Dolores health tips

Dolores health tips

We share health tips


Habits of ineffective people you should avoid
Waiting too long to get started
Highly ineffective people procrastinate a lot. And the longer they wait to get something done, the higher the chances that it will never get done. They perceive time as endless and forgiving, without realizing that time, unlike money, is the only resource that you cannot recover when you lose it.
Those who are able to meet deadlines, even at the last minute, develop a false sense of confidence that they can get things done. They don’t understand, however, that getting things done is very different from getting things done well.


Character traits that make you unforgettable
Interpersonal Connectivity
Research tells us that loneliness predicts heart disease as powerfully as does cigarette smoking. Interpersonal support is the best predictor of human resilience.
We go through life hoping to find someone who will have our backs in times of turmoil. When we find them, they become unforgettable. If we are there for others in times of need, asking nothing for ourselves, only to help, then we become unforgettable and invaluable.


The most fulfilling path to success and personal fulfillment comes through the pursuit of your own self-development.
The radically successful and happy immerse themselves in self-development and a deep interest in life and relationships.
Through self-exploration they remain openly curious and passionate about their self-education and improvement.
They hold the belief that they can only learn if they are willing to risk themselves personally and professionally.
Through life’s experiences, good and bad, you become able and ready to be proactive in all your efforts, challenges and successes.
You choose to no longer wait for success or happiness or success, you go out and make it happen.
Making a commitment to your own development is the first step on the path to living your personal legend.


Sense of self
Self-improvement begins with a keen awareness of who you are, your values, beliefs and the larger purpose you wish to pursue.
True satisfaction can only manifest from chasing your own dreams.
Life, people and business can be hard and insensitive, so remind yourself that you are more than the sum total of other people’s opinions and continue pursuing what is meaningful to you.
The experiences you have in life can only have true meaning when you seek to understand them.
To become a pristine student of life is to always remain teachable-ready.
Examine how each experience life brings can be used for greater self-knowledge and better decisions going forward.
As you gain a more solid sense of who you are you become ready to start planning, designing and pursuing your own identified goals and objectives.


For most endeavors in life, tenacity is the single best predictor of success. Success in athletics, business, and even academics is predicated upon tenacity. Compared to talent, genius, and education, tenacity is omnipotent.
But it’s not always about winning and success. We remember tenacious people whether they win or lose. Even when they fail, we admire their tenacity. Sometimes the process is more important than the outcome.


Reliability, Trustworthiness, and Responsibility for One’s Actions
Many people say one thing but do another. They make promises, but then find reasons why they can’t keep the promises they made. When these people make mistakes, they spend inordinate amounts of energy trying to avoid responsibility.
There is, however, a minority of people who actually show up when they say they will. They do what they say they are going to do. They take responsibility for their actions, especially their mistakes. Rather than cover up their mistakes, courageously, they are the first to point them out. In doing so, they earn our trust and admiration. They take our breath away. They are unforgettable.


The human brain should be programmed as being pessimistic. We foresee risks. We overstate risks. Occasionally, we see risks that are just not there. It's safe but it's burdensome as well.
When we meet someone who is happy and cheerful we remember them. You know the type: you see the glass half full, the rest of us see it half empty.
Their joy can be contagious. We feel great just to be around people like this. The optimist is a dazzling light in the darkness as contrasted with the pessimist. They may be confused by optimists but they are unforgettable.


Starting with cognitive goals
When people set out to improve their health, they often think about action. Eat better, meditate, run more. But the truth is that getting healthy starts in your head.
If you don't feel ready to take an action step forward, don't worry. Just focus on cognitive goals, where you gather information, think about your options, consider the benefits of change versus staying the same, and map out how you might best integrate new healthy behaviors in your life.
In due time, you'll feel ready to take an action step forward, and the cognitive work you've done will pay off.


