Prophet Jack Ministries

Prophet Jack Ministries

Winning souls and Empowering them. God's grace


Victory over Satan even in times of crisis


Yesterday's Sunday service with Prophet Jack. See hundreds of people gathered in a war zone to seek the face of God.


Wow the harvest of souls was really awesome..
Praise God, 👐👐


Looking back at this past Sunday


Today's message from Papa to all of you his spiritual children.... Carefully study and be bless.
*Message title... CONSPIRACY part 2...(The Story Of Joseph). Genesis 37 and 39*
Joseph from the biblical account of was the 11 son of Jacob. Jacob had many sons but because he bore Joseph at his old age, he loved him exceedingly above all his other brothers and made him a special coat of many colors *(Gen 37:3).* This however caused his brothers to envy, hate and speak evil of him *(Gen37:4)*
Later as days when by, Joseph had dreams how he was highly exalted by God to be the leader of the family *(Gen 37:6-11).* The Bible says this made his brothers to hate him the more and conspired to kill him. The rest of the plot to eliminate him is recorded in the remaining part *Gen 37:11-36.*
After suffering from the conspiracy from his brothers, Joseph found himself as a slave boy in the hands of an Egyptian officer (Potiphar), a captain of honor in the house of Pharaoh King of Egypt *(Gen 39:1).* The lord however was with him and his master, made him lord over everything in his house except his wife *(Gen39:4-6).*
Potiphar's wife conspired against Joseph because he refused to sleep with her and had him thrown into prison which will later be seen as a stepping stone to his destiny *(Gen39:9-20-22).*
*From the above story, the scripture reveals crucial aspects we must take seriously as children of God regarding our destinies which are mentioned below.*
1)Through out the perils of Joseph, all his enemies and adversaries were from the inside. The Bible emphasise this aspect from the verses below. *Micah 5:8, Matthew 10:38.*
2) Joseph was not a victim of his actions, but he was a victim of other peoples thoughts. *Jeremiah 11:19*
3)The love and favor Joseph received from his father above his brothers came at a cost. Favor attracts attackers. We children of God must be wise and sensitive to the behavior of those around us, particularly from the inner circle. *Matthew 10:16*


4)When things go wrong in our lives, it may not necessarily be our fault, perhaps it may be because of the wickedness of orders. *Jeremiah 10:17* . When must be alert to know the source.
5) When the enemies of Joseph gathered, he never looked up to man but God. This confirming what the scripture says in *Psalms 75:6-7 and Psalms 121:1-2.* This is very crucial, when your enemies gather, only God can vindicate you.
6) The enemies of Joseph conspired in stages that is, From envy to bitter words to hatred to death. We should easily identify a river from a stream. *Proverb 22:3* .
7) Knowing where to go at the proper time is critical in frustrating the enemies plans. Twice Joseph landed himself in trouble because he was alone with his enemies. His brothers *(Gen 37:17-18)* and with Potiphar's wife *(Gen 39:11)* .
*Prayer points......*
1) *Oh God that reveals(Dan2:28),* open my eyes and ears to the plans insiders wanting my demise.
2) *Oh God of vengeance(Ps 94:1-2),* whoever is planning my downfall, like Hahman, die my death
3) *Oh God my strength(Ex15:2),* who ever is looking at me with contempt because of what you have given me, strike them without mercy
4) *My Father my Father(Ps 68:24),* keep me sensitive as a watchman over my life to see when and where the enemy is coming.
5) *My Father my helper(Ps54:4)* , anytime my enemies gather, deliver me from their evil schemes.
6) *Oh God my defender(Ps89:18),* before my enemies conclude this plans, keep me ahead of them.
7) *Spirit of the living God(Ps23:3),* order my steps and keep my feets from stepping into evil.
Study, comment and share...... SHALOM


Today's message from Papa to all his beloved children.
*Message title.... How To Prepare For A Successful Sunday Service.......Amos 4:12*
Worthy of note is the fact that, coming to church is not different from having an appointment with a boss or someone you expect to receive a blessing from.
What many Christians don't understand is the are things they are supposed to do before every service so as to benefit the most from the service. Just like the above scripture reveals, "prepare to meet your God". Like Jacob *(Gen35:1-5)* and David ( *2 Samuel 6:12-15* )from the scripture, we can conclude that, before we meet God, there are different ways we need to prepare.
There is a physical preparation, spiritual preparation, financial preparation and the natural preparation. All the above above mentioned ways to prepare are interconnected with one another in order for us to receive any blessing from God.
*Natural preparation...* How can we prepare naturally to meet with God.
-We pray for natural laws like rain and bad weather, earthquake etc should not affect the atmosphere thereby blocking us from coming to church.
-Another way to prepare naturally is to pray that the natural conditions be favorable throughout the program.
*Financial preparation...* We can prepare financially by
-Pray for God to put in your heart the kind of offering that will create an intervention on our behalf. Giving for example is physical but the implications are more spiritual therefore, we need God who is a spirit to minister to us in order to give seeds that matter.
Most times, we give and instead get into problems because we lack the understanding of what is all about. The first step to understanding this is preparing to do it.
*Spiritual preparation...* It is very important to spiritually prepare before every service.
- To this this, we need to fast and pray or pray for the service and message that, it should be a blessing to you.
We also need to pray that........


