Noel Tasha

Titles mean nothing. How we treat people means everything. I am a Cameroonian and currently based in Buea, Cameroon. MY PROFESSIONAL CAREER. MY PERSONAL BRAND.

I am a business development specialist, project manager and claims investigator by profession, and a personal development trainer, inspirational writer and event organizer by passion. A true definition of a multitasker who has been able to clearly separate his professional career from his personal brand. I am a business development specialist and project manager by professional with over 3 years’


One tomato for 100 FCFA.

One medium-sized carrot for 100 FCFA.

One large lemon for 300 FCFA.

But… Minimum wage is XAF 41,875 per month, with many earning below the minimum wage.

This is Douala. This is current economy of Cameroon.

We are currently experiencing real inflation, yet there are no alarms being raised.

The cost of living is now costing the lives of the living.

The Nigerian currency has greatly devalued; $1 is now N1,460. Yet, things are still more affordable in Nigeria than in Cameroon.

However, guess which country is striking due to price hikes and low minimum wages? Nigeria.


~Noel Tasha


If you can, please avoid debt unless it's for business expansion (not to start a business) or emergencies.

Being debt-free provides immense freedom, a peaceful and calm mind, and also flexibility to explore opportunities.

As Kent Nerburn says, "Debt defines your future, and when your future is defined, hope begins to die. You have committed your life to making money to pay for your past." I agree with him.

~Noel Tasha


Life is hard, and the pressure is high. You can’t help but feel that everyone else is doing well and succeeding, except for you.

This is causing you a lot of anxiety, and depression might soon set in. When you look at your friends, colleagues, and the people you see on social media, you can’t help but wish you were them.

You feel so dissatisfied and unhappy with your life. You wish you were born into a rich family. You wish you had the privileges that others enjoy.

At some point, you even consider going astray and doing bad things to get what you want, especially when you see others succeeding by doing these bad things. Then, you start to question if being a good person actually pays off.

I understand all your feelings, and they are all valid. Being an adult in our time is not easy, especially when you come from a struggling background with no support, no connections, and no one to turn to for help. Life is hard, things are tough, and the cost of living is high. Finding a well-paying job can feel like a nightmare. It’s understandably frustrating.

But today, I want to encourage you to hang in there. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is comparing yourself to your peers, colleagues, and strangers on social media.

You do not know them, nor do you know their stories. People often don’t broadcast their failures and weaknesses as much as they do their successes and strengths. Life is not always what it seems. There’s a lot of ‘packaging’ out there.

Do not compare yourself, diminish your self-worth, or downgrade yourself because of the highlights you see on social media and WhatsApp statuses. You have no idea what’s happening behind the scenes."

Everyone has problems. Everyone needs help. Do not think that others are exempt. Don’t be envious of others when you look at what they’re posting or their success highlights on social media.

If only you knew that you are the focus of someone’s prayers, then you would start to be grateful and appreciate yourself, where you are in life, and what you have.

Learn to focus on yourself and not what’s happening in other people’s lives. Focus on the tiny joys, milestones, and victories in your life. Focus on improving and becoming a better version of yourself, rather than wishing to be like your friend, colleague, or someone you see on social media.

Your self-improvement is about your baseline, where you’re coming from, and surpassing that version of you from yesterday and yesteryears.

Ask yourself: “What is one tiny positive decision I can make to improve myself today?” Make it. Then make another. Then another. That’s self-improvement.

Be proud of yourself. Love yourself and keep believing that great things will happen in your life. And keep doing the right thing.

Know this: You are enough. You are blessed, and you are loved. Never let anyone make you feel otherwise. ❤️🫶🏾

~ Noel Tasha


When corruption and cheating favor us, we say it’s a connection or God’s grace.

In most cases, we stay silent and pretend like nothing is going on while we quietly enjoy the benefits.

But when it doesn’t favor us, we cry foul and play the victim card. We suddenly become advocates for justice.

The truth is, humans are naturally dark at heart. Many of us are very dishonest and hate injustice and cheating only when it doesn’t favor us.

For example, look at Arsenal fans celebrating cheating and corruption.

Tomorrow, they will be the first people to start crying against cheating and corruption, playing the victim card like everyone else when cheating and injustice do not favor them.

That literally tells you how humans are wired.

We’re all very dishonest people. Check yourself. Let your conscience be your judge.

P.s: Arsenal and its fans are not the focal point of this post.

~Noel Tasha


Have you ever offered to help or support someone who really needed it, and surprisingly, they turned it down?

