Virtual English Camp - VEC
Cours Pratiques D'Anglais via ZOOM
VEC vous donne la possibilité d'apprendre l'anglais sans vérit
Good to know
Meat Cuts 🥩🍖
God bless y'all ❤️🎉🤶🎄
So true 👍💯
Check 👇
The longer I observe human beings the lesser I understand us, and the more convinced I am that men who try to understand women are the craziest. ~GBFA
Are you a primary education teacher, counselor, facilitator, etc?
This award could be yours.
Apply now before January 12th, 2024 and become one the very lucky winners of this prestigious award for primary educational field.
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What benefits the visa-free and free trade systems could have on African countries?
Few days ago, Rwanda and Kenya leaders announced the total cancelation of VISA requests to enter their respective countries. Many countries are present on the visa-free lists of both countries. We already know that the 54 African countries signed in March 2018 a free trade agreement called the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and implemented on January 1st, 2021. Looking at this, good is to wonder what the actual benefits of the visa-free and free trade systems can be for African countries. Six (6) important positive impacts can be forecasted. 👇
Truthfully said, the time of suffering is overgone. We work smartly now. Get along.
If thinking is too hard for you, try not.
To make a difference you got to be different. That's a Fact.
One day someone will say they have known you. You will be so impacting that you will become a referencial. You can make this happen if you do what you have to do: BE SMART. ~GBFA
May 2023 be better than 2022 for all of you.
Says Mr Gnonteme Franck Aristide
Interesting expressions
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Make yourself some dollars answering worldwide questions. If your fast and good you can get a lot of money from this amazing business games.
Come on! Join, earn and enjoy 👇 What if you have a chance of a million pounds? You may want to know how strong you are and how much money you can win. Come and participate! ! !
🕖Take quizzes to make money. 🕚 Answer the questions and challenge to earn one dollar per minute.
Join Sarah's English grammar lessons to learn new interesting topics if you missed it.
The SPESBaS market place is here to supplement the price of product to make it affordable beyond the current market price. So take advantage and buy alliance token and hold to secure a future for yourself.
A. SPESBaS dApp Ecosystem (SDE)
“to build an ecosystem that generate revenue to subsidize the world’s products…
SDE uses combinations of dApps to build a sophisticated revenue generating ecosystem and gives back 99% to its community by applying subsidy to its Decentralized Marketplace’s products and buyback and burn of its cryptocurrencies:
1. 50% to subsidize products at SPESBaS Marketplace
2. 30% to buyback and burn of DBAS
3. 19% to buyback and burn of ALTO
Below are dApps in SPESBaS dApp Ecosystem:
2. SPESBaS Coin (DBAS)
3. SPESBaS Marketplace
4. SPESBaS Decentralized Community Discussion Board (SDCDB)
5. SPESBaS Wallet
6. SPESBaS Metaverse
8. SPESBaS Chain (Token Creation)
9. SPESBaS Job and project Matching
10. SPESBaS Collaboration Tool
Join the revolution
Many vegetables are used daily when cooking.
Do you know them all by name?
Check this here
Hi guys!
Here are few names of well-known air-cuts you should know.
La seule chose la plus difficile que attendre Dieu c'est de souhaiter l'avoir fait.
Hope you stepped into 2022 like a lion.
Things get always much better when you keep a positive mindset and see the good side of even the worst things or people.
Enjoy a colourful week-end.
Éviter certaines personnes pour protéger ta santé émotionnelle ce n'est pas une faiblesse. C'est la sagesse.
21 days away from the end of 2021.
Time is no more at discussing about what failled and what was successful in this year. No, time is today at making serious resolutions to make 2022 much better.
We shall meet there... 👉
''Lorsque Dieu te bénit financièrement, n'elève pas ton niveau de vie, mais élève plutôt tes dons.''
Happy New Month of November to You and All your loved ones 🎉
Joyeux Mois de Novembre à Vous et Tous vos Bien-aimés 🎉
Tes temps les plus durs conduisent généralement aux plus grands instants de ta vie. Continues d'avancer. Les situations difficiles finissent par forger des personnes fortes.
Bienvenue en Octobre !🎉
Nouveau mois, nouveau chapitre, nouvelle page et des vœux renouvelés. Que ce mois vous donne, force patience, amour personnel, et paix intérieure. Que chaque jour de ce mois remplisse vos jour d'espoir, d'amour, de rayons de soleil et d'énergie. Qu'il y est la joie, la gaieté et des rires.
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Gil’s English Training est un cabinet spécialisé dans la formation en anglais agréé par le FDFP.
Je contribue à ton développement organisationnel, professionnel, financier et social.
Abidjan 01 BP 225
Abidjan, 225ABIDJAN
Entreprise œuvrant dans le domaine de la Santé, Bien-être, Cosmétique, et beauté naturelle. notre mission, votre Bien-Etre au Quotidien
we, student of UIYA(ENGLISH DEPARTMENT)aim at showing our skills to the world , so that everybody could see what kind of formation we're receiving.
Rue Sainte Marie
Nous nous occupons exclusivement de vos mémoires et différents rapports.
Bingerville Non Loin Du Jardin Botanique
Abidjan, 225
Nous formons dans le domaine de lelevage , aulacodes ( agoutis) , aviculture ( Poulets et autres vol