Kundalini Rose

Kundalini Rose

🌹 Unleashing Power, Purpose & Potential 🌹 Sacred Sexuality and Sovereignty 🌹 Ta***ic Alchemy 🌹 Rose Files


I’ve always been a revolutionary.

From leading riotous rebellions in school, to taking off my shoes to become a wandering gypsy, to diving deep into the matrix to deliver a new renaissance of creativity and awakening arts.

It’s hard for me to imagine not being passionate about making a difference, changing the world, and leaving a legacy of love.

The motivation has been there from day one.

And yet, I see how easy it is to get caught in the war and the struggle and the fight. Even in the subtlest of ways…

And then the revolution becomes self defeating.

Because, we will never resolve wars with fighting.

Just like you can not analyse away shame or pain.

Only love can melt our wounds, and bring us back to wholeness and truth.

Only love can shed healing light upon the dark shadowy corners of our souls. And only love can reconcile our pain with peace.

And yet, when life is so rich and the world needs so much, sometimes love doesn’t feel like enough.

As sensitive sentient beings, we are naturally called to action.

But when that action doesn’t come from balance, we end up creating more of the separation we’re resisting.

Separation that we unconsciously perpetuate when we take action from a place of imbalance. From states of rebellion, reaction or ignorance.

We can get so caught up in the mission, that we forget to tend to the reflection the external world points to within our own being.

So we have to remember, time and time again, to come back to ourselves. To our body and our breath, and the silent singing of our inner stillness.

We have to remember the love that we are. And to offer that love to ourselves…

Because when we heal, the world heals. And when we return ourselves to love, we can create heaven on earth 🌏

Remember, you are the medicine. Don’t forget to dose yourself! ♥️

Just two days left to join E R OT I C - A L C H E M Y - a guided pilgrimage to the source and sanctuary of love within you.

Message me if you know you know 🌹


Photos from Kundalini Rose's post 30/03/2022

Feminine yearning is profound.

We long to be filled, penetrated and pleasured, not just s*xually but spiritually.

Because we are vessels for divine love -

We naturally long for the love of creation to flood through us, to melt away all separation, and bring us home to our true nature - an o.gasmic, ecstatic state of union with all that is.

The paradox is that in order to satiate this deep longing, we have to be prepared to descend. To feel all the areas of disconnection, doubt, fear and wounding. To face the trauma, neurosis and egoic tendencies that operate within the learned programs of our monkey minds.

Often the initiations required on the path of awakening, necessarily involve pain - yet it can be through pain that we learn to access new dimensions of pleasure.

This takes courage. This takes trust. This takes surrender.

It takes dying to what we know, so that we can rebirth into who we were born to become.

And it is this process that conversely teaches us the art of o.rgasmic living.

It is in the primordial wilderness of the journey into our own depths, that we learn to die to the moment… to surrender to source… and to open to the fullness of whatever experience is alive in any given moment.

The feminine ascends through descent. Through the raw and real messiness of death and birth,
and the potent power of her blood.

Your feminine desire is a doorway to your divine nature. And your physical body is a mystical portal - a living altar - a vessel for awakening…

A sacred temple with the power to nurture life and bring heaven to earth - not as a conceptual fantasy but as a lived experience -

As an embodied expression of your essential nature.

So, if you’re ready to rise - to activate your sacred s*xuality, liberate your limitless pleasure, and step into your sovereignty, I’m here for allll of it.

And I’m inviting you to join our gathering circle for a journey into your true nature, and the nature of Life herself.

E R O T I C - A L C H E M Y begins April 1st. 6 weeks. Pre-recorded modules, practices and transmissions & weekly group calls.

Drop into my DMs for the full download.

🌹 🥀 🌹 🥀 🌹 🥀 🌹 🥀 🌹 🥀 🌹


I did a n**e shoot yesterday.

In the jungle, ocean, and river.

It was sublime 🔥

Naked in Nature is my dream concept, it turns out.

The last time I modelled n**e was 13 years ago - I was riding horses across Mexico in a circus, and someone from the tribe captured me with my beloved stallion, Avalon.

Many moons ago.

It made me reflect on how far I’ve come. On the woman I am now. The way I know, hold, love, and cherish myself. The intimacy I enjoy with my body and soul.

