Nkenne Sonita

Nkenne Sonita

Multiple 6 figures mentor. African. Mom. Christian


scaling with premium clients


new podcast episode available on YouTube πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


new YouTube video on how to create wealth from higher dimensions πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


your heart/intuition knows the way. listen to it and trust it. it will never lead you astray


god will show you the end, but he won't show you the road. so stop asking yourself 'how' your desire will manifest.

now looking back in hindsight i am like sonita thank you.

thank you for following that still small voice in your heart to move even though your mind showed you all the reasons why it is a bad idea.

choosing to leave my country has been the most uncomfortable yet best thing I have ever done.

in the moment it felt scary. i wondered how i was gonna do it.
i wondered how i would spend one night without my son.

and when i moved, i wondered how i was gonna navigate the change.

i wondered until now in hindsight I see how I did it.

you won't know the how.
your job is not to know how that's God's job.

your job is to follow the voice of your HEART and take action in FAITH, then surrender.

everything else will align

the replay of the money container masterclass is available on YouTube. watch it to expand πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡.


just did my first video podcast episode. so excite. you can check it out bellow


walked 14k steps today and realized how clear my mind is after it. move your body, somebody, it may be the strategy you need


What you surround yourself with is either expanding your money capacity or it is contracting it.
I used to believe that your physical surroundings don’t affect your ability to get rich.

While it doesn’t stop you, it definitely influences how hard or easy your success will come.

One of the big shifts that will expand your money container is to surround yourself with money.
What I mean by this is to literally put yourself in rooms, environments, and surroundings that make you feel stretched.

Moving from average neighborhoods to wealthier ones

Joining programs and sitting in rooms with people having the conversations you desire to have.

Walking in rooms and places that seem β€œout of your league β€œ.

You wanna make it as easy as possible to become a match for more. And one of the things that expands you the most, is allowing yourself to get out of what is comfortable to you.

What you are used to spending
What you are used to receiving
And what you are used to experiencing.

Looking back on my journey, I see that moving has been the best decision in my expansion.

I will share the lessons and practices I have been doing to expand my money container in the Money Container Free event.

You can join the free experience with the details in the comment. πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ


Keep going.
The only time you should give up is the time you no longer have breath in your lungs


Nothing in this lifetime is expensive. It only depends on your money capacity.

Thinking your dream mentor, car, or house is β€œexpensive” is only because your money container is not expanded enough to hold that level of expansion.

The rich see nothing as expensive and being 'rich' is not the same as having wealth.

Rich is a state of being from which wealth is created.
It is an embodied state of abundance with the capacity to receive, hold, and multiply more than enough.

Meaning that you can’t become wealthy without becoming rich first. so rich is the being and wealth/money is the having.

Being able to have more money is a result of how rich you are willing to become and your richness is your capacity that determines what you are an energetic reciprocal of.

Truth is you can afford and manifest that house, coach, or money. but you need to have the capacity for it to flow to you.

And there are specific activities you can do to expand your capacity right now.

Will be sharing with you these practices I have applied and is still applying to expand my capacity in the money container event.

I opened limited spots for this event. checked today and noticed we have just 6 spots left.

Join us to expand in the comment


You are rich even if you can’t afford your rent this month.
Yes, that’s true.
You see, the rich get richer because they understand that rich is not the fiction of money you have in the bank. It is an identity you embody from which you then create wealth.

And this identity is who they know πŸ’― they are even if their bank account is zero.

Let’s play a scenario. Imagine the prince William’s bank account going zero or that of Elion musk.

Do you think they would become Β« poor Β» in their view of self just because they have no money?

No they wouldn’t.
The would still be rich because it is an identity they have embodied.

The problem is that they haven’t embodied the rich identity.

As a result, you subconsciously feel unworthy of receiving more or unsafe to hold or use it l.

So you create resistance to Block yourself from receiving more money and experiencing abundance because it doesn’t just feel like what you were conditioned into even though you really want more money in your life.

What you are used to is lack.
What is normal to you is not having enough so you always make sure that you are in that state because that’s what you have known.

