TacFit Latinoamérica

Difusión de las actividades TacFit en Latinoamérica. Sistema de entrenamiento creado por Scott Sonnon

Timeline photos 21/04/2017

Por algo nuestro entrenamiento TACFIT es llamado por la revista Men´s Health el más inteligente del mundo, ya que está diseñado para no causar lesiones, disminuir el impacto y lograr objetivos.

Timeline photos 20/04/2017

El mes pasado nuestro Sensei estuvo participando en una certificación de TACFIT, en donde compartió con el creador de la disciplina Scott Sonnon y co-fundador Alberto Gallazzi. ¡Genios!


Protocol INDIA

Timeline photos 10/05/2016

Since 1996, RMAX has been a trusted leader in the field of human conditioning and exercise science. Our early roots as a martial arts company have evolved over two decades into one of the top fitness production companies in the world. None of which would have been possible without the trust and support of our clients, whom we like to call our Friends.

Together we have pushed each other to surpass ouRMAXimum potentials and raise our bars higher. We have set high standards to promote health and wellness on a platform of honesty, integrity, and real proven results. With your support and our unwavering commitment, we can continue to help all who simply want a better quality of life through movement.

Here's to 20 More Years of staying fit together!


AlbertoGallazziAugust2016 | Just another WordPress site 27/04/2016

AlbertoGallazziAugust2016 | Just another WordPress site I was born and raised in the Milano suburb of Northern Italy in 1970. As a child, I was very active until the age of 12. It was around that time that I stopped all physical activity, and for 2 years, I was just shoveling food in my mouth. The end result left me a hefty 89 kg at the age of 14 and thi…

Timeline photos 15/04/2016

Coach Scott Sonnon and RMAX International Proudly Announce the official launch of the Progressive Yoga Series Standalone Program- Now Available for immediate download as a Complete Package or in individual Series A-E:


You’re not progressing, because you can’t force or rest your way out of your problem. You can’t get there from here. Harder effort will produce the opposite effect: stronger problems. You work harder, run faster, stretch longer, and the same downhill slide into aches, pains, injuries (even illness) results.

Why can’t you work your way out of your problems? Why, specifically, isn’t yoga helping you? (Even the Yoga Journal published a study showing that in every yoga class, 1 out of 10 people are injured… from a yoga class. Yoga: supposedly a “health" modality.)

Physical Yoga was originally created to help aesthetics sit in meditation for longer periods of time. Originally, around 600-800BC, it involved only 7 postures; though technically, it started with only one pose: laying down flat on your back. Take all of the woo-woo pseudoscience out of yoga for a moment, and consider that...

Tofu and rainbows aside, physical yoga was only compensation for an unnatural physical goal: prolonged sitting. The human body wasn’t designed and hasn’t evolved for prolonged sitting of any type. So, a few suffering monks decided to create a way to compensate for the pains of their meditation.

My yoga teacher told me, “The traditional way isn’t for the Westerner. You have to adapt the method to the mindset, and the original purpose to the current lifestyle.” The functional purpose of physical yoga was to compensate for the demands placed upon the body.

Consider the demands that you place upon your body daily. Look at your state of disrepair. You’re probably out of shape, aching, stiff, and low on energy, or at least crashing regularly. You probably feel “old” or at least feel tired. You’re most likely looking forward to vacation, not so you can go do something exciting and challenging, but so you can rest and do nothing. You worry about playing with your friends or kids or grandkids, for fear of getting hurt and missing work.

You’re actually in a pretty bad place, but because everyone is doing it, it doesn’t seem that unusual.

But just like you can’t exercise your way out of this problem, you can’t rest your way out of your problems either. Even sitting down is stress (recall the origins of physical yoga). But if you lay down, you’ll have insufficient stress and you’ll start to fall apart; which is really what’s gotten you to this point: you exercise hard, get hurt, burned out or bored with the repetition or effort, and then have a forced rest. Both the hard work and the forced rest are killing you, slowly granted, but it’s daily su***de.

You just don’t realize the ~20 years of life you’re sacrificing for your lifestyle.

There’s an alternative, and yes, I’m going to provide you with a solution to your problems.

Because of my early childhood joint disease, I had to travel the world to study at the chalkboards of the masters, and understand the process of adaptation to stress. Testing on myself, certain approaches work for highly stressed tissues, and most theories were found invalid. Sharing my discoveries with others resulted in a 100% success rate. Yes, 100%. No exceptions.

