Alonge Solomon Math. 25'6

Alonge Solomon  Math. 25'6

midnight cry


God always brings an interpretation to every revelation He gives. Now, the interpretation can come in different ways or gifts,


Où va le monde ?

1 - Les États-Unis ont confirmé que tous les pays du monde, afin d'établir de bonnes relations avec les grandes puissances, doivent accepter le mariage homos*xuel (femme/femme ou homme/homme). Il existe actuellement 34 pays où le mariage homos*xuel est légal: Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Andorre, Argentine, Australie, Autriche, Belgique, Brésil, Canada, Chili, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Danemark, Équateur, Espagne, États-Unis d'Amérique, Finlande, France, Irlande, Islande, Luxembourg, Malte, Mexique, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pays-Bas, Portugal, Royaume-Uni, Slovénie, Suède, Suisse, Taïwan et Uruguay.

2-L'Allemagne vient de signer la loi qui déclare qu'il n'y a plus d'inceste, c'est-à-dire: frère et sœur peuvent se marier, maman et fils, papa et fille, etc. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

3 - La ville de Miami est désormais proclamée ville d'achat du s*xe en public. Cela signifie: sur le chemin, à l'église,
à la mosquée, au marché, sur le terrain de football, si vous avez besoin de s*xe, vous pouvez en profiter à tout moment sans aucun problème.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

4-Le Canada a autorisé la bestialité (rapports s*xuels avec des animaux) 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭

5-En Espagne: films pornographiques
sont autorisés dans les lycées et universités. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

6 - L'autorisation de la prostitution des mineurs est donnée. Marg Luker déclare que toute jeune fille de 10 ans qui ressent du plaisir s*xuel,
personne ne devrait la défendre contre
découvrez comment fonctionne son corps.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

7-Finalement, les États-Unis ont autorisé l'ouverture publique des églises sataniques.
Chers frères et sœurs, la fin est proche, le départ dans la Gloire approche.
Les gens sont distraits et le diable veut entraîner le maximum d'âmes avec lui afin de les soustraire à la miséricorde divine. Soyons prudents. 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Si vous avez une minute...partagez ce message. Pourquoi dormons-nous dans les églises et restons


67 Today, the power of holiness, perfection, resurrection and rapture is only in the Message of the Lamb of April 24, 1993 that you have received while I am alive on the earth. The power of redemption is what the Words of a prophet of God produce on those who believe in Him while this prophet is alive on the earth. And therefore, the words of Krishna, Buddha, Mahomet, Moses, Jesus of Nazareth, and of the prophets who are already dead cannot give salvation to anyone today. In the walk of the living and the dead towards God, the living prophets and their disciples are the only actors on the earth. And if today, for your time, you have rejected the living prophet of your time who is Kacou Philippe, know that you have voluntarily chosen to go to hell.


Kc.150:48 And I explained that Mahomet himself was a Catholic Christian. I showed this in Kacou 144 and Kacou 145. Islam is Catholicism. And a Muslim is a dishonest Catholic. Both have rosaries. One has pillars, the other has sacraments. One has a fast of 30 days and kills a sheep at the end of it. The other has 40 days of Lent and kills Jesus at the end of it. One speaks Arabic, the other speaks Latin. One shouts at 4 in the morning, the other rings the bell at 5 in the morning. One has holy water, the other has the water of Zamzam. One prostrates himself before caves and statues of Mary, the other turns around the stone of the Kaaba. One recites the rosary, the other recites the fatihah. And I could go on for pages and pages.


31 I have announced that the cherubim of God with the blade of the sword swirling here and there, guard the way to the tree of life and that no one can reach the blood of Christ without passing through him who has the keys of the kingdom of the heavens on earth. Cornelius could not reach the blood of Christ without passing through Peter who had the keys, and today, no one can reach the blood of Christ without passing through me, Kacou Philippe. No angel, no anointing can lead them to Golgotha without passing through me. I do not know if one day they will know me and know that I am the word of God manifested for their Salvation.

39 The christians are millions of demons at the conquest of the world for old European customs and for an imaginary demon called Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Muslims are millions of demons at the conquest of the world for old Arab customs and practices and for Mahomet who died before they were born and for a demon called Allah. Buddhists are millions of demons at the conquest of the world for Buddha who died before they were born. Hindus are millions of demons at the conquest of the world for Hindu deities. Adventists are more than twenty million demons at the conquest of the world for Ellen White who died before they were born. The Mormons are more than sixteen million demons at the conquest of the world for Joseph Smith who died before they were born. Jehovah's witnesses are more than twenty million demons at the conquest of the world for Charles Russell who died before they were born. Branhamists are more than two million demons at the conquest of the world for William Branham who died before they were born. None of them wants You. What they want, it’s holy books and religions. It’s demons in human bodies.