Shifting your focus to the long-term
Short-term solutions, like seven-day cleanses or 21-day fitness crazes, are designed to jumpstart healthy living and produce rapid results. But they're often not feasible for the long-term.
The key to getting healthy isn't having a taste of your ideal self for a few weeks then reverting back to old ways. It's about creating sustainable change.
Consider behaviors you can adopt that you'll be more likely to stick with over time. This way, your efforts won't be lost, and you'll feel the true benefits of change.


Picking actions that matter
Every effort to get healthy is meaningful, but some actions help pave the way to better health more directly. Take the example of parking farther away from the grocery store. Your intent may be to increase the amount you walk per day, but at some point, the benefit plateaus, as you can only park so far away and shop so often.
An alternative strategy is to identify a long-term goal that you want to work toward, such as spending 1 hour at the gym 5 times a week. Then develop steps that you can build upon to reach that goal.
A first step may be to join the gym, then add on working out at the gym for 10 minutes once a week, then 15 minutes twice a week, and so on. These first action steps aren't just throwaways. They are building blocks to get you closer to your larger goal.


How being single improves your life
Your mind is uncluttered
Relationships are mentally expensive. Intimacy and partnership takes up a lot of space in our heads. Even though much of this is happening unconsciously, there’s simply a lesser capacity for individually focused thought.
Winter refers to the time people in relationships inevitably spend worrying about their partners and, at times, ruminating on even the smallest quarrels as “the price of love.” This sort of stress can inhibit people’s happiness by keeping them from living in the now.
Emotional discord can be all-consuming as it removes us from the present moment and present situation. This is true whether the internal turmoil is based on a fight with our mate, or a fear for our health and well being.
Being single is an act of purging the clutter and making room for new thoughts and dreams to breathe and grow.


How being single improves your life
You have a chance to figure out what you want out of life
Being single is your chance to figure out your own personal “mission statement.” It is the critical time to figure out who you are and what you stand for. When we’re not in a relationship we really have some time to get clear about what matters to us and what we value.
Being single is the time when you can re-calibrate and reflect on lessons learned from past relationships. It is the perfect time to reassess who you are and where you want to be in life. What changes do you want to make? What classes, associations, or new attitudes would you like to develop? You now have the time and the ability to focus on the one consistent factor that will create the change you’re seeking, yourself.


How being single improves your life
You’re more open to whatever life throws your way
Being single can make people more willing to roll with the punches. It’s almost like you have no choice. When you’re alone you have to be more self-sufficient.
Free from the constraints of having a partner, people’s lives suddenly become totally and completely their own. There’s nobody hindering you from setting out to chase your ambitions. You’re more likely to take risks and have adventures and have more novelty within your journey.


Ways to sharpening our mind in 5 minutes a day
When you read, you process.
When you highlight, you filter.
Without the filtering, the processing is only half as valuable, especially in today’s information-obese world.
It’s good to reflect on what you read, but if you don’t draw any conclusions, they might never come to you on their own.
Highlighting means drawing conclusions, but you’re doing it in a subconscious, semi-automatic way and that’s why it’s brilliant.
When you read books, you should go back through each chapter after you’re done to highlight lines that stood out to you.
Sometimes, things jump at you right on the first pass, and you should highlight those too.
You can even highlight online. It allows you to mark text on any page in different colors.
A cool experiment you can run is to print an article twice, read and highlight once, and then do the same thing again 2–3 weeks later.
You’ll see your mind filters differently each time, and it’s fun to compare what you thought was important two weeks ago to what you think is important now.
Highlighting will supercharge your reading.
Even if you only read for five minutes a day, intuitively marking what feels important will get you more out of those five minutes.


Ways to sharpening our mind in 5 minutes a day
Solving crossword puzzles
Doing the crossword delays onset of accelerated memory decline by 2.54 years.
It is beneficial to both healthy people and Alzheimer patients.
There might be something specific about words, their definitions, and how we connect them in our minds, but it’s hard to imagine other “brain games” like sudoku, kakuro, or solving anagrams hurting your mental capacity.
Plus, most of them don’t take long to solve.
A crossword book costs $5-$10 and might last you a year if you solve one a day.
Do more crossword puzzles.


