Victor Hjalmar Yoga & Mindfulness

Victor Hjalmar Yoga & Mindfulness

Yoga, Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher. ✨ clarity Breathwork Facilitator 🌱 Energy Healing 🫶🧘🏽‍♀️


Every single moment has infinite amount of life within it and only when one is projecting one’s own past experiences onto it, it dies. The moment is fully alive but becomes twisted with the mind of constant thought.

Every moment is always pure, as it is, but the observer has to let go of their own lived experiences to really be able to see. To really be there fully, without judgement. Without distortion through this lens of thinking, analyzing, judging, projecting.

You can be in awareness, without labeling, just being. It is an experience, not a task to be solved. And it the highest experience of being human.

How deeply can you be in involved in life without placing your past experiences onto this present moment? How clearly can you see that thought takes you away from seeing and perceiving life fully?

Over and over one has to consciously drop that inner dialogue if one want to glimpse one’s own true self, forever silent, forever pure, forever still waiting to be felt and seen.

Ready to be felt and recognized by you at every moment in time.
In being. ✨🫶




Might be one of the most potent practices for inner peace, as ones remember all the small things in life which makes it possible for this human experience to unfold.

At any moment you can stop and pause, draw your awareness back to this moment of what actually is. Not the projections of the future or dwelling in the past, but seeing clearly what is here now for you.

Feel your breath and allow gratitude to fill your being. Feel your heartbeat and really contemplate how it actually gives you life without you having to do anything. It’s already there for you.

Whenever you have space to come into Being, naturally gratitude starts arising from within. This is the highest gift you have here in this body, in this space in time, your inherent beingness, the life which you are.

To consciously give gratitude for being alive, thanking that which allows you to be, is one of the practices that allows you to connect deeper with life and the spirit that runs through all of our veins simultaneously. Ultimately this is your deepest quality of self reflection that allows peace to bloom form inside out✨🫶


We have stumbled upon a huge transformation as human beings. We have come to understand that there is more to our human experience than the physical and material reality, the dense experience of what it means to live within a body. And only now when we have come to life in abundance of external stimulation, we realize it’s not the solution to any of it.

We are in the primal years of an internal revolution and inner awakening. Seeing so many beings turning their awareness inward towards that inner light, towards the subtler experience of being alive, in the understanding that this is really the only work that can help save humanity, is a delight.

The realization that one cannot change the outside world if the inner world doesn’t change, or the inner perception doesn’t shift, is essential.

If peace is what you’re wishing for this world, peace is what you have to become. That peace within yourself will be reflected in the outside world.

Why we are seeing clearer and with more awareness, the dysfunctional society that has been constructed for us, comes from the inner awareness of each individual and awareness of the inner conflict. And so the more we become aware of our own inner conflicts as humans, the internal struggles, simultaneously we become more aware of the external suffering and struggles of this world we live in.

The transformation from old paradigms, understandings and realities has to happen and is happening, which might seem scary, confusing and lonely. This is why we are finding ways to connect with our own inherited peace.

I know that an enlightened humankind is on its way, because the nature of our existence wants peace, love and happiness. This is inevitable and we’re all walking each other there, home to our hearts.


I am not who you think I am.

How can I be put in a box of concepts and identity? The projections of your mind has nothing to do with the core being of who I am and to try to pin me down to one of your concepts, one identity, one box is not possible.

Because I am all, and nothing, simultaneously.

Only in stillness we meet.
Only in the center of our beings we meet eachother fully.

In the infinite nothingness.

Only in that center of who I am and who you are, can we fully be together.

Meet me in meditation.
In being.
Where we can meet as one. ✨


That time in Nepal, years ago, when I finally felt like I’d found my crew 🌱
In between a Yoga Teacher Training and a course in Buddhism and meditation at a monastery full of monks, I felt home. 🧘🏽‍♂️🫶

It’s not until you look back at what you’ve done and gone through to be where you are today, you can really appreciate the way life sends you in these directions without you having any clue that they are going to be so vital for your journey.