Back then so much was a still a mystery (plenty still is)… and at that time, despite my rebellious nature and unusual lifestyle choices, I was both lost and found in the wilderness.

Today I know who I am, and what I’m here for. And I embody my purpose more than ever before.

I haven’t seen any of the photos from the shoot yet. I didn’t need to look. What I experienced was enough. Even if I don’t like or use a single picture, the pleasure that liberating my expression in a new way gave me, was profoundly nourishing.

It’s been a long and winding road to reach this here and now. Much dying, healing, shedding and humbling over the years. Spiritual boot camp, intense transformation, and bittersweet experiences I never could have predicted.

Ultimately, I don’t feel jaded by any of it. I still have the same core dreams I always had. And my trust in life has deepened with every death.

Each experience of traversing pain, strengthened my light. It made my love more expansive and my heart more true.

Guiding women as they liberate their s*xual energy, claim their sovereignty and embrace their power to rebirth, is a calling. And one that brings me so much joy to answer.

Back in Mexico, I never envisioned this work for myself. Yet it was always in me. It happened all the time, naturally, with friends and strangers alike. S*x, spirituality, love and empowerment were consistent themes.

It was about time I made it official.

So, if you’re ready to commit to yourself, your growth,and your healing - and to show up for you like never before, send me a DM.

My E R O T I C - A L C H E M Y container starts a second round on April 1st.

You’re so worth it 🌹

Art: 📖


I want to offer this wild, unflinching dedication
To irrepressible Love, beyond all reason and sense
To Life itself -
I want to copy and paste it onto the heart of the world
So it can heal and nurture and nourish and create beauty
I want to express the untold passion within me
To paint it through my lips and body
Drenched in life’s desire for itself
Until the soul of the world weeps with joy
I want to gather it up in a sacred bundle
And give it all back to God


E R O T I C - A L C H E M Y 2.0 begins next week. Message me for the download 🔥 More in my stories 💋



Learn to let life make love to you.

It’s your birthright to bathe in healing o.rgasmic frequencies - our bodies and beings are designed to experience ecstasy naturally.
Not just in s*x, or with a lover, but from the simplest experiences in life.

But while bliss is our natural state, we’re often socially and culturally hardwired into programs of stress, fear and lack - instead of being trained to cultivate our natural capacity to bask in bliss and manifest our dreams in the world.

Nature is our greatest ally in helping us to return to our original blueprint - the more we open to her, the more we can receive from her - and the more we unleash her mystical medicine in our lives.

Nature offers us so many pathways to pleasure. From the sensation of being alive in your body, to the wind on your face, the sun on your skin…your sense of smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing… from the passion of the sun’s fire to the healing of the ocean’s embrace to the magic that dances in silken rays of moonlight…

Embracing intimacy with existence is about more than pleasure - it’s about devotion. Devotion to spirit, consciousness, and mother nature. And devotion to self - to the god source that exists within you.

It’s the love with which you rise to meet life, that allows you to receive love from life. Through your relationships with other humans, with earth, and with the source of all creation.

‘Life as Lover’ is the third module in E R O T I C - A L C H E M Y - a six week immersion and guided journey that supports you to reclaim your erotic innocence and ecstatic o.rgasmic nature.
Beloved soul, you are a portal to power and pleasure beyond your wildest imaginings - and you hold all the alchemical keys you need 🔑 It’s time to remember your nature, and reclaim your medicine.

The circle is gathering. If you feel the call to join us, then send me a message for the full download, or enroll now if you’re already a full f**k yes 🙌

Doors close April 1st, more info in my stories

💦 🌎💦



When I stopped doing physical yoga was when things really started to move.

Until then I was a dedicated yogini, practicing for at least an hour a day for almost ten years. At uni, I’d wake up early to do yoga before my lectures, even hungover. Any day I didn’t practice, it felt like my body didn’t fit me properly. I was addicted to the stretching. I even used to roll out my mat in airport lounges before getting on the plane.

I graduated as a kundalini yoga teacher in 2010, and straight afterwards the universe flipped my reality upside down. I was invited into an entirely new level of surrender and an unknown path.