Ways to sharpening our mind in 5 minutes a day
Writing is the perfect combination of thinking, reflecting, creating, analyzing, theorizing, disproving, and synthesizing ideas, facts, and information.
The only way to write is to curate what you think.
Therefore, writing imposes discipline on your thoughts and emotions.
Everyone could use some of that discipline, and that’s why everyone should write.
You don’t have to write in public, and you don’t have to do a lot of it, but please, do more than just send texts and birthday cards.
Write in a journal, write on a blog, or write for five minutes a day and then throw it away.
Writing is thinking.
The more you write, the faster you’ll think.


Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Listening 3x more than you talk
Ask questions. Maintain eye contact. Smile. Frown. Nod. Respond, not just verbally, but nonverbally. That's all it takes to show the other person he or she is important.
When you do speak, don't offer advice unless you're asked. Listening shows you care a lot more than offering advice does, because when you offer advice, in most cases, you make the conversation about you.
Who is "Here's what I would do" about, you or the other person? Only speak when you have something important to say, and always define important as what matters to the other person, not to you.


Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Being thoughtful simply because you can
Instead of turning idle time into "me time," likable people use their free time to do something nice, not because they're expected to, but just because they can.


Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Putting your stuff away
Don't check your phone. Don't glance at your monitor. Don't focus on anything else, even for a moment. You can never connect with others if you're busy connecting with your stuff, too.
Give the gift of your full attention. That's a gift few people give. It alone will make others want to be around you.


Ways to sharpening our mind in 5 minutes a day
Turning statements into questions
“This bagel is too hard” makes for a bad Monday morning.
“This bagel is too hard?”
That’s a prompt to come up with a new way to make bagels delicious.
The question mark turns the problem into a project.
“What could I do to make this bagel softer?”
You could dip it in your coffee, re-heat it in the microwave with some water, or make it part of a different, bigger dish.
But you’ll never have any of those ideas if you stop at “This bagel is too hard.”
When you’re a kid, everything has a question mark at the end of it.
Only later do they turn into periods.
Or even exclamation points.
‘Will I get over this?’ becomes ‘It’s too late’ becomes ‘I can’t get over this!’”
Try to replace every period with a question mark, especially those attached to your own thoughts.
Given we have about 30–50 thoughts per minute, you could come up with a lot of questions in just a few minutes per day.
Most importantly, you’ll learn to think for yourself.


Ways to be smarter
Focus on a deeper understanding
It takes more than just absorption to become smarter
Data. It's stuff. True wisdom comes from grasping a subject deeply. Many effective people are constantly outpacing everyone else because they can learn new skills easily, adapt to change, and work collaboratively and independently.
They use profound and practical know-how


Habits of Genuinely Likable People
Shifting the spotlight on other people
No one receives enough praise. That means one of the easiest ways to be likable is to tell people what they did well.
Not only will people appreciate your praise, they'll appreciate the fact you care enough to pay attention to what they do. And then they'll feel a little more accomplished and a lot more important, and they'll love you for making them feel that way.


Psychological tricks to make anyone fall for you
Putting emphasis on the similar traits you both share
We tend to be attracted to people who are somewhat similar to us, and this has a name: the “similarity-attraction effect.”
Try to find something that might be similar in you and the person you’re talking to.
It can be your taste in music, a certain food you both like to eat, or a sport you both enjoy watching.
After you’ve found it out, you need to make use of it by discussing it with this person or inviting them to visit the place where you can both enjoy this activity.
These simple things might not seem like they are very important, but they do a great job of making people feel personally connected to you, and help them enjoy being around you


Psychological tricks to make anyone fall for you
Making them like you from the very beginning
Put effort into establishing a warm and positive connection to let people form a special impression of you.
The win-win option here is always going to be a sincere smile.
However, just one emotion is not enough.
A personalized touch like a handshake, a quick tap on the shoulder, or even a short hug, plays a significant role.
The most important thing here is to try to feel the energy of the other person and follow their body language with your own gestures.


