Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab

Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab, Educational Research Center, .

Clemson University’s Virtual Reality and Nature Lab applies an interdisciplinary, technological focus to the study of people’s connections and interactions with the natural world.

Greenness and equity: Complex connections between intra-neighborhood contexts and residential tree planting implementation 06/06/2023

🌳The interplay between neighborhood greenness + socioeconomic status informs effective + equitable tree planting. It's not just about Climate Adaptation, it's about rectifying Environmental Inequities 🌍

Greenness and equity: Complex connections between intra-neighborhood contexts and residential tree planting implementation Associations between neighborhood greenness and socioeconomic status (SES) are established, yet intra-neighborhood context and SES-related barriers to…


📢Перші спікери вебінару Досвід зцілення: інструменти та практики природотерапії доктор Matthew Browning та доктор Olivia McAnirlin з Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab

🌿Др. Метью Браунінг є засновником та директором університетської Лабораторії Віртуальної реальності та природи, Ассоційованим профессором в Департаменті парків та туризму в університеті Клемсон.

🌳Він є дослідником впливу природи на людське здоров'я зі світовим іменем.
🔬Др. Метью досліджує взаємодію природи та людини через вплив технологій.
🧠Є автором близько 100 наукових публікацій, що робить його одним з найбільш цитованих дослідників в сфері парків та природотерапії.
🤳Також Др. Браунінг є науковим радником проєкту NatureQuant, що розробляє спеціальний застосунок NatureDoseTM, який вимірює необхідне дозування природи.

🌿Др. Олівія МакАнірлін - менеджер лабораторії Віртуальної реальності та природи університету Клемсон.

🌳Др. Олівія досліджує психологічний та фізіологічний впливи природи та віртуальної реальності.
⛺В рамках своєї магістратури Олівія вивчала досвід жінок в університетських туристичних групах
🫁та сприйняття природи у людей, що живуть з хронічними обструктивними захворюваннями легень (ХОЗЛ).
📜Вона є авторкою 16 публікацій та 1 розділу підручника, що досліджує такі явища як зелений простір, віртуальна реальність, гендер, COVID-19 та дозвілля.

✅На вебінарі спікери представлять свої напрацювання в сфері використання віртуальної реальності та природи в терапії різних груп населення та наукові дані стосовно ефективності таких інтервенцій.

Участь у вебінарі безкоштовна. Просимо заповнити реєстраційну форму

Вебінар проводиться за підтримки U.S. Forest Service з метою поширення природотерапії в Україні.

#ліс #віртуальнареальність #природотерапія

Potential pathways of association from green space to smartphone addiction 23/05/2023

Potential pathways of association from green space to smartphone addiction Green space is increasingly known to improve physical and mental health. Based on these benefits, green space might also be expected to help mitigate …


We are incredibly proud of our lab manager
Olivia McAnirlin receiving her Ph.D. from
Clemson Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management
and celebrating with the Clemson Tiger yesterday!

Photos from Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab's post 29/04/2023

Our lab members ✨shined✨ at the Clemson Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management Graduate Student Poster Presentation yesterday! Congrats y'all!


Happy from Clemson Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management and our lab! May your year be full of opportunities to celebrate the beauty of trees!🌳🌲🌴


Big CONGRATS to the Clemson Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management honors undergraduate cohort that have been doing data collection with our lab this semester! They are in the final days of data collection!🎉 Olivia McAnirlin + Matthew Browning have loved being mentors to your virtual vs. actual therapy dog intervention.