I answered the call. And part of my initiation was to give up my yoga practice. Not because I was spiritually deviating, but because I was guided to shed the energetic blockages that had been sitting under my muscles for all those years.

I love yoga. It’s an incredible technology that can support our evolution, open us up to life, and help us become more embodied & aware of our physical vessels.

And yet, yoga is not just about stretching, nor is it exercise. It’s about union. The union of body & soul, matter & spirit, masculine & feminine. Simply offering presence (masculine) to your body (feminine) is also yoga. And dancing, making love and breathing can equally activate alchemy, unite polarities, and harmonise dissonance.

When I stoped ‘normal’ yoga was when the deep work really began. I dropped the muscle and could then shed the energetic weight - because I no longer had a feel good practice that shielded me from the deeper layers of trauma and conditioning that were limiting me. I broke open in new ways, traversed the depths of my healing, and came to know my soul and align with my purpose more than ever before.

I still teach yoga, but don’t adhere to any particular lineage, although I know my own. I share from my embodied experience, blending ta***ic, yogic, taoist, shamanic and a rich smorgasbord of healing modalities. This is what the Erotic Alchemy program was born from. A shamanistic ta***ic yogic path. A devotional path beyond labels. A path of the heart ♥️

We all have a unique blueprint and path to walk. Yet we all long to return to the truth of the love that holds us, and that we are.
Ultimately, yoga is about union. About coming home to our innate wholeness.

My yoga is anything that returns us to balance, truth, and love.
I’m curious to know what this brings up for you? Feel free to share in the comments, and check out my stories for more info on Erotic Alchemy, enrolling now 🌹


It’s a moment for me. I’m challenged to convey what it means to me to complete the Erotic Alchemy container, on this brimming virgo full moon ☺️

Deep soul satisfaction.
Profound gratitude.
Ecstatic exuberance.

All these were present in me on the beach, when I went to decompress, and commune with the sun, moon and waters 🌊
Virgo moon born - it really does feel like my moon birthday - and I sense I am stepping into a new era within my own life 🌝

I feel blessed to have held such beautiful women, as they revolutionised their own lives thanks to their courage, vulnerability and openness - and the trust with which they allowed me to guide them through the labyrinth of their inner realms. I witnessed each one claim and embody more of her power, pleasure, radiance and sovereignty.

And we know this is just the beginning!

It all feels like such grace 🙏 And I am succulating every moment (yes, new word, definition in my stories😋).

This journey has also been a breakthrough moment in my world. For one, I braved new tech and learned how to navigate and create more with it. I produced and directed and edited myself. And also just showed up as me.

Birthing this course showed me that I had more to give than I’d even expected - it led me to claim and share myself in new ways, and allowed me to reveal more of my gifts and purpose.

I’ve both stretched and surprised myself, and am so thankful that I was able to give fully, and at the same time be deeply nourished by all that transpired within our sacred circle 🥰 I feel I’ve articulated a new iteration of my evolution, and embraced a new chapter in my love affair with life…

It’s good when you can drink your own medicine and it has the desired effect! 🌹

And I’m so completely ready to do this all over again, with the new circle of women that are aligning for the second container of this potent portal 🤗

The doors are open for Erotic Alchemy 2.0. We begin April 1st, and Earlybird ends on Monday. I’m welcoming you in with all my heart ♥️

My new website is still in the works, so you can request the full download by messaging me on here or booking a connection call via the l i n k in my b i o 👆

Enjoy the virgo full moon magic amores



Do less. Be more.

I have to remind myself….

To return to the remembrance that nature always ensures flowers bloom when it’s time. 🌹

Because, with all my fire, I can sometimes run myself into the ground. It doesn’t happen much but when it does, I pay attention.
It’s easy for me to slip into overdrive. So much to do, so many women to empower, the world to save, enlightenment to reach 😂

When you’re lit with passion and ignited in your purpose, you can end up burning yourself up in the flames 🔥

Lately, I received a reminder to slow down. A migraine. This was a new experience for me - and I needed it! Our bodies are so intelligent… and our soul loves to to ensure we spend time communing with them.

I coach women to listen to their bodies. I am alllll about it. But when the mind (masculine) misses her subtle signals (the feminine knows this oh so well), then there is usually a reaction down the road.

