Steve Recovery Zone

Steve Recovery Zone

Recovery Zone: safe space for people who want to live a happy, heathy & holy life. A space without judgement or shame, and with lots of compassion for ourself.

It helps those suffering from anxiety, depression or for those looking at unhealthy behaviour.

CI Experience | Compassionate Inquiry 09/01/2024

Meet yourself and others with acceptance, compassion, and curiosity.

Join us for a unique opportunity to participate in the Compassionate Inquiry process, as modeled by Dr. Gabor Maté, Sat Dharam Kaur ND, and our team of expert CI Facilitators.

Online on Zoom on Saturday, Feb 3, 2024, from 11am to 5 pm ET (Toronto time zone)

CI Experience | Compassionate Inquiry We are excited to invite you to our first Compassionate Inquiry Experience event. Join us for a unique opportunity to participate in the Compassionate Inquiry process, as modelled by Dr. Gabor Maté, ...

Photos from Beyond Addiction France - Au-delà de l'addiction's post 28/12/2023

Un programme puissant pour lâcher ses mauvaises habitudes.


Join this powerful support group.

Compassionate Inquiry Circles 07/11/2023

Experience Compassionate Inquiry.
Join us for the CI Circles starting on January 24.
This is an excellent Self-Care and Transformational process.
It is profound, supportive, compassionate, and enlightening.

Compassionate Inquiry Circles Compassionate Inquiry Circles are deeply experiential online support groups open to all, designed and facilitated to introduce and initiate the process of self-inquiry, heal from past trauma, free one...

Compassion for Voices: a tale of courage and hope 18/08/2023

Ready to meet your compassionate self.

Compassion for Voices: a tale of courage and hope A film about the compassionate approach to relating with voices, with potential for use as a therapeutic, educational, and de-stigmatising tool.This project ...


First monthly public newsletter for all the people interested in Gabor's work.
Welcome to our first monthly public newsletter. Going forward we would like to send out one email a month to our community. This will be a space to connect and reflect.
This month will explore what Compassionate Inquiry is
If the last few years have shown us anything, it’s that change is as unavoidable as breathing.
Change is woven into the fabric of life itself. It often brings great opportunities for personal growth, as well as challenges that can disturb and destabilize us.
Coronavirus caught many by surprise; its impact continues to be profound and far-reaching. It brought to the surface some of our deepest fears. It made us pay attention to our inner world, or risk being consumed by it. Understandably, many struggled with this; not knowing how to navigate feelings of isolation, depression, grief, fear, anxiety, or inter-relational difficulties triggered by the experience. The COVID crisis may have passed, but the many complex issues facing the world today continue to test our resilience.
Compassionate Inquiry is an approach that guides us through uncertainty and change. Created by Dr. Gabor Maté and Sat Dharam Kaur ND, it invites us to uncover the body sensations, emotions and beliefs that show up in response to events in our lives, and filter our perception of reality.
Compassionate Inquiry trusts that deep down, you know what is going on, you know what you need, and you can access that knowledge. It teaches you to listen with the ears of your heart.
Through presence and acceptance, love can be experienced. When you bow to the innate wisdom of your own being, or that of another, truth can reveal itself, and heal you and others.
Compassionate Inquiry helps you to feel and hear the ways your body speaks to you. It invites you into a new relationship with it, so that you can understand the root of physical and mental illness.
Many illnesses are a consequence of a disconnection that happened within us as a result of childhood trauma. This disconnection can be repaired; CI shows us a way.
Truth is not always easy to face, but when we experience it in an environment of safety and compassion, it can be accepted. Compassionate Inquiry offers us a chance to intuitively investigate, through curiosity and simple questioning, what the truth is despite the mind’s noise and resistance.
It teaches us to take responsibility for our own emotional world and give it attention, space, care and compassion. Through this process we can also be a loving presence for others and offer them the same. In this way we create connected and reflective communities.
We invite you to observe a free live demo of the Compassionate Inquiry approach with Sat Dharam Kaur ND. Join us on Saturday July 8 from 10:30am to 12pm ET (Toronto time), register here:
For more information about our programs visit:

How Your Emotions can Literally Make You Sick 12/05/2023

How to process anger…

How Your Emotions can Literally Make You Sick How much are your emotions affecting your health? (Both mentally AND physically!) How much does your childhood impact your now? How big is the link really be...


