Nataliya's beauty

Nataliya's beauty

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Περιποίηση προσώπου και σώμα?

Праздничное настроение на год вперед с эфирными маслами LR Soul of Nature 26/02/2023

Праздничное настроение на год вперед с эфирными маслами LR Soul of Nature Вебинар ведет Юлия КрыловаСертифицированный ароматерапевт международного института ароматерапии в Москве

Иммунитет - основа основ: ЛР ЛАЙФТАКТ гель Алоэ Вера Иммун Плюс, Про 12, Рейши, Цистус Инканус 26/02/2023

Иммунитет - основа основ: ЛР ЛАЙФТАКТ гель Алоэ Вера Иммун Плюс, Про 12, Рейши, Цистус Инканус Вебинар ведет В.А.Дадали Доктор химических наук, профессор СЗГМУ им. И.И. Мечникова Доктор философии по натуральной медицине и сертифицированный консульта...

Ежедневная поддержка организма - пошаговый план c программой Анти Эйдж 26/02/2023

Ежедневная поддержка организма - пошаговый план c программой Анти Эйдж Вебинар ведет Татьяна Шерстобитова Кандидат наук, доцент Уральского Медицинского Университета по профилю «Химия для врачей и фармацевтов»

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 26/02/2023

Ура ! У нас скидки! Успейте! Всего лишь до 28 февраля!


Кислотный рефлюкс (изжога) - одно из самых распространенных заболеваний пищеварительной системы.
Существует мнение, что это вызвано повышенной кислотностью 🔥 в желудке, но не все так однозначно.
Сейчас не будем выяснять, откуда свалилось это "счастье",
сейчас о том, как от него избавиться)

Признаки и симптомы кислотного рефлюкса:
Неприятный запах изо рта;
Дискомфорт и боль в желудке;
Боль или затрудненное глотание;
Кислый или горький привкус во рту;
Чувство жжения в груди, часто после еды;
Необъяснимый кашель особенно в положении лежа.

Чем опасно это заболевание?
Рефлюкс повреждает слизистую пищевода, что приводит к отеку, воспалению, эрозиям и язвам.
Без контроля течения заболевания - приводит к сужению пищевода, видоизменению его клеток
(Пищевод Баррета - это предраковое состояние) и онкологии.

Врачи традиционной медицины при рефлюксе прописывают вначале безрецептурные антацидные препараты,
а позже ИПП (ингибиторы протонной помпы) для подавления ⬇️ выработки кислотности желудка.
(Многим знакомы препараты типа Ренни и Омез - очень хорошие препараты - болеть прям вообще все сразу прекращает!
Вот и пьем, годами...)

Но важно понимать, что эти препараты не устраняют основную причину рефлюкса и, следовательно, не могут вылечить.
А вот список побочных явлений от их приема просто огромен!

А чуть позже не только желудок песни запоет - и поджелудочная, и желчный с печенью, и кишечник так даст про...... , что никакой врач не поможет.
Почки подтянутся обязательно - куда же без них?
А там, глядишь - вены вспухают, давлешка гоняет верх/вниз....
И понеслось......

Так, вернусь к изжоге)

А на постоянно воспалённые слизистые еще и антибиотики добавят, и не раз - сказка!
Все, кишечник стонет и дохнет в жесточайших муках(
ну и мы с ним - это же все про нас и о нас(
Хоть лечись, хоть под нож ложись...
Если есть за какие средства...
А после операционных вмешательств организм еще в большей помощи нуждается...
Плавали...было дело)

В то же время в подходе альтернативной, превентивной медицины есть абсолютно безопасные решения.

Например - тот же
гель Алоэ - великолепное решение данной проблемы.
Эх, знала бы я о нем на десяток лет ранее !