So I was humbled by this reminder - to uplevel my ability to read her signs and signals and needs and desires. Because within them there is so much wisdom. Which, if we catch it, will ultimately serve us all so much more.

And now, I’m recalibrated and more lit than ever to share my new online course, Woman Wakened, with the world 🤗

Woman Wakened is a 4 week online embodiment immersion, designed to awaken you to new levels of self love and to support you to embody your sacred essence.

It is a journey home to yourself. To your power, passion and pleasure. To your natural gifts and purpose on this planet.
It’s a reclamation of your most essential nature, and a return to the Mother of all who lives in and through us with every breath we take…

To the spark of life that ignites and sustains us…

And to the miraculous gift that is our own unique embodiment of this passionate dance of creation 💃

We blossom when it’s time AND it’s also our responsibility to tend our garden 🌻

So if you feel called to nurture yours more, then there’s a springtime discount currently available on all my courses, including Woman Wakened, until March 21st. Transmissions and practices are pre-recorded and WW also includes two 1:1 calls with me.

Message me for the full download xx

🌹 art by Rosa-Maria Marquez



We hear that sisterhood is sacred. But often it’s not.

Often it’s based on agreed perspectives, shared history, and lifestyle preferences.

Sacred sisterhood is different.

It’s a shared devotion to the divine, and to serving a grander purpose through our lives and our love.

It’s a mutual understanding of moral codes that allow us to meet in safety, trust and surrender, without holding back. Without performance or pretentiousness. Without censorship or competition.

In rawness, wildness and vulnerability.
In pain as well as in pleasure.
In sickness as well as health.

Sacred Sisterhood is an ongoing ceremony of healing and co-creation. It’s a living prayer to the divine feminine in each of us, the divine feminine in all.

It’s holding each others’ deepest desires and dreams as holy and precious and destined, and trusting in the purity of each other’s souls.

Sacred Sisterhood offers the deep knowing that, even if you break, you will never be abandoned. You will always be given shelter and nurture, love and time. That your healing is a priority.

Sacred Sisterhood is venturing into life’s mystery together, with openness over expectation. It’s trusting the flow of life and the divine plan, to unfold in perfect grace and timing.

It’s aligning power, intention and purpose, and reminding each other to return to the heart, and the simple wisdom of the hearth.

And it’s the little feminine rituals that honour our emotional tides, and celebrate the moment by moment beauty in the smallest of things.

It’s taking time for talking and weeping, laughing and grieving, and for cultivating the magic of our individual and shared gifts.

And it’s reminding each other how powerful, beautiful and worthy we really are…

As we humbly, gloriously and reverently walk each other home 🙏

Sisters, you can join me and an intimate circle of women, for E R O T I C - A L C H E M Y 2.0 beginning April 1st. This is a six week online deep dive into the depths of the feminine nature and our divine inheritance. Early bird ends on March 21st. Slide into my DMs for details



With Jiya Julia CreateSpaceCreateSpace at the retreat

Photos from Kundalini Rose's post 24/03/2022

Emerging from my womb cave refreshed and inspired, with some special springtime offers for you beauties!

Over the years I’ve learned so much from taking time to rest when I’m bleeding, and honouring the wisdom of my body especially during my moon time 🩸 This is when our psychic abilities are at their peak and our priestess archetype is prominent. It’s also when we’re energetically extremely open, sensitive & powerful.

The more we learn how to flow with the tides of life and cultivate our understanding of the inner & outer seasons, the more we can harness personal and universal energy to serve our purpose and nurture ourselves, others and the world 🌎

Initiating women into the feminine mysteries, and supporting sisters in their journey of remembrance and reclamation brings me so much joy. I’m so thankful to be sharing this profound work 🌹
Astrologically, this is a powerful year for expansion & growth - and the Spring Equinox is already almost upon us! With Mars & Venus in Aquarius this is a great time to consider what we’re cultivating, within ourselves and in our lives. Are the ways we spend our energy aligned with our values? Are we prioritising what matters? How are we nourishing the seeds of our dreams?

