Loft Shisha Lounge
At Loft Sh**ha Lounge, we welcome everyone as family. We provide a place to relax and unwind.
For your comfort, we have a stone built listed building, where we can welcome large and small groups, offering a wide variety of high quality smoking flavours.
Mixology Mondays: Haribon, black currant, grapefruit 🍊🥤
**ha **halounge **hamo **ah **ahlounge **ahtime **ahplace **halove
Mixology Mondays: Mango, vanilla, rum 🥭🍦🧉
**ha **hamo **hashop **halounge **halove **ah **ahlounge **ahplace **ahlover
Mixology Mondays: George’s favourite, watermelon, lime, supernova, ice gum wto 🍉🍋🟩❄️🍬
**ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **hamo **ha💨 **hagram **ah **ahlove **ahtime **ahlife **ahbar **ahplace **ahsmoke **ahbar
Mixology Mondays: Pineapple, Passion fruit, coconut, vanilla & supernova 🍍🥥❄️
**ha **hatime **halounge **habar **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahlounge **ahlove **ahtime **ahplace **ahaddiction
Mixology Mondays: Red tea, raspberry, green beam, supernova 🔴🍋🟩❄️
**ha **hatime **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **hagram **ah **ahtime **ahbar **ahlounge **ahlove **ahplace **ahlovers **ahaddiction #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Red tea, redberry, raspberry, cosmopolitan 🛑🔴🟥
**ha **hatime **habar **halounge **halife **hamo **hagram **halove **ah **ahlife **ahbar **ahs **ahlounge #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Peach yoghurt, peach, vanilla, orange team, supernova 🍑🍊🍡
**ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halife **hamo **ha💨 **hagram **ah **ahlife **ahbar **ahlounge #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Pomegranate, Lemongrass, Mango, Vanilla, Supernova 🥭🍦🌾
**ha **haaddict **hasloungebar **haworld **halounge **ah **ahlovers **ahaddiction **ahlover **ahlife💨💨💨 **ahlifestyle **ahcatering #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Caramel, banana, ice cream, coconut & nuts 🍌🍦🥥🌰
**ha **hamo **halounge **ah **ahlovers **ahlounge **ahlife💨💨💨 **ahlifestyle **hablog #кальян #кальянная
Mixology Monday: basil, pear lemonade, sour apple 🌱🍐🍏
**ha **hatime **habar **ha💨 **halounge **halife **hamo **ah **ahlounge **ahtime **ahlove **ahplace **ah💨 #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Monday: Pistachio ice cream, oats, mango 🍦🥭
**ha **ha **hatime **habar **halounge **halife **hamo **ha💨 **hagram **halove **ah **ahtime **ahlife **ahbar **ahlove **ahplace #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Monday: Pistachio ice cream, oats & mango 🍦🥭
**ha **hatime **halounge **habar **halife **hamo **ha💨 **hagram **ah **ahlounge **ahlife **ahtime **ahlove **ahaddiction **ah💨 #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Bounty, redberry, cosmoflower, supernova 🥥🫐🌺
**ha **hatime **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahbar **ahlove #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays:
Bergamonstr, something berry and black honey 🫖🍓🍯
**halounge **ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahlife **ahaddiction **ahlife #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Monday: Milky rice, cookie, lemon & lime 🍋🥧
**ha **hatime **habar **halounge **halife **halove **ha💨 **ah **ahlife **ahlounge **ahtime #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: crème brûlée, banana papa, milky rice & supernova 💨
**ha **halounge **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **ha💨 **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahlife💨💨💨 **ahbar #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Apple drops, cinnamon, vanilla & nuts! Just like an apple pie 🥧 😍
**halounge **ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **ah **ahlounge **ahbar **ahlove **aholics #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays are back 😎
Pecan pie with orange zest 🥧🍊
**ha **ha **halounge **hatime **halove **habar **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahlife **ahlounge **ahbar #кальян #кипр #лимассол
Mixology Monday: Tropic Ray, Mango Lassi and Caribbean Rum 🍍🥭🥥🥃
**ha **halounge **hatime **halove **habar **halife **halovers **hamo **hagram **ha💨 **ah **ahlove **ahlovers **ahlife💨💨💨 **ahlounge #кипр #кальянная #кальян #лимассол
Mixology Monday: Orange Team, Dark Passion, Ice cream 🍊🍦
**halounge **ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahtime **ahlife **ahlovers #кальян #кальянная #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays:
Ice cream, sweet peach & marula 🍑🍦
**ha **hatime **halounge **halife **halove **hamo **ha💨 **halover **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahbar **ahaddiction #кальян #кальянная #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Monday: Gin, Blackberry, Raspberry & Melonade ⚡️
**hatime **ha **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahlife **ahbar #кальян #кальянная #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Energy, raspberry, lime 🔋🏋🏻♀️
**ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ah **ahbar **ahtime **ahlife💨💨💨 #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Cactus, sour apple, supernova 🌵🍏❄️
**ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **ah **ahlounge **ahtime **ahlife #кальян #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: Pineapple pulse, bounty hunter and dark passion 🍍🥥
**ha **ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halife **hamo **ha💨 **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahlife #кальян #кальянная #лимассол #кипр
Mixology Mondays: For fans of Cola 🥤
1. Cola, Red Tea, Supernova
2. Cola, Banana papa, Supernova
3. Cola, Needles, Raspberry
**ha **hatime **halove **habar **halounge **halife **ha💨 **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahlife #кальян #кипр
Mixology Mondays:
Nuts, Horchata, Cookie, Milky rice. Tastes exactly like snickers 😍
**ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halife **hamo **hagram **ah **ahtime **ahbar **ahlove
Mixology Monday: Basil blast, raspberry, pomegranate, barberry candy 🍬
**ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halovers **hamo **ah **ahtime **ahbar #кальян #кипр #лимассол
Mixology Mondays: Tanya loves something sour, her go to mix is: Dark spirit, sour cranberry, pomegranate & raspberry 🍸
**ah **ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halife **ahlovers **ahclubshow #кальян #кальянная
Mixology Mondays: Horchata, strawberry lychee, rose, nuts 🥛🍓🌹🌰
**ha **hatime **habar **halove **halounge **halife **halovers **hamo **hagram **ah **ahtime **ahlounge **ahbar #кальян #кальянная #лимассол #кипр