Not all of you will get 100% of the benefits from this program. Ten-twenty percent of you will only get 70-80% of the benefits, because, without direct supervision, it can’t be perfectly dialed in to the specificity of your lifestyle stress. But we’re talking two out of ten people need a little extra help to fine-tune my approach to their specificity.

To get across the street you have to go around the block. If you’re tight, athletic or practically-minded, you can neither force your way through a physical problem, nor rest your way around it. You have to take the “longer” path of step by step progress. It only SEEMS longer. In truth, it’s faster. Yes, the longer route is faster, much like driving around town to avoid a traffic jam that’s on the highway might be a longer route, but take significantly less time. Unfortunately, people try to take the short route, and end up taking forever, or getting into multiple accidents themselves (or dying early from road rage).

Progressive yoga shows you how to go around the world to get across town. That doesn’t sound attractive when you’re stiff, in pain, suffering an injury, or sick. But eventually, everyone seeks out a progressive approach to anything, especially yoga. Like a dear friend once said, given a sufficient amount of time, your enemies will eventually float down the river. You’re not my enemy, but your resistance to what will solve your problem, I consider our mutual enemy. And he’s killing you slowly.

Physical yoga instructors will get all in a tizzy about their rice bowl cracking when they hear this, but you’ll have to adopt the mindset of an iconoclast if you want to solve the problems you’re facing. No style of yoga is going to give you a solution. The only solution to your problem is to break it down into small enough, digestible portions that you both provide yourself with sufficient stress, but without overdoing it. That’s what Progressive Yoga is.

As a scientist, I’m only concerned with the practical results of a method. As a philosopher, I love the elegance of simplicity. So, these simple, elegant steps in Progressive Yoga will allow you to finally get the practical results you’ve been hoping to achieve.

For the next 5 days, this system, developed over the past two decades, will be available for a limited time promotional offer of $30 in order to give as many people access to the approach as possible.

It’ll redefine how physical yoga is taught and presented, except for the educationally-myopic cults who desperately believe that in order to do anything, you must do it exactly as it had been taught to them. Crazy doesn’t float on the sea of results, so regardless of whether you adopt one teacher’s style or another, you’ll have to adapt anything to your life in order to reap value from it.

Progressive yoga needs little adaptation for some and no adaptation for most people, because it was born from the necessity of micro-steps. Take your next micro-step… and finally solve the problem that force and rest have been impotent to change, and have only worsened.

Very Respectfully,
Scott B. Sonnon


Timeline photos 07/04/2016

Coach Scott Sonnon Adds Value To your Kettlebell Lifting-

What most strength coaches don’t consider is that every digit on a scale of 1-10 is always filled with something. For example, on a scale of 1-10, if your technique is an 8, then you have 8 units of good form, and 2 units of poor form. 2 is usually acceptable. You’re doing more good than harm. But if your technique is only a 5-6 than half of what you’re conditioning in your body is good, and half not so good.

Why is that a problem?

Think of it this way. If you’re training at an RPT of 5, then half of what you’re conditioning your body to progress upon is known, verifiable, repeatable and desired. Unfortunately, so is the other 5. And that 5 is unknown, unverifiable, not necessarily repeatable and not necessarily desired.

Injuries aren’t an accident. You produced them! They’re a specific product of the accumulation of poor form. Poor form is a technique itself!

I had no alternative but to focus on form perfection, because poor form shreds my connective tissue even today, and I have incredibly strong joints compared to the average person. Because of my genetic condition, any deviation from perfect form causes rapid acceleration of soft tissue deterioration. Unfortunately, once you’re older than 35, most people are facing what I’ve had to face since early childhood…

And that fact is… we are as old as our connective tissue. Unfortunately, our focus on conditioning athletes earlier and earlier is increasing the rate of training-related injuries to younger and younger athletes.

So, what does all of this mean?

Well, you need a subject matter expert to teach you proper, efficient and sustainable technique. I would much rather have good technique than strength to power through it.

Why? Because good technique always produces sustainable results. And poor technique (i.e. powering through without good technique) eventually leads to injury.

If you lift over an impediment, without correcting a specific deficit, or addressing a precondition, then that RPT that isn’t “proper form” will only be reinforcing “poor form” (the impediment, deficit, or precondition.) As someone who professionally speaks to “special populations” around the world, as an individual overcoming several “disabilities” himself, I have found that this isn’t a niche, but 85% of the world. A handful of those rare 0.2% who are the genetically “gifted” never suffer their entire lives, though all of the professionals I’ve worked with pay the price as well in later life.

