Soul Regression

Soul Regression

To support us to deliberately move towards our Well-Being through the expansion of Consciousness.


Calmness is a soil to cultivate to grow our own Essence, health, joy, happiness, and abundance!

How comfortable are you with it?

The G.E.M.S regression sessions/program also supports you in a fundamental way with IT, realizing your own Essence and manifesting more and more efficiently in resonance with It.


A great thank you to my mentor and friend Pierre Dubuc for this book that presents the foundations of our program of spiritual accompaniment called G.E.M.S. Your life’s work and book are a true gift to humanity. Much love!


"What you will realize is that regression with the G.E.M s program allows the emergence of creations, works, messages; in short, to do what you came to do without obstacle. Obstacles that are illusory of course, but all the same. It allows for the satisfying human experience of unfolding your light in the earth plane."
- R


The law of manifestation. What a beautiful subject that piques the curiosity of more and more people! It is gratifying to note that more and more of us are questioning ourselves and wanting to understand and further deepen our basic relationship with Life itself.

By answering the question: “How do I create my life experiences?”, we obtain the elements to be able to lead our life ever more in alignment with what we naturally wish; more Well-Being, being more Yourself.

Did you know that by also understanding the vibrational implications of our own Soul's choices, we can then better perceive what is vibrating through us in our daily lives? Did you know that it is possible to review what is happening at this level and make choices that generate positive changes in our overall vibration? Did you know that this can happen very naturally, only through Consciousness exercises? Thereafter, your manifestations return further to the path of your own Essence.


What is spring? A revival, a rebirth, an awakening. An awakening…

Do you feel this awakening within you? As if you could see better? Hear better? Like coming out of a layer of fog?

Go tap into that energy of feeling your awakening, of looking at things in your present moment's eye. Feel. Feel that feeling that the tide is turning and summer is coming. And be thankful for the winter, that lets you discern that spring awakening.

As in this nature analogy, we can in our everyday life cultivate a new spring, every hour, every minute, every second. There is no destination, only a way to walk the path that allows you to choose to see spring, to see the divine, that allows you to choose your True Self each day.

Cultivate ways to connect with your Eternal Spring, with the Eternal Spring of Life.

Check the website for more information on the sessions.


Another practical answer to: what are the spiritual development GEMS program and its sessions about?


Openness, openness, openness…. This theme is gaining more and more popularity in personal and spiritual development circles. The Openness to what, should we ask ourselves…

We answer: openness to the most beautiful gifts that the Source of Life itself has given us by offering us life, heart, and conscience. How can we manage to open up to this interior part which is greater than what we believe to be at this very moment? How do you open up to and use this part of yourself that transcends any denomination? How to integrate it? Here are questions that fascinate us and animate the offer of the Soul Regression available here.

The Law of Vibration 26/04/2023

Law of vibration… What are its implications at the soul level ? If the soul wants to incarnate and try free will, what does that mean for our global vibe ? How can we use this knowledge to make our life better?

The Law of Vibration In this video, we speak about how we create experiences here on Earth, and how the GEMS program can help us create better experiences. We live in a Universe ...


Hello everyone! How are you doing? Each of you? No, really, how are you? A question so quickly answered... With all the occupations of daily life taking over, do you really take the time to ask yourself? A time of Self Love that you offer yourself?

You are currently living in a very special time globally, where the winds of global change are increasingly palpable. This can bring its own set of questions. Yes? The current era is one that inevitably invites a return to Self. When all seems to lack clarity and order on the outside, that is exactly when you are invited to journey within to discover your own resources and expand globally and consciously. By walking in this way, you improve your quality of life while doing your part for a better world.

You not only have all that is necessary within you, you Are more than all that is necessary. How to cultivate and integrate all its intrinsic resources into Self, The Self? What are your favorite tools? Ours, the one we offer you with heart and passion, is the Genesis of Energy into Matter From our Spirit (GEMS) program in the form of individual sessions. The GEM Regression Program is non-sectarian, non-religious, trans-denominational, universally spiritual, accessible to any genuine seeker, and available to you, regardless of whether you follow one religion or another. It allows you to answer these questions about your well-being while supporting you to realize yourself as a global Being.

Are you a Being with Soul Experience in Higher Planes? Part 1 16/04/2023

Are you a Being with Soul Experience in Higher Planes? Part 1

In this video, we share with you a questionnaire that allows you to open up about your Soul experiences in the higher planes. And the GEM program allows this, to reconnect with our higher plane codes, and our own Light, and also to free ourselves from frequencies that are not in our Source.

