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Many students many hesitate on the issue that whether to choose TCM or not. TCM seems very difficult to conduct because the medicine is special herbal in China. Here we introduce some information on these two different courses.

First of all, TCM is the short name of Tradition Chinese Medicine. MBBS is the short name of clinical medicine in English instruction. From the angle of development, TCM now earns rapidly growing reputation after the great promotion of TCM association actually. MBBS is always widely accepted in the global range. Generally speaking, the level of education qualification in China’s Universities is not lag behind that in developed countries. Therefore, if you were interested in Western Medicine, learning in china is a good choice also.

Here let me briefly introduce the difference between TCM and MBBS. TCM is aimed to make overall modification in your body which is not specifically for one organ, for example, if you were sick in liver, TCM would give you suggestion on eating and give you some medicine which should be cooked as soup. This traditional Chinese Medical is in a set. It will not only treat our liver but also protect your body from other side effect. The only shortcoming is that the whole process lasts relatively longer than that of western medicine.

TCM has extensive characteristic of Chinese culture; besides, it is very unique in the world. In this way, you could have more competitive. From the angle of cure method, TCM has different kinds of ways. The most popular one is acupunctural. Acupunctural could be viewed as a job skill. It could act as cure method and health care method. This is another conception of TCM, thus the passages through which vital energy circulates. This principle resembles Butterfly Effect which means the body is closely connected. One part can greatly impact other parts.

Some people worry that TCM takes much longer time to get familiar with, especially for foreigners. For those famous University of TCM, they could provide courses in different languages. Yet this would require additional costs.
Nowadays, TCM also keeps pace with the scientific technology and adopts many modern technique methods, such as using camera to make interrogation and cure patients. This technique has already shown on the fair in 2011. This technique means TCM will get rid of the restriction of people and greatly speed up the efficiency.

Many students also worry about the internship experience in China. If you decided to come to China, we suggest you to learn Chinese well. This would greatly helpful in your internship, because you will have more opportunity to make practice. Every university definitely will arrange this part during your education, but how to use it depends on your capability.

The biggest advantage of Western Medicine is the economic tuition fee in China. Even the best medical university in China, the tuition fee is no more than 50,000 RMB per year.

The above are the suggestions made by CUAC ( , Hope the students could make comparison and make suitable decision.

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Traditional Chinese Medicine mirrors the Chinese long history and could be honored as the essence of Chinese culture which already existed for over two thousand years.

Nowadays, Chinese government strives to promote TCM industry and the TCM has already formed its own unique systematic knowledge structure.

Generally speaking, the TCM pays attention on the overall modification of the body which is different from western medicine. The medicine result may not turn out soon but it is really not harmful for the body. About one decade ago, TCM is still unacceptable by the western world because it looks very strange to them. They like to use leaves, rind and other herbal medicine which seems unbelievable and dangerous. Yet nowadays, it receives increasingly more popularity among people in western world. Acupuncture even becomes a mythical medicine technique in western world.

If you wish to come to china and pursue professional education in this field, we have some suggestions for you. The following four TCM techniques are the most popular ones in international students.

First of all, TCM has divided into different parts. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a general one which contains all the knowledge. Yet to learn TCM well, you need to learn Chinese at first and your Chinese should be proficient enough. Many classical TCM books in ancient time are only Chinese version. Therefore, Chinese language is necessary. Another important part of TCM is herbal medicine. These are natural completely and have very delicate functions.

Secondly, Acupuncture is one kind of technique of TCM which is done by inserting several silver needles into acupoint. It aims to regulate bodily functions.

Thirdly, Tuina is another kind of technique of TCM which is similar to massage in western world. Yet this technique could treat some ailment on bones and muscles.

Fourthly, the Chinese University wants to be more internationalized, therefore they open courses like the combination between western medicine and TCM. The combination could make many innovations in the medicine circle. Western medicine has every fast result and TCM could release its harm on body.

In China, there are many university of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Among these, Shanghai University of TCM, Nanjing University of TCM, Hubei University of TCM and Guangzhou University of TCM are good ones among those universities.

Shanghai University of TCM is a very modern one; many courses could offer instructions in four or five languages. Yet its short-term courses have limitation on number of students. Therefore, they largely accept application in group. China University Application Center could resolve this problem for you, because we have enough appliers. The tuition fee of this University is correspondingly expensive.