Exploring mechanistic pathways linking urban green and blue space to mental wellbeing before and after urban regeneration of a greenway: Evidence from the Connswater Community Greenway, Belfast, UK 23/04/2023

Lab Director Matthew Browning was part of a research team that explored mental wellbeing after a greenway area in Ireland was revitalized! Check it out:

Exploring mechanistic pathways linking urban green and blue space to mental wellbeing before and after urban regeneration of a greenway: Evidence from the Connswater Community Greenway, Belfast, UK Urban regeneration of urban green and blue spaces (UGBS) is assumed to benefit residents’ mental wellbeing. However, the mechanistic pathways linking …


Proud of the Clemson PRTM - Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management undergraduate honors researchers we are mentoring! They presented their dog research at Clemson University's Undergraduate Research Forum yesterday! 🎉


VRN represented at Southeast Environment and Recreation Research (SERR)! Lab member, Shuai Yuan, presenting a framework to think more broadly about crowding in public places. Great job, Shuai! 🎉

Digital Practices by Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From an International Multisite Study 19/03/2023

Researchers (including some lab affiliates!)- found that loneliness scores were higher for people who used social media messenerger apps or many social media apps during the COVID19 pandemic

Check out the other findings at:

Digital Practices by Citizens During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Findings From an International Multisite Study Background: The COVID-19 pandemic brought digital practices and engagement to the forefront of society, which were based on behavioral changes associated with adhering to different government mandates. Further behavioral changes included transitioning from working in the office to working from home,...


Not sure what to do this weekend? Try getting some time in nature!


New Important research on heatwaves + air pollution for human health in South Asia.
-Estimated 4.2 million deaths will result from heatwaves + air pollution globally in 2030- 2050.
📸Ella Ivanescu on

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Forests and Trees for Human Health: A global assessment. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. 03/03/2023

SAVE THE DATE:📣 Launch of the Assessment on Forests and Human Health on March 21, 9AM! This is a global event and on International Day of Forests🌲
Register (for FREE!) at:
*note the launch will be in English

Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Forests and Trees for Human Health: A global assessment. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. There is growing evidence that nature, particularly forests, contributes to physical and mental well-being and can notably improve human health. The Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is launching a comprehensive assessmen...

Vaccine hesitancy, parental concerns, and COVID-19 in a digital leisure context: Implications for out-of-school time 25/02/2023

Lab affiliate Katie Thurson took a machine-learning approach with large implications for vaccine hesitancy, parental concerns, and out of school time.

Congrats Katie!🎉

Vaccine hesitancy, parental concerns, and COVID-19 in a digital leisure context: Implications for out-of-school time Due to the increasing prevalence of parental vaccine hesitancy or refusal, it is important to understand parental motives for vaccine hesitancy. This study examines social media conversations and c...

Virtual Notebooks 19/02/2023

Lab Manager Olivia McAnirlin + affiliate Katie Thurson + others recently published a teaching tool that may be helpful for unpacking research (and other things!) in the college classroom through virtual Google notebooks! 📔

Virtual Notebooks Why a virtual notebook?

Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Multiple Measures of Blue and Green Spaces in the United States | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 131, No. 1 15/02/2023

New research! Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Multiple Measures of Blue and Green Spaces in the United States

Racial, Ethnic, and Socioeconomic Disparities in Multiple Measures of Blue and Green Spaces in the United States | Environmental Health Perspectives | Vol. 131, No. 1 Background: Several studies have evaluated whether the distribution of natural environments differs between marginalized and privileged neighborhoods. However, most studies restricted their analyses to a single or handful of cities and used different natural environment measures. Objectives: We eval...

Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students - Scientific Reports 11/02/2023

Daily virtual nature reduces anxiety symptoms in college students!

Daily exposure to virtual nature reduces symptoms of anxiety in college students - Scientific Reports Exposure to natural environments offers an array of mental health benefits. Virtual reality provides simulated experiences of being in nature when outdoor access is limited. Previous studies on virtual nature have focused mainly on single "doses" of virtual nature. The effects of repeated exposure r...

Photos from Clemson Virtual Reality and Nature Lab's post 10/02/2023

Lab Affiliate Ben Fowler, worked to digitally perserve 137 miles of the Altamaha River with our 360 panoramic camera!🛥️ The next goal: Create the first high quality virtual tour of the river and its access points!

SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Based Epidemiology in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review | ISEE | 2022 04/02/2023

Belated congrats to Environment and Sustainability Research Initiative - ESRI, Matthew Browning, and others for an important abstract published in a high profile journal- Environmental Health Perspectives!

SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Based Epidemiology in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review | ISEE | 2022 BACKGROUND AND AIM: Wastewater based epidemiology (WBE) is a promising tool to monitor the prevalence of COVID-19 disease at community level through detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater. Although WBE has been largely adopted in developed countries as complementary to clinical surveillance, the....

Nature_and_the_Brain_How_Natural_Environments_Alleviate_our_Stress 27/01/2023

Lab Manager Olivia McAnirlin was recently featured in a master's class assignment/pop. press piece "Nature and the Brain: how Natural Environments Alleviate our Stress" 🌲🧠 Check it out!

Nature_and_the_Brain_How_Natural_Environments_Alleviate_our_Stress Author: Mariella Bodemeier Loayza Careaga Neuroscientist and science writer based in Maryland. [email protected] Nature and the Brain: how Natural Environments Alleviate our Stress We have associated nature with feelings of calmness and relaxation for a long time, but only recen...

Spatiotemporal non-stationarity in green space and stress relationships: Recent evidence from South Korea 12/01/2023

Recent study done by Matthew Browning and colleagues found that type of green space influences stress in South Korea. Fun fact: forest 🌲🌳 cover was found to be negatively associated with perceived stress.

Spatiotemporal non-stationarity in green space and stress relationships: Recent evidence from South Korea A growing body of literature has linked exposure to “green space” (vegetation-rich areas) and other forms of nature to mental health. Exposure-outcome…

Association of Natural Environment and Neurodegenerative Disease Hospitalization 07/01/2023

📢NEW research finds that some natural environments may reduce Parkinson disease + Alzheimer disease and related dementias📢

Association of Natural Environment and Neurodegenerative Disease Hospitalization This cohort study explores the association of natural environments—using measures of greenness, parks, and blue space—with hospitalizations for Alzheimer disease and related dementias and Parkinson disease among older individuals in the US.

The PAD-US-AR dataset: Measuring accessible and recreational parks in the contiguous United States - Scientific Data 03/01/2023

Think you know maps well? Most are *actually* misleading when it comes to public recreation spaces! 🧭PADUSAR is an open source to help remedy this!

The PAD-US-AR dataset: Measuring accessible and recreational parks in the contiguous United States - Scientific Data Measurement(s) park Technology Type(s) Geographic Information System Sample Characteristic - Environment County • Tract Sample Characteristic - Location United States


Surfing in VR? Count us in! 🌊🤙
Research by Matthew Browning and colleagues.

Hurricanes in the metaverse could save lives in reality 21/12/2022

Excited to collaborate with UGA's Games and Virtual Environments Lab on helping simulate hurricane season + storm surge for evacuation education in VR .

Hurricanes in the metaverse could save lives in reality Researchers at the University of Georgia are hoping the metaverse will help save lives when it comes to a real disaster.

Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Social Experience: A Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study across Seven Universities in the U.S. 16/12/2022

How did the on-set of the COVID19 Pandemic influence college student's socialization?
Check out this article written by lab members/collaborators!

Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Social Experience: A Cross-Sectional Qualitative Study across Seven Universities in the U.S. The COVID-19 pandemic affected and continues to modify students’ social life and as a result may impact their long-term development. This study is a part of a larger research project focused on the...

Olivia McAnirlin: Physical and Psychological Benefits of Being in Nature | Episode 10 by The Movement Fluidity Podcast 11/12/2022

Check out Lab Manager Olivia McAnirlin's guest podcast episode about nature.
Listen to "Olivia McAnirlin: Physical and Psychological Benefits of Being in Nature | Episode 10" by Charlie Graffius ⚓

Olivia McAnirlin: Physical and Psychological Benefits of Being in Nature | Episode 10 by The Movement Fluidity Podcast Today my guest is Olivia McAnirlin, who I met during my undergraduate research work through INBRE at Colby-Sawyer College. Olivia is now a Ph.D. candidate and lab manager at the Virtual Reality and Nature Lab at Clemson University in South Carolina. There, they simulate the effects of being in natur...

Videos (show all)

Today is Fun Fact Friday!! Today’s Fun Fact: Listening to natural sounds can reduce stress and pain levels, and improve ...