Psychological tricks to make anyone fall for you
Being the first one who makes a joke
Instead of waiting for someone to loosen up the tension in the room, be the one who takes action.
Make a funny, yet harmless, comment about the situation you are in, things you are working on, etc.
If you’ve known the person long enough, you can sometimes tease them in a friendly way, but remember that you should never attack their identity or laugh at something that they can’t change about themselves.
Whoever you are teasing needs to be laughing along with you.
And don’t forget to laugh at yourself from time to time as well.


What happens when you read every day
You can bond with your children
It’s no secret that reading to children can have a laundry list of benefits for their literacy skills, intelligence, and even future employment.
But believe it or not, the type of book you read with them can make a difference, too.
Parents who read from printed books, rather than tablets or e-readers, have the most meaningful verbal and nonverbal interactions and therefore the closest connections, with their children.


Maintaining motivation
The drive can be hard to maintain. As an employee it can be particularly challenging simply because of the amount of self-motivation you need every single minute of your day. It can be a lot of pressure and you can't be running on zero for ever.
A hobby is a way to stop self-motivation just for a limited time. It helps to fill your reserves in a way , making you stronger both physically and emotionally. By taking the time to refresh, you can approach your work with a renewed sense of intent and clarity.


Being in the Present Moment Guide
Using your Senses to Ground You
This may sound too simplistic but it’s actually a wonderful way to approach being present in any given moment. Since so much of what you do is mentally motivated, inevitably what your senses are picking up is often taken for granted. But your senses alert you and inform you about what is going on around you, at least on an unconscious level.
So practice paying attention to what you see, smell, hear, taste, and touch. In fact, this works particularly well when you’re feeling anxious and/or depressed. Stop what you’re thinking and consciously feel what your senses are bringing to your attention.
At the very least, focusing on your senses will get you out of your head in the moment. At best you’ll gain a new tool to help you deal with your emotions and reactivity on an ongoing basis. Remember, once upon a time, when our lives really depended upon them, our senses alerted us to our environment and helped us to survive. In the process of evolution, our senses and intuition have taken a back seat to our very active mental lives.


Everyday thoughts
Some people are frequently journalising. Others make a note of thanks. Get into the habit of thinking about your day, how it went, what you have done, what amazed you, before your day ends.
Were you here for yourself? Have you been distracted by the day's activities / events, taking you away from what matters to you? Tomorrow what will you do differently?


Downshifting your Life
This is not for everybody. Some people make a conscious effort to slow down and simplify their life, while some people may want to but can’t just yet because of circumstances of life.
But if you can, even in some small fashion, change the way you live and how you spend time so that there is more physical time and space and a freeing up of energy to be more present for the things/events that are most important to you.


Reflecting at least once a year
Whether it’s once per year, once every 6 months, 3 months, or even once a month, the act of deep reflection compounds far more than people think. Reason being, when you deeply reflect once, you not only learn about how you got to where you currently are, but you also learn about the act of reflecting in itself.
The more you reflect, the more of your life you are reflecting on, but also the better you get at the act of reflection. Think: the longer you live, and the more you practice reflecting, the more you must reflect upon, and the deeper your reflections will go.


The key to social relationships is having a deep understanding of others. We must be able to put ourselves in another’s shoes, see the world from their perspective, and understand what they are likely thinking and feeling.
In short, empathy is the key to social relationships. Empathy is the capacity to understand and even feel the experience of another.