I will die on this path of holiness. At least one day, God passing by with His holy angels will see my bones and say, "whose bones are these?". And the angels shall say to Him, "It is the bones of Alonge olusheyi solomon a sinner who loved holiness".


kc.134 vs 38439 and 40
41 All of you who have lived in my time, I have come with the light of God for the Salvation of my generation. On April 24, 1993, the Angel and the Lamb came from Eternity for this mission. I saw them like a star in the sky and when they came down, it was an Angel and a Lamb and at the end of the vision, I did not see them go back to heaven. They are on the earth and they will be on the earth until my death. They appeared as two people but they are the same person. They are the fullness of eternal life for our time. They are a perfect type of this Message and one day, this fullness of the pillar of fire will divide itself into small parts like tongues of fire and will come into all those who believe this Message.

38 And in "we entirely believe" is the fact that the black skin of the African is leprosy on the posterity of Ham in Egypt because of the worship of the gods of Egypt. If the Jews stoned and killed all the prophets to the point of crucifying the Messiah, it is not you, a black African or a man of the nations, who will understand what I say and who will believe in me. To this day, Jews believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is not the Messiah because God has blinded them according to Romans 11. And if you too, you do not understand that I, Kacou Philippe, I am the only prophet today by whom you must be saved, know that you are in the same blindness.

39 Like in the time of Noah, you say, "Why do you say that you are the only true prophet?" and yet that is what I am. You and all the inhabitants of the earth who have lived in my time are under my jurisdiction. One day, at the last judgment before God, it is through my Message that all the inhabitants of the earth who lived in my time will be judged.

40 One day, after this life on the earth, you and your imams and pastors and rabbis and prophets, you will come to me and I will judge you according to what I told you on earth. Moses is not your prophet, Isaiah is not your prophet, Jesus of N


kc 2.vs 23 .24.
23 And each church has several branches, such as the Baptists: we have the free Baptist church, fundamental Baptist church, apostolic Baptist church, missionary Baptist church, southern Baptist church, full Gospel Baptist church, works and missions Baptist church, life and faith Baptist church, candlestick Baptist church, evangelical Baptist church, Baptist evangelical church, Pentecostal Baptist church, prophetic Baptist church, Emmaus Baptist church, full fire Baptist church, international Baptist church, Baptist church of Christ, progressive Baptist church, reformed Baptist church, biblical Baptist church, ... more than 70 branches and each of them has its own doctrine, its president, its holy spirit, its pastoral school and so on. And the Bible says that all this confusion will go to perdition.

24 If God saves an assembly of gods or a Baptist, what about the Pharisees, Balaam, Judas Iscariote and Cain? Satan and his children say: "If you're a Baptist, assembly of gods, a revival church member or other and if you live well, that’s the most important thing..." They want to make us believe that in the flock of God, there are clean dogs, clean goats, clean pigs ... but they have to be sheep. They say: "If you are baptised in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or in the Name of Jesus Christ, it is the same" Galatians 1:8 says: Cursed be him who says that. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]


Salvation is a very simple mystery.The living Prophet.Today brother Phillipe Kacou has the key to paradise.because he only true prophet with a call and commission on earth.and he has the message of eternal life.just like Paul.Jesus of nazaret.Irene.John Wesley.william Branham.Daniel e.t.c.
In this generation if you want to be saved you have to believe in Kacou Phillipe.


God saves through prophets that is why you see in the bible names of people like moses .ezekiel .jeremiah e.t.c.
But satan in order to decieve and send people to hell fire where was created for him creates churches.In heaven it the lots of the prophets.that is the prophet and the people that accepts his message when he was alive..for example Prophet Abraham and his lots.prophet isaac and his lots prophet Daniel and his lots. today.prophet Kacou Phillipe an his lots..But in hell it is the names of the churches and the members of the church.for example catholic.evangeluc.prothestants.branhamiat .e.t.c..


2 Let Satan and his children have pastoral schools, Bible institutes and the Internet, me and my house will stay with the prophetic revelation. [Ed: The congregation says: "Amen!"]. And after pastoral school, seminaries and theological degrees, when those hypocrites, sons of the devil stand in the pulpit, they say: "O God may I decrease and you speak through me." You see? It's a confusion! If you know that you can decrease for God to speak through you, so what did you go and look for in pastoral schools?