Но не забываем и том простом, каждодневном, что мы можем сделать для себя любимых.
Перед едой пить тёплую чистую воду;
пищу не проглатываем на лету и кусками, а пережевываем и наслаждаемся вкусом;
от ужина отказываться не стоит, но едим часа за 3 до сна ;
переедание - это печаль-печальная.... ;
Ну и содержимое тарелки - нам ведь надо в первую очередь питать организм и его клетки - поэтому думаем что едим и что пьем !!!
И когда... это не маловажно)

А если дополнительно за пару минут до приема пищи принимать АлоэВера питьевой гель - через некоторое время Вы забудете о проблемах, а ЖКТ будет работать как часики.

Я знаю, о чем говорю)
Опыт есть....могу помочь звоните и пишите открыта для диалога +357 96 298889






Dead Sea minerals have anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent cavity and gum disease, as well as treat mouth sores effectively.

Dr. Nona’s Halo Multi Mouthwash is considered an effective treatment for gum disease and toothaches.

It removes bad breathe and creates a feeling of freshness, thanks to the plant extracts and oils within the unique Halo Complex™ formula.

Our mouthwash also contains mint oil that is known as “the world’s oldest medicine” and that is used for various medical purposes.

It is considered particularly effective treatment for gum disease and toothache.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Peppermint oil, Chamomile extract, Alcohol, Thyme oil, Lemon oil, Clary Sage oil.


The cream is a fantastic source of vitamin A, which slows down the aging process of the skin.

Exclusive Halo Complex™ formula allows keeping the natural characteristics of the vitamin A for a long time.

This multi-purpose moisturizer creates Collagen and Elastin fibers that assist in smoothing out the wrinkles, giving your face skin a younger look and providing protection against pigmentation and dark spots.

One of the great advantages of vitamin A is to differentiate the body cells.

It speeds up the cell regeneration pace, prevents their oxidation and slows down the aging.

Vitamin A helps the skin stay healthy by creating a new layer of fresh skin.

Applying Halo Facial Solaris Cream everyday creates a new skin layer, clears out dark spots and wrinkles.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Jojoba oil, Rose Hips fruit oil, UVA/UVB filters.

Paraben free formula. Dermatologically tested for hypoallergenic and sensitive skin.


The skin around the eyes is thin and sensitive.

Halo Eye Care Balm helps reduce the appearance of dark circles, puffiness, fine lines and wrinkles.

Upon application, the skin around the eyes is immediately moisturized, visibly plumped and revitalized.

In addition, it is an ideal cream for people who in front of the computer all day.

The cream is rich in vitamin E.

It is an antioxidant with many advantages.

Vitamin E helps shrinking stretched out skin.

Eye care balm contains Rose hips fruit oil that reduces fatigue signs and wrinkles, as well as moistures and nourishes the skin deep down, contributing to its elasticity.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Vitamin E, Rose Hips fruit oil, Jojoba oil.

Paraben free formula. Dermatologically tested for hypoallergenic and sensitive skin.


Cell skin rejuvenation is at peak during the night hours.

Night cream is formulated specifically to be active during those hours; it contributes to the renewal of Elastin and Collagen fibers, which are responsible for your skin firmness and elasticity.

Elastin and Collagen reduce existing wrinkles and help prevent new wrinkles from forming.

The result is healthy and young looking skin.

Halo Night Cream contains Vitamin C, which is a very effective antioxidant, and is crucial for the Collagen creation.

The cream brings back skin flexibility and helps slow down the skin’s aging process.

It also contains Gingko Biloba extract that provides protection against free radicals and helps supply oxygen to the cells.

Bilberry Leaf extract within night cream is an important antioxidant that improves skin’s firmness and takes part in creating Collagen.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Vitamin C, Plant oil, Avocado oil, Vitamin E, Bilberry Leaf extract, Gingko Biloba.

Dermatologically tested for hypoallergenic and sensitive skin.


Our Halo Mineral Lipstick provides protection to your lips.

It gives your lips a healthy and glamorous look.

When applying a light layer of the lipstick, it enriches the lips with moisture and gives them a soft silky feeling.

Our lipstick protects the lips against cracks with weather changes.