Is there a core of sadness within you that you cannot explain? Do you feel the need to be alone or isolate yourself because you feel different? Are you sensitive? Empathetic? Do you feel misunderstood? Lost on this planet? Here are some sample questions we will cover in this video.

Are you a Being with Soul Experience in Higher Planes? Part 1


The G.E.M.S Program
The GEMS program is an effective, clear, structured, and precise tool that gives you access to quantum leaps in your well-being and your liberations. It happens through your involvement and the choices that you simply make here from your human part. The choice is made of course in sessions but is revalidated and reintegrated during the adjustment of each of these. It is thanks to this choice and this openness that you can release what you are not, but above all let what you Are take its rightful place. The GEM program is truly an extraordinary opportunity to take back the reins of your well-being and your evolution here on Earth. It is a program that transcends time and the situation. It is a pioneering program that opens doors with cascading effects on all of humanity.
The acronym G.E.M.S. means the Genesis of the Energy into Matter from our Spirit, which evokes the basic considerations of the spiritual part (the Spirit) wanting to incarnate in the matter and opens on the considerations that this implies. The foundations of this program were laid by Pierre Dubuc following more than forty years of experience in this field. Jean-Simon Yelle participated in its development and refinement for several years thereafter. In his latest book, Journey to Illumination, which will be available in the fall of 2023, Pierre Dubuc explains and describes how, following a long career and multiple experiences, he managed to lay the foundations of this approach.
It is a twelve-meeting journey that addresses the release of twelve vibrational frequencies acting as contrasts from our Source nature. It is precisely these frequencies that will generate, by vibrational law, the less pleasant experiences of the earth school. Although this liberation is taken into account, the largest part of the session is focused on reconnecting to the source, inner beauty, and integration of our True Being, into our concrete life.
That being said, you don't have to do the whole program to get the benefits of this approach. Since each session takes place in what is happening in your life and according to your targeted intentions, each of them brings its benefits directly to what you have chosen to approach. As a Regression Practitioner of the GEMS program, we help you, through guided internalization exercises, to determine for yourself which frequency of the twelve is at the vibrational root of an experience you desire to transcend in your life while grasping its lessons.
During a meeting, you will also have the opportunity to reconnect with your Source love energy, to touch and feel your inner beauty and to reconnect with higher planes of your soul where you have been able to experience these Source qualities. This program creates openness to the interrelationship between your human life, your evolving soul and your Source Essence to support your overall development.
The GEMs program is a work tool with a defined and precise axis that is within your reach. It is neither the program nor the practitioners who do the work for you. This program is a tool for repositioning, awareness, taking charge of your well-being and your journey, openness, choice, independence and development of your own inner guidance.

What is Well-Being? 11/04/2023

In this video, we discuss what is true well-being? Is it romantic love? Success? Fame? Or is it rather about discovering who you are, what you are, what you are made of, where you are from, and what you are doing in this world?

What is Well-Being? In this video, we discuss what is true well-being? Is it romantic love? Success? Fame? Or is it rather about discovering who you are, what you are, what you ...

What is Soul Regression? Who are we? 11/04/2023

In this video, we introduce Soul Regression and how it changed our lives.

What is Soul Regression? Who are we? In this video, we introduce Soul Regression and how it changed our lives. This Soul regression approach, in line with the teachings of Pierre Dubuc, supports...


Light guidance message of April 8, 2023

What happens when everything around you seems to be falling apart? When sadness invades you and you no longer want to move forward? How are you going to tap into your resources when you yourself have forgotten what they are? It is in these moments of difficulty, it is in these moments of distress, that the most beautiful can come out, that the Light of who you are can find a way out of this darkness. But how to do it? How are you going to tap into those resources? You often wonder where to get the energy to get through difficult times. It is because your perception of energy is wrong. Because energy cannot be "searched for". It is just there. It can’t be sought, it can’t be found, it is simply expressed or not. Simply expressing your own Source energy through all of your moments in your life is enough to have the energy to go through all the experiences of human incarnation.

These experiences are difficult. They are not always happy. They take your breath away sometimes. They paralyze. They depress. They break the heart. But what we have just described, don't you see that these are only symptoms? These are just effects. All that we have just named are only effects of what you have chosen to come to do here on Earth. Effects on your emotions, your beliefs, your body, but none of this changes your intrinsic Light. Nothing can.