It’s really incredible when you look back and how all of it has helped you to grow into this moment, given you so many tools to work with.

I’m so grateful and privileged that I had parents who supported me to follow my heart. Forever grateful. 🫶


With everything that is going on in the world I believe it’s time to sit down in stillness, together as a collective and intentionally send healing to ourselves and the world around us. ✨

I welcome you to this FREE offering that will start taking place next week.

Every Sunday we will gather as many people as possible to intentionally create more peace, compassion and love within ourselves through these guided meditations. No previous experience in meditation needed.

We will be calling in light, healing and peace for all of this world 🙏🏾

• Sunday’s 11am (GMT-6)
• Live on Instagram & Facebook
• 20-30 min / session

Find a comfortable quiet place, laying down or sitting up and receive.

To give your support share, like and save so more beings can receive these offerings. ✨

Reach out if you have any questions!

Let’s meditate together 💕✨
See you next week 🫶



You are whole. Have always been and will always be. See yourself clearly, in clear perception you wil know.


El esposo más hermoso ✨

Thank you for these three years of married life. I’m so blessed to have you by my slide.

You bring me down to earth when I’m floating around in the realms of infinity. You’re taming my ego over and over.

I’m blessed to have found you again in this life, as I know that we have lived many lives together and that our souls will keep looking for eachother in this infinity when it’s time for us to transform yet again.

It’s beautiful to be transforming and evolving with you.

Te amo príncipe ✨💕



The desire of all desires.
That which the individual mind is constantly looking for. But the confusion of external objects, information, makes believe that what one need to be fulfilled exists outside of oneself, or in the future, when it is actually inside, always ever present, since the very beginning.

Samadhi is the experience of absorption.
This is the desire of all human minds, wether that is consciously understood or not, yet.

When the individual consciousness meets and sees, experiences the universal consciousness internally, peace is given. Or rather, peace is at this moment revealed within, as being. As the perception of this experience changes the whole wiring of the brain, one is now able to see the peace, which has always been within, in every moment, only blocked by thoughts and identification with the fluctuations of the mind.

In Samadhi time stops. In this state time in not, as time is only experienced through thought. But the state of Samadhi is timeless and mindless, thoughtless. Only consciousness, awareness itself as purity is.

Every single desire ends in Samadhi as the experience of union (yoga), the individual mind and the universal mind comes together as one, as Shiva and Shakti meets in the center of the being, as Yin and Yang merges together internally, the inner or**sm of bliss and internal fulfillment is experienced.

Internal liberation, the fear of death has made it possible to fully life. And the ultimate desire of the human mind has been fulfilled.


Feeling the subtle sensations of my hands, just being here. Taking in moment after moment, breath after breath, the constant rising and falling of sensations everywhere, I bow down to life, and give my gratitude to all of existence. Within me and around me.

I thank my hands for feeding me, my lungs for breathing me, my legs for walking me, my heart for keeping me alive.

How crazy to be alive? In a vast infinite space of nothingness? And how insignificant my tiny problems are if I look from a bigger perspective.

The ego only allows us a extremely small perception, a very tiny box of space to live in.

But when I feel the infinite life within me and around me all those small insignificant things drops.

I am.
I breathe.
And that’s all I need to achieve, there is no greater achievement than learning how to be. Just be. Just breathe. How gloriously peaceful. To be alive.


When all of the human awareness is deep within the present moment, no worries have the possibility to arise. As worries streams form a future internal dream, or visualization, when you are, just being, experiencing this moment as it is, it’s not possible to worry at all. When there is presence, awareness or consciousness, thought cannot be.

Dropping the attachment and identification with the fluctuations of the mind is a long journey, but in the end the only journey that leads to inner stillness. And all will arrive at this place of deep awareness sooner or later. It’s a matter of evolution of the human consciousness.

As long as the mind and the thoughts within it is being taken for truth, as a part of our identity, when they are actually not this at all or even our own, just impressions of concepts we’ve learnt from others. One realizes that the inner experience of thinking is faulty and the actual cause of most suffering.

