You Inspire

You Inspire

🌍🫂Philanthropy 🎬Inspirational INTERVIEWS 🎁Inspirational GIFT - video-service They truly inspire. Just believe,
You Inspire


YI – is a collection of inspirational biographies together with an approach to life that unlocks the simple secrets of how life can be happy and fulfilled. Being committed to a purpose these incredible people discovered their “way,” and found what is called “the meaning”. They live how they want; they love what they do.They have accomplished a service or businesses full of joy an

Buddhist Monks from the Great Cloud Buddhist Monastery, Cyprus 29/03/2023

Its simply incredible, and a little bit magical – to talk with a Monk about the meaning and philosophy of life.
🤓Why do we exist? How can we control our mind? What is meditation and how does it contribute to our mental well-being?

These and many other powerful questions had been answered by the Buddhist monks from the Great Cloud Buddhist monastery in Cyprus (Nicosia and Limassol branch) Great Cloud Buddhist Monastery Nicosia 🙌
You Inspire Team is extremely grateful for the hospitable and friendly reception of the Monastery as well as for the organization of an Interview with the representatives of the Theravada Buddhist tradition.

- You have never been to a meditation center or monastery before?
Really, no worries! You will feel at home soon. And, you will find all the resources you need to move forward on your spiritual path.

Enjoy watching and share your thoughts with us! :)😇

Buddhist Monks from the Great Cloud Buddhist Monastery, Cyprus Its simply incredible, and a little bit magical – to talk with a Monk about the meaning and philosophy of life. Why do we exist? How can we control our mind?...


What is masculinity? What makes a man - a Real Man? 💁🏻‍♂️

🤓For many, the understanding of a man is related to gender. With a certain physical structure and social role in society. If biology determines and explains man’s body, then who is responsible for the formation of the male role and the rules of male behaviour?
😏Everyone has probably heard these phrases:

“Men do not cry. A man should be strong and courageous, never be afraid of anything. A man must be physically developed. A man's place is in business, hunting, big money. A man is responsible for leadership and management. A man has a more developed mind. Man is brutal, energetic and domineering. A man takes what he wants and does what he feels like. Men rule the world”.
Is this true masculinity? 🙄🤔
🤓🤲🏻In my opinion, true masculinity lies in responsibility. And it doesn't even matter - where or regarding what. A man is responsible for his words, his actions and their consequences. Masculinity is when your thoughts, words and actions are aligned. A man takes responsibility for his work, family, children, his business and subordinates. A man is honest, compassionate, generous.

🙋🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️A man may not be physically brutal, on the contrary he may behave soft, intelligent, merciful - and this is precisely his strength and his control. To earn public recognition, he does not need to show his physical strength or brutality. Recognition and respect come with dignity. Masculinity is control over feelings, willpower and responsibility. These are the signs of a real man 🤴🏻

🤲🏻A Real Man can be a man of any profession, age, height, nationality, education or religion. He is defined by his values and relationships with people and in general - the world around him, and not by- how he came into this world and what is expected from him.
Being a man is always a choice.
Difficult choice, but the best one. Because it's a hero's choice! 🦸🏻‍♂️☺️
What do you think and how would you define “Masculinity “? Let’s discuss this topic? 😊


Let’s talk about philanthropy. What does it mean to be a philanthropist? 🤓

🫂Philanthropy can be broadly defined as love for humankind. It is derived from the Greek words "philos," which means loving and "anthropos," which means humankind. A person who practices philanthropy is called a philanthropist 🧘🏻‍♂️
💫The purpose of philanthropy is to improve the wellbeing of humankind by preventing and solving social problems.

🤓Philanthropy is not the same as charity.

💙Charity focuses on eliminating the suffering caused by social problems,
💜while philanthropy focuses on eliminating social problems.

For example: giving food to a person who is suffering from a famine is charity. The food helps the person for a short period of time, but the person will become hungry again in the future. Teaching the person how to grow food is philanthropy because it eliminates the social problem causing the person's hunger.

📚A bit of History:
References to philanthropy can be found in the Koran, Bible, Torah and in the teachings of many other religions and cultures, including Buddhism, Japanese and Native American cultures, and Hinduism.
👉🏻 “Zakat," or giving, is one of the five pillars of Islam that help people become closer to God (Islam-guidedotcom).
👉🏻 According to the Bible, giving is a way to honor the sacredness of each individual, as in the book of Matthew, when God says, "...Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25: 40).
👉🏻In the Jewish tradition, there are eight levels of charity. The highest level is helping someone to become self-sufficient, which is the definition of true philanthropy (Friedman).
🙋🏼‍♀️All of these confirms - Philanthropy is important because it provides great opportunities, for you and for those you help.
They say, those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.