Sometimes, people refuse help not because they are proud, stubborn or do not need the help at all, but because the offer of help is not presented properly.

If there's an undertone of condescension, pride, or a sense of superiority behind the offer, it's not surprising if the help is met with resistance. It's essential for us to approach offering help with grace and humility, ensuring that our intentions are genuinely supportive and respectful.

Some people do good deeds or help others, but they make sure to show up and seize all the credit for their actions.

These are the people who will help you and then want to take away your freedom by turning you into their praise singer, loyalist, defender—even if they do something wrong.

And the moment you don’t comply, they’ll call you an ungrateful person and then start using the help they rendered to you in the past to insult you.

Such people have just one song they usually sing: “After all I have done for you.” Do not accept help or an offer from someone who will use it against you tomorrow or bring it up when you both have a small misunderstanding.

My advice is this: No matter how desperate you are, no matter how bad things may seem, no matter how urgent the matter is, if you want to ask for help, borrow money, beg for something, etc., please be mindful of the kind of people you ask.

Some people will help you today and use it against you tomorrow. Ask for assistance from good people—those who will help you genuinely without any ulterior motives.

It’s not every offer of help that you should accept, especially those that come with so much disrespect attached to them.

Seek help from those who will not hold it against you in case you get into an argument tomorrow."
I hope this revision meets your needs. If you have any more requests or need further edits, feel free to reach out!

~Noel Tasha


“Golden Job Market” you must be kidding me. We rather inherited an inflationary economy where the value of money is nothing.

In just my 20 something years on earth, I’ve lived through:

1. Anglophone Crisis

2. ⁠ Paul Biya regime (bad government)

3. The Dot-com Recession

4. The COVID-19 Crisis that also came with recession

5. The Current Global Economic downturn that has resulted in literally hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs.

6. ⁠ And now, World War 3 is threatening.

So in summary, Gen-Z has it right and older generations who tell them otherwise are out of touch.

Our entire employment experience has been shaped and defined by these major economic disruptions.

~Noel Tasha


Some people are afraid to speak and stand up for the truth because they don’t want to get into the bad book of those whom the truth would not benefit.

Only one word describes them: doormat!


Most religious leaders are in the business of marketing fear to their followers, instead of preaching the gospel, telling their followers the truth, or helping them to discover the truth for themselves.

You know what they say about fear mixed with IGNORANCE.

You can always spot these tactics in their messages and the kind of prophecies they give. Once they succeed in instilling fear in you, they can get whatever they want from you, including your loyalty to them.

Their targets are usually women because they know how emotional and intentional women can be. This is also why there’s always this strong relationship between women and their ‘men of God. Their loyalty has been bought through fear.

For these followers, they just want to know God, but for these religious leaders, it’s business. They know exactly what they want from you, and to get it, using fear and a small touch of God’s name will do the trick.

We’re living in very funny but wicked times. Sometimes, accepting what it is and what it is not can be really difficult for us. But one thing is certain: ignorance will cost us a lot.

This is why we have to continuously learn and sometimes learn on our own. Experience will always be the best teacher, but wise people learn from the experience of others.

In this world, you either get smart or get smashed. It’s the world we live in, not like we ever wished for. But it is what it is. We can only do the right thing and the best we can.

~Noel Tasha


Some of the strongest people I have had the privilege of meeting in life had very difficult past. Even though having a difficult past is not something any of us ever wished for, it has its blessings in disguise.

Those with difficult pasts have been through hell and back; nothing in life can break them again. You cut them, they’ll grow back. You take away everything they have, they’ll work for another. You bend them, they still stand up again.

You simply cannot destroy someone who is so good at starting everything from scratch. This is the wealth of experience that not everyone is gifted with. And if they hadn’t been through these challenges in the past, they wouldn’t miss the opportunity to gain this experience.

Our background and experiences in life, though a disadvantage to us (because nobody loves suffering), are not something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of. Sometimes, they make us who we are today.

~Noel Tasha


🚩 Red flag social media influencers and religious leaders surround themselves with “yes people”. The Yes sir. Yes mummy. Yes papa kind of people

🇺🇳✅ Green flag social media influencers and religious leaders surround themselves with people who challenge and question them and what they say. They’re surrounded by critical thinkers. People who read, do research and continuous learn. People who have minds and brains of their own and know left from right.

This concept is not only limited to social media and religious teachings; it also applies to us as individuals and the kind of people we choose to surround ourselves with.

🚩 Red flag for you If you’re only surrounded by “yes people” – those who tell you only what you want to hear – and not by people who offer advice, question some of your choices and decisions in lie, challenge you, and tell you what you need to hear or know.

