James Nolan

James Nolan

Translation / Interpretation / Interpreter Training / Legal language services

Photos from James Nolan's post 11/04/2024

PUBLICATION NOTICE: Greetings! Since retiring from the UN in 2007 I have been working to strengthen international communication by writing and lecturing. Now I am pleased to announce the publication of my second book on multilingual communication, Essays on Conference Interpreting, starting from a hopeful vision of digital humanism in our future as envisaged by Nikola Tesla, offering a perspective on multilingualism as a prism that widens humankind’s prospects rather than artificially narrowing their focus. This book condenses important lessons learned at key points during a 30-year career as an intergovernmental conference interpreter and trainer, seeking to define what constitutes good interpreting and how to develop the skills and, abilities that are conducive to it, as well as fostering practices and technologies that help to maintain high professional standards. It highlights the importance of English as a global lingua franca and as a relay language used in multilingual events and institutions. The book places interpreting in its historical context as a time-honored discipline and discusses the effect of modern technology on translating and interpreting, identifying areas where it is most useful (electronic communications media, broadcasting) while stressing that professional education and training of linguists are more important than reliance on technological shortcuts. It is a valuable resource to all those working or training in interpreting and related forms of cross-cultural communication.

La guerre faite aux enfants en Palestine 11/04/2024


La guerre faite aux enfants en Palestine Les enfants blessés et sans famille se multiplient alors que la dévastation s’intensifie.

Adam Schiff for Senate 10/04/2024


Adam Schiff for Senate Welcome to Congressman Adam Schiff’s campaign website. Congressman Schiff is running for Senate in California to protect democracy and fight for an economy that works for everyone.

The Arizona Supreme Court allows a near-total abortion ban to take effect soon 10/04/2024

Arizona's Supreme Court ruled that the state should follow a restrictive abortion ban passed during the Civil War. The near-total ban doesn't include exceptions for r**e or in**st and makes performing an abortion punishable by two to five years in prison. It includes an exception to save the woman’s life. In the ruling, the judges wrote they would stay the decision for 14 business days, possibly longer, allowing abortions to continue during that time.

The Arizona Supreme Court allows a near-total abortion ban to take effect soon The Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that an old law from the 1860s can stand in the state, outlawing nearly all abortions.

Ante las atrocidades de Hamás y ante el genocidio de Israel contra los palestinos 10/04/2024

Frente a los mensajes de odio sionistas tras una intervención en París, la filósofa Judith Butler aclara su postura: no reniega de su dolor por las víctimas del 7 de octubre, ni de su denuncia contra los crímenes que el Estado hebreo está cometiendo. El ataque de Hamás, sostiene, fue “una forma de resistencia armada contra la colonización, el asedio y el expolio permanentes”, aunque “no todas las formas de resistencia están justificadas”
Faced with Zionist messages of hate after an intervention in Paris, philosopher Judith Butler clarifies her position: she does not deny her pain for the victims of October 7, nor her denunciation of the crimes that the Jewish State is committing. The Hamas attack, she maintains, was “a form of armed resistance against permanent colonization, siege and plunder,” although “not all forms of resistance are justified."

Ante las atrocidades de Hamás y ante el genocidio de Israel contra los palestinos Frente a los mensajes de odio sionistas tras una intervención en París, la filósofa Judith Butler aclara su postura: no reniega de su dolor por las víctimas del 7 de octubre, ni de su denuncia contra los crímenes que el Estado hebreo está cometiendo. El ataque de Hamás, sostiene, fue “una f...

Wong suggests Australian government considering recognising Palestinian statehood 09/04/2024


Wong suggests Australian government considering recognising Palestinian statehood Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong suggests the federal government is contemplating recognising Palestinian statehood, saying international recognition could help "build momentum towards a two-state solution" with Israel.


NOTE TO ADMIN: Please do not allocate so much of my Facebook space to cartoons.

Noam Chomsky Lectures on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond 09/04/2024


Noam Chomsky Lectures on Modern-Day American Imperialism: Middle East and Beyond Noam Chomsky, an emeritus professor of linguistics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a well-known political activist critical of U.S. foreign poli...

