Learn Chinese with joy

Learn Chinese with joy

Hello everyone, we are Joy Cultural. We aim to help the people who are interested in Chinese cultur This course includes:
Access on mobile and TV.

Full lifetime access.
1 practice test. Certificate of completion.


CHINEASY : EASY CHINESE is online video course for Beginners.
👍The Chinese teacher is professional and experienced.
🙋🏼You'll learn basic communication in Chinese.
❤️We offer learning materials such as: copybook for your writing.
👏We also provide after-class group, guide you through the course step by step.

Here, to get more informations : https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB


Hi dear friends. From now on, we will share Chinoiserie wallpaper, I know you will like them.


The donkey meat is as good as the meat in paradise?
Is that true??

You won’t forget the taste once you tried?
What incredible food is this, do you know? The answer lies in our elementary Chinese course.

The link:

Photos from Learn Chinese with joy's post 16/08/2021

You can just enjoy the food from your favorite restaurant without going out? You can shop online and get them delivered in the morning? Is it so convince in China? This is amazing!

Join the elementary Chinese course, and it will answer all these questions for you, we will not only teach you Chinese but also introduce you the life in china from the front line.

The link:


To all dear friends, we have a great news!

We finally launched our Chinese food channel on Tiktok ( Account name: heychinesefood).

Please follow us on Tiktok and spread this great news to your friends who are also foodie just like you.

We will introduce you all different amazing and delicious chinese food everyday. So you will have more knowledge about our chinese food and chinese culture.

The first vlog will be about chinese hotpot Part I, hope you will like it. And if you want to know more specific chinese food, feel free to leave an comment below and maybe next vlog will be just what you want to know.

Want to know more about Chinese food?follow us on tiktok

Photos from Learn Chinese with joy's post 04/08/2021

Hello, how much do you know about Chinese universities?
Do you know what 211 and 985 mean?

Introductions to Chinese universities are included in our basic Chinese courses.
he link:

Not only does it make you learn Chinese interestingly, but it also helps you to understand China better!

Everyone is welcome to have a free trail of our Lesson One an Lesson 7. we will have discount available occasionally.


Do you know that there is a popular profession in China that call "the bowl"?
Do you keen to know more?
The course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB
Our online video-based Chinese Course will not only help you to learn Chinese but also introduce you to more Chinese lifestyles.
We believe after having the courses, you will become a Chinese culture expert.


CHINEASY : EASY CHINESE is online video course for Beginners.
30% off now!! 5 hours left at this price!
The course link:
👍The Chinese teacher is professional and experienced.
🙋🏼You'll learn basic communication in Chinese.
❤️We offer learning materials such as: copybook for your writing.
👏We also provide after-class group, guide you through the course step by step.
#中文 #汉语 #普通话 #学中文 #学汉语


Today is the 11th solar term :Xiaoshu (xiǎo shǔ) out of 24 solar terms, which means that the summer season begins officially.
shǔ, which means hot, xiǎo shǔ is small heat. Although it is not the hottest season of the year, it is followed by it.
In terms of diet, there was a folk custom of "Shixin" in the past. "Shixin" is to grind freshly beaten rice, wheat, etc. into flour to make various flour cakes and noodles to express the wish for a good harvest.
During this season, the human body is easy to get angry and irritable. As a result of that, it is best to drink three-bean soup, three-bean soup refers to mung bean, black bean, and chixiaodou (red bean). It can relieve heat and nourish the body. During this period, it is better not to drink more than 2-3 times per week.
In the most primitive way, as a Chinese saying goes, stay calm and everything will be naturally cool and peaceful.
I hope this knowledge will help you a bit.


What Joy brings to everyone this time is the famous national scenic spot in Xinjiang-Sayram Lake (Sayram Lake)
If you don't come to Sailimu Lake, you will never know the beauty of mountain lakes. Nature has sprinkled the most beautiful colors here, which is blue with gemstone luster.
For thousands of years, Sailimu Lake has been lying quietly among the peaks of the Tianshan Mountains. Everyone who comes here will never forget the blue color of Sailimu Lake.
Sailimu Lake is located in the North Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, China. It is the last place where the warm and humid Atlantic air in Xinjiang stays. Therefore, it is said that "the last tear of the Atlantic Ocean".
Sailimu Lake was called the "Clean Sea" in ancient times. The lake is 2071 meters above sea level, 30 kilometers long from east to west, 25 kilometers wide from north to south, and covers an area of 453 square kilometers. It has a water storage capacity of 21 billion cubic meters. The lake is crystal clear and has a transparency of 12 meters. Surrounded by mountains and glaciers, it forms a closed alpine basin water system.