🙌🏼Basically, being a philanthropist means being highly evolved human being, fulfilled by his talents and readiness to serve others, following the greatest human mission of the common Good.
😌😇Now, don’t you want to be a philanthropist?
Based on paper by Catherine Zimmer from learningtogivedotorg

Вдохновляющий подарок 26/01/2023

Дорогие друзья!🤩

После огромного количества просьб о создании видео-сервиса, мы решили, что время и вправду пришло!

🎬😍Команда проекта “You Inspire” придумала простой, но душевный формат, как Вы можете передать безграничную любовь и заботу о близком, поддержать и вдохновить его.

🎁Мы счастливы предложить Вам подарить «Вдохновляющий подарок» близкому человеку. Видео ниже - покажет и расскажет Вам об этом подарке.
🙋🏼‍♀️✍️Пакет предложений и детали сервиса - Вы сможете узнать, написав нам в любом из профилей проекта “You Inspire” - в Фейсбуке или Инстаграм, или по адресу [email protected]. Сервис доступен на русском и английском языках.
Давайте вдохновлять вместе!💜💜💜

Вдохновляющий подарок Дорогие друзья!После огромного количества просьб о создании видео-сервиса (нам неоднократно писали с начала 2022 года, просили герои социального проекта, и д...

Inspirational gift 26/01/2023

Dear friends!☺️

After a huge number of requests, we decided that the time has finally come to offer our service to everyone!

🎬😍The “You Inspire” team is happy to invite you to present an “Inspirational Gift” to your loved ones. We have come up with a simple but sincere format on how you can convey your boundless love and care for them, and how to support and inspire them.

The video below will tell you more about this unique "Inspirational Gift".

✍️You can find out the package offers and details of our service by writing to us in any of the “You Inspire” profiles on Facebook or Instagram or to [email protected]

Let us be inspirational together!💜

Inspirational gift Dear friends!After a huge number of requests to create a video-service (just to let you know, we repeatedly received messages since the beginning of 2022, as...


What is kindness? I mean, what is kindness really? 
How can I understand kindness better?😌
Kindness is — and always will be — one of the most beautiful and powerful forces for GOOD that exists in the entire world.
— Why?
It’s because kindness is love, LOVE in Action 💞
🤍🫶Kindness is all the different ways — both big and small — we express care, concern, and consideration for ourselves and those with whom we share the world. 🤍🫶Kindness shows up as a supportive smile, a comforting embrace, and a helping hand when we need it the most — but may expect it the least. It exists as heartfelt words of encouragement, thoughtful gestures of affection, and compassionate acts of generosity so many of us witness, perform, and receive as we move through life.
🌪️In a world filled with struggle and pain, kindness is like a deep cleansing breath that rejuvenates us with its purity, refreshes us with its goodness, and gives us the strength to persevere despite our troubles.
🌬️🤍Kindness is a source of some of man’s greatest joys and a reason why life is beautiful, even though it’s challenging.
👉🏻👉🏻If we want to truly understand “what is kindness?”, then we need to do more than just read about it. Fortunately, this leads us right to the very best way to discover the essence, impact, and importance of kindness.
The Best Way To Understand Kindness Is To Practice Kindness🫂
Ask yourself daily:
1. Who can I be kind to ❓
2. How kind can I be ❓
4. What acts of kindness can I do❓

🫂😍Doing so and being kind to others you will easily find out that Kindness is many things:

- Kindness is a form of love and a way love forms.
- Kindness is a way to change the world for the better and a way to better ourselves for the world.
- Kindness is a potential path to happiness and a happy way for us to potentially find our paths.

Be kind = be human 😇
👏🏻Based on materials from kindnessiseverythingdotcom

Some words about us. YOU INSPIRE mission, difference and impact 16/01/2023

Inspiring Cyprus!🤩

🙌Help us be better, spread wider and go further! Be a part of the project "You Inspire".

4 minutes about humanity, philanthropy and why we do need your support!😍

Some words about us. YOU INSPIRE mission, difference and impact Please subscribe to our channel, like, leave a comment and share!This is how you can become a real change-maker contributing to humanity by spreading philant...