~Noel Tasha


I've come to realize that in life, truly humble, kind, and honest people don't go around proclaiming their virtues.

You simply interact with them or get to know them and discover these qualities for yourself. Often, such individuals prefer to understate their achievements, offering help and kindness anonymously without seeking credit.

They avoid drawing attention to their humility, honesty, and kindness. This is simply who they are. For them, being humble, honest, and kind isn't an act to be captured on camera for social media; it's not a ploy for attention, a means to achieve a goal, or a way to garner favor. It's their way of living, and they embody it every day.

However, those who constantly remind everyone of their humility, kindness, and honesty often know exactly what they're doing—it's a facade. When such individuals portray themselves as humble, kind, and honest on social media, a closer reading between the lines reveals they're actually boasting. This is what I call "humble bragging."

Once you're drawn in by their tactics and get to know them, their true nature becomes apparent. More often than not, they are not as they claim.

Their displays of kindness and constant reminders of their humility and honesty are strategies to win your trust. And the moment you give it, they take advantage when you least expect it.

Take the time to understand people. Don't rely solely on their words. Behavior is the clearest language that everyone can comprehend.

~Noel Tasha


There is no shame in admitting that we need help. It’s okay to not be okay.

If you have not been feeling okay lately, I’m sending you all the love and strength that you need to push through.❤️🫶🏾


So yesterday, a girl was coming back from school on a bike and met her classmate on the way, who was walking under the hot sun in Douala. As she approached her friend, she said, ‘You like trekking, eh?’.

But this her classmate didn’t respond, but after the bike had passed, I could hear her friend mumbling. She made these comments that really caught my attention: ‘Who likes to suffer? If I had money, wouldn’t I also be paying for a bike ride like you? Do you think everyone has the money to pay for a bike?

This is the thing about life and about us: we often assume it’s easy for everyone. Her classmate thought she could afford a bike instead of having to walk under the hot sun. But was that the case? I don’t think so!

We tend to think, ‘If it’s easy for me, it should be easy for everyone. If I can afford it, everyone should be able to.’ But we fail to realize that what may seem ‘easy’ to us could be someone else’s nightmare. The money we consider insignificant could be a life-changing amount for someone else.

We fail to realize that not everyone is as privileged as we are. Just because we’re privileged enough to afford our basics doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. My question to you is: Do you think people enjoy suffering? Do you believe anyone finds pleasure in lacking? Just because life has been fair to us doesn’t mean it’s fair to everyone.

Nobody chooses to be born into poverty or a broken home. Nobody chooses to be born in Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, or the slums of Douala. Life happens, and people find themselves in situations they never wished for.

My advice is that we should learn to be compassionate and kind to one another.
Sometimes, it’s easy for us to judge others because we find it difficult to be considerate, kind, and compassionate. We can’t put ourselves in their shoes. We assume a lot about them and then judge what we don’t understand.

What people are going through in life is not always visible. Be kind to people. Be considerate. Be compassionate and show empathy always!

Please repeat after me: Just because it’s easy for me doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. Just because I am privileged and blessed doesn’t mean everyone is. Just because I can afford it doesn’t mean everyone can.

Even the things and money I consider small and insignificant can be life-changing for someone close to me. Therefore, I must learn, from today onward, to be considerate, compassionate, and kind to everyone, without assuming anything. I will put myself in their shoes and try to understand them, not judge them.

Thank you.

~Noel Tasha


We’re all still healing from childhood trauma.

About 70% of who we are today is influenced by how we were raised and the conditions in which we were raised in.

I know a lot us can relate.

This is why I don’t judge people; trauma does not show on one’s face.

If I can contribute to helping you heal, then I will do my best. But if I can’t, then I will let you be without judgment.

We, as adults, have a lot of work to do in helping each other heal. Be kind in your words and actions.

Remember: In a world full of words, speeches, and promises, behavior is the greatest language.

~Noel Tasha


Thank you for your gratitude, even though I wasn’t able to assist in the way I would have liked. It’s an absolute pleasure to welcome you back home. I hope I can be more helpful in the future.

Nicky Verd is such an amazing and straightforward person. I appreciate every minute spent with her and value her wise counsel.

I wish you all the best during your remaining days in Cameroon and in all your endeavors. May the pursuits you’re currently engaged in yield fruitful results, and may your hard work and sacrifices pay off.

Take care, and I look forward to seeing you again.

