The Zen Den

Welcome to our page! The Zen Den has 2 Vacation Rentals in Playas del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

The minute we landed in Costa Rica on an All-Inclusive vacation, we were hooked. We knew we wanted to share our experience with whoever was interested.


Remember when the world was still and we were forced to take a step back and slow down. It didn’t feel great in the beginning even I will admit. By then, something shifted. Something changed. Slowing down felt good. Humbling.

We saw things from a different lens. Felt. Learned. Observed.

In a world that moves so fast, it can be easy to get caught up in the chaos and forget to slow down. But sometimes, it's the moments of stillness that are the most meaningful.

Taking a deep breath, feeling the sun on your face, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee can be a reminder of the beauty in simplicity. So challenge yourself to take a moment to slow down and appreciate the small things that make life so special.

You might be surprised at how much more fulfilling your day becomes ❤️

Photos from The Zen Den's post 12/03/2023

When guests become friends ❤️

Pat postponed her trip for 2 long years and finally made it to Coco where she’s been enjoying the past couple of months.

Pic #1 Nicaragua excursion 🐒
Pic #2 Hanging out at Coconutz downtown Coco 🍻

A well deserved trip for this lady!


There's nothing more powerful than a woman who knows her worth and lifts up others along the way. 💪

When we support, encourage, and empower each other, we create a ripple effect of positivity and progress.

Let's celebrate and lift up the women in our lives and be the change we wish to see in the world. Together is better! Happy International Women’s Day ❤️


July 31st, 2021.

I’m not a big selfie person but I snapped this one on the last day of my trip to CR. The first time travelling since the world as we knew it, came to a (temporary) halt.

I was in a beautiful country, drinking some of the best coffee in the world and, trying to capture the overwhelming emotions that I felt in that moment. I didn’t want to forget.

In the last few years I’ve learned that regularly practicing gratitude can increase happiness, reduce stress and anxiety and even improve physical health.

What happens when gratitude becomes overwhelming? When you’re hit with a flood of emotions that you can't quite put into words?
In those moments, it's important to take a step back and allow yourself to fully experience those emotions. You may find yourself feeling vulnerable or a little uncomfortable. It's a sign that you’re tapping into something deeper than the usual day-to-day experiences.

Share it with others. Reach out to the people in your life who have made a difference and let them know how much you appreciate them. Write a letter, send a text, or make a phone call - the method doesn't matter as much as the intention behind it.

Overwhelming gratitude is not something to be feared. It's a reminder that we are surrounded by love and support, even in the most challenging times. By embracing these emotions and expressing them in meaningful ways, we can deepen our connections with others and cultivate a sense of joy and contentment in our lives.

With that, we are grateful for our beautiful guests, the friends we’ve made in Coco, and the people who have helped maintain our little “Zen Dens”



Finding the strength within ourselves to keep going, no matter what challenges we may face. I used to be so hard on myself if I failed, felt all the feelings, executed something that wasn’t “perfect” or, let people down…

Slowly I’ve learned (and continue) that it’s not about being invincible or always having it together, it's about being able to bounce back from setbacks and to keep moving forward with grace and determination. By developing a positive mindset and focusing on our strengths, we can learn to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and become more resilient in the process. 💪

A little reminder ➡️ if you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged, know that you’re not alone. Take a deep breath, remind yourself of your inner strength, and keep pushing forward. You've got this, my friends ❤️


We hope you laugh more. We hope you sing at the top of your lungs. That you surround yourself with people who make you feel alive. We hope you speak what’s on your mind, that your raise your voice for injustice, that you tell others you love them instead of waiting until it’s too late.

We hope this year you have the courage to start again. The ambition to aim higher. Resilience in overcoming obstacles. Humility to learn from others. And above all else, kindness and acceptance for yourself ❤️

Happy New Year, friends. Thank you for the love and support. We hope the Zen Den has offered a place of peace, light and, reflection for our guests ❤️🙏

Photos from The Zen Den's post 12/08/2022

We stayed in this little “Happy Oasis” this past week ❤️

Loved heading back here to rest after a day of adventure!

playasdelcoco happyoasis2


Who doesn’t love a good forest bath. Hike, stroll, bike or sit. Whatever your body allows ❤️

Spending time around trees has been proven to reduce stress, improve moods, lower blood pressure, increase concentration and creativity, boost immune systems, and can even help with better sleeps 😴

There are plenty ways to meditate. Try forest bathing 😍


Last night in Coco watching this beautiful sunset ❤️


Just in case you need a reminder ❤️


There are so many ways to move your body when you’re in Coco. Venturing around some cliffs to find a hidden white sand beach 😍


Energetic alignment.

There’s no pretending to be happy because it doesn’t take effort. Your happiness is so much more than a mindset, it’s a state of harmonious existence that’s felt deep in your soul.

You’re happy because you’re authentically yourself and putting your energy towards those things that make you light up and feel whole.