It’s all about being able to extract the motor components of skills that are impeded, plug in components /steps which are safe and possible, and never “train” a movement beyond the ability of our structure to sustain it. Most people have no business touching anything higher than a 16kg kettlebell, including experienced kettlebell lifters for this very reason. The first tenet of exercise should always be, “first, do not harm.” Because of my special challenges as a child, and because of my education in the former Soviet Union in biomechanical exercise and component learning theory, I developed the Circular Strength Training system for addressing this very issue.

And now RMAX is offering my CST Inspired Kettlebell Foundations Training program for a super special price of just $30. This 3 DVD set is sure to change the way you approach your Kettlebell training and more. Say goodbye to training related injuries and enjoy pain free movement right now by visiting http://www.rmaxinternational.com/KBF/

Very Respectfully,

Scott B Sonnon

Timeline photos 03/04/2016

Final Week for VIP Registration to Our Michigan Certifications in August!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to train with Coach Scott Sonnon in real life? Did you know his renowned books, DVD titles, and digital programs are recognized in over 68 countries throughout the fitness world? Each day thousands of people are challenging their conventional approaches and ideas of what it means to be physically fit.

The fact is our unique methods and techniques positioned us as early pioneers in what we call “health first-fitness”. An approach whose foundational principle is the idea that exercise is intended to improve our overall quality of life first and foremost. And while you can certainly practice and implement these techniques via our lineup of programs and products, there is no substitute for the scope and degree of learning from Coach Sonnon face to face.

To highlight this, we wanted to share with you a few recent testimonials from our TACFIT and FlowFit seminars in Bellingham-

“It was an amazing experience. It is only possible to better understand TACFIT when we are feeling the energy that a seminar like this gives us. “
-Luis C

“This seminar made me love TACFIT even more. This experience was sensational. Now I feel a part of this family”
-Gabriela B

“The FlowFit seminar delivered more than I was expecting. I always amazed with how much and how good is the quality of time spent in certification provided by Coach Sonnon and the RMAX team”
-Bernardo S

“I love the FlowFit tie in between the fitness and yoga world. It is a unique blend of movement that energizes you. Love it!”
-Omar M

And now we would like to invite you to join us! For one more week only, until April 4th, VIP registration is available for our FlowFit and TACFIT Seminars to be hosted in Michigan this coming August. If you would like to reserve your spot, or for more information including a $500 deposit option and details about a special MMA/Sambo Workshop, please visit http://www.rmaxinternational.com/CertificationsAugust2016/

5.11 Loadouts 21/02/2016

TACFIT: On the Road, In the Field and Down Range. Anywhere - Anytime.

TACFIT Academy Founder Scott Sonnon uses his 5.11 Tactical RUSH 72 pack to always be ready for a TACFIT workout. "It's my portable TACFIT gym that can be hiked out to any location and installed for TACFIT training in zero time." http://www.511tactical.com/rush-72-backpack.html

Timeline photos 30/08/2015

Listos para su ultimo examen de Tacfit Qual. Orgulloso del gran trabajo que han hecho ambos durante estos días. Agradecido por las oportunidades que nos da la vida en hacer crecer a otros de una manera única y especial. Que alegría que sean ustedes dos,los primeros instructores de Tacfit Educados en Panamá


Thank you Coach Sonnon for trust me on leading our Pre-qual with amazing athletes in our Tacfit Certification

Timeline photos 28/08/2015

Private session with Coach Sonnon. Always an honor to learn from you brother

Timeline photos 27/08/2015

Rumbo a San Jose, CR para la certificacion regional de Tacfit Latin America. Asistiendo a los nuevos instructores Level 1.
Agradecido por todo el apoyo recibido y por llevar a en su participacion como los primeros panameños entrenados en Tacfit Academy Panama

Timeline photos 26/08/2015

Se acerca la tan esperada certificación de instructores de TACFIT, con la participación de Scott Sonnon . Mayor información en el correo y número de contacto reseñado en la imagen

Timeline photos 20/08/2015

Todo listo para la próxima semana otra nueva certificación de Tacfit con el mejor Coach y Mentor Scott Sonnon.
Honrado de poder asistir a los nuevos instructores para Latinoamerica incluyendo Panama