The lipstick contains beeswax that soothes the lips, providing them protection and moisture.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt ,Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beeswax, Castor oil.


The cream provides a solution for dry hands and weak nails.

The cream supplies hands and nails with moisture and protects them from dryness, cracks and other injuries.

The cream is absorbed quickly and also strengthens nails over time.

Halo Hand and Nail Cream contains rosemary oil, which is considered as one of the natural medications for the skin.

Rosemary contributes to the renewal of the skin cells, helps heal sores and protects the skin while nourishing, calming and soothing your hands.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Rosemary oil, Jojoba oil, Rose Hips oil.


A revolutionary anti-cellulite cream, which is designed to fight cellulite and restore the skin’s elasticity and smooth texture.

The Anti-Cellulite Cream by Dr. Nona contains effective ingredients such as soy, caffeine, carnitine and amino acids.

The caffeine improves blood circulation and speeds up metabolism, soy nourishes the skin and the carnitine acts as a powerful anti-oxidant.

Key ingredients:
Caffeine, soy, carnitine, amino acids.


Dr. Nona’s “First- Aid” cream offers a range of first aid solutions for various skin conditions, such as: stings, peeling, dryness and burns.

In addition, using Halo Dynamic Cream every day will improve the functions of your skin and blood circulation.

As a result, your skin will become smooth, moisturized and healthy.

The cream contains carrot oil, which is rich in vitamins and Beta-carotenes that prevent skin oxidation, accelerate its renewal process and protect it from free radicals.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Carrot oil, Chamomile extract, Plant oil, Rosemary oil, Orange oil, Lavender oil, Jojoba oil, Aloe Vera powder.

Dermatologically tested for hypoallergenic and sensitive skin.


Halo Solaris Body Lotion is one of our best-selling products.

This innovative body lotion gently soothes the skin, encourages cell renewal, provides overall protection and even helps treating various skin problems.

Regular use of Solaris body lotion helps minimizing the appearance of stretch marks, dark skin spots, pigmentation, cold sores cut marks and various burns.

It also relieves muscle and bone pain.

Solaris Body Lotion contains avocado oil, which is rich in vitamins A, B, D, E, lecithin and essential fatty acids.

It is easily absorbed by the skin and has the ability to bring back the glow and smoothness to the damaged skin.

Key ingredients:
Dead Sea salt, Avocado oil, Aloe Vera powder, Thyme oil, Jojoba oil, Rosemary oil, Orange oil, Fruit extracts.

Paraben free formula. Dermatologically tested for hypoallergenic and sensitive skin.


Дорогие друзья делюсь с вами прекрасной новостью....

Витамин Д: в каких продуктах содержится больше всего для женщин? 23/05/2021

Витамин Д: в каких продуктах содержится больше всего для женщин? Он ускоряет обмен веществ, повышает иммунитет, поднимает настроение. Витамин Д: в каких продуктах содержится больше всего для женщин?


Dr.Nona Shower Gel Halo Gel (cleansing and elasticity of the skin, improves blood circulation, affects the entire body, deep cleansing of the skin, etc.)

It serves as a deep and total cleansing of your skin while using the Dead Sea mud.

Dr. Nona Halo Shower Gel from the Dead Sea. This preparation bears its name in honour of the halo-bacteria, which include the archaebacteria present in the bioorganomineral complex and which is artificially cultivated in the laboratories of the Lenon clinic. Halo-gel serves for deep and total cleansing of your skin while using the Dead Sea mud. The soap gel base allows the active elements of the Dead Sea mud to pe*****te deep into the skin.


Dr.Nona Ravseen (immune system, s*x, prostate, liver, detoxification, defensive system, lowers cholesterol, weight loss, antioxidant, fat reduction, weight reduction, etc.)
Ravseen has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It stimulates the protective functions of the organism and increases its resistance. It reduces fat and cholesterol levels and helps reduce weight, it is a highly effective antioxidant.
Ravseen has a beneficial effect on the immune system. It stimulates the protective functions of the organism and increases its resistance. It reduces fat and cholesterol levels and helps reduce weight. It is a highly effective antioxidant.