~Noel Tasha

Since arriving in Cameroon, Noel Tasha has been amazzzing💯
A truly exceptional human being. From the moment I landed, Noel went above and beyond to ensure my stay here was comfortable and stress-free.

He arranged VIP transport from the airport, made sure I had all the necessities. Not only did he ensure that I had all the necessities, such as food and a new local SIM card, but also sacrificed his time to personally take me to places I needed to go for my projects.

Noel, your selflessness and dedication to helping me was truly unexpected and greatly appreciated.

I have no words to express my gratitude adequately.
You are an amazing human being, and I feel incredibly blessed to have met you.

Thank you for everything, Noel. You have made my time in Cameroon unforgettable.


A very troubling incident caught my attention: Africans seriously attacking a fellow black individual (Vini Jr) who went in tears why explaining the repeated racial abuses he suffered in Spain.

The reason for attacking him online? Because he plays for a football club that happens to be a rival to the club they support. Crazy right?.

This situation raises thought-provoking questions: What impact has football had on us?

Does being a football fan affect our sense of reasoning, our humanity and character as individuals? I genuinely want to know.

My assumption is that most Africans have victim’s mentality when it has to do with the West or with their personal experience with “White people” but they do worse to their own people.

~Noel Tasha


Everybody looks okay until you have a deep conversation with them. Then you realise that this is a generation of people struggling to survive through smiling faces and pretty pictures.

As someone who interacts with many individuals, especially young people on personal life’s issues, I’ve gained insight into some of these challenges.

When people truly trust you, they open up about their lives in ways they wouldn’t with others.

At that moment, authenticity, openness, and genuine conversation take precedence over image management or impressing you.

Understanding others requires empathy and the ability to relate to their stories

People are going through a lot in silence. Do not be swift to judge. Mind what you say to people.

Show people more love and less hate, keep reaching out in the little way you can. Do not ignore people in their lowest state.

~Noel Tasha


Nobody is going to find you if you don’t show up!

This is why I admire many of you who, no matter the struggles, get up every morning and decide to show up.


I’m sure Cameroonians, just like myself, are absolutely fed up with bad customer service in Cameroon.

What is happening with customer service, especially with small businesses? Where did we go wrong? Is it a crime to be a customer? Are we not going to protest about this?

It’s so frustrating. It feels like people are being forced to do business. Employees seem compelled to work in these companies. It’s as if everyone is carrying their personal life’s issues and frustrations into their business and workplace.

What is happening? It’s tiring. I’m tired.

At this point, it seems easier to run a business than to be a customer in Cameroon

~Noel Tasha


So, this bike man initially refused to carry a man, but later he carried a lady heading to the same destination for an even lesser fare.

This man standing nearby asked him why he didn’t carry the man earlier, even though the man was paying more than what he charged the lady.

The bike man explained that when you carry a lady first, it becomes easier to find a second passenger.

However, when you carry a man first, it’s always more challenging to get a second passenger. That’s why they prefer to carry a lady first, even if it means charging a lower fare than carrying a man first.

Indeed, life has never been easy for men. 🚴‍♂️🚶‍♂️

A man who helps his fellow man, especially when he’s helpless, without thinking that he can always sort himself out because he’s a man, is a real hero.

Treat people with respect. Help people. Support people. Show empathy to people. Be understanding and patient with people. Be kind to people regardless of their gender. All of them (men and women) are humans, and if you cut them, you’ll see blood. Stop being unkind and treating your fellow man harshly. Men are not superhumans.

Someone once asked me, “If a lady asks men for help and a man asks me for help, and I can only assist one person, who will I help?”
I replied, “I will help the person who needs it more and is more deserving.”

When it comes to me, it’s not about gender; it’s about being a human being and deserving of everything you get. Unfortunately, some men make it unnecessarily difficult for other men. Let’s strive for kindness and empathy regardless of gender!

To all the men touring day and night to put food on their tables (without any added advantage), I want to tell you that I see you, and you all have my respect. 👏👏👏

~Noel Tasha


Young people need relatable role models, not just personal brands they see on social media, influencers they follow, or celebrities they watch on TV. Certainly not so-called “success” coaches or financial “gurus” on social media.

We live in an era where information is at our fingertips, yet not all of it is true, genuine, or delivered by well-intentioned individuals. Everyone seems to have an opinion about everything. Everyone offers advice or opinions on just about everything. People tell others what they should or shouldn’t do. Almost everyone claims to have a success formula or a life manual.

Many young people are comparing themselves, losing confidence and self-esteem, and sometimes even engage in behaviors beyond their years—all because of social media.