Yoga becomes a way to concentrate the mind, making it so sharp and attentive of the present moment, that it is able to cut though these inner visual dreams that takes over the experience of reality, of truth, of oneness and of peace.

Just dropping back into present moment awareness, over and over, allows for clear perception to merge from within. So that one day this awareness takes over completely, like a light being turned on inside and one is able too see, really see and experience life from the perception of yoga, oneness and complete, rather than separate thinking.

Grateful for all the tools and wisdom I get to soak in when I spend time at & 🙏🏾 ✨



Who am I? ✨

Photos from Victor Hjalmar Yoga & Mindfulness 's post 17/05/2023

Here are a few common myths about meditation and the practice. Swipe to read! 🧘🏽‍♂️🌱

1. It’s about controlling the mind.
2. When you meditate you always feel at ease
3. You have to practice at least 15 minutes a day.
4. That meditation is difficult
5. That there is no time for it

These statements are all wrong. Swipe the picture to read more about them ✨🌿




Meditation, just like yoga is a practice but also a state of consciousness. And the whole point of our yoga practice is to enter into this constant state of meditative awareness.

With meditation you train the mind to focus on the present moment, usually through bodily sensations or the breath. And when we focus our awareness within our body we are automatically in the present moment.

For thousands of years people have practiced this ancient technique because it works. Finally, our modern day research is also agreeing that through a meditation practice we lower our stress levels, changing our brainwaves from rapid movements to theta and delta (slowed down) which increases creativity, relaxation, insight and even bodily repair.

So it’s been proven that with our mind we can repair our body, by practicing deep present moment awareness. The power of it is incredible.

And once the mind is deeply concentrated all forms of cognitive movement disappears. There will be no memories popping in, no future scenarios but awareness only.

Here it’s posible for all human beings to see themself and realize themselves beyond their own conditioned mind and be awaken by the unconditional love Source has towards them. 🧘🏽‍♂️🙏🏾✨

Make the present moment your main job throughout life and see how layers of yourself slowly fades away, so that you can see yourself in your true light.🌱



Is the form from which all arises. And with the blessing of having a consciousness, as human, there is also the possibility to enter into this stillness, through concentration of the mind. Here in this stillness, that exists constantly underneath the constant stream of thought, lays the wisdom of it all. All of this universe, all of existence is imbedded in our own body. Every single imprint is available for every human being, always.

And to know this stillness is to know peace.

Let your body become still.
Once your body is still,
soon your mind will follow.

Photos from Victor Hjalmar Yoga & Mindfulness 's post 30/03/2023

I can’t express my gratitude enough for these beings that crossed my path and decided to stay. ✨ thank you for being you, for taking time, energy and money to come visit here in the jungle and for lighting up the space with your presence. Thank you thank you thank you 💕✨🙏🏾



Bringing awareness down through the legs. Into the feet. Feeling the subtle sensations of energy between the earth and the body. Feeling the tickles, the tiny movements underneath the skin, sensations of vibrations.

How alive it is.
This body.
This moment.
How connected it is to all of life.

Grounding the body, into the earth by consciously feeling the connection, gravity pulling down. It helps, every time the mind is floating too far away from the current experience.

This present moment.
Like a present for the being, being present.
That is the greatest of all gifts.

We can be present.
We can take conscious decisions.
We can lead by feeling.
All which requires only being.
Being here.

Embodied in the now ✨


As the water, as the movements of emotions takes over my body,
I observe the waves.

Being pure water, through and through, I FEEL. I feel the world around me. I feel the people. I feel the wind, the surroundings. I feel the sadness. The anxiousness. The joy and the hate. I feel their emotions. Their worry. I feel the trees. I feel the oceans.

I feel this world.
And it’s so overwhelming at times.

I’ve understood that one of the reasons I need to live closer to nature is this extremely stimulating world. The constant stimulation of sounds, music, people, movements, takes a toll on this being.

I bow to this water within.
Which is guiding me.
Allowing me to flow.
Like the rivers, in constant change.


Moving through the infinite now.
All is the same but constantly different.