Essential ingredients: 60% of unsaturated fatty acids, fish oil, vitamins A and D, tocopherol, the bioorganomineral complex of the Dead Sea. The preparation is free of cholesterol.

Indications: metabolic disorders at any stage, to increase the tonus of the organism, overall strengthening effect, to increase stress resistance, neurotic states, sediment and toxin cleansing, skin problems, digestive system diseases, diarrhoea, infertility, gynaecological Problems, diseases of the supporting and movement system, oncological diseases, rejuvenation of joints, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, removal of alcohol dependence, diabetes, lowering of cholesterol in the blood, hypertonia, varicose veins.

‼Notice: The product is not intended for children under 3 years of age

Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

It is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet.

Store in a dry and dark place at room temperature.

Keep out of reach of children!

We will be glad to advise you about the selection of products.

Products of Dr.Nona (dietary supplement or cosmetics products) are not intended to diagnose or cure any disease.


Halo Okseen

📌Many situations which characterize modern life, such as stress, anxiety and a diet which is based on processed food, might increase the production of free radicals in tissues and cells of the human body which may cause damage to their structure and function.

Halo Okseen contains Selenium, an essential mineral, participates in critical processes in the human body.

However, unbalanced diet might lead to Selenium deficiency.

Studies indicate that Selenium has antioxidant properties – that is the ability to reduce the level of free radicals*.


Set Cleopatra limited edition (LC)

A magic set for women who look after themselves and never surrender to age!
The first premium cosmetics developed for business ladies!
The set includes three products:

Halo Eye Repair Cream
A regenerating cream for the skin around the eyes, which contains unique active ingredients that soothe, moisturize and refresh the skin in the eye area, helping to reduce puffiness and brighten dark circles.
With Halo Eye Repair Cream, your eyes won’t betray your age!

Halo Instant Lift Serum
An intensive lifting serum for an instant lifting effect that restores your skin’s youthful luster for several hours.
Facial skin becomes firmer and smoother immediately upon applying the serum. Don’t believe it? Use this magic serum and see for yourself!

Halo Facial Brightening Day Cream
A brightening day cream which softens, nourishes and moisturizes facial skin, helping to reduce pigmentation. The cream makes the skin lighter and refreshes its appearance.
Regularly using this cream will help you achieve a fresh and healthy look.

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 20/05/2021

A moisturising foot cream to effectively nourish and regenerate dry and damaged feet.

A specially developed cream which imparts great benefits, intense hydration and a softening of hardened and wrinkled skin
Cares for cracked skin, prevents the appearance of dry patches, pleasantly cools down and refreshes tired legs and feet
Urea, or uric acid, is widely used in medical cosmetics for its hydrating and softening properties, it reduces water loss and increases skin regeneration whilst being known primarily for its positive effect in the treatment of eczema
Cocoa butter is a natural antioxidant and has excellent moisturising features which can be suitably applied to cracked skin, it is absorbed easily by the skin and remains there for several hours
Boswellia, a tree used for centuries, is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and its positive influence on the musculoskeletal system
In addition to superior hydrating features (proven by studies), glycerine has a very positive effect on skin cells, subsequently a protective barrier is created on the surface of the skin
Allantoin regenerates cells and supports cell division, thereby accelerating healing processes
Shea butter perfectly hydrates and prevents the premature ageing of skin
Tocopheryl is a form of vitamin E, it acts as an antioxidant, slows down the scaling of the skin and prevents its ageing
Tea tree oil possesses antiseptic and antimycotic properties
The cream applies easily, is absorbed quickly and leaves no greasy feeling
Is suitable for everyday use
Dermatologically tested