I’m excited to be working on the new Kundalini Rose website - and while that’s brewing I have 2 online courses available as well as openings for 1:1 mentorship. And I’m offering springtime discounts on ALL my programmes until March 21st 🤗

If you’d like to receive special offers, juicy downloads, free masterclasses and news about upcoming retreats & trainings straight to your inbox, then drop me your email in a DM 📧
May we all rise into our highest potential, and shine our brightest light, within & without. May we alchemise our wounds & shadows and liberate ourselves from limiting beliefs and programs that no longer serve. May we be blessed with peace & prosperity, beauty & harmony - and above all Love. Infinite divine love ♥️

Aho, Blessed Be, And So It Is 🙏

🌹artwork by Rosa-Maria Marquez

Photos from Kundalini Rose's post 24/03/2022

Sometimes a world of words is not enough
When the body is a better expression
Of tenderness and truth
Or when a loving kiss
Is the medicine for a thousand wounds
To be a woman is to embody
Life’s desire for itself -
To let the love of all creation
Mould us into a living prayer
To reveal the raw beauty
Of earth’s unearthly magic
By being unapologetically present
With all that we are.


📸 by Movement Hatha

Photos from Kundalini Rose's post 24/03/2022

I've always been embodied.

It took me decades to understand how disconnected most people are from their bodies. How intensely thirsty we are as a species - to re-establish and re-root in that connection with ourselves and our own vessels.

Embodiment was not something I had to learn. Perhaps because I’m a ta**us, perhaps because nudity was normalised in my family from childhood. Perhaps because, for lifetimes, this work has been my passion and my service.

The work of unifying s*x and spirit. Of meeting divinity through the body. Of alchemising the shadows of the human soul with the sacred fire of s*xual energy.

Recognising and aligning this gift took profound initiations in this lifetime. As much descent as ascension.

It took the courage to face the murky realms of my feminine wounds, and the strength to embrace the turbulent tides of my emotional waters.

It took ego tantrums and humbling revelations and trusting my heart. And the support of incredible teachers and mentors.

I don’t channel Isis or the Pleiadians. I don’t repeat what I’ve only read or heard. What I share is directly through my body - from my own experience and gnosis.

In my life & work embodiment is paramount, as is our connection to earth. For me, being able to physically and energetically align with this miraculous gem of a planet is one of the most healing & holy gifts we’re blessed with.

Learning to heal body to soul, is the ta***ic way. Ta**ra includes all of us, every single part. Every crack and crevice and cave and curve. Ta**ra embraces all aspects of life. Nothing is excluded. Everything is part of the dance and the mirror, and everything plays its part on the path of awakening.

Leading six women through my signature course, Erotic Alchemy, has been beyond a joy. This is intimate, transformative work. We have gone deep (deeper than planned!), and each week I witness these women standing taller, shining brighter & growing stronger, each in her own unique way.

So…I’m happy to announce that registration for Erotic Alchemy 2.0 is open 🥁

This 6 week container will run from April 1st - May 12th. Early bird pricing is now available 🕊

Send me a DM for the download 🌹
Rose art by Rosa-Maria Marquez🙏

Photos from Kundalini Rose's post 24/03/2022

S O V E R E I G N - ‘possessing supreme or ultimate power’ -

To be Sovereign is to know our divinity, our connection with source.
To be embodied in our expression of the ultimate, supreme power that lives within us and in all things.

This 9 day immersion commencing on the 22/2/22 portal, was a living prayer, tribute and testimony to that connection -

It was a renewal of commitment to self and source, to consciously living in union with the sacred sovereign power that creates and sustains each and every being on this planet and beyond…

Empowering and witnessing transformation in women is one of my greatest passions. And this kind of portal makes it so profoundly apparent that every womb has her own story - as does every woman.
And that every woman can choose to choose herself.
To become her own queen 👑

Not from a place of ego, but from a place of service and divine surrender.
Each of us must walk her own path.
Only we can claim our divine self and stand.
Only we can heal our wounds, slay our demons, and accept our sovereign birthright.

And yet, we are stronger as a circle. We are better together.
We all have keys for each other. We each have our own special feminine medicine to offer, even as we share our connection to the beating heart and infinite, universal love of our Mother Earth 🌎

And whenever any woman gives herself permission - to be free, to be herself, to reclaim her sacredness and her sovereignty - her choice ripples further than she can ever imagine…

It was such an honour and a blessing to co-facilitate this magical journey, graced by love, wisdom and nature, and masterfully led by Jiya Julia CreateSpace.