Remember this - daydreams and visions are the driving force behind creating an energtically aligned life. These visions are messages from your intuition and are there to give you guidance.

Everything in the world exists because of someone’s vision and their intuitive knowing that they are meant to turn these visions into reality. You’re in alignment when you are pursuing these visions for yourself.

So - as the saying goes. Trust your intuition. Work to eliminate your split energy (existing belief, expectation, or perception, that’s an obstacle in your path.) and more towards living your best life. You deserve it ❤️

Photos from The Zen Den's post 04/08/2022

Let’s talk about weather during the off season. People get turned off by the idea of travelling during the wet season (I prefer calling it the green season). Here’s the thing 🧐

This tiny country is located very close to the equator, is nestled between two oceans, and has several steep mountain ranges down the center. All of these factors make forecasting very difficult. There is also very limited weather infrastructure in Costa Rica. So when you look at the weather network from home, naturally the idea of visiting CR during this time can he discouraging. Swipe to see our example of misleading forecasting 😂

Typically and more specifically in the Guanacaste province, rain happens sporadically, in the morning or evenings. There tends to be overcast in the late afternoons and maybe a couple droplets but it’s a wonderful time to visit. While there are no guarantees, I would always recommend coming if you can.

Having said that, historically, September and October are truly WET! Tours don’t happen nearly as often during these months as it can be unsafe or just not enjoyable. But as always, we highly recommend off-season visits! No premium prices and super lush 😍

We are always happy to help our guests make the right decisions for travel 🙏❤️


Sloths…Despite their laziness, their slooow movements, their odd little bodies, and their insanely filthy fur, they are ridiculously cute!

Did you know? 👀
* Sloths have the slowest digestion system of any mammal and can take up to two weeks to digest their food 🦥

* The fur of a sloth is actually an entire ecosystem in and of itself with colonies of algae, fungi, moths, mites. This allows them to hide from predators and make them rather unappetizing 🤢

* They can swim through water three times faster than they can move on the ground! 🏊

We strongly recommend booking a guided tour to see these beauties in their natural habitat. They really are fascinating creatures but always best to go with a professional spotter 😍

We can always help organize and plan your tours to make the best of your trip ❤️


With Pride Month upon us, we want to recognize this wonderful community for everything you do, everything you are, all you struggle with and all you celebrate and advocate.

The Zen Den will always be an ally for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. We’ve said it before and we will say it again, all are welcome on our page and in our homes.


It’s been a minute. Boy, has it been a minute…

Sadly and gratefully this tan is 💯Canadian. My trip to CR in May had to be postponed due to finally succumbing to the dreaded global virus 😢

As upsetting as that was, sometimes the universe has a beautiful way of derailing one’s plans for a higher purpose ❤️

So here we are, immersing ourselves in something we are grateful to be apart of and trusting the path…🙏

Just popping on to wish everyone peace, love and light wherever you are in your journey’s. Looking forward to planting my feet on Costa Rica’s glorious soil again.

Thank you as always for your support. We adore each and everyone of our guests ❤️


Happy Earth Day 🌎

How can you help? Start incorporating the environment as a priority in your personal, financial and professional decisions. Start thinking about where you’re excessively consuming and needlessly wasting.

Don’t forget to love your mother ❤️


We have an influence over our world, both positive and negative.

Our actions have a real effect on the people we interact with, our work and the value we give to society, our property and how we choose to use it, and the places we occupy.

It’s simple. Be a good human ❤️


Playas del Coco sunset views 🌅
Enough said ❤️


This Arab Proverb so beautiful and relatable.

Because we can’t see them, we throw words around without much consideration for their effect. Harsh words can cause wounds that fester for years and the pain can last a lifetime.

This doesn’t mean making a doormat of yourself. Just the opposite. First you learn to break the connection between impulse and response. Once you detach your emotional attachment, you can reply to criticism without identifying yourself with your opinions or the other person with theirs.

You are then free to choose words that are kind, respectful, and to the point.

The more self-willed and insensitive one is, the more reason for you to alert your mind to be calm and compassionate – and, if necessary, to face opposition firmly but tenderly.

We have to learn to show respect by opposing each other – tenderly, non-violently, but firmly.

We are facing many changes now more than ever which is followed by many opinions. Take a breath and be kind ❤️


Catarata La Leona ❤️
This beauty attraction is approximately 1 hour from Coco.

If you’re looking for a unique and adventurous waterfall hike in Costa Rica; this is a must-see.

La Leona waterfall is a small blue waterfall hidden deep in the canyons and caves of the a gorgeous blue river. It’s about a 2 hour hike and there are a few trials (easy, moderate, hard) you can choose.

Such beauty practically right in our backyard ❤️


Gratitude helps you see what’s already there rather than what isn’t. We are forever grateful for our family, friends and guests that support our little home away from home ❤️

Photos from The Zen Den's post 20/01/2022

Hi there, I’m Carla ❤️

For those of you who are new and just joining this little community, I thought I would share a bit about myself, and why we own and rent in Costa Rica.