Compassionate Inquiry

Depression & Medication [Thich Nhat Hanh peace Speech 12] 18/04/2023

We all have the seed of depression.

Depression & Medication [Thich Nhat Hanh peace Speech 12] These are the words of peace, mercy, and wisdom that monk Thich Nhat Hanh spoke to the people of the world in Plum Village.Thich Nhat Hanh is a Vietnamese mo...


Time doesn’t heal wounds.


The wellness industry has sold us a lie. That the being calm is the goal. But it’s not….


Next compassionate inquiry training starts in May 2023. Application deadline: April 10, 2023 Midnight ET (Toronto Time)

This is not a "how-to-do" program, though I will show you how I do it myself. The intention is for you to absorb this information and approach, and to make it your own.

This is a deeply experiential approach, not simply a didactic one. Our intention is that by the end of the program you will have gained not only skills, but also an approach that helps you transform your work with clients, and helps you transform yourself.


I am hosting a 10 week CIrcles Group starting the first week of April 2023 (Tuesday April 4th at 11am EST, 17:00 Swiss Time). These are supportive group therapy sessions for us to heal together from past trauma and emotional difficulties. Please visit - to join.

Prince Harry is carrying trauma, Dr. Gabor Maté says ahead of live event 07/03/2023

The conversation between Gabor Maté and Prince Harry was deeply moving. It showed all the layers that trauma can have. Greateful that people with high social exposure such as Harry have the the ball to expose what trauma does and looks like in our dysfunctional society, but also most importantly how some healing can happen with the right mindset and support.

Prince Harry is carrying trauma, Dr. Gabor Maté says ahead of live event The Vancouver-based physician and trauma specialist will be speaking to Prince Harry from an undisclosed location being streamed online Saturday.

Love is not Enough 16/02/2023

Love is not enough

Love is not Enough Your Own Happiness is a Gift to Your ChildParents may need to put their life goals on hold and look after their own emotional needs so that they can create a...


The compassion of possibility

If we see the real person then we see that they have possibility. We see that there is a healing process inside of them. We see that their life has meaning, it's got a direction. We look at them not from the eyes of pity or despair but from the eyes of possibility. I see the possibility in you. The possibility is in you at this very present moment and your life may be seen as the realization of that possibility. Now, that is very difficult. Do you know why that is very difficult? Because we so rarely see the possibility in ourselves. We tend to identify with the dysfunctions and the despair over our children, and over our clients. Rather than seeing them through possibility, we see them through their limitations. It's a great gift when somebody can see past your personality and see the real person, which is to say, the possible human. That compassion of possibility then takes us back to what I call positive attunement, because when you've got that, you can attune to the patient in a very positive way.

Overcoming Trauma with Dr. Gabor Maté - The Conversation: About The Men 08/02/2023

Great Podcast.

Overcoming Trauma with Dr. Gabor Maté - The Conversation: About The Men Dr. Gabor Maté's literary triumph is called "The Myth of Normal"... ten years in the making...and well worth the wait. The author uncovers the wounds of childhood trauma and explains how they frame the rest of our lives if we let them.Learn why we connect with people suffering from similar pain...a...

Metara (Metamorphosis) 11/01/2023

A prayer…

Metara (Metamorphosis) Provided to YouTube by DANCE ALL DAY Musicvertriebs GmbHMetara (Metamorphosis) · Kailash Kokopelli feat. DarpanGolden Dragonrider℗ 2013 Kokopelli Medicine Mu...


"Only when compassion is present will people allow themselves to see the truth." ― A.H. Almaas

About Recovery Zone

In January 2015, after what seemed to have been 15 very successful years working in the marketing field. I realised that I needed a radical lifestyle change!

I had to surrender to a powerful coping mechanism, a process addiction that I had learned to hide from everyone for over 25 years, because of the amount of shame it brought me – damaging my relationships and my ability to live a fulfilling, joyful life.

Through this process I was able to transform my life, and now I want to share what I’ve learned in order to help those who find themselves in a similar situation.

My knowledge is grounded in the steps I took to find a solid recovery – from my treatment at an addiction clinic and the 12-Step Fellowship meetings, to the therapy groups I attended. I trained as a Kundalini Yoga teacher, and as a Recovery Assistant, and then went on to complete the Beyond Addiction Course co-facilitated by Dr. Gabor Mate.