

Build Fast. Stay Flexible.


Change is never easy, but staying the course and being passive is not always the best option. Try out the intuitive all-in-one Platform and App Builder. programming


Nice to meet everyone at . Look forward to pursuing our projects. Good times. programming


DigiFest 2023
“You don't need more people and more time, you need better tools.” That is the theme for the presentation by Dalibor Houfek, CEO and co-founder of , at in Prague (on the Tabidoo Stage at 12:10 p.m.) tomorrow (Tuesday).

Also, make sure to stop by the Jetveo stand to get information specific to your business. We’re at Booth No. 39. programming

06/10/2023 programming


Most every business has issues with communication and schedules. Preschools have toddlers, too. The Elanek network of preschools did something about their daily struggles: they developed an app that was customized to their unique requirements. The lessons learned are widely applicable. Take a look:


If you haven’t done so yet, it’s time to check out programming.


Alfaveo Bespoke Software is the difference between being just one of the crowd and being out in front.


Looking forward to SmartEmailing Digifest 2023 on Oct. 10 in Prague. Three stages! Hundreds of cutting-edge techies! See you there and hope to talk to you about and programming.


Take a look at what , one of our partner companies, has developed with our Jetveo Platform and App Builder: is a Facility Management app that is customizable to each unique company. Two German operations — and — have leveraged this technology to effectively solidify their relationship with both tenants and third-party contractors, and streamline their internal operations. Not to mention move paperwork off their desks and neatly online. See how they did it:


Always fun to meet up with successful businesses who have benefited from apps created with Jetveo low-code programming, especially in the Czech wine region of South Moravia! Jürgen, Dalibor, Bruno, Robert, Florentin, Jan Mathis and Jakub at Dívčí hrady above Dolní Věstonice. Facility Management technology is already powerful and it’s only going to get better!

S07E02 - Marcel Šerý - Cesta low-code startupu Jetveo 18/09/2023

Check out CTO Marcel Sery on the PodVocasem IT podcast (in Czech) to hear the story of the development of the Jetveo Platform and App Builder to take advantage of the speed and efficiency of low-code programming.

S07E02 - Marcel Šerý - Cesta low-code startupu Jetveo Listen to this episode from PodVocasem on Spotify. Až z dalekého Brna k nám dorazil CTO společnosti Jetveo Marcel Šerý a společně jsme probrali cestu jeho low-code startupu. Jaké chyby v týmu udělali, proč není dobrý nápad vytvářet abstrakci nad ASP.NET serverem a kterého programá...


Happy 182nd Birthday to Antonín Dvořák, one of the amazing composers to come out of the Czech lands and one of the creative forces who filled (and still fills) the National Theatre in Prague with so much beautiful music.

Learn how the Czech National Theatre introduced technology to their world-class institution:

Bespoke Software Development 07/09/2023

School Has Started. How did Week 1 go? Could it have been more smooth?

Was there a lot of standing around in crowds of parents? Did the same message get repeated over and over again? Are there stacks of paperwork to dig through?

These are common problems that many businesses suffer. A customized app would make things much more efficient.

See how one preschool network in the Czech Republic used Jetveo technology to smooth out the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.

Bespoke Software Development Bespoke and Customized Software Development


Imagine how bespoke software would improve your business. Most of the time, adding technology is the right move. Just make sure to convince everyone so that the implementation goes smoothly. programming platform


Every business can find ways to implement technology to improve operations. For example, get inspiration from a Facility Management app.


When you strengthen your communication, you strengthen your business. For the Facility Management of apartment buildings, communication is essential because you’re dealing with homes and families.


Water, Water Everywhere! Water may be 60% of our bodies, but, when a pipe bursts, it is 100% painful for tenants and property management professionals. The right bespoke app simplifies even your most complex tasks. Check out the app built with programming.


Nice to see that Czech President-elect Petr Pavel supports one of Jetveo’s customers: the National Theatre in Prague. Check out how programming helped the international cultural institution digitalize.


Junior Programmer? No problem. programming is intuitive. Novices quickly get up to speed, whether they are fresh out of school, self-taught entrepreneurs, or people who are making late-career changes.


How many documents are on your desk right now? If it is more than a few, you probably could be more efficient. bespoke software.


Looking forward to Brno Industry 4.0 tomorrow. Come and find and we’ll tell you all about programming and the bespoke software that our partners make on our platform for their customers.


Even large companies with talented professionals up and down the organization chart struggle with inefficiencies that creep into their daily tasks. programming can iron out the wrinkles quickly and efficiently (and inexpensively) for all kinds of business operations.

The Big Five in Tech bet on modeling and low-code development (2023 edition) 02/02/2023

Looks like word of the low-code revolution is going to start spreading much more quickly. Good to be in on the ground floor. Check out and our system. We’ve been focused on it for a long time.

The Big Five in Tech bet on modeling and low-code development (2023 edition) Did you know that Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google create software modeling / code-generation tools? Get to know them.

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation 27/01/2023

programming provides an efficient way to quickly upgrade businesses to take advantage of the latest that technology has to offer. Download “Accelerate Your Digital Transformation” to learn more.

Accelerate Your Digital Transformation Low-code programming provides an efficient way to quickly upgrade businesses to take advantage of the latest that technology has to offer.


The Jetveo Secret Sauce: Jetveo leverages low-code programming with its own built-from-the-ground-up platform and app builder to enable partners and developers to create bespoke software quickly and efficiently. Take a look. Then jump in and try it out.


Bespoke software has eliminated many organizational inefficiencies at the Elanek network of preschools. Now only the misbehaving toddlers create headaches. Could you simplify your operations to free up time to focus on important tasks?


from !
It’s been a fun year and we’re looking forward to working with you in 2023.


The life of a start-up is intense, especially establishing the initial foundations, but reaching a comfortable stride is worth all of the blood, sweat, and tears. year in review.
An important lesson learned: many companies would be better off with bespoke software.


It is nothing short of amazing how quickly we accumulate passwords in this day and age. How do you remember them all? What about at your business, where you have even more? Bespoke software can build a password management system that is safe, yet inexpensive.

Chcete, aby vaše společnost byla nahoře v seznamu automobilových společností ve měste Počítačové A Elektronické Služby?
Klikněte zde pro získání vašeho sponzorovaného zápisu.


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