Human beings do not thrive alone 🫂

🙋🏻‍♂️We need our family and friends as pillars of support, especially in difficult times. Having a strong network of supportive people helps enhance our mental well-being, confidence and paramountly – helps us achieve all the goals and wishes we strive to achieve 🙌🏼🏆
☝🏻🤓As the saying goes, 'No man is an island' - everyone needs companionship and a shoulder to lean on. It is important to surround ourselves with family and friends for support and comfort in both times of joy and distress. It is about building and maintaining a network of people that you can trust and fall back on in times of difficulty. We need people to turn to for advice and encouragement whenever we face difficult times. Life is not that easy, and if you dream big, you will surely have big challenges to overcome ⛰️🧗🏿‍♀️
❣️It’s important to build such network of support. And here is how you can do that:

1. 🙏🏻Show appreciation for your loved ones to remind them of how important they are to you. Very often, a simple 'How are you?' or 'I'm so glad that you are in my life' note shows that you care and value them. Say “Thank you” and be grateful, don’t take everything for granted, especially nowadays, when everything is so impermanent.

2. 🫶Be the friend you want to have. Be supportive, and value your long time connections. Call people, ask them about their life and if there is anything you can help with. Believe me, people never forget those who gave them a helping hand in the most hard times.

3. 👏🏻Don’t forget to congratulate others with their success. And also write a small but meaningful message on their birthday.

4. 🙌🏼Join an interest club or participate in community activities. Share your experiences with people you meet, as this may be the start of new and fulfilling friendships. Or you can find a mentor.

💫By putting in the time and effort to establish and maintain your relationships, you will surely enjoy the positive returns from the strong connections and support you have from the people in your life 🤩🫂


😍It deeply touches our heart when the Heroes of the project You Inspire send us feedback. We strive to become better, improve our philanthropic services, evolve as human beings and help as many people as possible by inspiring and empowering them. Seems we do have a good work 🙂, although there is much more - to be done! We are ready!

Thank you dear Monika Cilmi 😇
People like you do change this World by personal example, and make it a better place for our recent and future generations!


“An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied”. © Arnold Glasow 🤓
We all want to be successful in our lives 💫Everyone has ideas on how to improve their personal or professional lives and live in a way that will bring them the most amount of prosperity and happiness 🧘🏻‍♂️
☝🏻However, without actually acting upon that vision, your ideas will remain just that- ideas.
🎯Taking action at the right time is crucial to realizing your dreams and turning them into reality. However, taking action without a plan is recipe for disaster.
📝Only when you have laid down a concrete plan, weighing down all the pros and cons, and prepared yourself for challenges, can you go ahead and execute your vision.
What you need is ACTION-PLAN 🧑🏻‍💻📑✍🏻
✔️An action plan is defined as a document or a checklist outlining the steps or tasks one needs to complete in order to achieve the goals they have set.
Some key elements of an action plan include:
1️⃣A succinct summery of the GOAL to be achieved
2️⃣STEPS or tasks one needs to achieve to reach the goal
3️⃣Assigning RESPONSIBILITIES to different PEOPLE
4️⃣RESOURCES (manpower, time, money, etc) needed to complete the tasks within a timeframe.
An action plan ensures that everything you need to achieve your goal(s) is WRITTEN DOWN in place, making it easier to track progress and delegate responsibilities.

By not spending much time on planning and creating an action plan, you set yourself up for costly mistakes 🙄
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻Planning in advance gives you much-needed clarity on the path to take, technologies to deploy, responsibilities to assign, and obstacles to tackle.
Since it’s the beginning of 2023, writing an efficient action plan now will boost your productivity multifold and keep you focused throughout the upcoming year 🤩

If you haven’t written an action plan yet, it’s time! 🤓☝🏻✍🏻

Based on materials from “”


What is a «miracle»? 🥹

A miracle is an event or phenomenon that cannot be rationally explained, but embodies something incredible, truly magnificent and brings a lot of joy.
😇A miracle can be a sudden healing from an illness, a miracle can be crossing the road a few seconds before a big car accident in the area. It can be a miracle to meet a nice person who lives next door, but whom you met on the other side of the globe.
🫶And it can also be a miracle to “survive” and “stay alive”. Survive a great loss – of property, reputation, health, family or even country. Survive after separation, betrayal, loneliness, depression. A miracle to gain strength, get up off your knees and start rebuilding your life, dreams and relationships with the outside world.

😇Why is this a miracle?
Because it is extremely difficult and for many it seems impossible - since one needs to break a lot in character and in mindset in order to create his new world.
However, we believe a good deed towards a stranger, a complete stranger to be the greatest miracle of all 💜💜💜
🫂🤲🏻♥️To give a helping hand to a person in trouble, on the street, who has fallen into a tragedy, to approach a lost child and calm him down, to hug a crying girl in cafeteria, to buy a cup of coffee for a lonely old man and talk to him sincerely about life, to shelter an abandoned dog, to feed a homeless person.