You are subconsciously addicted to not having enough for there is a part of you that believes you are not enough.

This is the money container problem.
And because you have this problem, you manifest at more of what you don’t want because you are an energetic reciprocal for it.

What then?

You need to expand your money container which is transcending the limited identity that you currently hold and embodying the Rich you.
Because, yes you are already infinitely rich.

This is how you finally give yourself the permission to receive wealth and abundance that is rightfully yours.

Join us at the money container live event to expand your capacity. πŸ‘‡πŸΌ


Working on your money mindset won't change your relationship with money.

You see, your behavior towards money right now is not a mindset problem It is an identity thing.
And your identity is not just about your beliefs but your behavior and energy.

You see, a money mindset can only get you this far

But to experience true riches and abundance, your wealth identity must shift.

You must expand your inner money capacity to that of who you are as a divine being.

Short story.
when I first came across personal development work I was broke, I learned that you need to change your beliefs around money to attract money.

so I did.
I did the 'mindset' work and quickly created financial success.

but I didn’t notice that even though in my mind I had created new beliefs around money which supported my growth at the time my identity was still the same.

deep inside, was still that little broke girl from a broken family subconsciously.

My results changed yet my inner money container was The same so my container had to break.

So many things started coming up for me to β€˜hold me back’

Now with the journey I have been through and the level of abundance I am experiencing, I can tell you that it is not about your beliefs.

It is not about what you think you can be, do, or have.

It is about who you are at the subconscious level.

It is about transcending the limited identity as a whole (not just changing beliefs), and becoming the full walking embodiment of riches and abundance.

This is how you truly expand your internal capacity.

we will be doing this work with you in my upcoming free event called MONEY CONTAINER.

join us in the comments to expand


How much abundance you are experiencing right now is not a function of what is or isn’t available.

It has never been about the amount of money that you deserve or desire.

It is simply about how expanded our container is.
Expansion beyond just the capacity of your container but the ability of it.

Containers with higher capacity can receive more.
But not all containers that can receive more can hold more.

That’s the capacity to hold is different from the capacity to receive.

A Colender’s capacity to receive might be bigger than that of a small cup. But the small cup’s capacity to hold what it receives is greater than that of a colander.

And to truly experience higher levels of abundance and wealth at a totally high level, your money container must be expanded in all ways.

We will be doing this inner work the 3-part free masterclass called MONEY CONTAINER.

Join to expand your money container πŸ‘‡πŸΌ


Today marks 3 months since I moved to Dubai and I kid you not, these 3 months have expanded my inner capacity in ways that words can’t say.

But the biggest expansion I have experienced has been in my money container.

I was born in Cameroon and lived in Cameroon all my life and the standard of living there is completely different from that in Dubai.

I used to use a certain amount of money in Cameroon in a month, but here in Dubai, it’s what I use in a few days.

It’s like moving from one extreme end of the spectrum in my abundance of experience to the opposite and flip side of what I had been a match for.

So initially, my money container couldn’t hold it

Imagine living in a COMFORTABLE beautiful 4-bedroom house driving a Range Rover on 1/4 of what is my monthly rent here for a one-bedroom.

I watched myself trying to sabotage by wanting to go back to my comfort zone

But then instead of contracting, I decided to expand my money container to receive, hold, and use money at a higher level.

What happened after?
People who haven’t connected with me for a long time started reaching out to me asking me for details to send me money.

Transactions that were not going through just worked.
Client renewing a one-year coaching contract

The fun part of the beautiful apartment I wanted with this golf course view which was already paid for by another person was given to me as the person changed their mind.

You see, the level of money you are currently making right now, what you are allowing yourself subconsciously to receive, hold, or use is dependent on the capacity of your money container.

Being able to receive the more money you desire will only happen when your money container is expanded enough for it.

Seeing the figures in your bank account increase instead of decrease All the time is gonna happen when your money container can hold it.

And allowing yourself to use more money from an abundant and beautiful place happens when your container is regulated for it.

And for each of these 3, your money container is expanded differently.