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 20/05/2021

📌Colostrum is the first milk, produced by the mammary glands after mammals give birth. Contained within are all necessary, ready-made antibodies to protect against infection in the early weeks of life.
Colostrum is valued for its high content of vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6. B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, niacin), minerals, trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, chromium), proteins and protease inhibitors. Colostrum contains antibodies which are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also contains Lactoferrin - a multifunctional protein which reduces inflammation in the body.
ESSENS Colostrum comes exclusively from bovine (cow) farms with permanent veterinary control in the Moravian- Silesian Region. Further processing takes place in a pharmaceutical company that is certified with GMP under the auspices of WHO - (World Health Organization) and HACCP - (system of risk analysis and determination of critical control points) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic according to EU directives.
ESSENS Colostrum was developed and is manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision in the Czech Republic, in compliance with the strictest EU rules and standards. The active substances are obtained exclusively from natural sources without the use of chemically prepared raw materials. Only raw materials of the highest possible quality are used for production. Does not contain sugar or gluten. Contains lactose, but thanks to it's very low amount, the ESSENS Colostrum supplement is very well tolerated by people with an intolerance.

📌Body and skin cosmetics ESSENS with colostrum was created on the basis of the latest research, knowledge and trends in premium health cosmetics. Due to the effects of phospholipids (fats and organic acids), the active substances are easier to pe*****te through the upper layer of the skin and the subsequent formation of a lipid film, a thin layer significantly slowing the evaporation of water from the skin. Skin protection against all-day effects of adverse external influences. Without parabens and heavy duty substances, non-toxic to the environment for everyday use, optimum for people with sensitive skin helps to remove and treat skin defects and acne. Natural ingredients of the highest possible quality.

📌Intense natural Spray contains the extract from Aloe Vera Barbadensis Miller, the active ingredient Allantoin and the extract from the plant Chelidonium Majus. Thanks to appropriate ratio of ingredients, it is an ideal treatment for damaged skin soothing such as burns, abrasions, itching or redness.

Ingredients (INCI): Aqua, Aloe Barbadensis Extract, Glycerin, Polysorbate 80, Laureth-9, Stevia Rebaudiana Extract, Allantoin, Zinc Citrate, Citric Acid, Chelidonium Majus Extract, Menthol, Aroma, Thymol.

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 20/05/2021

Face rolling tools are made typically from jade, rose quartz or another crystal, and are designed to be used to gently massage the face and stimulate the lymphatic system to get rid of toxins, ease muscle tension, decrease puffiness and stimulate blood-flow to increase your skin’s glow. This act of a face rolling massage over the skin (always with an oil or serum for slip) is key to draining excess fluid from the face and, with regular use, will tone and lift the skin. Some face rollers have two ends: one with a large-sized stone – intended for the forehead, cheeks, jawline and neck – and one with a smaller stone, which snugly fits under the eyes.


A revolutionary mineral mud mask provides a complete face skin care solution.

Our Dead Sea mud mask cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes and encourages skin cell renewal.

As a result, the skin looks younger, signs of fatigue disappear and damaged skin clears up.

The Dead Sea mud also has the abilities to absorb oils and dirt, remove dead skin cells and strengthen the skin.

🔑Key ingredients:
Dead Sea mud, Chamomile extract, Aloe Vera extract, Peach oil, Melissa oil, Lemon oil, Frankincense oil, Lavender oil.


Be Rose Revitalizing Shampoo / Hydrating Body Lotion / Shower Gel with Rose Oil 200 ml

📌Be Rose Refreshing shower gel 200 ml

Active ingredients: natural rose water, rose oil, rosehip oil, coenzyme Q10,
panthenol and glycerin.
Gently cleans, cleanses, moisturizes and tones the skin of the body. After
consumption, it helps to gnaw the skin of the body from the adverse effects of
external environmental factors. The gel is suitable for all skin types. It is
recommended for people with tender and sensitive skin. Ideal for daily use.
Does not contain preservatives.

📌Be Rose Hair Shampoo 200 ml

Active ingredients: natural rose water, rose oil, rosehip oil, coenzyme Q10,
panthenol and glycerin.
Gently cleans and moisturizes, has an antioxidant, regenerating and protective
effect on the scalp and hair. It gives the hair elasticity and lively shine.
Protects hair from the adverse effects of any external environmental factors.
Suitable for all hair types. Recommended for dry and thin hair. Suitable for
daily use.