'200,000 Torah students' are allegedly protecting Israel. Critics say it's time they fought 09/04/2024

huge and growing community in Israel that does not participate in the labour market

'200,000 Torah students' are allegedly protecting Israel. Critics say it's time they fought Israel's ultra-Orthodox community has always been exempt from mandatory military service but a ruling in the country's highest court has changed everything.


This is what ChatGPT considers the most notable thing about each country in Europe (Reddit).

NATO at 75. A Diamond Anniversary of Security by Fair Means or Foul - Global Research 08/04/2024


NATO at 75. A Diamond Anniversary of Security by Fair Means or Foul - Global Research All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name (only available in desktop version). To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this artic...

President Obama Speech to Muslim World in Cairo 08/04/2024



President Obama Speech to Muslim World in Cairo Pres. Obama delivered a speech on U.S.-Muslim relations from Cairo University. The President called for renewed Middle East peace talks as well as an agenda ...




Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed 07/04/2024


Trump’s bizarre, vindictive incoherence has to be heard in full to be believed Excerpts from his speeches do not do justice to Trump’s smorgasbord of vendettas, non sequiturs and comparisons to famous people

One day, seven mass shootings: This is what 24 hours of gun violence looks like across the US 07/04/2024

One day, seven mass shootings: This is what 24 hours of gun violence looks like across the US A birthday party in Chicago. A convenience store in New York. A public park in Atlanta. In a single day in the United States, all become the scenes of gun violence.

Spanish-English/English-Spanish Pocket... book by James Nolan 05/04/2024

https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/spanish-englishenglish-spanish-pocket-legal-dictionary_james-nolan/3209244/ =7833545&idiq=18872228

Spanish-English/English-Spanish Pocket... book by James Nolan Buy a cheap copy of Spanish-English/English-Spanish Pocket... book by James Nolan. The perfect portable reference for anyone who needs Spanish legal terms at their fingertips, this book is designed to help communicate in real-life situations where... Free Shipping on all orders over $15.

Photos from James Nolan's post 04/04/2024

AVIS DE PUBLICATION : Salutations ! Depuis ma retraite de l'ONU en 2007, je travaille au renforcement de la communication internationale par l’écriture, la formation et les conférences. J'ai maintenant le plaisir d'annoncer la publication de mon deuxième livre sur la communication multilingue, Essays on Conference Interpreting, partant d'une vision humaniste du numérique dans notre avenir, tel qu'envisagé par Nikola Tesla, offrant une perspective sur le multilinguisme comme un prisme qui élargit les perspectives de l'humanité plutôt que de restreindre artificiellement leur champ d'action. Ce livre condense les leçons importantes apprises à des moments clé au cours d'une carrière de 30 ans en tant qu'interprète de conférence intergouvernemental et formateur, cherchant à définir ce qui constitue une bonne interprétation et comment développer les compétences et les capacités qui y sont propices, ainsi que favoriser des pratiques et des technologies qui aident à maintenir des normes professionnelles élevées. Il souligne l'importance de l'anglais comme lingua franca mondiale et comme langue relais utilisée dans les événements et les institutions multilingues. Le livre replace l'interprétation dans son contexte historique en tant que discipline séculaire et discute l'effet de la technologie moderne sur la traduction et l'interprétation, identifiant les domaines où elle est la plus utile (médias de communication électronique, radiodiffusion) tout en soulignant que l'éducation et la formation professionnelles des linguistes sont plus importants que le recours à des raccourcis technologiques. C'est une ressource précieuse pour tous ceux qui travaillent ou se forment à l'interprétation et aux formes connexes de communication interculturelle.