3 Pastoral school is nothing but a place where people go and learn techniques of psychological manipulation. You see? They study the reactions and behaviours of people. This is all that is called mysticism. And that's what they hide from people. [Kc.2v1-3] [Kc.57v8]

4 Well, the Bible declares that there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed in daylight. God made it because the time of restoring had come, but unfortunately those for whom it was made were already drunk and could not distinguish between good and evil, between the Spirit of God and the spirit of the devil, between the Word of God and theology... And the fruit that springs thereof, they are the Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Branhamist churches.




23 The God before whom I stand is the one who executes his plans on the inhabitants of the earth.

24 And you Ivorians, you have demonstrated to the eyes of the world that you are worse than Congo-Kinshasa and Tshala Muana ... Should I pray for these princess streets to live? Should I pray for the churches and their prophets to live? If I do so, let my soul not live and let the gates of hell prevail on me. But I pray for the elect so that the waters do not carry them away and that they gather for eternal Life and that their faith may not fail.

25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: "I'm afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: "Go and show off your nudity on the beach!" and the wicked one will tell him: "I won’t!". You see? [Kc.141v49]

Photos from Apostle Yanick Aka's post 25/08/2021

14 The first form of paganism is that of the Egyptians and Romans. It is when, in one nation or tribe, different gods establish themselves and have people worship them independently of each other. You see? Take the book of Exodus and you will see that Egyptians used to worship several gods. What is this? It is the paganism: Hapy the god of protection, the god Osiris, the god Sabek, the god Thoth who is the god of miracles. There was also the god Buto, the god Horus, the god Hathor, the god Amon-ra who is the god of the divine healing and so on. You see? It was in the first form of paganism and these gods do not differ from the gods Nergal, Adrammelech, Nibkhaz, Tharthak and Succoth-Benoth of the nations.

17 Even angels, archangels, seraphim, and cherubim do not have the same functions. And even among the classes of angels, the archangels, for example have functions differing from one Archangel to another. The Cherubim have ministries differing from one Cherub to another. Seraphim have ministries differing from one Seraph to another. For example, Archangel Gabriel has a ministry of information and he is like the foreign minister in the Government of God whereas Archangel Michael is the defence minister and cannot get about with a choir because there is no paganism in God. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
18 Now, follow what I am going to read in the brochure "Revelation chapter 1" by William Branham: "A woman stood up in the meeting, a Baptist woman, come over there, not knowing what she could do. And she was standing in the midst of the meeting, and the Holy Spirit fell on her, and she began to speak with tongues… And then, before she could say anything, the Holy Spirit give the interpretation, said, “Thus saith the Lord: Within three months there’ll be the Spirit of Moses, Elijah, and Christ ministering in this Tabernacle.” There it happened perfectly." Amen! Keep this in mind: The Spirit of Moses, of Elijah and of Christ will minister in this tabernacle! Amen! This is the exact truth and you for whom everything has to be biblical, how are you going to explain this? You see?
19 For example, the Bible talks about four living creatures, but it’s question of four dispensations of the Holy Spirit. There was a time when the living creature in the likeness of a lion ministered then there was a time when the living creature in the likeness of a calf ministered and sixty-eight millions of Christians were killed then there was a time when the living creature having the face of a man with Martin Luther ministered and now it is the living creature having the face of an eagle. You see? All ministering according to their dispensation. If you are asked for example if a Christian can drink wine today, you must answer according to the dispensation of the Spirit that is ministering today [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

20 Enoch before Noah could not drink wine because Enoch was the Spirit of Elijah and Enoch was raptured like Elijah. And when, Elijah the Tishbite came on the earth, he could not drink wine and when John the Baptist came on the earth, he could not drink wine. Even before he was born, it was said to his mother, "Don’t drink strong drinks." You see? Enoch did not drink wine but Noah drunk. While both have the same Holy Spirit, but why that? Because the Holy Spirit, on Enoch and on Noah, was in different dispensations. If you do not know that, you will go straight into the Christian paganism. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].

21 John the Baptist could not drink wine whereas Jesus Christ and the Apostles could drink wine, while both had the true Holy Spirit. But why that? Because the Holy Spirit on John the Baptist and his disciples, and the Holy Spirit on the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles, was in different dispensations. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].So, when a question is asked to you, when you start to search in the Old or the New Testament, in the eyes of God, you are a pagan. You are in the Christian paganism. Your answer must be according to the dispensation of the Holy Spirit in your generation.

22 At the time of Martin Luther, the dispensation of the Holy Spirit said that the baptism was in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit by aspersion. But if you start to search in the Bible looking for the answer, you are like a foolish who searches in the dustbin. The answer is only with the living prophet of your time. It is on him that the dispensation of the Holy Spirit is ministering for your time. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].Such a prophet ministers in a certain way! Another prophet ministers in another way!

