken sound (without the simultaneous translation in German, French, and English, as it was provided for most sessions at the Swiss IGF 2022 hybrid on 2 June 2022).

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

Thanks for being part of the . Here are some impressions from this year. We are looking forward to welcoming you next year at the .

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

The “Messages from Berne” summarise the main points of the sessions at the in a short, concise and neutral way. Here is the message:

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

In the third plenary of the experts are examining the topics “Data-based society” and “political sovereignty”.
How can we make better use of the data potential, what hurdles must be overcome and how can we strengthen our “digital sovereignty” and “digital self-determination”?

plenary 3 with Christian Laux (LAUX LAWYERS AG, Zürich/Basel), Lennig Pedron (Trust Valley, Genève), Urs Leimbacher (Head Public Affairs, Swiss Re), Markus Tiede (CH Open), Thomas Schneider (OFCOM) & Philippe Lionnet (SECO)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

In the race to digitise, digital participation is taking centre stage. Besides questions around the topic of digital participation, the project “Data Literacy Journey” by is also part of the discussion.

Workshop 3 with Julie Erard (Head of project Budget participatif, Ville de Lausanne), Martina Jäggi und Thomas Werner (Bibliothek 4.0 Winterthur, Sammlung Winterthur - Winterthurer Bibliotheken), Nikki Böhler (Geschäftsführerin, Jasmin Odermatt (Stadt Aarau) & Amélie Vallotton (BIBLIOSUISSE, Universität Bern)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the reach and scope of potential cyber-attackers is growing. In the Workshop 2 experts are answering questions regarding: How we can improve our resilience to cyber threats, as well as how we manage these risks.

Workshop 2 with Pierre Maudet (WISeKey S.A.), Daniel Caduff (BWL), Levente Dobszay (Infoguard AG), Yuliya Morenets (TaC-Together against Cybercrime International), Dario Haux (Universität Basel) & Nicolas Zahn (Swiss Digital Institute)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

The rising energy demand required for the digital society and economy is one of the major challenges in the quest for greater sustainability. Digitization offers opportunities, but the question remains: are these effects sufficient in view of climate change?

Workshop 1 with Matthias Galus (Bundesamt für Energie), Julie Chenadec (Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance), Fabienne Biedermann (Solafrica) & Flurina Wäspi (Universität Bern of Applied Sciences)


In this years Lunch Session we offer an open discussion on the roles and tasks in the process, on the essential features of the IGF sessions, on the positioning of the Swiss IGF within the UN IGF process and on safeguarding the multistakeholder approach.

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

Digital platforms are emerging as the preferred business model in more and more areas. What need for action and room for manoeuvre does this create for Switzerland?

plenary 2 with Angela Müller (AlgorithmWatch Schweiz), Franziska Oehmer-Pedrazzi (University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons), Maximilian Schubert (Meta), Thomas Häussler (OFCOM) & Riccardo Ramacci (Stiftung Mercator Schweiz)

Photos from Swiss IGF's post 02/06/2022

The first plenary of discusses the need for regulation and the regulatory options for artificial intelligence (AI) in Switzerland. There are different approaches and these will be presented by experts from politics, administration, business and civil society.

Plenary with Roger Dubach (FDFA), Stephanie Volz (ITSL, Universität Zürich), David Sommer (Digitale Gesellschaft), Nadja Braun Binder (Universität Basel) & Florent Thouvenin (Universität Zürich)


“Switzerland is committed to inclusive, open and global governance structures for the . The Swiss IGF offers us a unique platform to discuss in a participatory and interactive way”, says Bernard Maissen (Director BAKOM) at opening of

Swiss Internet Governance Forum 2022 live | 02/06/2022

The Internet changes every day. You can be part of it and contribute to the open development of the Internet for the benefit of all. that starts at 9am in Bern, you can still be part of it and attend virtually.


Swiss Internet Governance Forum 2022 live | An dieser Stelle werden am 2.6.2022 die Sessionen des Swiss IGF 2022 öffentlich live übertragen, siehe Programm. Les sessions du Swiss IGF 2022 sont publiquement diffusées en direct à cet emplacement…

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Thanks for being part of the #SwissIGF22. Here are some impressions from this year. We are looking forward to welcoming ...
Look back #swissIGF21