Today's message from Papa to all his beloved children.
*Message title.... How To Prepare For A Successful Sunday Service.......Amos 4:12*
Worthy of note is the fact that, coming to church is not different from having an appointment with a boss or someone you expect to receive a blessing from.
What many Christians don't understand is the are things they are supposed to do before every service so as to benefit the most from the service. Just like the above scripture reveals, "prepare to meet your God". Like Jacob *(Gen35:1-5)* and David ( *2 Samuel 6:12-15* )from the scripture, we can conclude that, before we meet God, there are different ways we need to prepare.
There is a physical preparation, spiritual preparation, financial preparation and the natural preparation. All the above above mentioned ways to prepare are interconnected with one another in order for us to receive any blessing from God.
*Natural preparation...* How can we prepare naturally to meet with God.
-We pray for natural laws like rain and bad weather, earthquake etc should not affect the atmosphere thereby blocking us from coming to church.
-Another way to prepare naturally is to pray that the natural conditions be favorable throughout the program.
*Financial preparation...* We can prepare financially by
-Pray for God to put in your heart the kind of offering that will create an intervention on our behalf. Giving for example is physical but the implications are more spiritual therefore, we need God who is a spirit to minister to us in order to give seeds that matter.
Most times, we give and instead get into problems because we lack the understanding of what is all about. The first step to understanding this is preparing to do it.
*Spiritual preparation...* It is very important to spiritually prepare before every service.
- To this this, we need to fast and pray or pray for the service and message that, it should be a blessing to you.
We also need to......


We also need to pray that God should minister our problems to his servant so that we may receive divine direction from him.
We also need to pray for our pastor, choir, ushers, protocols, the military etc, that whatever they are to do tomorrow, should work for our favour.
*Physical preparation...*
We need to prepare our best appearance as if we're preparing to receive a king cus that who God is. Keep our clothes, shoes etc ready for the service.
We also need to bring others to come and hear the word. God delights in multitudes. When God sees the crowd, he knows that the people are hungry for him.
When we do all this, all we can expect is the best from the service.
Study, comment and share...... SHALOM


Prayer point, Father, grand unto me grace and wisdom to be a master planner every day.
4) *Who Do you Have To Reconsile With If Today Is Your Last Day On Earth?* *Ecclesiastes 3:1* To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: *3:7* A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
A further study of this passage in verse 11 reveals that God has made everything beautiful in it time. Encourage yourself to act when it is the right time to. Opportunities wait for nobody.
5) *Which Debt Are You Still Owing And How Far Are You Doing To Deal With Those Debts?* *Proverbs 22:7* The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. When you borrow, you put yourself in the position of a servant to your creditor. That's why the scripture says *Romans 13:8* "Owe no man any thing"
Work hard to come out of your debts and be a blessing to others. *_(Ephesians 4:28) (Dueteronomy 28:12)_*
Prayer. Father as I pray, I come out of the spirit of slavery through borrowing in Jesus name.
6) *Have You Planned For Tomorrow? Because There Are Things You Cannot Do Today, You Must Carry Over.*
Every successful person you can single out through the cause of history was a tomorrow thinker. After Genesis 3, God had a tomorrow plan in the person of Jesus. When Jesus appeared on the scene, He also had a tomorrow plan through the apostles. When the apostles appeared, they had a tomorrow plan in us Christians today. We ought to follow the similar success pattern as tomorrow thinkers. Planing about our Finances, Family, Career, etc
7) *Prophetic Advice.*
Don't try to do everything today. Don't try to please every body today, Stop accusing yourself but rather pray without seizing and pray about everything.... *Phil 4:6*
*Study, comment and share.*


Summary of today(22 August 2018) message from Papa...
*Message title.... Spiritual Wife, Spiritual Husband. Genesis 6:1-5* .
Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 6:2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
*Who are they.....?* This are angels that fell from heaven and saw the daughters of men and forcefully took them as wives bringing giants on the face of the earth called nephilims.
This demons the nephilims (spiritual Wife and husband) are hermaphrodite in nature taking the forms of both male and female. They can be easily identified in a person through.
-It expresses itself through your speech and conversations.... That is, from the kind of words that leave you lips are filthy promoting immorality and all forms of satanic s*xual vices.
-It expresses itself through the spirit of lust... A craving for s*x
-Check from your experiences in your dream land. The kind of dreams you have examples... Discharges in the dream, s*x in the dream, marriage in the dream, pregnancy in the dream etc. Such dreams reveal the presence of this spirit in your life.
-Abstain from materials that promote their activities examples include, alcohol, po*******hy, s*xual projections or s*xual fantasies, s*xual stimuli like drugs etc


Testimony Testimony Testimony...
Sis Anita, who praise and thanked God exceeding for exposing and disgracing human agents of darkness (witches and wizard) who ganged up for her demise..... Glory be to God who always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus...


Selecting a few from today's galore of testimonies,
Sis Melvis thanking God for divine direction and financial favors received 24 hours after obeying an instruction from God's servant prophet Jack.... Thank you Father.... We return all the glory.


Thank father for the harvest of many souls today.


Father, than you for such an awesome service too... We are grateful


Weekly prayer points from Prophet Jack

Videos (show all)

Moments of deliverance
Deliverance from evil invisiblepowers
Deliverance session wiyh prophet Jack
Deliverance by prophet jack