Sometimes our little help can be the biggest miracle in someone's life 🥹😌
Yes, we ourselves are all waiting for miracles, but let's not forget to create them.
Especially at Christmas 🎄- a time when millions of eyes are looking at the festive sky with a very great hope!


🎄2022 has been a tough year for all of us. Everyone has been affected by Covid, international events and military decisions. For each of us, this year has become an “earthquake” in our established ways of life. This year questioned what seemed unquestionable.
🤲We, at You Inspire, firmly believe that any crisis is not only a difficult choice, but also a time of great opportunities. It is in times of crisis that people genuinely realize what they really desire and begin to act passionately in this direction – direction of their dreams.

🫶The heroes of the You Inspire interview-project became excellent examples of how determination, strength of character and faith can return a person to his true path - the path of true values, happiness and fulfillment.

🙌You Inspire team did also improve and learn: our video interviews became technically more powerful, we reached a new level of organization and cooperation with our heroes, one of the interviews had been filmed in the African island Mauritius, a new development strategy has been created for 2023 determined to conquer new countries and peaks.
🙏On behalf of the project team, I would like to sincerely THANK the special people, whose support, wisdom and talent made the project socially strong and significant.

Armen Esaulov Armen Esaulov Major supporter & Contributor
Paul Bernard Major supporter & Contributor
Alexandra Kononova Alexandra Kononova Project Designer & SMM Advisor
👏And APPLAUSE to our wonderful heroes for their trust, strength, desire and faith in the philanthropic mission of the project.

Marianna Pafite Marianna Pafite
Natalia Lavrenova Georgiou Natalia Lavrenova
Nina Plavnik Nina Plavnik - Business Page
Joy Gautam Neeraye
Anthos Myrianthous Euphoria Art Land
Catherine Galea Catherine Galea - Mindfulness and Empowerment Coach
Monika Cilmi Monika Cilmi

😍THANK YOU everyone who is reading this Christmas message. Together with us you take a step forward in making this world more philanthropic, humane and compassionate.

We wish you greatest inspiration and faith in your own strength.
You don't even know what you are capable of!💜💜💜
Merry Christmas and Inspiring 2023!🤩

Victoria Esaulova
Project Author and Producer

Monika Cilmi, Artist & Creative coach 08/12/2022


✨Our life is as unpredictable as it is interesting! The courage to accept and solve the complex problems of your body and self-identification, move to another country, achieve success and reveal your talent through creativity - is probably the very key that opens the door to your everyday happiness and fulfilment.
🙌The hero of this You Inspire Episode is the artist Monica Cilmi Monika Cilmi , originally from Italy, has lived most of her life in the UK, recently moved to Cyprus. She went through a difficult and abusive childhood and youth, found herself on the verge of life and death, lost her true nature, - and in spite of everything - she was able to get back on her feet and start all over again. With incredible power and intention.

How, you ask?

🔑This is what our interview is about: visualisation as a secret to unlocking creativity, the courage to accept oneself, the movement and vibrations of love, money is energy, international success, Buddhism and its principles, compassion and kindness.
Enjoy watching and share your thoughts with us! 😍

💜💜💜Like & follow
✍️We'll be glad to see your opinions in the comments

Monika Cilmi, Artist & Creative coach Our life is as unpredictable as it is interesting. The courage to accept and solve the complex problems of your body and self-identification, move to another...

YouTube 04/11/2022

Who doesn’t want to feel accepted, respected, and appreciated? 🤔
Modern time shows us that our need to be liked usually overshadows all our other needs. We are trying to manipulate perception, adapting ourselves to receive validation. The truth is that its draining and counterproductive, since very few people actually know us — the real us —which is a prerequisite to liking us🤲🏻
😎We should learn 👉🏻 it’s actually a good sign if there are some people who don’t accept or agree with us. Meanwhile it’s not a suggestion that we should be rude, inconsiderate, or disrespectful. This post isn’t about disregarding other people’s feelings.This is about releasing our stress about other people’s opinions.