My husband and I are owners of 2 vacation rentals in a little fishing town called Playas Del Coco in the Guanacaste province.

I would consider myself a happy person. I’ve always loved and had a deep compassion for humans (most), animals, and nature.

I help wherever and whoever I can and genuinely enjoy it. It takes a lot to offend me but very little to feel offended for others.

In 2019, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I went in for a regular check up and to chat about some dizzy spells and walked out with an “effective immediately” doctors note for a leave. I was crushed. And confused. I loved my job, had a roof over my head, beautiful family, friends and a cat! But the thing that I’ve come to learn is that depression does not discriminate. It can creep into your life quietly, or it can hit you like a ton of bricks.

Brent and I had a trip booked for the first time in over 5 years. Cue Costa Rica….

No, it did not instantly cure my mental illness however, it did kickstart my mental wellness journey.

Being in a place like CR grounded me. Like many people in the western world, I started focusing on being the person that society would prefer me to be, regardless of what my inner nature felt, I was still concerned with fulfilling the role I thought I had to. When I was in Costa Rica, I felt the simplicity of the Country, the slow, tranquil pace, the welcoming vibe and stillness in my thoughts. I felt so much peace and clarity.

2 weeks later, we bought our first condo. We want others to experience these feelings of serenity and we want to be able to help others get the most out of their stay.

We do things differently to help people afford their trips and help plan when it becomes overwhelming.

Whether you are on this page to book our units, plan for a CR trip or to look at pics and inspo posts; you’re all welcome and we are so happy you are here. DM us if you want to chat about a future trip or just hang around and enjoy the vibe and wellness support ❤️


Too often we focus on conspicuous consumption (keeping up with the Joneses) mentality. There has long been a correlation observed between materialism, a lack of empathy and unhappiness. When we replace stuff with experiences, our level of happiness and well-being rise.

Here are some reasons why we should challenge ourselves to focus on experiences above material:

☺️ Experiences provide better memories

😵‍💫 Experiences result in less clutter

👯‍♀️ Experiences provide greater opportunity to connect with other people

🧘 Experiences result in greater mindfulness

🥰 Experiences result in less comparison with others and more self-satisfaction

So whether you organize a walk with a group of friends or go on a trip to Costa Rica we encourage our community to take that trending purse or new playstation out of the shopping cart and start making memories ❤️


Research has shown as people become more materialistic, their well-being (good relationships, autonomy, sense of purpose and the rest) diminishes.

It’s so easy to get caught up in conspicuous consumption (keeping up with the Joneses) mentality because we think it will make us happy and fill the void.

When we stop indulging in materials and start focusing on experiences, our well-being and longer-lasting happiness rises drastically.

Here’s a few proven reasons we should experience life over stuff:

👉 Experiences provide greater memories

👉 Experiences result in less clutter

👉 Experiences provide greater opportunity to connect with other people

👉 Experiences result in greater mindfulness

👉 Experiences result in less comparison with others

Whether it’s an organized walk with friends or a trip to Costa Rica, challenge yourself to worry less about what you have in materials and more about what you have in memories ❤️



It never gets old when you spot (or hear) a few of these guys in the trees 🐒


It’s been a minute… Things have been tough with the virus we shall not name. Just a quick reminder that even if you’re struggling with it; you’re doing it.

Keep talking to your friends and family, go for walks, sweat it out, meditate, DM us if you feel you have no one else…just be kind to yourself.

Let’s get through this collective trauma together ❤️

Photos from The Zen Den's post 21/12/2021

When you’re visiting a place for long enough, you tend to gravitate to a spot that’s welcoming and starts to feel like home. We can’t say enough about the warmth and inviting personalities of the staff .corazon

Located on the main strip, just steps away from the beach - you will not be disappointed by the menu, selection of specialty coffee, atmosphere and lovely staff.

We highly recommend supporting this cafe when visiting Coco ❤️❤️
corazon - we miss you already!


If you’re a coffee lover or in our case; need a hot cup of java for survival purposes, CR definitely has some of the best beans around.

Fun facts about coffee grown in Costa Rica:

1. It’s against the law to grow anything other than top quality Arabica beans.

2. The CR government provides farmers with the seeds and tax breaks to start their own plantation. This benefits their economy twofold — it expands the growth of a valuable export and helps farmers gain greater financial stability. ​

3. In a population of just 5 million, 10% of the Country is involved in the coffee industry

4. CR has over 300 years of experience; focusing on quality not quantity with its ideal mixture of climate, soil and altitude.

5. Costa Rican coffee was once the most expensive option in Starbucks selling for $7 a cup and $40 a bag. But those high prices didn't deter coffee drinkers -- the company sold out completely in less than a day.

Once you experience a fresh cup of CR coffee, it will be hard to go back to anything else 😆

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Agencia Inmobiliaria mas cotizado en El Coco?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.


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