What should we tell you at this time? What does your heart tell you to understand from all that we have already said? Do you want to get mad at the human experience that you have chosen for yourself? Against its effects, against the effects of what you yourselves have chosen? Should you get mad or should you learn to accept and see past them? Because beyond these experiences of duality, there is the Light. This beautiful Light that you have in each of you and which only wants to express itself. Let it shine through, if only a little trickle at a time. Let it flow through your difficult experiences. Step by step. Little trickle by little trickle. You don't have to be perfect, because being perfect means exactly what you already are and do anyway.

So express that Light more and more, and each expression is a victory. Each expression of your Light is a small victory for yourselves first, but for the whole planet, for the Light. And from small victory to small victory, you will obtain a burst of Light that will carry with you the people around you, that will invite them. And soon you won't even understand how to stop expressing that Light. It will be second nature to you. And all of that expressed Light will feed you in ways you've never even glimpsed.

Never underestimate the power of a small drop of your Light expression in difficult times. You are powerful, you are beautiful, you are strong. You are brilliant to be here on Earth. We believe in you.

Similarities in the present and past life. Sharing from a client’s experience during the session. 07/04/2023

During a session, what kind of similarities can we see between a past life and our present life, and how can this help? This video shares with you the experience of Christina, a client who came this morning. That was her 3rd session in the GEMS program.

Similarities in the present and past life. Sharing from a client’s experience during the session. Making Past Life Regression more practical. How to use base concepts in spirituality to promote consciousness expansion and create a better life experience.T...

Soul Regression | Choosing Consciousness 06/04/2023

By learning to know Ourselves, our True nature, we can start choosing Ourselves. When we do, life gets nicer. This specific approach of soul regression supports us to do so.

Soul Regression | Choosing Consciousness This Soul regression approach, in line with the teachings of Pierre Dubuc, supports us to deliberately move toward our Well-Being through the expansion of our Consciousness.


How can we benefit of having past life’s perceptions in session, in our life now. Why do we do it ?


New FB page and a new website! Come visit at:


Opening on our Spiritual Self allows us to experience more and more Joy and Love


By getting to know ourselves more globally, including our Spiritual self, we can harmonise more our different main aspects and become more and more fulfilled.


The GEMS approach in the Soul Regression field is one of practical Spirituality, adressing and helping very concrete aspects of our life we want to work on.


We do not need to invent the solution nor find it out there. Tapping into our True self with the GEMS program of Soul Regression supports your to develop yourself as The Answer.


Soul regression: choosing conciousness

This soul regression approach, in line with the teachings of Pierre Dubuc, supports us to deliberately move towards our Well-Being through the expansion of Consciousness.

Well-Being is here defined as deep ruth, a Universal constant, coming from the Source, always available, infinite and unalterable. It is by finding and using the tools to cultivate our own alignment with our Source, Essence of Origin, that we can experience it more.

The programs and sessions offered to you here, stemming from the teachings of Pierre Dubuc, have been designed specifically to help in this regard.


What does expansion of consciousness mean here?

The expansion of consciousness is about getting to know yourself more. It is to open up to our spiritual reality in order to better harmonize the different aspects that make us up (including the Human, the Soul, the Source). It is to open up to our more global reality. What am I, where am I from, why am I here on Earth? The expansion of consciousness is to address these fundamental questions. Indeed, openness to these questions, without aiming for a fixed answer, is important in order to realize that we are something eternal, that we come from a Universal Source and that from this fact flows the basic principles of our relationship with Life. It is therefore useful to become aware of our interrelation between the Source, Self, and the experiences we live. This allows us to be able to move towards what we really want, towards an ever more pleasant life experience. It is only when we become more aware of what we really are, of this reality that composes us, that is in relation to Life, that we can then be better equipped to govern our life adequately in respect of our Essence. And the more we respect and choose our Essence, the more we can then enjoy its benefits. So the more our consciousness grows, the more we can deliberately have life experiences aligned with what our heart truly and naturally desires. This is exactly what the G.E.M.S program aims to support you for along the sessions.


The Earth: a profound school for the Soul
The experience of human incarnation is a school in itself, a school so that our global being can grow by choosing ever more through life experiences what we really are: Love, Harmony, Consciousness, Light, Peace, Force, Stability, Sharing, Abundance, Happiness, Joy, Confidence, Beauty, Serenity, etc.

On the other hand, we all know that we can have experiences that contrast significantly with these vibrations that define us at our Origin! For what ?

If we take a moment to think about it, could we really choose what we are if we didn't experience what we are not?