26 And it’s in the name of Christian paganism that you can see the Bible as only one Holy book! But for the elect, they are different Holy books. The book of Jeremiah is a different book. The book of Isaiah is a different book. The book of Amos is a different book. And for a question of first importance like the baptism, the tithe and other, when you leave the position of the living prophet of your generation to stroll throughout the Bible, from one prophet to another, it’s paganism before God! [Ed: The congregation says,"Amen!"].


12 First, the word pagan derives from the word paganism as “Christian” and “Christianity”. The pagan is the follower of paganism. So it is not the one who does not believe in God or one who does not go to church or to the mosque but the follower of paganism. Do not confuse a pagan with an atheist. You see? Paganism is the intermingling of different spirits! There are three groups in one generation: the atheists, the pagans and the worshippers of the true God. [Ed: The congregation says,"Amen!"].

Where there is a worship of the devil, there is paganism. Paganism really started at the foundation of Babylon with Ni**od. And that visited every generation on the earth through Egypt, making its way side by side with the worship of the true God. When the prophets of Baal were exhibiting themselves down there before Elijah the Tishbite, it was the very first form of paganism in the name of the Hebrews’ God! You see? There are two forms of paganism: a form under the Old Covenant, in the Old Testament with Judaism and a second form in the New Testament with Christianity. But this morning, I am going to show another form of paganism, a third one which is the subtlest form ever and that is why God has to send a prophet to reveal that to us. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"].
14 The first form of paganism is that of the Egyptians and Romans. It is when, in one nation or tribe, different gods establish themselves and have people worship them independently of each other. You see? Take the book of Exodus and you will see that Egyptians used to worship several gods. What is this? It is the paganism: Hapy the god of protection, the god Osiris, the god Sabek, the god Thoth who is the god of miracles. There was also the god Buto, the god Horus, the god Hathor, the god Amon-ra who is the god of the divine healing and so on. You see? It was in the first form of paganism and these gods do not differ from the gods Nergal, Adrammelech, Nibkhaz, Tharthak and Succoth-Benoth of the nations.

15 And later on, they were those same gods who made altars called Pharisees, Sadducees, Herodians, Zealots, Essenes... and today they are those same gods who established themselves in Islam and Judaism and Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches including all the so-called revealed or restored churches under the form of holy spirits. And this is the second form of paganism trying to give the image of only one and supreme god on the basis of the Bible.


34 At the judgment, the priests, the imams and the shepherds who worked with the Messages of the dead prophets will come with their groups. And after them, the prophets will come with their Message and their group, that is to say those to whom they preached, whom they loved and who loved them when they were alive on the earth. If you follow a religious leader who does not echo the living prophet messenger of your time, know that after your death, you will be in the lot or the group of that religious leader and at the judgment, you will go to hell with him because it is only the prophets who have groups according to their generation. It is only through the living prophet of your time that you will be saved.

24 The living prophet is the reign of God on the earth. And if there should no longer be prophets, is it in a pastor that we will confide, contrarily to 2 Chronicles 20:20? And how will God preserve his people according to Hosea 12:14? And how will God speak to the earth according to Amos 3:7? You will tell this pastor that Moses' Message was still up-to-date when Joshua appeared. Elijah's Message was still up-to-date when Elisha appeared. John the Baptist's Message was still up-to-date when the Lord Jesus appeared. The Message of the Lord Jesus was still up-to-date when Paul appeared. And check Matthew 1:17 and you will see that a generation lasts forty years.


38 May second-hand religions, second-hand Messages and the bodies of dead prophets end in Africa. I refuse those for my people and my generation. Give me victory over the gods of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Judaism and make that my generation wakes up from its sleep and comes out of darkness and say: Where is the God of the spirits of the prophets? O God, make that the nations in my time walk in the steps of a living prophet like Israel.


58 If you don't understand what I am saying, then put your lives in order: Delete s*x movies and photos from your phones and computers, never put your mouth towards your spouse's ge****ls, never put a woman in the position of a dog to sleep with her because she is a human being. And when you come near your wife, she will never be on top of you because you are the man. Beg for God's grace that He may have mercy on you and then He will open your mind to understand what He has given me for you. [Kc.130v6] [Kc.133v35] [Kc.142v51]



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In the Garden of lord Jesus there is no catholic .apostolic church .anglica church .e.t.c.what we have is pophet Moses.joshua .prophet Daniel e.t.c.


What shall it profit a man that gains the wholeworld and loses his soul.


If lord Jesus could save me through the midnight cry .mathew 25.vs 6 .then He can surely do more for you.He is the same today..yesterday an for ever more


The only way to paradise is discerning Jesus christ through a living prophet of your time.The living prophet of our time is Prophet Kacou Phillip.without him no paradise