Join us in May for the next Sovereign Luxury retreat in this exquisite location. This will be a transformative and intimate retreat so DM me if you want to be there!



Self Devotion can look like many things -

A hot bath, a good cry, a nap, roses, self pleasure, a nurturing meal, a break up, or birthing a business.

It can be owning your true feelings, even if they’re painful to admit. Or meditating, or committing to a course of action.
Most of all, self devotion is about honouring your own precious heart.

The heart is the seat of the soul, and our soul knows why we are here. It holds our individual codes and information about all our previous incarnations.

We’re all here with a unique purpose. But we can only liberate that purpose if we’re radically honest with ourselves and the truth that beats in our breast.

When we open up to that truth, and start to trust it, we feel so free. We feel so supported. We feel so nourished and held. Not just by ourselves, but by the entire universe.

Our life unfolds wings of grace 🕊

But we can only know ourselves if we create space to listen. Time to be with us. Moments to cherish and nourish our own being, instead of constantly looking outside ourselves for reassurance and information.

Our global society has programmed us away from our power, through culture that always points us away from us. That constantly creates new ways for us to give up our energy and time, so we forget to focus on ourselves.

Ultimately, it all has value. It’s all a part of the grander unfolding, and divine dance.

But we can only ride these waves of change with stability and purpose if we’re connected to ourselves. To our hearts and roots, our desires and dreams. To the passion and purpose that burns in our soul.

Finding out who you are takes self-devotion. It takes dedication to you. To discovering who you are and why you’re here.
It takes the choice to awaken to your birthright, and your potential as a creator being.

Then, you not only have all the answers you need, but your soul will always nudge you (or sometimes punch you when you’re not listening 😉) in the direction of your essence and sovereignty…
I have 3 offerings designed to support you to self source your own power, s*xuality and direction, that I’ll be sharing soon 🌹

Til then, stay tuned and stay centred.
Sending you all so much love.



Tingling with joy at the prospect of co-faciliating the upcoming SOVEREIGN retreat hosted by beautiful sister and powerful medicine woman Jiya Julia CreateSpace ♥️

Honoured to be bringing my offerings to this journey, focusing on sovereignty and sacred s*xuality, themes so dear to my heart.
I will be sharing juicy immersions into womb wisdom, divine feminine embodiment, yoni consciousness and emotional intelligence, as well as teaching women’s yoga and the incredible jade egg practice.

This is gorgeous heart-centred collaboration, and will be a truly transformational container, also blessed with medicine from Movement Hatha and .toj 🙌

Feeling deeply thankful to have been guided to hold space and co-create in these lands and this potent portal on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica, that has brought so much forward from within me over the last 13 months 🙏

The initiations and upgrades are flowing in these times - and I’m welcoming them with open arms and heart 🥰

If you’re ready for transformation, empowerment, pura vida, and rebirthing yourself into a new paradigm, then there is one remaining place available for this incredible journey - DM me for details 🌹



Closing out this full moon in Leo portal 🌕🦁🔥

It’s been bright and fiery and blessed.

Last night we were graced with an exquisite golden moonrise over the water, as we nurtured a sacred fire on the shores of the Caribbean sea.
We sang to the rising moon.
Made offerings to the sacred fire.
Honoured the spirits of the land and the waters.
The ancestors and the children yet to come.
We celebrated the sisterhood and the brothers rising with us.
Those present in our hearts, souls, and sacred destiny.
Our divine family.

United we stand. United we rise.

Blessed be those claiming their sovereign power to co-create heaven on earth -
Those who cherish love
Those with the courage to speak, sing and roar truth into existence -

Blessed be the bravehearts shining light into their shadow realms
Reclaiming pearls of wisdom from their depths
Beloved dreamweavers, may you know how precious you are -
And ever trust that your passion and devotion can birth a new world into being.

May we light up the earth with the purpose that ignites our souls, the fire that burns in our hearts, and the pure and simple truth of our Love.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

Sobre todo Amor ♥️

Aho 🙏

Art by 🌈