👋🏻💬Consider and contemplate on this:

When you’re comfortable not being liked by everyone 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👍🏻It allows you to be true to yourself.
👍🏻It gives you the power to say no.
👍🏻You’re more comfortable exploring your feelings.
👍🏻Your candor can help other people.
👍🏻You can freely express your thoughts.
👍🏻It prepares you for greater success.
👍🏻It teaches you to offer kindness and compassion without expectations
👍🏻🙏🏻YOU CAN INSPIRE other people.
👍🏻You can use your time wisely.
👍🏻You can choose to smile anyway.

💁🏻‍♂️Look, you could use your energy to make daily inventories of everything that’s wrong—the money you don’t have, the esteem you didn’t earn, the people you disappointed. Or you could commit to being your best, and then just sit back and smile.

Life will always be a balancing act. Learn to teeter in serenity 🤲🏻☺️

Based on materials By Lori Deschene from Tiny Buddha

YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

Photos from You Inspire's post 26/10/2022

💜🙏🏻ALWAYS we feel so happy to receive the feedback from our heroes and supporters! ✍🏻

Thank you soo much lovely Catherine Galea - Mindfulness and Empowerment Coach for sharing your story and wisdom and inspiring all of us in finding our True Self.

Thank you for your support, kind words and all the blessings! 🙌🏼


«If you can read this, thank a teacher» ☝🏻🤓
It’s a cliche, but it’s true. If it weren’t for education at all levels, you wouldn’t be able to read, write, speak, think critically, make informed decisions, know right from wrong, effectively communicate, or understand how the world works. Another famous quote that proclaims the importance of education comes from George Orwell, «If people cannot write well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them».

Let’s think about why Education Is So Vital:

- It Develops Self-Dependency 😎
Education isn’t just about learning a collection of facts and knowledge that can’t be applied to the real world. Good educational systems focus on moulding future members of society.
Independence is a vital attribute for any person. This doesn’t just stop at knowing how to cook and get around town. Self-dependency includes learning how to deal with failure, how to manage certain emotions and how to deal with the difficult scenarios that life throws at you.

- It Fulfils Dreams and Ambitions 🎇🤩
At each stage of our lives, we have goals we want to achieve and targets we want to hit. The sense of pride in knowing you’ve worked to get where you want to be is rewarding and satisfying. Almost always, it requires one vital component - education. Education provides us with the tools and mental characteristics required to excel in life.

- It Makes a Fairer World ⚖️📚🌍
Education is one of the great levellers. No matter who you are, there is a whole world of knowledge to be absorbed. With it, anyone can grow into who they want to be and achieve what they want to achieve.
(!) 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦If you are a parent, it’s your job to express the joys of learning to your child and seize on every opportunity to contribute to success.
🧐How can you motivate your child right now?
👉👉👉Find the closest library to your house, choose a book and read it in front of your kid.
Yes, its the simplest and most efficient approach – to be an example!


Based on the materials by (c.) Alicia Betz & Nord Anglia

Catherine Galea, Mindfulness Teacher & Empowerment Coach 08/09/2022

🎬 It's our greatest pleasure and a genuine honour to present an interview with an outstanding mindfulness teacher and empowerment coach from Malta - Catherine Galea Catherine Galea - Mindfulness and Empowerment Coach.

🔔☺️Catherine honestly shared with us her life story with all the darkest and brightest moments, breakthroughs and confessions that made her realise the genuine purpose of human's life, paramountly - her life. She went through hardest challenges one can face: serious eating disorder, programming, misguidance, false beliefs ... -- and then she courageously rediscovered and rebuilt herself. Amazing Catherine became strong, aware and inspired. Nowadays she helps others in need and empowers them by guiding to their real inner-selves.
📚🤓 In this YI Episode one can find out: how to discover true self, be honest and love the real "you" /negative influence of programming and how to break imposed patterns of "good and nice" behaviour and social inclusion/ how to be genuinely happy and inspired/ how to have a meaningful life/ why we need to raise awareness /mindfulness daily techniques.
ENJOY watching and share your thoughts with us!
💜💜💜Like & follow
✍️We'll be glad to see your opinions in the comments

Catherine Galea, Mindfulness Teacher & Empowerment Coach It's our greatest pleasure and a genuine honour to present an interview with the outstanding mindfulness teacher and empowerment coach from Malta - Catherine...


