Pumas Tours
"Explore the world with Pumas Tour, supporting local talent in every destination."
¿Pensando en viajar?¿Necesitas vacaciones? ¿Te gustaría ahorrar para lograrlo pero no sabes como?... Tenemos la solución para que puedas viajar y disfrutar como lo mereces. Pagando en cómodas cuotas semanales mediante un club de viajes. Escríbame y con gusto le explico sin ningún compromiso. WhatsApp 8874-5775. O en el siguiente enlace : https://wa.link/l7bi0k
At Pumas Tours we are looking forward to helping you plan your trip to Osa Corcovado, so that with the help of local guides, you can enjoy every minute to the fullest, thus you will take beautiful memories that will mark your life in a positive way. At the same time you will be helping the local economy, since all our collaborators are people from the town.
At Pumas Tours we are looking forward to helping you plan your trip to Osa Corcovado, so that with the help of local guides, you can enjoy every minute to the fullest, thus you will take beautiful memories that will mark your life in a positive way. At the same time you will be helping the local economy, since all our collaborators are people from the town.
Would you like to visit Corcovado in the company of local guides to explore the local flora and fauna? Write to WhatsApp +50688745775 and we will gladly advise you