Healthy CHILD Foundation

Healthy CHILD Foundation

We are primarily concerned with health and education of children and single mothers


We must ensure that everyone, everywhere has equal access to HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care


Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls


By engaging men to end gender-based violence using a gender transformative approach, there will be a promising capacity to affect attitudinal and behavioural change in the prevalence of GBV. By carrying out programs that are inclusive of men, there are possibilities for some of these changes to take place:
• Increase in gender equitable attitudes and care or domestic work
• Decreases in reported and social acceptance of IPV (Intimate Partner Violence)


By engaging men to end gender-based violence using a gender transformative approach, there will be a promising capacity to affect attitudinal and behavioural change in the prevalence of GBV


Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive problem that impacts countless individuals worldwide. To effectively combat GBV, community involvement is essential, with particular emphasis placed on the participation of men and boys.
In recent years, there has been a surge in initiatives and tactics aimed at engaging men and boys in violence prevention. These endeavours range from educating men on GBV to empowering them to cultivate healthy relationships and serve as agents of social change. Men's involvement has evolved into a comprehensive endeavour that encompasses a variety of activities geared towards increasing awareness, building capacity, and promoting gender equality in families, social circles, and communities.


To Effectively Combat Gender-Based Violence, Community Involvement is Essential

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 14/04/2023

The Joy in giving is awesome
We love to put smiles on all faces especially the vulnerable

Continue to celebrate with Us

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 21/02/2023

Working session to promote women's SRHR

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 29/11/2022

16days of Activism begins in Buea
UNiTe to fight GBV against women and girls

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 29/11/2022

Together with RHFA, Beterlife and Youth 4CSE we empowered young girls in Tole on Soapmaking, starting and managing small businesses and supported with materials for start up


Please join us, as we discuss "The Who, What, Where and Why of Breast Cancer".
Saturday, October 24th 2020 at 1pm (GMT +1)

Zoom Details:
Meeting ID: 827 7551 5251
Passcode: CZ3mPa


Handwashing with soap is an easy, effective, affordable do-it-yourself practice that prevents infections and saves lives.

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 25/04/2020

More than 200 million new cases of malaria are reported every year. There is an urgent need to tackle the coronavirus as it spreads rapidly across the globe, while ensuring that other killer diseases, such as malaria, are not neglected. Every 2 minutes, a child dies of malaria. We are reminded of the personal responsibility we all have to protect ourselves and communities from malaria.

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 19/04/2020

Though recently discovered few months ago in Wuhan, China, the Corona virus has spread rapidly in many different countries and currently, there are 2,399,849 confirmed cases worldwide with 1,619,234 active and 164,939 deaths. These numbers keep increasing with time and till date, there is still no approved treatment or vaccine for this disease.

Though most people infected with Covid-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment, older people and those with underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness which could lead to death.

The best way to prevent and slowdown its transmission is to be well informed about it: how it spreads, and how to protect oneself and others from from the infection.

Below are some general facts about Covid-19 and how to remain safe and healthy.


A few people were recently asked questions on cancer....well I'll leave their answers to the limitless possibilities of your imagination.

According to the CRI, 9.6 million people die each year from cancer. That is more deaths than HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined! By 2030, experts project cancer deaths to rise to 13 million. (

Cancers are one of four major non communicable diseases (non-infectious or non transmissible diseases), the main causes of prematuredeath worldwide.

Did you know that despite having a genetic component, the risk factors for quite a number of cancers are established in childhood and adolescence?

Photos from TECH-REPUBLIC CAMEROON's post 12/12/2019
Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 11/12/2019

Discrimination is never a sign of a civilized society. What makes us civilized is our act of liberated kindness with other people beyond our Gender
Healthy Foundation/Resource Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development/ Talk with Naomi discuss on GBV ON "KEEP IT GREEN" HiTv

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 10/12/2019

If we all become one another's keeper then the will be no room for violence.
Healthy Child Foundation involve in 16 days of Activism 2019 match pass


The World AIDS Day was recently celebrated, on the 1st of December. Oh! But so much has been said on, the Healthy Child Foundation would like to take a different approach toward celebrating this event. Imagine if all children and adolescents grow up free of HIV...the disease would simply be eliminated would it not? Well, it's a wonderful dream. Today we would like to hear from you. What do you think HIV/AIDS is and how do you think we can keep ourselves and our children safe?