Joy recently traveled to Xinjiang, today I would like to introduce you to the the scenery on the journey, and I hope you will have the opportunity to experience the beauty of it yourself.

Sea Devil City is located at the estuary of Ulungu Lake in Fuhai, Xinjiang, China. It has seaside scenery and canyon views.

This very rare Yadan landform is north-south and stretches for more than ten miles. The slope is shaped like a bucket and surrounds Xiaohaizi Jili Lake. The vertical height of the slope can reach an average of 20 meters. It looks like a huge high-rise building. Due to years of wind and rain, some of them are like magnificent palaces, pagodas reaching into the sky, mysterious and solemn temples, lions roaring up to the sky, and various castles. They are wonderful and ingenious.

This bizarre sea devil city is composed of sand shale from the Cretaceous period more than 100 million years ago. Due to the differences in the materials of the rock formations, it presents different colors. The iron-bearing rock layers are red and iron-bearing. The mine is purple, the coal seam becomes blue facies after weathering, and the argillaceous rocks degenerate into yellow strata. In the long history, nature finally created this mythical wonder of Fuhai—the sea devil city.


I introduced Chinese baijiu to you guys a couple of days ago. Do you realize now that the origin and development of Chinese baijiu has come a long way? In ancient times, people from ordinary people to officials and nobles were all impressed by its charm.
How did the ancients think about baijiu? Today I will share a few famous ancient poems about baijiu.

明月几时有,把酒问青天. 苏轼《水调歌头明月几时有》
míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu ,bǎ jiǔ wèn qīng tiān . sū shì 《shuǐ diào gē tóu míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu 》
Wine cup in hand,
I ask the sky.

jīn cháo yǒu jiǔ jīn cháo zuì ,míng rì chóu lái míng rì chóu .luó yǐn 《zì qiǎn 》
Enjoy the wine and seize the day
and leave all the worries till tomorrow

劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人. 王维《送元二使安西》
quàn jun1 gèng jìn yī bēi jiǔ ,xī chū yáng guān wú gù rén . wáng wéi 《sòng yuán èr shǐ ān xī 》
Persuade more to make a glass of wine,
West of Yang Guan reason people

花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。李白 月下独酌其一
huā jiān yī hú jiǔ ,dú zhuó wú xiàng qīn 。jǔ bēi yāo míng yuè ,duì yǐng chéng sān rén 。lǐ bái yuè xià dú zhuó qí yī
From a wine pot amidst the flowers,
I drink alone without partners.
To invite the moon, I raise my cup.
We're three, as my shadow shows up.

人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月。天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来。李白 将进酒
rén shēng dé yì xū jìn huān ,mò shǐ jīn zūn kōng duì yuè 。tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng ,qiān jīn sàn jìn hái fù lái 。lǐ bái jiāng jìn jiǔ
When hopes are won, oh! drink your fill in high delight,
And never leave your wine-cup empty in moonlight!
Heaven has made us talents, we're not made in vain.
A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.


Bai jiu, chinese wine.
Chinese liquor refers to distilled liquor made from rice as raw material through steaming, saccharification, fermentation, and distillation.

There are four flavored liquors: rice-flavor, Maotai flavor, Luzhou flavor and mixed-flavor.

According to legend, baijiu originated in the Xia and Shang periods, and its peak development period was in the Tang and Song dynasties. According to the statistics of relevant scholars, there are more than 70 wine shops in the famous painting of the Song Dynasty ``Shanghe in the Qingming Festival''.

The most famous poem describing wine comes from Cao Cao's:
duì jiǔ dāng gē ,rén shēng jǐ hé ,pì rú cháo lù ,qù rì kǔ duō .

