Porodična vinarija sa tradicijom od 1854.,Trnavci, Župa. Family owned winery founded in 1854 in Trnavci, Zupa region, Serbia


Natural Wines for all seasons


Cabernet Sauvignon 2021
Indigenous yeasts, 18 months on fine lees in old oak barrels, unfiltered…
Vineyard: Carigrad, Župa


Natural Chardonnay 2021, 20 days skin contact, unfiltered, VINEYARD: PEARL ISLAND



Photos from VERT's post 03/03/2023

As every step of our wines journey is done with care and attention to the tiniest details, we also create by hand every label.
Labels are painted with sand from our vineyard

Svaki korak u proizvodnji naših vina zahteva pažljiv ručni rad, tako pravimo i naše etikete.. oslikane su peskom iz vinograda


Срећан Божић


Natural whites


Vert NATURAL vina- spontana fermentacija autohtonim kvascima

CHARDONNAY- 20 dana maceracije- svežina, voće, kruška, jabuka
SAUVIGNON BLANC- 24 dana maceracije- biljne note, zova, med, citrus
RHINE RIESLING- 30 dana maceracije- floralne note, citrusi, dunja, mineralnost

VERT natural WINE- spontaneous fermentation with autochthonous yeasts, unfiltered

CHARDONNAY- 20 days maceration-
fresh, fruity, pear, apple
SAUVIGNON BLANC-24 days maceration- herbal note, edelflower, honey, citrus
RHINE RIESLING- 30 days maceration-
floral note, mineral, citrus, quince


Rajnski rizling, ORANGE vino nastalo pod uticajem 2 reke, 3 vrste zemlje, 22. godine starih čokota i 30 dana maceracije. Voćne arome se menjaju sa temperaturom vina u čaši.
Temperatura služenja od 10-14c

Rhine Riesling, an orange wine created by the influence od 2 rivers, 3 soils, 22 years old vine and 30 days of maceration. Aromas evolve with the temperature of the wine in the glass.
Serving temperature 10-14c


Верујемо у мудрост природе и наш посао је да је пратимо и омогућимо да се развија. Грожђе које добијамо имплементирајући нашу фолозофију је створено за спонтану ферментацију аутохтоним квасцима којом добијамо вина изузетно воћног карактера….

We believe that nature is wise and our role is to allow it to develop itself. The grapes we obtain by implementing our philosophy are made for spontaneous fermentation from which we get fruitiness in our wines.


VERT winery & distillery

We believe that nature is wise, we allow it to evolve in its own rhythm. We take only what it gives us, we do not intervene with additional matters as we give it the opportunity to develop itself in its own manner.


rakija od vina
wine brandy


Rakija od vina OAK je dobijena dvostrukom destilacijom vina kupaže Kabernet Sovinjon, Merlo i Prokupac u tradicionalnom bakarnom kazanu. Odlržavala je 10 godina u buradima od domaćeg hrasta kitnjaka.
ALKOHOL: 40%v/v
ODLEŽAVANJE: 10 godina u buradima od hrasta kitnjaka
GROŽDJE: Kaberne Sovinjon, Merlo, Prokupac

This brandy is created by distilling wine made from our own grapes- a well balanced blend of autochthonous Prokupac, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot Double distilled in copper pot stills. Aged in barrels made from local oak.
ALCOHOL: 40%v/v
GRAPES: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Prokupac

Photography by


Rakije od vina OAK i AQUA VITAE su dobijene dvostrukom destilacijom prirodnih vina u tradicionalnom bakarnom kazanu. Ovako dobijeni destilati nose u sebi teroar sa kog su potekli.

Our eau de vie de vin (wine brandy) OAK and AQUA VITAE are made by double distilling natural wines in traditional copper pot stills. The spirits thus obtained carry within them the terroir from which they originated.


Biodiverzitet u vinogradu oslikava prirodni balance životne sredine vinograda i njegovu interakciju sa florom i faunom.

Biodiversity in the vineyard reflects the natural balance of the vineyard environment and its interactions with the fauna and flora in it.


Vert vina bez intervencija… dopuštamo prirodi da sama radi svoj posao

Vert no intervention wines… allowing nature to develop itself


Svaka naša etiketa je jedinstvena i oslikana peskom iz vinograda.

Every label is painted with sand from the alluvial soil of our vineyard.


Zemlja iz našeg vinograda- deo našeg teroara

Soil from our vineyard- a piece of our terroir


Verujemo prirodi, zato su sastojci naših vina samo groždje i minimalno sumpor.

We trust nature, this is why our wines are made only with grapes and minimal sulfites.

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Our wine labels are hand painted with sand and pigments