👩🏻‍🏫It is so easy for us to look from the judging eyes’ perspective.
👉🏻I met my nephew after so many months due to the lockdown. He was shirtless, the first thing that I said was “Why are you overweight?”. I did not give it two thoughts and just blurted it from my mouth. He was polite and moved on to other topics while I was there for an hour..
🌅The next morning when I sat for meditation, I had a clear vision of the situation, looking at him through judging eyes, now noticing that his facial expressions changed and he was embarrassed. From my eyes, the judgment moved to my mouth, saying judgmental words that impacted my nephew, he looked down as I stared at him through my inner eyes. All of a sudden, my stomach started churning. I noticed that my guilt had traveled down to my stomach. I quickly started connecting to my loving eyes, sent him a lot of love in my meditation, and thereafter wrote him a text, seeking forgiveness citing a promise to not let this happen again, and decided to buy him a shirt and to accept and love him the way he is.
☺️He was so touched that he accepted my apology, got motivated to lose weight, and insisted on a coaching session instead to help him with his goal. He has lost 5 kg’s ever since and he wants to wait when he loses another 5 kgs and then I can buy him a shirt.
😍LOVING EYES have the power to motivate others to become the best versions of themselves. Without my realization, I would have gone on to live with judging eyes and suffered from indigestion while my nephew might have avoided me in the future and continued feeling embarrassed of himself.


THE PROCESS: 😣Judging eyes -> forgiveness -> acceptance -> 😍loving eyes

With loving eyes, we allow ourselves to grow, improve and learn the lessons easily. Once acceptance comes it is easy to change. Once we become the change that we want to see in the world, there is a domino effect. We leave people around us in higher spirits as we share our positive vibes.
👉🏻p/s Other people’s actions are the result of their own pain and not the result of any intention to hurt you – Thich Nhat Hanh

✍🏻Based on the article by Malindar Jit Kaur, mindfulness coach.

Anthos Myrianthous, Founder "Euphoria Art Land" 16/08/2022


🔔☺️We are excited to introduce Inspiring story and Interview with the Euphoria Art Land Founder - Anthos Myrianthous Anthos Myrianthous Euphoria Art Land
After traveling around the Globe, living with African tribes and learning from most ancient cultures and artistic expressions Anthos came back to Cyprus to fulfil his heartfelt desire - create the Land where each and every guest can feel the genuine euphoria with all one's 6 senses 🙌🏼

📚🤓In this YI Episode one can discover: how to be close to nature and cooperate with it, to start business without money and support, be happy and grateful despite obstacles and challenges, follow one's own way and not to be dependant on others opinions and influences, feel free.

ENJOY watching!🤩🫶
💜💜💜Like & follow
✍️We'll be glad to see your opinions in the comments

Anthos Myrianthous, Founder "Euphoria Art Land" We are excited to introduce Inspiring story and Interview with the Euphoria Art Land Founder - Anthos Myrianthous. After traveling around the Globe, living w...

Some words about us. "You Inspire" mission, difference and impact. 22/07/2022

4 minutes about humanity, philanthropy and why we do need your support!😍

🙌Help us be better, spread wider and go further!
Be a part of the project "You Inspire" You Inspire

Some words about us. "You Inspire" mission, difference and impact. Please subscribe to our channel, like, leave a comment and share!This is how you can become a real change-maker contributing to humanity by spreading philant...


We are limited..
For various reasons, we all suffer from constraints in one form or another. This may be due to congenital or acquired abilities or disabilities. And even if you are completely healthy physically, you may be limited financially or socio-culturally - due to geographical, racial or even gender conventions.
Yes, right?🤔🥺😔


We can do everything! 😍We always, in any conditions, have opportunities for growth, success, achievement of any goals. Everything is possible!
Once again, 🎆EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!🎇🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
The human body, its physical, mental, spiritual abilities have survived millennia of evolution, self-knowledge and study of their own strengths in different environments, times and conditions.
⌚️The 21st century with its rapid technological development is only a small time zone for the next realization of a human being as a highly developed being and even more capable of breakthroughs than ever.
The speed and depth of our thoughts gained incredible momentum. Today, more than ever, a person is close to reaching that center of brain activity that will give him unlimited physical and mental abilities to reveal the genius in himself.
Each of us has a thought and a faith. But the level of their strength is different.
🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♂️Our thoughts, faith in ourselves and our powers - that's what makes us invincible. Faith in our cause is what creates masterpieces and makes the impossible possible.

Our body is given to us for this, only one life. But our mind 🧠has no temporal or any other boundaries!
🧏🏻‍♂️🧏🏼‍♀️If you accept this concept for yourself, then you are ready to take responsibility for your life, for your exploits. You are ready to take a step forward towards incredible victories, discoveries, experiences - and not drown in the meaninglessness and imposed limitations of your life.

💡Remember, you can achieve anything you want.
In any conditions, you will find a way out if .. you look for it.

You are unlimited💎

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