The voice of hope

mariage counselor, interpreter ,Evangelist, philanthropist, songwriter and Singer.



Photos from The voice of hope's post 22/09/2024

Visit to orphans and widows in the West region of Cameroon 🇨🇲 🇨🇲 🇨🇲. Be part of this noble cause. God bless you as you join.
Visit a l orphelinat Kai a bafoussam. Join toi a nous pour cette cause noble.


J’ai reçu plus de 200 réactions sur mes publications au cours des 30 derniers jours. Merci pour votre soutien. 🙏🤗🎉


Awesome bb





Phil.2.3 - Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Phil.2.4 - Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Phil.2.5 - Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Phil.2.6 - Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
Phil.2.7 - but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
Phil.2.8 - And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--even death on a cross!

Pride is one of the most dangerous tools used by Satan to deceive many today even in Church. Surprisingly I realized that many servant of God boast and over estimate themselves, while regarding it as honors. The manipulative dimension in which they lifted this honor thing is what amazes me the most. Some go as far as cursing people for not honoring them as though it was a right. My brother, my sister if the fact that you go to places and people don't honor you by giving you, a sit on the high table, altars, front sit, they don't usher you in, or add august titles to your name still hurt you. My dear, you are sick of what I call "Ignorant/stupid Pride". Repent before it's too late for you. One of the way the devil uses to build up self pride in many is through motivational speakers and self development coaches.. I remember 10-30 years ago these doctrines were not rampant or were quasi inexistent, people were still growing up businesses and building up self with the normal moral values and knowledge of the fear of God. When a man start believing in himself and trusting his ability more than he trust and believe in God it's a huge problem. Remember the reason why Satan was cast down on earth was because of his pride and arrogance. The reason why we are here is to worship the one who made us. But when you begin to feel too big and you require worship and praises from your fellow brethren , know ye that you are equating yourself to your maker something even the master himself did not do. Pastor, Prophet, Evangelist, teacher, Apostle who is your example????? Whose teachings are you following???? Jesus is coming soon and the bible makes to understand in Matt 24:47-51 each of us shall be rewarded accordingly. The choice is yours to make and the time is now. of hope # # # #.


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The other side of me


Today I will be taking off for motherland to do that which I have been assigned to do. NUMBEN your time to receive the light has come.


Compter les jours jusqu'à ce programme mémorable qui a changé ma vie a été un autre élan pour moi. Le sentiment de retourner chez moi auprès de mon peuple, spécialement pour apporter l'évangile de paix, d'amour, d'unité, de pardon, d'espoir et de restauration, est ce que je ne peux pas vraiment exprimer en ce moment. J'ai hâte de le vivre sous la direction du président lui-même (le Saint-Esprit). J'ai hâte de vivre cet événement puissant et mémorable dans l'histoire de mon bien-aimé Fondom NUMBEN. Montez sur le Saint-Esprit, nous ne sommes que des vases prêts à être utilisés. Je te prie, utilise-nous Seigneur pour ta gloire.Compter les jours jusqu'à ce programme mémorable qui a changé ma vie a été un autre élan pour moi. Le sentiment de retourner chez moi auprès de mon peuple, spécialement pour apporter l'évangile de paix, d'amour, d'unité, de pardon, d'espoir et de restauration, est ce que je ne peux pas vraiment exprimer en ce moment. J'ai hâte de le vivre sous la direction du président lui-même (le Saint-Esprit). J'ai hâte de vivre cet événement puissant et mémorable dans l'histoire de mon bien-aimé Fondom NUMBEN. Montez sur le Saint-Esprit, nous ne sommes que des vases prêts à être utilisés. Je te prie, utilise-nous Seigneur pour ta gloire.


Hello my lovely fans. Happy Sunday to you all .
I see many Servants of God bragging about having more anointing than A or B . My question is what kind of anointing do you have that causes people to fall but, can't raise Men to stand firmly in the Lord??????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔hummmmm I'm just thinking loud

Photos from The voice of hope's post 10/11/2023

What is Hope?
It's that feeling we have trusting and believing in something even when we are not certain or assure of its outcome. Hope is also expecting while believing in uncertainty. Hope can be assimilated in some cases to faith for either of them can work without another. Faith works with hope while hope works in faith. #.


Mark2:1-10: You Need Someone To Enter Your Destiny
In life we cannot move alone . We need one another. In this passage we are narrated the story of a lame man who needed to see Jesus for his problem . But for this to happen he needed this four men who are not mentioned as his brothers . I presume they were his friends. This four people you need must carry this four qualities:
1- He must understand you.
2- He must support/stand by you.
3- He must be able to advise you.
4-A friend that can help you.( Spiritually or physically).by sacrificing for you. Be it their time, money, presence for you.2


I have reached 900 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉
The Voice of Hope all the way


Let your past be your past and please heal.

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Good evening family of the voice of Hope. I have been away for a while now. Hope we are all doing well.


Worship him


Discovering your purpose gives you a stand in your destiny. Decouvrir ton but te donnes une position dans ta Destinee.


Theme: What kind of a woman are you??? /Quel genre de femme es tu?? Jean4:39-42 & Genese 3:1.…..

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Thank you Jesus
My awesome boy
... . . PRIDE ! PRIDE! PRIDE!                        THE GREATEST ENEMY OF MAN Phil.2.3 - Do nothing out of selfish ambi...
The voice of Hope family
The other side of me
Theme: What kind of a woman are you??? /Quel genre de femme es tu?? Jean4:39-42 &  Genese 3:1.…..
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Écrit Moi. Je Te Réponds ����

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