To receive
To hold
And to use.

I am hosting a free 3-part live event called Money Container to help you expand your inner capacity.

grab a spot πŸ‘‡


when you get to a point where you shift internally to create wealth yet don't need it, then would you truly manifest effortlessly


You become unstoppable when you can hold and feel your greatest fears, pain, and happiness. great leaders hold it all


π’Žπ’‚π’Œπ’Šπ’π’ˆ π’Žπ’π’π’†π’š 𝒃𝒖𝒕 your bank account is always going down and π’‚π’π’˜π’‚π’šπ’” 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 π’”π’‘π’†π’π’…π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’Šπ’• 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒓 π’”π’π’Žπ’†π’•π’‰π’Šπ’π’ˆ π’‚π’π’˜π’‚π’šπ’” π’„π’π’Žπ’†π’” 𝒖𝒑 𝒐𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 π’šπ’π’– 𝒕𝒐 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 π’Žπ’π’π’†π’š?

no, it's not because you are not good at budgeting or saving money.

Your internal capacity is not just expanded to hold money.

You see, there is a big difference between making money and being able to hold that money.

For you, making money is not the problem.

In fact,ct you always manifest the money easily but it never stays with you.

You either always look for a way to spend the money,
or a situation will happen that requires you to use that money.

This is why you do that.

1- subconsciously, you don’t feel safe having money.

To your psyche, having money in your bank account means you are not safe.

And because your brain is always looking for ways to keep you safe, your subconscious will sabotage it by showing you what you can do with that money.

Most at time, you may not really need these things. But it does this as a way to keep you from having money which because you don’t feel safe holding it.

This lack of safety around holding money often is a result of a lack of trust in the masculine for a woman

because she didn’t feel safe with the father figure she grew up with or has been hurt by the masculine.

In essence, she (and even men) is operating in a wounded masculine energy which might also be the reason for the lack of structure in her life.

2- you are addicted to lack and survival mode.

When you are addicted to lack, internally what is normal to your brain and nervous system is always being in a state of not having enough.

This addiction would be because you didn’t grow up in an environment that was abundant or where having money was normal.

So to your nervous system, having money is new and since your brain sees anything new as β€˜danger’, it would always do everything to keep you in that mood of lack because that’s what you are used to.

In essence, being in lack, survival, and not having enough is your comfort zone.

how then do you expand your internal capacity?

1- heal your relationship with the masculine so that you can start feeling safe with it.

This takes inner masculine healing work. DM me with the word β€˜inner work’ to get started

2- transcend that limited identity and reprogram your subconscious mind.

This means creating a new container and embodying the identity of your rich self.

This is what I help you do in my money alchemy program. this is a course that will help you to heal and transform your relationship with money.

It will take you from struggling to make money or making so much money and having nothing to show for it to actually become good with money

DM me to enroll

I also have a few spots for private mentorship for you who have created some level of success but feel stuck and unable to unlock that next level of wealth no matter how hard you try.

Simply shoot me a quick DM let's chat.



me claiming my throne I have always known that my purpose is helping people get rich but one of the biggest blocks I had for a long time to accept this mission was my Christian background and belief.

You see, I thought growing up that rich people don’t go to heaven and the chances of me being Β« righteous Β» if I am rich are low.

For the longest time, this belief held me bound at the subconscious level and I didn’t know.

All I want to do is teach people how to be rich, but then I would have so much resistance and not know why I would resist when doing some deep inner work.

This realization kinda set me free but more than that, it’s amazing how you can spend so much time asking Β«What is my purpose Β» when your purpose is already there and known to you.

But have just many blocks that are stopping you from seeing it because there is a way you think your purpose is supposed to look like.

Lesson: stop asking what your purpose is and start asking Β«What is blocking me from accepting my purpose? Β» because part of you already knows why you are here.

PS: I did a podcast episode on how to discover your purpose. Listen below πŸ‘‡πŸΌ


There are 3 reasons why you are stuck and not making money in your coaching business right now.

If you are not making money in your coaching, here is why.

