Videos by Nessa's Party Supplies & Cake Accessories in Yaoundé. Kids events organiser, party flavours vendor, rentals of kids chairs, tables, bouncy castles etc.. C
COLOURFUL themed party for Kimea @ 6 !!! #colourfultheme #nessaparties #nessasdisneyland #cameroondecorations #cameroonkidsparties #yaoundeeventplanners #yaoundeeventvendor #yaoundedecorators #kidspartyinspiration #kidspartiesincameroon #kiddiesparty #anniversaireenfant #anniversairebarbie #anniversaireyaoundé #girlthemeparty #237eventplanners #237decorators
Even the kids should have fun with colours. Especially when it's an ice cream themed party 🍨🍦. It's Zahra Oliveira's sweet ONE !!! #icecreamthemedparty #icecreambirthday #icecreamparty #nessaparties #nessasdisneyland #yaoundekidsevent #237eventplanner #237events #camerooneventplanners #kidspartiesyaounde #anniversaireenfant #anniversairecameroun #sweetone #balloongarlands #237eventplanners #kidspartyideas
Frozen themed party for KAELYS @7❄❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ⛇ ⛇ ⛇ #frozenthemed #lareinedesneiges #frozen #frozenbirthday #frozenthemedparty #backdrop #nessaparties #237eventplanner #balloongarland #themebirthdays #pinterest #237events #explore #yaounde237 #doualaevents #explorepage #girlthemes #anniversairecameroun #yaoundeeventplanners #kidseventYaounde #cameroonthemeparties #nessasdisneyland #237entertainment