This is why it’s crucial for these young people to have a voice of reason. They need someone to remind them that they are enough, that they don’t need to conform to fit in. Social media often presents a distorted reality, where everyone tries to appear more intelligent, prettier, more successful, richer, and smarter. Yet behind the filters and carefully curated posts, people aren’t always who they seem to be.

Young people, like myself, need someone to talk to. They need reassurance that it’s okay to take their time, to progress step by step. They should continue dreaming and believing in themselves, without constantly comparing their uniqueness to others. Staying focused on education, work, and personal growth is essential.

As adults, we should ask ourselves: Are we good and relatable role models for the young people around us? 🌟

As young people, ask yourselves this question: Do you have a relatable role model? Someone who has faced the same struggles as you and defied the odds? Someone who truly inspires and encourages you to stay the course?

We all have work to do.

~Noel Tasha


Do not be obsessed with being liked. You are not a page.

Do not sacrifice your self-worth because you want people to like you.

Do not live a life always trying to please people so they get to like you.

Do not change just because you want people to like you.

As Zig Ziglar said, "After God created you, He threw away the mold."

You do not have to take on another persona or pretend to be someone else just to make people like you.

Be real and be authentic, and the right people will accept and get to like the real you.

~Noel Tasha


Life is harder for men. Whether we like it or not, but that’s the truth.

This is why I will never treat a women better or give them special treatment simply because they’re “women” or be hard on men simply because they’re men.

Whether woman or man, all of us are humans and hence, deserve the same treatment. This is just one of my principles in life.

Dear men,

We need to be kind to our fellow men and also take it easy on them. Life is already hard for an ordinary man.

~Noel Tasha


At the end of the day, it boils down to how we treat people.

The people who are:

- “Lesser” than us,
- “Poorer” than us,
- “Less educated” than us

And most importantly, the people whom we can’t benefit anything from them. This is the essence of humanity.

~Noel Tasha


If you want to speak to people in a way that reaches their hearts, you have to do more than open your mouth and speak your mind; you have to open your heart, share your care and compassion, and be willing to help and serve.

Without compassion, you cannot understand people. And if you cannot understand them, you can hardly know how to help them.

The old worn-out cliche still rings loud and true: People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.

~Noel Tasha


Confidence alone can make you look good (FORM). And it can attract many opportunities and great people to you.

But form alone is not sustainable. It is mere "Image Management." Doesn’t last.

You need Substance that requires competence, character and expertise.

An expert cannot operate on: "Fake it until you make it." They will end up fakes. You cannot brand an empty container. It will end more empty and you’ll be frustrated in the end.

There is no shortcut to competence. There’s no shortcut to success. Study hard. Work hard, get experience and insights, and achieve competence. And then the result will be success.

We must be willing to put in the hard work and dedication required to achieve competence. Only then can true confidence emerge, and with it, the ability to succeed both personally and professionally.

True confidence comes from competence. This is called "having both form and substance."

Focus on doing the work and producing results instead of “faking until you make it” in the name of branding. It never ends well.

~Noel Tasha


If you always find happiness and fulfillment in knowing that you’re doing better than your friends, your loved ones or the people in your circle.

That you have money (rich) and they’re broke. That you’re more beautiful/handsome than them. That you’re succeeding and they’re struggling.

That you have a better career/business than them. That you have a job and they don’t. That you’re married and have children but they don’t. That you have more things (material things) than them etc.
Then you’re nothing close to being a friend, are you?

In a world where people are more interested in peppering someone or trying to prove how they’re better than everyone else, it’s very possible that you can find someone who finds happiness in knowing that they’re more successful than their peers, that they’re the only one succeeding in their family, or that they’re doing better than their friends.

This is so that they’ll always have someone to pepper or compete with their lifestyle. Are we not supposed to be finding ways to lift each other up rather than trying to pepper them?

Life is not a competition. Be more interested in trying to lift up the people around you rather than competing with them and wanting to prove that you’re better than them.

Life is more beautiful when we help each other than when we’re competing against each other. There’s no joy in knowing you’re better or that you’re doing better than the people around you.

There’s real joy in knowing that u can put smile on the faces of those around you & that they can stand somewhere tomorrow and say they’re where they are today because of you. That’s true happiness and fulfillment.

~Noel Tasha


In this world of ”content”, we have to be sure that what we’re using to creat content on social media these days is actually a content meant for public consumption, and not part of our privacy.


And also not take a lot of things in life too personal.


Men who sit and argue who’s the best player between Ronaldo and Messi.


~Noel Tasha

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