Nanjing University of TCM and Hubei University of TCM is located in central China. Both universities have very economic tuition fees and Hubei University of TCM is the first one that accepts international students. Therefore it has very abundant experience in the education of foreigners.

Guangzhou University of TCM has relatively long application period. Therefore, it is more convenient for appliers to choose their time. It has courses in winter holiday and summer holiday. The climate of Guangzhou is very warm in November and December.

If you want to know more about these universities, you could visit our page


China has very large territory. It is the third largest country in the world. The different districts have very different culture favors. I think many students already own intensive willing to learn Chinese in China, but how to choose a suitable place to begin? Here are our suggestions.

We largely divided China into four districts, thus northern China, southern china, central china and western china. Every district has one city that can stand for it.

The city that can stand for northern China most is definitely the capital Beijing. People in Beijing district do not have much accent and there are many good universities in Capital because it is the educational center of China. Yet the city is extremely internationalized and the tempo of daily life is quite fast. The competition for part-time job is a little bit more ferocious than that in other cities. Because of the large number of foreigners in this city, there are much more opportunities to know friends in this city.

The recommended university: University of International Business and Economy

Another city in northern China is ShenYang which is in Liaoning province. Liaoning province locates in Northern China where the temperature drops below the freezing point. The daily expense in Shenyang won’t be very high and people in there are very hospitality. But the number of university is not very much, but the opportunity of doing part-time job is more abundant than that in other cities. Another short coming in that area is that the dishes in there are not diversified. Therefore, if you cannot get used to the food, you would have some trouble.

The recommended university: Shenyang University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The city that can stand for Southern China is Shanghai city. Southern China always is the most affluent district in China. Materials are very abundant in there and everything is elegant and grace.
Shanghai has already become the most internationalized city in China. It has china largest and most important development zone. It has many cross-nations’ headquarters in China or Asia-pacific zone.
The climate in Shanghai is the ocean style; therefore it is very mild in summer and winter. The food is quite diversified because it is a very advanced city. Generally speaking, you could find any kind of flavor in this city. Besides, the number of universities is very large also. The only notice point is that the dormitory number is very strict in this city. Therefore if you failed to get one in advance, the fees of renting a house are very high.

The recommended university: Eastern China Normal University

The city that can stand for Central China is Wuhan city. Wuhan city isn’t very famous in the world, so a few people really know it. Wuhan City is honored as the city with most potential in Central China because of its position and its economy prospect. Wuhan city has many universities also and the city is very large. The airport of Wuhan city is the largest one in central China. The international students are becoming more and more in recent years. In 2011, the number hits a new high. The daily expense is not very high and the fees for renting houses are much lower. Therefore, to study in Wuhan should be the most economic one in comparison with that in other cities.

The recommended university: Central China Normal University and Wuhan University

The city that can stand for Western China is Chengdu City. Chengdu city locates in Chengdu basin. The landscape in there is very beautiful, so the tourism industry in there is very developed. Every year, it attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists to visit there.
The climate in Chengdu city is very mild which is called the typical basin climate. The number of foreigners in that city is increasing annually. Many cross-nations company moved their factory to this city because the low expense of work force in there. Therefore, that city will be a new hot destination soon.
The food in this city is very spicy since the climate is a little bit humidity. If you like spicy food very much, there could be a paradise for you.

The recommended university: Southwest University of finance and economy

In this article, we briefly introduced the cities in different districts in China. Hope these introductions could be give some suggestions for you.

Timeline photos 14/11/2011

The sixth one, Peking University

I think Peking University should be one of the most famous universities in China. As an university famous for its advanced thoughts, the campus of it shows its great charming. For those who familiar with Chinese history, they might know the unique position of Peking University in China. The most important revolution in Chinese history was launched by the students in Peking University. Since then, every cultural tide always closely connected with Peking University.
The University is the most open one in China, you could discuss with the teacher very freely and you could express your viewpoint without any pressure. Maybe your discussion could do great contribution to the development of the specialty.
The campus of Peking University is famous for its extensive background. It was like an imperial private garden. Therefore, the campus is the tourist’s destination also. The new campus is quite modernization which offer convenience to its students

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The fifth one, Beijing Foreign Studies University

If we mentioned Chinese language, I think the majority of people will think about Beijing Foreign Studies University. Actually, it is not just because the great reputation in this field but also because the beautiful campus of this university.