AVVISO DI PUBBLICAZIONE: Saluti! Da quando mi sono ritirato dalle Nazioni Unite nel 2007 ho lavorato per rafforzare la comunicazione internazionale scrivendo e tenendo conferenze. Ora sono lieto di annunciare la pubblicazione del mio secondo libro sulla comunicazione multilingue, Essays on Conference Interpreting, partendo da una visione speranzosa dell'umanesimo digitale nel nostro futuro come previsto da Nikola Tesla, offrendo una prospettiva sul multilinguismo come prisma che amplia le prospettive dell'umanità piuttosto che restringere artificialmente la loro attenzione. Questo libro condensa importanti lezioni apprese nei punti chiave di una carriera trentennale come interprete e formatore di conferenza intergovernativa, cercando di definire cosa costituisce una buona interpretazione e come sviluppare le competenze e le abilità che vi sono favorevoli, oltre a promuovere pratiche e tecnologie che aiutano a mantenere elevati standard professionali. Sottolinea l'importanza dell'inglese come lingua franca globale e come lingua di trasmissione utilizzata in eventi e istituzioni multilingue. Il libro colloca l'interpretazione nel suo contesto storico come disciplina consacrata dal tempo e discute l'effetto della tecnologia moderna sulla traduzione e sull'interpretazione, identificando le aree in cui è più utile (mezzi di comunicazione elettronici, radiodiffusione) e sottolineando che l'istruzione e la formazione professionale dei linguisti sono più importante della dipendenza da scorciatoie tecnologiche. È una risorsa preziosa per tutti coloro che lavorano o si formano nell'interpretazione e nelle relative forme di comunicazione interculturale.

🚨 LAW not War: Support Courtrooms over Battlefields 01/04/2024


🚨 LAW not War: Support Courtrooms over Battlefields LAW not War is a new global campaign to enhance the jurisdiction and use of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in order to assist countries resolve international disputes peacefully rather than through recourse to the threat or use of force.


After a two-week raid, Israeli forces have withdrawn from Gaza's main hospital. The IDF said it raided al-Shifa because Hamas had regrouped there. This all comes as the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to allow food aid into Gaza, but the court has no way to enforce this order.

News Wrap: UN military observers, interpreter injured in blast on Israel-Lebanon border 31/03/2024


News Wrap: UN military observers, interpreter injured in blast on Israel-Lebanon border In our news wrap Saturday, three UN observers and a Lebanese interpreter were wounded in an explosion near the border between Lebanon and Israel, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy fired more top aides in his ongoing government reshuffle, Peruvian President Boluarte’s home was raided amid a luxury watc...

“Famine is Setting in”: The International Court of Justice Returns to Gaza 31/03/2024


“Famine is Setting in”: The International Court of Justice Returns to Gaza Court orders Israel to ensure unhindered humanitarian assistance in the Gaza Strip, including by opening new land crossing points.

ICJ orders Israel to take action to address famine in Gaza 30/03/2024


ICJ orders Israel to take action to address famine in Gaza Judges at the International Court of Justice have unanimously ordered Israel to take all the necessary and effective action to ensure basic food supplies arr...


AVISO DE PUBLICAÇÃO: Saudações! Desde que me aposentei da ONU em 2007, tenho trabalhado para fortalecer a comunicação internacional escrevendo e dando palestras. Agora, tenho o prazer de anunciar a publicação do meu segundo livro sobre comunicação multilíngue, Essays on Conference Interpreting (Ensaios sobre interpretação de conferências), partindo de uma visão esperançosa do humanismo digital em nosso futuro, como previsto por Nikola Tesla, oferecendo uma perspectiva sobre o multilinguismo como um prisma que amplia as perspectivas da humanidade em vez de estreitar artificialmente seu foco. Este livro condensa importantes lições aprendidas em pontos-chave durante uma carreira de 30 anos como intérprete de conferências intergovernamentais e instrutor, buscando definir o que constitui uma boa interpretação e como desenvolver as habilidades que conduzem a ela, bem como práticas e tecnologias que ajudam a manter altos padrões profissionais. Ele destaca a importância do inglês como uma língua franca global e como uma língua de retransmissão usada em eventos e instituições multilíngues. O livro coloca a interpretação em seu contexto histórico como uma disciplina consagrada pelo tempo e discute o efeito da tecnologia moderna na tradução e interpretação, identificando áreas onde ela é mais útil (meios de comunicação eletrônica, radiodifusão), enquanto enfatiza que a educação profissional e o treinamento de lingüistas são mais importantes do que confiar em atalhos tecnológicos. É um recurso valioso para todos aqueles que trabalham ou treinam em interpretação e formas relacionadas de comunicação intercultural.