1- your internal container can’t hold it.
In your subconscious, you don’t deserve the money and you are not good enough for it.
You are subconsciously addicted to the limited identity that you hold.

If you were born in a family where money wasn’t really available for example, to your subconscious, you will forever be that broke girl.

So no matter how much money mindset work or affirmations you do, your subconscious still believes you are a broke girl, and because it is responsible for almost all your results,
It is creating the stickiness you feel right now.

2- you are out of alignment.
The way you are doing and running your business is not the way you were born to run it.
You are out of alignment with your purpose, your gifts, and your soul blueprint.
This is why it feels hard.
This is why it feels like nothing is working
This is why you sometimes ask yourself if this is the work you really wanna do.

When you are out of alignment with your soul blueprint and who you really are, business feels hard and unfulfilling

3- you lack clarity.
You don’t know your unique positioning in the market, what to offer, or the clients who will pay you the most.

When you don’t know what your unique message and positioning is for example, you will keep going around in circles and feeling stuck.

Here are some tips for you.

- Transcend the limited identity that you currently hold, wake up to the fact that you are limitless and that lack is an illusion.
What you can be, do, or have does not exist because you get too already are everything that you are looking for.

You get to drop all those limiting stories and emotional blocks that are holding you back from that next level.
Comment β€˜INNER WORK’’ if you know what I mean

- Redefine why you are doing what you do and re-align yourself to it and your soul mission.
Don’t get distracted along the way with the shiny object syndrome.

Let this be your Northstar.
Make every decision in business in alignment with this.

- Do what only you can do and sell what only you can sell.
Be you, and do what feels good to you.


a few years ago this lady was broke, depressed, and abused, a homeless single mom.
today she is happy and fulfilled living her dream smiling from her soul, emerging and ready to soar

don't give up on yourself,
keep dreaming,
keep believing,
keep moving.

it may get challenging but it's not hard. you have what it takes.

i believe in you.

happy Sunday


can you fully heal and never get triggered again?

when people embark on a journey of self-healing, most of the time they want to be fully healed NOW.

while this might happen with a single session, it takes time to get to that single session that finally unlocks everything.

this is because most of the pain and suffering that most humans experience began from one single traumatic event that shaped their entire life on the subconscious level

so when that specific traumatic event is processed, your life changes immediately as everything suddenly makes sense and it feels like all the blocks are released.

this is because from being wounded from that single event, your energy shifted and you became an energetic match for more wounding which led you to attract more experiences that were going to wound you even more to make that original wound deeper

so a single session of deep inner work can help you unlock your next level and release all the emotional and mental blocks you currently hold that keep you stuck in your limited identity.

however, getting to that core wound at times takes time. it's like peeling off an onion one layer at a time to finally get to the core of the problem.

so yes, you can heal all your trauma from one single session or one realization however, I won't treat inner work like a quick fix because it is a journey.

inner healing is a journey of growth over a lifetime, not a destination.

it's not a place you get to it's a person you become.
your true divine self that God created you to be.

the you that you were before the world told you who you had to be.

the you who was never wounded.

that little girl inside you who is wild and free.

free to be herself and all that she is without fearing that she would be rejected, abandoned, or judged


knowing when to and when not to give a F*ck will change your life


You always know the answer to your questions. But at times you convince yourself that you don’t know just because that option is easier than the answer to your question.


a woman in her feminine power needs a man to support her. but you don't need a man to feel validated because she knows she is worthy right now just as she is


choose to sleep alone rather than be with a man you can't trust or depend on. you deserve a masculine man and not another woman with a P*nis in between his two legs.

Videos (show all)

How to get clients who work wiith you for years so that you can scale your business without the hustle and grind of cons...
How to expand your money capacity | Expanding your money capacity #moneymastery #viralvideo #viralreelsfbpage ##moneycap...
You can build a rich and complete life
How to find fulfillment in your business.    We attract what we feel
How to call in higher caliber men and clients
. Decide that you are worthy
There are days you are gonna wake up not having it together and that’s okay.No body really has it together