The campus is not very big but every detail embodies its elegance. BFSU is the cradle of many diplomatists in China. The atmosphere of the university is open and free. Besides, it could be the university with the largest number of foreign students.
To be not exaggerated, the campus could be described as luxury. Beautiful buildings dot the campus as a beautiful picture.
If you were lucky enough, you may meet with a beautiful Chinese girl in it and have a fantastic experience.

Timeline photos 14/11/2011

In last section, we introduced Xiamen University, Wuhan University and Fudan University respectively. In this section, we would like to introduce another three beautiful campuses in China---Sun Yet-san University, Beijing Foreign Studies University and Peking University.

The fourth one, Sun Yat-sen University

Sun Yat-sen University is located in tropical zone which has the characteristic of southern area. I think this city won’t be very strange for foreigners. Because the world-renowned Guangzhou Trade fair annually attracts investors and producers in and abroad.
The university was established in 1924 which means to memorize the great man of Mr. Sun Yat-sen. Because of Guangzhou city’s geographic location, Sun Yat-sen University is near Hongkong and Macao which makes it easier to do the international exchange with foreign universities. As early as the year when it established, the university has the objective of cultivating an open atmosphere in the university. Among the 35 committee member, there are 31 member owns the background of studying overseas.
The university has strong strength in the field of chemistry, biology and medicine.

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No 3. Fudan University

To speak about romantic, we have to take Fudan University into account. As a native Chinese, I think the name of Fudan University is romantic enough. Unlike other universities, the name of Fudan is extracted from an ancient poem which means persistently striving. This name indicates the dream of many Chinese people also.

Nowadays, Fudan University already becomes the most famous university in China and now attracts many foreign students even though its high tuition fee. The university locates in a cosmopolitan named Shanghai where the western and oriental cultures were fully integrated. As the financial center, Shanghai city plays a vital role in Chinese life as early as 100 years ago. Therefore, the campus which also has a history of one hundred years shows elements of foreign land all throughout the campus, such as the vast area of grassland and the western buildings.

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No 2. Wuhan University

Wuhan University located in Central China; it does not have sea beach nor mountain sight. Yet the campus of Wuhan University has an avenue of Sakura trees. These trees could data back to the year of 1938 which is even before the emancipation of domestic China.

Now the avenue of Sakura trees together with the ancient hostels for girls have already became the most beautiful sight in the campus which attracts tourists from all countries every year. In 2011, the number of tourists has beyond 200 thousand in all. The university seated on a small mountain which name is Luojia Mountain. The campus now becomes the botanical garden in Wuhan city which could provide resource for scientific researches.

In the autumn, different kinds of trees have different color of leaves. If you take a bird-eye view, it seems a colorful picture which is beyond your imagination. On its campus, there are ancient trees everywhere which are already as high as several floors.

Besides, the Gate of Wuhan University faced the largest inland freshwater lake in China whose name is the East Lake. You could take your lover strolling among the tracks on the mountain or on the Sakura trees avenue. Besides, you could take her or him to walk along the beautiful east lake and feel the breeze. What a romantic sight!

Timeline photos 12/11/2011

If you were planning to study in abroad, you need take their environment and atmosphere into account. To some extent, the campus of the university might influence your determination. Of course, people want a good academic atmosphere. But if the campus was also very beautiful and elegant, people will make the decision more firmly. For example, the world famous universities with those ancient castles add the academic atmosphere with a hint of historic sense. Some Chinese universities are naturally beautiful and romantic; here we would like to introduce them to foreign students.

No 1. The campus of Xiamen University

Xiamen University is ranked on the top of this list unarguably. Located in a coastal city, the University is beside the sea beach. At the same time, Xiamen city was crowned as “the pearl on the sea” for many years by the United Nations. Therefore, you could see its reputation in the world.

In the campus of Xiamen University, there is a sea beach for lovers. Actually, this name isn’t rare among China’s Universities but Xiamen University is the only one that owns such a beach. Distinctive view makes this campus more romantic than others.

