~ Isaac Asimov
Of all the predators in the animal kingdom, there are none more deadly than .... the Basset Hound. Bassets are swift, deadly and ever vigilant. They are known to enslave humans. (This video is seriously hilarious.)
Esta madrugada fue APROBADO en segundo debate, con una votación de 50-4, el proyecto de ley que PROHÍBE las CORRIDAS DE TOROS en toda Colombia.
¡Un millón de gracias a los senadores y senadoras que alzaron su voz por los animales!❤️🐂🎉🎉🎉
A último minuto varios senadores del Centro Democrático se salieron para tumbar el quorum y así sabotear la votación, pero no lo lograron!!!!
💔 Encerrados toda su vida, enjaulados o atados. Así viven los perros de caza, considerados como meras herramientas de trabajo.
Firma contra esta crueldad:
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Bruno, el maestro más veterano, y compañero de muchas experiencias.
Muchos perros han sufrido las mutilaciones en
Su integridad mostrando patrones de comportamiento antinaturales.La vanidad y la libertad de sometimiento son complejas.Mas esterilizaciones y conciencia.
La Procuradora General de la Nación solicitó declarar inexequible artículo que permite las mutilaciones estéticas en Colombia, por perseguir un objetivo contrario a la obligación de especial protección de los animales contemplada en la Constitución.
En concepto rendido ante la Corte Constitucional, la jefe del Ministerio Público indicó que no existe un fin legítimo en remover, destruir, mutilar o alterar cualquier miembro, órgano o apéndice de un animal vivo por razones estéticas y, por lo tanto, señaló que “constituye un maltrato de un ser sintiente que únicamente busca la satisfacción del ideal de belleza del ser humano, sin perseguir un objetivo superior”.
La Corte Constitucional se encuentra debatiendo si las mutilaciones estéticas a animales de compañia se consideran maltrato. Esto, en razón a una demanda contra el artículo que las permite, radicada por parte de abogadas animalistas.
Gracias a la Procuraduría por este concepto 👏👏👏👏
La colonización de la destrucción.
IF REGULATORS STOP DEMANDING IT, THEY STOP DYING. Beagles are the dog breed of choice for animal researchers. Good natured and docile, they are small enough to lift and restrain, yet large enough to conduct experiments on easily. In one year, almost 60,000 were experimented on in US laboratories. In the UK’s most recent government statistics, 4,270 experiments were performed on beagles. Of these tests over two thirds (68%) were performed to fulfil regulatory requirements around the world - mainly toxicity testing. That extrapolates to an estimated 100,000 or more dogs being forced fed products from weedkiller to new drugs every year.
These decades old requirements are keeping the world locked into animal experiments, despite the emergence of more accurate and humane methods. Governments need to adopt measures to accelerate the use of advanced non-animal methods.
Today is World Day for Laboratory Animals: Please send a simple message, wherever you are, to your representatives/legislators/members of Congress/Parliament to press for the implementation of non-animal methods and steps to end animal experiments.
WARNING: CHOCOLATE CAN KILL DOGS. If you have Easter eggs this weekend keep them well away from dogs and definitely don’t give them a treat when you are eating one. In a survey, 60% of vets said they had treated cases of chocolate poisoning over Easter each year. The British Veterinary Association say: “Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, can be dangerous for all pets even in the smallest quantity. However, dogs are particularly susceptible to poisoning due to a chemical called theobromine, which is found naturally in cocoa beans. Theobromine takes a long time to be broken down inside a dog's digestive system, which means that even a tiny amount of chocolate can result in toxic levels, especially for smaller dogs and puppies. For this reason, white chocolate is usually safe for dogs if ingested accidentally but the effects with milk chocolate can vary, so it's better to err on the side of caution and keep all types of chocolate away.
Raisins and sultanas, found in hot cross buns and simnel cakes, and xylitol (found in sugar-free treats) can also be dangerous for dogs and cats if ingested.
Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include excessive thirst, vomiting, diarrhoea and restlessness. These can develop into symptoms of hyperactivity, tremors, abnormal heart rate, hyperthermia and rapid breathing. Severe cases may result in fits and heartbeat irregularities, and even coma and death.
Pictured: Handsome Rollo is a resident of the ADI Wildlife Sanctuary, South Africa. Fans of Rollo can rest assured that he has not had any chocolate!
It’s obvious, and science confirms it, animals experience emotions including joy, pleasure, pain, and fear. Now recognition of the sentience of animals in UK law is within touching distance but we need your help to get it over the finish line.
Please ask your MP TODAY to support the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill at its Report stage on Monday 14 March:
The Bill will establish a new committee to scrutinise government policy and its potential adverse impact on the welfare of animals as sentient beings.
If animal sentience is not recognised in law where you live, ask your elected representatives to press for similar legislation where you live – the science and understanding of the intelligence and emotions of non-humans is with us – now is the time for us to push this forward.
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Km 14 Vía Bogotá-Silvania
Colegio y guarderia canina . Perros felices al natural!!
Carrera 19 A 134 35
Bogotá, 110121
-Consulta Dermatológica Especializada - Medicina Interna y Especialidades - Jardín Canino Urbano - Gatera - Transporte Nacional e Internacional - Baño y Peluquería especializada...
Carrera 3B Nº61/36
Bogotá, 110231
Somos una clínica y tienda veterinaria especializada en animales pequeños.
Parque Central Salitre
La guardería mas consentidora de Bogotá, atención personalizada y a domicilio. A todos los niños se les quiere como a los propios hijitos...NOS RESERVAMOS EL DERECHO DE ADMISION
Mazuren/Colina Campestre
ALQUILER DE GUCALES PARA MASCOTAS.... Todos lo guacales estan aprobados por las aerolineas, contamos con diferentes tamaños y precios
Altura a la cruz: de 50 a 70 cm Peso: de 50 a 70 kg (y más) Capa: gris plomizo, gris, negra, leonada de diversos tonos con o sin atigraduras
¡Un lugar seguro para tu peludo! Servicio de colegio y hotel para perros. ¡Los recogemos directo en casa! Contáctanos.
Calle 23F # 74A/39
Bogotá, 110931
Clínica Veterinaria, especializada en oncología, endocrinología, medicina interna y laboratorio
Calle 109 # 18b/32
Bogotá, 110111
Ropa, accesorios, juguetes y snacks para perr@s y gat@s inmortales. - Tienda virtual
Nicolás De Federmán
“Colombia tiene que proteger y evitar el sufrimiento de los que no votan, de los que no pueden gri
Kr 56a 137/39
Placas Para Mascotas, Perros, Gatos, Cachorros, Accesorios de perros y demás.