📌Be Rose body lotion 200 ml
Body lotion active ingredients: natural rose water, q10, rosehip oil, vitamins a and e, rose oil, intensively hydrating Lactil factor.
Luxurious, delicately flavored body lotion containing natural rose water, q10 and organic wild rose oil (product of organic farming). Intensively hydrating Lactil factor.
Hydrates the skin, protects it from moisture loss and makes it elastic. In addition, the other active ingredients – vegetable lipids and vitamins, create a sense of silky tenderness and softness. Instructions for use: apply on thoroughly cleaned skin and massage until complete absorption.
If used regularly the skin becomes firmer and smoother. Absorbs quickly and does not leave greasy residue.


This Lifting Face Serum is a highly efective concentrate of carefully selected active ingredients. It intensely moisturizes the skin and sigicantly decreases the lines and wrinkles. Its formula contains antioxidants that neutralize harmful free radicals. The skin is softer, smoother and radiant.

Active ingredients: Organically certied by the USDA rose oil and 100% organic rose water, rose concrete.


Bulgarian Rose for Men is the latest cosmetic line from Bulgarian Rose. The line is specially developed for men and includes all the necessary men grooming products for hair, face, and body. The rose oil and rose water as per tradition with Bulgarian Rose cosmetic lines are the main ingredients in this line as well. But it includes also prebiotic and bamboo extract.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men energizing shampoo for daily use restores the hair shine and stimulates hair growth. The caffeine ingredient improves blood circulation in the scalp and fortifies the hair roots. The men shampoo’s specially designed formula makes it ideal for everyday use. The added prebiotic balances the scalp’s microflora and improves its defence. Green tea and bamboo extracts add lustre and softness to the hair.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men refreshing shower gel hydrates the body and leaves a pleasant aroma long after its use. The green olive extract nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The refreshing aroma is derived from the geranium extract. The added prebiotic improves the resilience of the skin.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men shaving gel soothes and tones the face during shaving. The product ensures smooth and safe shaving without any irritations. The added prebiotic improves the natural skin defence while the peppermint extract calms it. The Bulgarian rose oil and rose water leave a fresh and pleasant aroma after use.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men aftershave balm soothes and softens the face. Thanks to its light formula the product is quickly absorbed into the skin and eliminates the irritation. The aloe and menthol calm and cool the face respectively. The bamboo extract acts as an antioxidant and along with the added prebiotic improves the skin defence. The after-shave balm is packaged in a convenient container with a pump for easy and economical use.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men moisturizing face cream soothes and regenerates the sensitive skin. The added hyaluronic acid hydrates in depth. The arugula extract has an antioxidant property and protects the skin from the negative environmental effects. The aqua active skincare cream is packaged in a convenient container with a pump for easy and economical use.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men anti-aging face cream innovative formula contains bamboo extracts and wheat germ, apricot oil, rose oil and rose water. The added prebiotic ingredient balances the skin microflora and improves the resilience and elasticity of the skin. The face cream is packaged in a convenient container with a pump for easy and economical use.

📌Bulgarian Rose for Men deep cleansing glycerine soap contains rose water and bamboo charcoal. The soap’s detoxifying effect makes it ideal for use on greasy scalps or oily face and body. The added rose water ingredient into the soap leaves a pleasant, unostentatious aroma after use.


Dr. Nona’s bath salts give the effect of a dip in the Dead Sea and provide a combination of treatment for the body and soul.
Our bath salts are rich in minerals and aromatic oils that soothe your skin and give you a feeling of relaxation.

📌Chamomile – purifies the soul and lifts the mood up.

📌Ylang Ylang– invigorates, and acts as a natural antidepressant.

📌Rosemary – releases stress from muscles and eases insomnia.

📌Lavender – excellent for aching muscles and joint pains.