The school of art is located on the famous island—Gulang island. The buildings on the island are largely from Western countries. Among them, many have been protected by the municipal government. If you want to reach that island, you need to take ferry.
I think this is an exclusively experience in China

Procedures of L Visa Application for children under 18 of Foreign Citizenship Entrusted to the Care. 11/11/2011
know something about visa in China, follow us!

Procedures of L Visa Application for children under 18 of Foreign Citizenship Entrusted to the Care. Procedures of L Visa Application for children under 18 of Foreign Citizenship Entrusted to the Care of Beijing Residents

Timeline photos 11/11/2011

Beijing Foreign Language Festival 2011


Beijing District ranked as the first choice of many students because the education resource is very abundant in there. Here we recommend three business school in Beijing district which is in BFSU, UIBE and CUPL respectively.

First one, Business school in Beijing Foreign Studies University

Business school in BFSU has already been established for ten years. The School is supported by the abundant language education resource in BFSU which has 7 degree courses in Bachelor degree and 3 degree courses in master degree. The teachers of this school are specified in different directions. The biggest characteristic of this college embodied in its internationalized sight view and its abundant practical experience. It could be crowned as the only business school with the most strong foreign language background.
Besides, the environment in BFSU could be the first choice of foreigners. On its campus, there are leisure study atmosphere and diplomatic rules. The campus is very beautiful and the students in this university are activated enough. Therefore study in this university will give you very excellent experience in China.
In 2011, the business school in BFSU successfully enrolled over 20 students from China university application center. Many courses in English instruction are opened successfully.
The English courses in bachelor degree are international finance, international marketing, international business administration and china business administration. If you won’t learn Chinese first, you could take this university into account.

Second one, business school in University of international business and Economy

As we all known that UIBE is affiliated to the ministry of commerce in China before, the university has very strong strength in business discipline.
After its evolution of nearly sixty years, the university has become a university with multiple disciplines which has characteristic in international business and economy, finance, business administration and so on. Among these, the specialties in economic discipline and administration discipline could offer English course completely.
Nowadays, the university has nearly 13 thousand students and the number of foreign student also reaches 30 thousands.
Recently, the graduates from UIBE have received increasingly more popularity, because their students have firm professional knowledge, strong language capability and abundant practical experience. Their job positions are largely in bank, cross-nation Company and business office based in other countries.
Therefore, university of international business and economy should be another choice for you to study business in Beijing district

The third one, Business school in China University of political science and law

In comparison with the previous two universities, CUPL is a university specified in administration and law. The university cultivated many specified talents for Chinese government. Its feature is the business administration course in this university.
In recently years, the MBA course in this university is very popular among foreign students because the tuition fee is very economic and the knowledge is very practical.
The university combined the actual needs of the society and launched new curriculum of the course in which the university add some probation for the students. Even though the tuition fee is increased correspondingly, the practical experience will be very useful for your career in future also.

The above three universities are recommended by us according to our students’ feedback. Hope it will provide useful information to all the foreign students.

Timeline photos 10/11/2011

The suit room in BFSU.

Timeline photos 10/11/2011

The single room of Beijing Foreign studies University


Associations compiled up one’s campus life. Associations on china’s campus aim to initiate interesting. This is a little bit different from association in Western countries. In western world, many world-renowned business giant come out from university associations. Therefore, you could chess after your own interesting and have colorful after-class life.

Top1: Luojia Golden Autumn Cultural Celebration in Wuhan University

Luojia Mountain is a small hill located in Wuhan University; therefore it becomes the short-name for Wuhan University.

The celebration resembles a small-scale world exposition. Students from various countries have their own showcase. The showcase largely introduces the country they come from and the cultural background of their country. Besides, students prepare many special presents and food from their country. This activity lasts several days. During this period, there are festival gala which is organized by students completely.
The Festival gala attracts reporters from TV station even. Therefore, you could see its great impact. This celebration great promotes the cultural exchange between different countries and offers good opportunity to make friends with each other. If you have the opportunity to join in the organization of this large celebration, you would gain much experience.