Since we are Beings who wish to grow by exercising the Choice of what we are, the return to self, it is therefore implicit and necessary that we must sometimes experience what we are not: Abandonment, Rejection, Guilt, Procrastination, Shame, Punishment, Judgment, Fear, Devaluation, Obsession, etc. Only then will it be possible to realize the initial idea of growth through free will in experience. As the experience of human incarnation is a school for the soul, it goes without saying that the latter has motivations beyond this experience and established previously. And one of these fundamental aims is to come to choose oneself in order to bring about its overall growth and the integration of its Source light. Do you not believe that there are therefore enormous benefits to understanding these precise motivations on our spiritual part? To understand his aims in relation to the great adventure of his earthly incarnations? To integrate it more to support us in our life?

This, is what soul regression is also for . Book a session by reaching out on messenger.


The Law of Vibration: How Do We Create Experiences Here on Earth?

In fact, it's simple. We live in a Universe where everything is vibratory. Thus, to live an experience, whatever it is, we must have a vibratory counterpart in our energy field that corresponds to what we want to live. We can work on this pre-manifestation vibratory aspect from our human life and we must also dwell on what was decided prior to our incarnation, from the soul, from the global spiritual being at this level. The choice made at this level by our soul will also impact our lifes now. After all it is also the part of us which existed before and which will exist after our incarnation! By understanding Its motivations, we therefore come to understand our larger motivations. So, if we want to experience difficult events that contrast with our nature in order to be able to choose ourselves (the earthly school), we simply must have included, in some way, vibrations that contrast with our essence in our vibrational field.

This is exactly the purpose of the GEM program. On the one hand, it allows us to free ourselves from these contrasting frequencies from our Source nature and this has the effect of ceasing to vibrate them. By stopping to make these frequencies acting by oneself, we can therefore walk and experience less and less scenarios that take root in them. This release also has the effect of allowing our Source codes to increasingly regain their rightful place in order to create new experiences more in line with them. It is this effect, at the pre-manifestation level, that allows you to feel more and more in your place, yourself and to obtain more well-being and more and more satisfying life experiences.


The G.E.M.S Program
The GEMS program is an effective, clear, structured and precise tool that gives you access to quantum leaps in your well-being and your liberations. It happens through your involvement and the choices that you simply make here from your human part. The choice is made of course in sessions, but is revalidated and reintegrated during the adjustment of each of these. It is thanks to this choice and this openness that you can release what you are not, but above all let what you Are take its rightful place. The GEM program is truly an extraordinary opportunity to take back the reins of your well-being and your evolution here on Earth. It is a program that transcends time and the situation. It is a pioneering program that opens doors with cascading effects on all of humanity.

The acronym G.E.M.S. means the Genesis of the Energy into Matter from our Spirit, which evokes the basic considerations of the spiritual part (the Spirit) wanting to incarnate in matter and opens on the considerations that this implies. The foundations of this program were laid by Pierre Dubuc following more than forty years of experience in this field. Jean-Simon Yelle participated in its development and refinement for several years thereafter. In his latest book, Journey to Illumination, which will be available in the fall of 2023, Pierre Dubuc explains and describes how, following a long career and multiple experiences, he managed to lay the foundations of this approach.

It is a twelve meeting journey that addresses the release of twelve vibrational frequencies acting as contrasts from our Source nature. It is precisely these frequencies that will generate, by vibrational law, the less pleasant experiences of the earth school. Although this liberation is taken into account, the largest part of the session is focused on reconnecting to the source, inner beauty and integration of our True Being, into our concrete life.
That being said, to get the benefits of this approach, you don't have to do the whole program. Since each session takes place in what is happening in your life and according to your targeted intentions, each of them brings its benefits directly to what you have chosen to approach. As a Regression Practitioner of the GEMS program, we help you, through guided internalization exercises, to determine for yourself which frequency of the twelve is at the vibrational root of an experience you desire to transcend in your life while grasping its lessons.

During a meeting, you will also have the opportunity to reconnect with your Source love energy, to touch and feel your inner beauty and to reconnect with higher planes of your soul where you have been able to experience these Source qualities. This program creates openness to the interrelationship between your human life, your evolving soul and your Source Essence to support your overall development.

The GEMs program is a work tool with a defined and precise axis that is within your reach. It is neither the program nor the practitioners who do the work for you. This program is a tool for repositioning, awareness, taking charge of your well-being and your journey, openness, choice, independence and development of your own inner guidance.

Videos (show all)

A great thank you to my mentor and friend Pierre Dubuc for this book that presents the foundations of our program of spi...