⭐Dr. Nona’s bath salts also help treating viral illnesses and various skin conditions.

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 19/05/2021

Bulgarian Rose 🌹

📌Face cream ROSE CAMEY 50+ is an ideal care for the skin of the face with regenerative action.
The combination of collagen and natural retinol deletes subtle lines of wrinkles and lightening the spots on the skin. Slows the aging process and protects the skin from harmful environmental influences. Alfa bisabolol acts soothing and has a bactericidal action , helps to heal the skin. The delicate creamy texture is easy to apply. Extremely suitable for mature skin.
Active ingredients: Natural rose water, Natural chamomile water, Collagen, Natural retinol, Bisabolol.

📌Serum for around eyes with hyaluronic acid balances the waste stream, fills the connective tissue, hydrates in depth, smooths the skin and prevents premature aging. The combination of hyaluronic acid, chamomile water and argan oil improves microcirculation and reduces dark circles and puffiness of the eyes. Improves the appearance and condition of the skin around eyes.
Directions: Apply a few drops of product to the area around the eyes, distribute gently and evenly and let it absorb.
Active ingredients: Natural rose water, natural chamomile water, hyaluronic acid, aloe and argan oil.

Face cream ROSE CAMEY 30+Well balanced cream with intense moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. Thanks to the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of the chamomile, the cream acts soothing to skin irritations, nourishes and clarifies the complexion. The combination of hyaluronic acid, aloe and argan oil promotes the density and bonding of the structural components of the skin - collagen and elastane. Slows down aging and retains moisture. Works perfectly against wrinkles, scars and acne. Apply in the morning on clean and dry skin with massage movements.
Active ingredients: Rose water, Chamomile water, rich in bisobolol, hyaluronic acid, aloe and argan oil.


🌹Bulgarian rose
📌Brightening:Produced by extracted technology cell water from the fruits of rosehip rich in vit.c. improves blood microcirculation, reduces dark circles under the eyes.the natural vit. C contained in the cell rosehip water is a gold standard for antioxidants and has an important role in the synthesis of collagen.

Booster with cell water from rosehip contains oil of melissa which helps for skin irritation. Seramids control cell growth and effect the aging process as slows down. After prolonged use the skin is soft, strong and toned.

📌Lifting:Probiotic booster is a skin care of the face. Enriched with ginkgo biloba extract designed specifically to soothe the sensitive skin of the face from the harmful effects of the environment.

Probiotic booster Derma Invite helps reduce skin redness and irritation, conceals imperfections with instant visible lifting effect, smooths fine wrinkles on the face.

📌Anti aging:Hyaluronic gel booster has a strengthening and lifting effect. Hyaluronic acid with a small molecule pe*****tes deep into the skin, hydrates and increases elasticity. Hyaluronic acid with s big molecule strengthens the skin.

Contains organic rose water and organic rose oil which are certified. Gel booster contains rosemary extract which ensures tightening of the skin that has lost its turgor, slow the aging process.

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 19/05/2021

Essens colostrum
Nourishing body cream
Essens colostrum cellulite cream
Essens aloe vera shampoo for all hair types
Essens aloe vera shampoo for coloured and dry hair
Essens aloe vera conditioner for all hair types
Essens aloe vera conditioner for coloured and dry hair


Body mist

Photos from Nataliya's beauty's post 19/05/2021

Essens cosmetics:
Lip liner
Makeup brushes
Matt powder
Long lasting Matt lipstick
Brows mascara
And much more


Η σειρά προϊόντων nutriessens επικεντρώνεται στα συμπληρώματα διατροφής με την μορφή νοστιμων ζελέ με φρουτώδη γεύση.
Τα νόστιμα ζελέ συσκευαζονται σε φακελάκια ημερησίως δόσης των 50γρ τα οποία μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν και σταδιακά μέσα στην μέρα λόγω του πρακτικού καπακιου σφράγισης

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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 23:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 23:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 23:00
Thursday 09:00 - 23:00
Saturday 09:00 - 23:00

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