Top2. Calligraphy association in Beijing Normal University

Chinese Calligraphy is an art with extensive cultural background. It should be done with traditional Chinese brush and ink. It could cultivate your mind and thought. It is difficult but interesting.
The calligraphy association ranked as top 10 associations on campus. It was set as early as the year of 2000. It will organize different kinds of training class, exchange activity and competition.
This association absorb member in the university and other lovers from other universities. It invites some masters to come to make lectures.

Top3. Martial art association in Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Martial art is the essence of Chinese Culture which already has history of thousand years. Martial art can protect oneself and keep healthy. If you could join in the Martial art association after class, you could get to know this essence deeper.

The Martial art association in HUST is established in the year of 1986. It has gone through two decades. The association organizes performance periodically so that members could gather and communicate.

Top4. Network pioneer

The association of Network pioneer is the largest on in Beijing University of Technology which is established in 1997. It also ranked as Best 10 associations in China. It has over 100 workers which are divided into 7 departments. They developed their own chatting tool and online videos. There is e-sport team which aims to let students have correct viewpoint on electrical games.

The association also provides several services for the university, such as the development of those application systems. The association holds its own festival on which it invites CEO of famous IT entrepreneur in China to give lecture. Apart from this, it contacts famous digital company to showcase their products. Colorful activities maybe even very helpful for your future development on career

Top5. Boiling Point Troupe

Boiling Point Troupe is the most famous one in China Pharmaceutical University. The number of its members is beyond 100. In this troupe, there are many excellent students in CPU. For example, students from Student union, University broadcast station and so on.

Of course, if you want to enter into this association, an interview is necessary because different departments have different demand. Acting department needs students that can act, meanwhile, service department need somebody that is patient and practical.

For those students with proficient Chinese, this association is the best choice to enter into. In this troupe, everything is done by students themselves which includes the scenario and stage decorating. Various activities will offer you enough experience in organizing and initiating. Now the associate has become a province level one which attracts attention from culture department in Jiangsu province government.

Timeline photos 08/11/2011

The students enjoy their festival in Wuhan University


The application experience of our students

I’m a Namibia girl, my name is Anna lisa Julias. I’m writing to thanks Michelle in China University Application center. Thanks for her patient and professional guidance.

I’m interested in learning MBBS program in China. That is my dream since I was still children. I think doctor could be very proud because they can save people. After the application in CUAC, I know that it seems a little bit late for MBBS program. Yet I really won’t to waste another one year to start my study. Therefore, Michelle help me to find universities can open class in February and March.

This is the very first time for me to make this application, therefore I let everything go under my thoughts. Michelle is a very kind person, she try to find as much as she can about the information on the university. Her patient dismisses my worry. After detailed communication, I think Zhenzhou Univerity could offer me the program with the tuition fee that I could afford.

I asked her to help me on this university,. Then I started to prepare those required materials. But the procedure is very strict and I have too much material absent.

I’m a foreigner; I cannot understand the required materials some time. Michelle explained these as much as she can. Under her guidance, it becomes more convenient for me to prepare those. Along with the time, the university submitted more and more demands. Michelle explains that I do not pay the university application fee so that the university keeps me on the waiting list. Zhenzhou University is a University with very good education qualification on the medical course. Therefore, I determined that I want to enter into this university.

I try really hard to get all the materials prepared, and then planned to pay the fee for the university. However, I went to the bank office and know that I cannot send money to China because of certain n restriction. I really do not know how to do next. Michelle is also very worried, she suggested me to find some friends in China to help me do this.

Then I try to contact one friend in China. Yet she was so busy to do this favor for me. Therefore, I keep contact with Michelle and wait for the result from the university. Michelle said that she could try her best to let me to pay that fee after my enrollment. I really appreciate her understanding.

Then she make communication with the universities many times to explain my situation. Yet the competition of the university is very ferocious and the number of enrollment is limited. Therefore, the university insists me to pay the fee in advance.

Michelle do everything she can to help me and I try to find another person to pay the fee for me, during this period, Michelle write two evidence letters for me, and I show those letters to the bank officers. Though this is still failed, I really thanks for her great kindly cooperation. Finally, one of my friends in South Africa agreed to help me to send money.

Even though I still do not know my result, I really thank Michelle and China University Application Center. They try their all out to help every foreign student.

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