When we say TACFIT Sit Thru Extension we mean SLIDES 💪🏻
Tacfit Athlete:

Timeline photos 15/08/2015

Gracias a todos los Coaches y Atletas que participaron del primer Workshop Oficial de Tacfit en Panamá
Trabajo de Protocolo Qual y principios básicos de Tacfit.
Pull Plank knee, SitThru Knee, Tripod, Mountain Climber, Tactical Pushup, Tactical Lunges, Quad Press y Clubbell Gamma Cast

Timeline photos 12/08/2015

Para todos los interesados en conocer mas sobre Tacfit y sus certificaciones para Instructor Level 1.

Timeline photos 31/07/2015

The end of summer rapidly approaches. To help, RMAX is offering a Swing Sale through August 2, 2015.

Save 20% off on 5lb, 10lb and 15lb. CST Clubbells: the perfect back to school gift and a must-have for your training tool box. Take advantage of this special offer and experience the "Original Health Club."

The Clubbell is one of a kind training equipment that is swung, not merely lifted and pressed! It's the oldest tool known to man; an "Ancient Tool for the Modern Athlete." Pack on Muscle, free your movement and get fit fast and injury free with the Clubbell.

Coupon Code and details available at https://rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/.

**Special Bonus Offer includes our world-renown CST Group X program for just $20. Safe and effective Clubbell training, in a group class format, available in your living room right now with this exclusive 2 DVD set! Hurry offer ends August 2,2015.

Hello Everyone,

Our Summer to Swing Sale has arrived! Now through August 2, 2015, save 20% off on 5lb, 10lb and 15lb. CST Clubbells. Are you looking for the perfect back to school gift? Or Maybe you are new to Clubbell training? Take advantage of this special offer and experience the Club people are raving about!

The Clubbell is a unique training modality that is swung, not conventionally lifted or pushed! A club is the oldest tool known to man, so we call the Clubbell an "Ancient Tool for the Modern Athlete". Increase strength, restore mobility and get in shape fast and injury free with the Clubbell. Coupon Code and details available at https://rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/

**Special Bonus Offer includes our world-renown CST Group X program for just $20. Safe and effective Clubbell training, in a group class format, available in your living room right now with this exclusive 2 DVD set! Hurry offer ends August 2,2015.

Mobile uploads 28/07/2015
Timeline photos 23/07/2015

Algunos de los inicios de Tacfit en Panama, Gracias a Spartan Academy por la oportunidad de poder empezar .


Timeline photos 23/07/2015

Los pocos sobrevivientes de esta mañana lluviosa.

Timeline photos 23/07/2015

Hello Everyone,

Our Summer to Swing Sale has arrived! Now through August 2, 2015, save 20% off on 5lb, 10lb and 15lb. CST Clubbells. Are you looking for the perfect back to school gift? Or Maybe you are new to Clubbell training? Take advantage of this special offer and experience the Club people are raving about!

The Clubbell is a unique training modality that is swung, not conventionally lifted or pushed! A club is the oldest tool known to man, so we call the Clubbell an "Ancient Tool for the Modern Athlete". Increase strength, restore mobility and get in shape fast and injury free with the Clubbell. Coupon Code and details available at https://rmaxinternational.3dcartstores.com/

**Special Bonus Offer includes our world-renown CST Group X program for just $20. Safe and effective Clubbell training, in a group class format, available in your living room right now with this exclusive 2 DVD set! Hurry offer ends August 2,2015.

Timeline photos 14/07/2015

Tacfit Bravo Protocol

Timeline photos 14/07/2015

Tacfit Academy
Protocol : Bravo

Timeline photos 13/07/2015

Tacfit Original Bodyweight Qual
Tactical Lunges, Pull Plank Knee,
Sit thru knee/ Slides, Tactical Pushups, Spinal Rock & Tripod
Tacfit Academy Panama


Are you ready? If you're injury resistant, the answer is: Always.


Honored to join Team 5.11 and share TACFIT!

XPRT Training with Scott Sonnon: Pistol Pushup | Tactical360 10/06/2015

Honored to join Team 5.11 and share TACFIT!

XPRT Training with Scott Sonnon: Pistol Pushup | Tactical360 Scott Sonnon was named one of the top 25 trainers in the world by Men’s Fitness magazine. He is the founder of TACFIT Academy.

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