Being in the Present Moment Guide
Practicing Regularly
😀Meditation - set aside 15-20 minutes once or twice a day to sit undisturbed. The point is to focus on your breath in some fashion and allow your thoughts to move out of your consciousness. It’s pretty hard to do, that’s why they call it practice. But the idea is to bring yourself back to present consciousness and allow whatever comes up in your thoughts and feelings to drift away. At the very least, you are giving yourself a time-out from your daily routine and that, for many of us, is a gift in itself.
😀Mindfulness practice - another way to bring awareness to whatever you’re doing. Even if it’s too time-consuming to do this for many of the activities you do during the day, stop for one or two activities to be totally present. That could be going for a walk after dinner, or a morning jog, or it could be doing the dishes. The idea is to be totally engaged in every aspect of the activity. Instead of thinking a thousand thoughts and doing your activity by rote, bring your full awareness to every aspect of what you’re doing. Give it the time and energy it deserves. See the importance in everything you do.
😀Set an intention - why are you doing anything other than the fact that you have to? By setting an intention, you’re stating why this activity is necessary and giving it meaning.


What happens when you read every day
You will give your brain a workout
Forget crossword puzzles.
For truly hard cranial workouts, crack open a book.
College students who read fiction show increased connectivity in areas of the brain associated with language and memory.
In the same way, reading daily can train your mind to activate the thinking and cognitive functions.


Making the best of your relationships
Relationships can be swords with double edges. Either they lift you or they drag you down. Either they carry you back to your goals, or drive you further.
By enhancing your personal development, you will be better able to see which relationships and partnerships are worth investing in and need to be cut loose.
This kind of self-awareness gives you the abilities to make the most of the relationships that have a positive effect on your life and overall performance.


Things people should never waste time doing
Putting yourself last in priority
We all go through times that we don’t get enough sleep or exercise because we need to work on a big project.
But for long-term productivity and happiness, you must put yourself first on the priority list.
Some great ways to do this is to kick start your day by doing something you love to do, maybe it’s completing a great workout, meditating, journaling or reading your favorite book.
Do what works for you.
Because when you start off your day doing something you love and that is good for you, you’ll feel happy, focused and strong the rest of the day.


Being in the Present Moment Guide
Accepting What You Don’t Know
Most of us want to know what’s going to happen in the future, especially if it’s something that’s very important to us personally, or if it’s something especially fraught with emotion.
Much of not being present in the moment is about anxiety and fear about future worries. Imagine what releasing all of that energy about not knowing would feel like, i.e., a lot more time and energy to actually be present.
Uncertainty and change are part of the human condition. The more you practice acceptance of these, instead of trying to manipulate and control them, the better you’ll get at enjoying life as it unfolds.
The same goes for your feelings. Accept your feelings as they are in any given moment without judgment. Feelings are frequently subject to change. Obviously, be responsible for your feelings but be respectful of them. Allow yourself to feel your feelings without overthinking them.


Being in the Present Moment Guide
Getting into Nature
Being in nature is a handy reminder that life is cyclic, that things are constantly in flux and ever-changing. Everything comes into being, lives a life, and dies. We need to understand that this applies to the events of our life, as well as our thoughts and feelings.


Behaviors to adopt for life contentment:
Having meaning in your life
It isn’t finding the answer to life’s greatest question, but those who feel the presence of meaning in their lives, rather than the search for it, have better physical and mental well-being.
When you find more meaning in life, you become more contented, whereas if you don’t have purpose in life and are searching for it unsuccessfully, you will feel much more stressed out.
Meaning in life tends to change with age.
The search for it may be intense when individuals are in their 20s and reach its lowest levels at age 60.
After age 60, things begin to change.
People retire from their job and start to lose their identity.
They start to develop health issues and some of their friends and family begin to pass away.
They start searching for the meaning in life again because the meaning they once had has changed.


How to organize your life:
Environmental energy
Is your living space cluttered and messy or simple and neat?
Do you keep stuff, like clothes, you no longer use?
If you have a car, is it clean or just another place to keep your clutter and garbage?
Does your environment facilitate the emotions you consistently want to experience?
Does your environment drain or improve your energy?