When you are singing to wine, life is geometric, such as the dew of the morning, and it is hard to go to the sun.

Photos from Learn Chinese with joy's post 23/06/2021

Chinese characters are extensive and profound, and understanding the stories behind Chinese characters allows us to master Chinese interestingly and more easily.
Do you know, what is the story of the Chinese characters "women" and "children"?

Feel free to check out our Elementary Chinese Course Culture session.


Today is the summer solstice duān wǔ jiē kuài lè

Summer Solstice” comes on June 21 to June 22 each year when the sun altitude arrives the highest in the north. This day has the longest daytime of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the sunshine in many cities in south China may last fourteen hours per day.

After the summer solstice, ,thunderstorms often come and go.

The poet Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty skillfully used this kind of weather as a metaphor and wrote
"dōng biān rì chū xī biān yǔ , dào shì wú qíng què yǒu qíng.
The west is veiled in rain, the east enjoys the sunshine.
My gallant is as deep in love as the day is fine.

In terms of diet, since ancient times, Chinese folks have said that there is the tradition of eating cold noodles on this day. People can eat cold noodles to stimulate the appetite and at the same time don’t need to worry about having diarrhea.
As the wheat is just harvested, there is another meaning of “ trying new and fresh things” by eating noodles during this period.


June 20 is father's day.
祝天下的父亲, 节日快乐!
Zhù tiān xià de fù qīn , jiē rì kuài lè !
Wish fathers all over the world, happy Fathers’ Day!

The term " fù qīn " can also be replaced by " bà bà " in Chinese.
But when referring to father’s day, we can only use "fùqīn iē" ✅ instead of "bà bà jiē”❌
“bà bà ” normally is used in a casual situation, do you remember it is the same way with the word of mother.
You can say "father ( fù qīn) or dad ( bà bà ) I love you (wǒ ài nǐ ),

what gift will you prepare for your father?
Feel free to leave comment below to share with us.


Are you still memorizing Chinese words by rote?
Not only does it take longer, but also this boring way always make people want to give up!
“I always have hard time to memorize Chinese characters.” Is this you while memorizing Chinese characters??
Do you know there is actually a fun and easier way to memorize them?
The answer lies in our Elementary Chinese Course, which introduce you to learn Chinese in a fun and easier way!


Happy Dragon Boat Festival
Today is China’s Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节Duanwu
It is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

The most famous story in modern China is that during the Warring States Period, the festival commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, the poet of the Chu State.

The Dragon Boat Festival, along with the Spring Festival, the Ching Ming Festival, and the Mid-Autumn Festival are also known as the four major traditional festivals in China.

The original meaning of the word "Duan" in "Duanwu" is "zheng (means fair) and "afternoon" is "Zhong"(means middle). On this day, the moon will be right in the middle of sky at night, which is a sign of good fortune.

A very popular dish during the Dragon Boat festival is tzung tzu 粽子. This tasty dish consists of rice dumplings with meat, peanut, egg yolk, or other fillings wrapped in bamboo leaves. The tradition of zongzi is meant to remind us of the village fishermen scattering rice across the water of the Mi Low river to appease the river dragons so that they would not devour Chu Yuan.

At present, the main customs of the Dragon Boat Festival are making zongzi and dragon boat racing. Today I also introduce you to these two videos to have a look at the zongzi, do you want to have a try?


Chinese papercut refers to handicrafts made by cutting paper with scissors to different patterns and pasting them on walls, windows, doors, and ceilings. You will see them during the Chinese new year.

With their long history, papercut can be traced back to the northern and southern Dynasties( dc386-581). the initiation and the spread of papercuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. It has been very popular among the ordinary people of China.

Jianzhi, fold them is the easiest way. The content is rich, the auspicious designs symbolize good luck and the avoidance of evil such as child, lotus, and bottle gourd.
#中文 #汉语 #汉语学习


Hi, Friends!
So happy to see you again!
Take a look at the picture that Joy shares with you today. There is a hidden mystery in it. There are three Chinese characters in it. Are you able to find them?
Don't worry, our elementary Chinese course will reveal the secret to you.
To show our appreciation for your support, we usually bring a promotion!
Please follow us and keep a close watch on our post so you won’t miss it.