I have long gone dropped the thought that this life I made for myself.
No. This life was given to me and I’m it’s passenger. I was given this specific body as a vehicle to be guided through this very specific human experience. Such a beautiful experience. Such a privilege. At some point in evolution I must have done something right, somewhere. To have all of this. So much. So little.

The ups and the downs.
The ins and the outs.
The incredible mystic life that keeps on giving in so many ways.

As I look out these windows, these eyes, I see everything clearer and clearer. I recognize this place as if I’ve been here before, though many different times. I recognize these feelings, this gratitude. This light.

I look at the colors of the sky, how they amazes the human eye.

So many sensations all at once.
Through all the senses.
I’m overwhelmed.
I feel grateful.
To be right here.

Meditation - Present moment awareness 10/02/2023

Allow yourself a few minutes of stillness today

Meditation - Present moment awareness You are able to enter the present moment at anytime throughout the day. What’s usually required is the remembrance that one is able to bring the awareness ba...

Photos from Victor Hjalmar Yoga & Mindfulness 's post 09/02/2023


This is a guided journey through yourself where I hold the space for you to discover unconscious parts of your being, that needs to be brought to your awareness for your next step in your inner journey 🌱

We start of with a check in, where we take a look at your journey through life so far and what have made big impacts in your being, and what might be holding you back from living fully in abundance. We look at where you are right now and what you are dealing with internally at the present moment if your life.

We set intentions and then we breathe 🙏🏾 Allowing yourself to fully surrender to your own breath and where it takes you. It might be through old memories, relationships, emotional charges that needs to be felt and released.

One of the fastest growing healing techniques for trauma and in remembering wholeness inside 🙏🏾

Usually after a ceremony you feel more at ease, present, clarity, creative, blissful and lighter. 💕

Reach out if you would like to know more or book a session 🌱🙏🏾✨



When the tide comes crashing onto you being, and waves of emotions hits too hard, Remember the one and only constant, this infinite awareness which you already are.

Be here, be clear and sit still in the boat. Just watch the subtle movements, internally, come and go. Nothing can harm you like your own mind. So make sure you learn how to be aware without reaction and you’ll be more than just fine.

Life, this is your essence,
that which connects you to everything, at all times.
Breathe into it deeply,
Over and over,
Soon you’ll see that even the waves of life slowly fades and die.


There is such a power in what life is handing to you in each and every moment spent on this spinning rock, in this infinity.

When you start to observe the people that are entering or exiting your life, or the current feelings or current thoughts that are repeating, you start to see that life is giving you exactly the right people and situations for you to evolve. For you to move deeper into awareness, into the wisdom that you already are carrying within yourself.

Life is holding up a mirror for you. So that you can see yourself in new lights. All the time. And there’s not one situation that is not important for you to go though. There’s not one person that is not important for you to get to know.

Trust. That what is being given to you in each phase, in each season or cycle, is for your highest good. For the evolution of your own consciousness. For you to move closer to yourself beyond concept and thought.

And into the peace which is already there within you ✨


The presence of nature 🌱✨

Is the mirror to our innermost still form as human beings. There is a reason why we feel calm in it’s presence, because it’s reflecting our own purest essence. The being of it all. It allows our mind to calm down, when taking in the organic light of life and organic sound of existence.

Nature is not only our mother, who shaped us and nurtured us with her abundance. But she is the stillness every human soul is craving.

We heal in the presence of nature just as much as our bodies and minds feels the effects when we are slowly killing the life that brought us here. Even if it is unconscious to our “conscious mind” our bodies knows that something is up…

It has never been more clear to me of how I want to live my life. Even if it’s hard, and not as convenient or cool to the modern world. But to keep feeding the cooperative system is also equally feeding into and agreeing to a system built on slavery, racism, destruction of nature, its resources and separation.

To move slowly into growing your own food, consuming less excess material and services, eating locally produced food, leaving a green footprint. That turns me on.

Reflecting over the incredible amount of work that is ahead but also feeling inspired to action.

+ felt cute. 🌱

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Who am I? ✨