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 19/11/2019

November is the diabetes awareness month and world diabetes day is observed on the 14th of this month. This year 2019, it was observed under the theme: Diabetes and the family. With respect to this, Healthy Child Foundation partnered with Terabel Marini Foundation and Manlan Relay Health and Poverty Alleviation Foundation to organize a free screening and sensitization campaign at the Molyko Stadium on the 15th and 16th of November, 2019. Activities carried out include;

• Weight and height measurements
• Body mass index calculation
• Blood pressure measurement
• Blood sugar testing
• Education and sensitization on the best possible practices to adopt in order to stay healthy.


Did you know that every 8 seconds someone dies from Diabetes?
There are several different types of Diabetes but the most common & preventable is Diabetes type 2. You might be saying to what? Why should I care about type 2 diabetes?
Here's why; Diabetes is among the leading causes of death and disability in the world!
Interestingly the risk factors are behavioural... that is, lifestyle related. The four behavioural risk factors for type 2 diabetes (the most common type of diabetes) include; to***co use, harmful alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.

These risk factors acting together or singly manifest in several ways particularly as OBESITY!!!! Obesity is not a sign of wealth, obesity is not a sign of good living. OBESITY IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT RISK FACTOR FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES.

The risk factors for diabetes are laid down in childhood and adolescence.....70% of all obese adolescents remain obese in adulthood while a quarter of all obese adolescents already have signs of Diabetes by the age of 15.

Let's break this down....overweight and obesity very much increase the risks of developing diabetes... so this clearly means Diabetes is not just a disease of the fact quite a number of Diabetics developed the risk factors in their adolescence. If we really want to eliminate diabetes and it's consequences, then children are the key.

No! Obesity does not mean how fat you look....measure your body mass index to find out if you are overweight, obese or not. Or join us on the 15th of November at the Molyko stadium and find out.

Celebrate November 14th (the world Diabetes day) with the Healthy Child Foundation


World Diabetes day is a few days to go, on November 14 2019.

Terabel Marini foundation.
Healthy Child foundation
Relay Health and Poverty Alleviation Foundation would be campaigning together for the event.

World Diabetes Day(WDD) is a primary global awareness campaign focusing on diabetes mellitus.

The Theme of 2019 World Diabetes day is “ and ”.
is raising awareness of the impact that diabetes has in the family and a supported network and promoting the role of the family in the management, Care, Prevention and Education of Diabetes.

We will be running


Come with your family and friends, together let’s heal the world....Don't miss out this opportunity.

Date : November 15 - 16, 2019
Time : 8am to 5pm
Venue : molyko Stadium ( Checkpoint, Buea)
Terabel Marini
Terabel Marini official
Myriam M Fonkem


Quite a number of us have heard of Diabetes....and yes generally we think of it as a sugar problem. But that is not all it is. Basically Diabetes is a disease that results from an inability to produce the hormone insulin or use it(IDF 2018). This hormone helps us absorb glucose (derived from the food we eat) into our cells. Now if we are unable to absorb this glucose, the result is a high glucose level in our blood. Yes glucose is known by a lot of us simply as sugar.


Join the Healthy Child Foundation this month to raise awareness on Diabetes

Photos from Terabel Marini Foundation's post 18/10/2019
Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 17/10/2019

Children are, through no fault of theirs, unable to choose their environment.

While we recognize the struggles of the people living in poverty and acknowledge that those at the frontlines of the fight against the poverty are in fact the poor, Healthy Child Foundation ceases this opportunity to create awareness on the dangers of Poverty. Child poverty deprives children of their right to education, nutrition, health, safety, no discrimination.

Childhood is an essential to growth. It is a time for learning, play and growth. It must be protected.

As such, under the 2019 theme for the poverty eradication, “Acting together to empower children, their families and communities to end poverty”, the HCF advocates for social inclusion, community and family empowerment as child poverty cannot be eradicated without the help of the family and the community. Join us today to celebrate the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

Photos from Healthy CHILD Foundation's post 16/10/2019

Hunger is one of our most solvable challenges, as the world produces more than enough food to feed everyone. But in parts of the world, up to 40% of food produced is lost before it even leaves the farm. One-third of the world’s food is lost or wasted every year. (WORLD FOOD PROGRAM)

How far we go in achieving our goals can be determined by the handling, type, quality and quantity of food. Food remains a major pre-requisite for growth, development and function.
Today is and HEALTHY CHILD FOUNDATION wishes to encourage proper handling of food.

Our Actions Are Our Future
Healthy Diets for a World.

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