Hey, we have good news for you.😁

Now, we open two lessons for free to you guys!

The lesson 1 and lesson 7 , everyone could learn it for free!😊
Go ahead and have a try !!
The link : https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB
#汉语 #中文 #汉语学习

Photos from Learn Chinese with joy's post 31/05/2021

Hey, we have good news for you. We just uploaded the newly revised Elementary Chinese courses one by one.

The new version of the Chinese course is more interesting with the changed Chinese style background.

Are you worried about how to write the Chinese characters? Don't worry, we provide copybooks of pinyin of Tian zi ge and Chinese character for you to practice.

In addition, we remade the culture sessions to share you more interesting facts about China.

Limited time offer~~~with the money of a cup of coffee to learn Chinese with us happily and know more about Chinese.
#汉语学习 #汉语 #中文


Hey, friend.
How much do you know about "life-renewing milk tea" in China?
Salty milk tea, sweet milk tea. What does milk tea look like?
How to order milk tea online in China?
All answers will be revealed in CHINEASY:


EASY CHINESE Elementary Chinese Lesson 14: Interesting cultural fact.
Courses as low as 9.99$ through May 26.
#汉语学习 #汉语 #中文


Hi ,everyone ! Good New😁

Our Elementary Chinese video coursed is on sale on Udemy.
We open one lesson for public, everyone could learn this video course.🤩
Go ahead , with professional Chinese teachers to learn mandarin.
#中文 #汉语 #汉语学习 #普通話

Our Elementary Chinese video coursed is on sale on Udemy.
We open one lesson for public, everyone could learn this video course.
Pls, click the preview video and you will see the lesson 7 on the below.
Go ahead👏👏👏 Hope it can help you to learn Chinese in a more fun and easy way.
🌍 The link: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB


Our Elementary Chinese video coursed is on sale on Udemy.
This is learning material , copy book.

The course link: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB


Our Elementary Chinese video coursed is on sale on Udemy.
We open one lesson for public, everyone could learn this video course.
Pls, click the preview video and you will see the lesson 7 on the below.
Go ahead👏👏👏 Hope it can help you to learn Chinese in a more fun and easy way.
🌍 The link: https://www.udemy.com/course/learn-chinese-with-joy/?referralCode=26BC2459E3A7DDE806CB


Hello, everyone!

Our Elementary Chinese video coursed is on sale on Udemy.
💜In addition to 5 hours video courses, we also provide study materials and after-class group with the professional teacher.
💜After taking this course, you can get basic communication skill.

🌍The course link:


Are you still memorizing Chinese words by rote?
Not only does it take longer, but also this boring way always make people want to give up!
“I always have hard time to memorize Chinese characters.” Is this you while memorizing Chinese characters??

Do you know there is actually a fun and easier way to memorize them?
The answer lies in our Elementary Chinese Course, which introduce you to learn Chinese in a fun and easier way!


CHINEASY : EASY CHINESE is online video course for Beginners.
👍The Chinese teacher is professional and experienced.
🙋🏼You'll learn basic communication in Chinese.
👏We offer learning materials such as: copybook for your writing
🌟 We also provide after-class support such as answering course-related questions in a matter of time, guide you through the course step by step.


How much do you know about "life-renewing milk tea" in China?
Salty milk tea, sweet milk tea. What does milk tea look like?
How to order milk tea online in China?
All answers will be revealed in CHINEASY: EASY CHINESE Elementary Chinese Lesson 14: Interesting cultural fact.


Do you know that there is a popular profession in China that call "the bowl"?
Do you keen to know more?
Our online video-based Chinese Course will not only help you to learn Chinese but also introduce you to more Chinese lifestyles.
We believe after having the courses, you will become a Chinese culture expert.
#学中文 #汉语


You can just enjoy the food from your favorite restaurant without going out?
You can shop online and get them delivered in the morning? Is it so convince in China? This is amazing!
Join the elementary Chinese course, and it will answer all these questions for you, we will not only teach you Chinese but also introduce you the life in china from the front line.

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday 09:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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