Be Brave English

Be Brave English

Jsem lektorka angličtiny a pomohu vám reagovat v běžných situacích v práci i ve volném čase


Hledáte lektora angličtiny? Uvolnila se mi kapacita se začátkem školního roku.
Pokud se chcete posunout v angličtině a dosáhnout svých jazykových cílů, určitě se mi ozvěte než budu mít opět plný rozvrh.
Děkuji za doporučení a sdílení. Těším se na vás 😊


Are you a coffee person or a tea person?
To tell the truth, I am both - though I drink each beverage for different reasons. I love the smell of coffee and coffee means for me a relaxing time with people. I never drink coffee at home on my own, I reserve the pleasure for coffee shops. What about you?


Do you know why the Queen has two birthdays? She celebrated her birthday on 13th June, but her actual birthday is on 21st April.

Should working while you commute count as paid time? 05/06/2020

How are you enjoying the freedom we have after the long lockdown? A lot of topics are now being discussed – one of them is commuting to work. Here is an interesting article on this topic:

Should working while you commute count as paid time? What do you think?

Should working while you commute count as paid time? Many of us work on the way to and from the office. Should it be paid time - or would that erode an important buffer between work and home?


I believe that there is a story behind every photo.

So let me tell you my story behind this photo. It was taken in England in 2015. There was a competition in our aikido club; every year people who attended more than 1000 training sessions would get a T-shirt. I managed to do that just once and was proud of myself. I still have the T-shirt and whenever I am wearing it, I think of my friends and the good times we had together.

Do you have a story you like remembering? Tell us in English.


Do you know the writer Lewis Carrol? Yes, the author of Alice´s Adventures in Wonderland. But did you know that he also invented a word game? It´s called word ladders - you are given two words, first and last, and you have to find a way how to turn the first word into the last by changing one letter at a time (and each created word must make sense in English). Here is an example:
cat - cOt - Dot - doG

Would you like to try it? Have a go:
boy - - man


Here comes the answer to the riddle:

The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.

Did you guess correctly? What do you think about the riddle?


Here is a riddle that made me laugh. I love playing with language:

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

Can you guess the answer? Let me know.

Audible Stories | 28/04/2020

A lot of online content is free of charge nowadays. So let´s take advantage of it and use it to improve your English. For example, you can listen to some audiobooks on Amazon - check it out at
and let me know what book you like.

Audible Stories | Free stories for kids of all ages. Audible Stories is a free website where kids of all ages can listen to hundreds of Audible audio titles across six different languages—English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese—for free, so they can keep learning, dreaming and just being kids.

Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglova - Falling Slowly | Music Video, Song Lyrics and Karaoke 21/04/2020

Let´s have some fun with songs. Here is a link to my favourite song Falling slowly by Glen Hansard&Marketa Irglova. I scored 588 points. Do you think you could beat me in the game? #!miladabouzidi
Also, let me know what you think the song is about.
Looking forward to hearing from you :-)

Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglova - Falling Slowly | Music Video, Song Lyrics and Karaoke Learn English in a fun way with the music video and the lyrics of the song "Falling Slowly" of Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglova


Thank you for your answers. The right word to fit all three sentences is LINE.
1) line __________
2) be on the line = be at risk
3) draw the line = a limit on what one is willing to accept

So what is acceptable for you? Where do you draw the line?


Do you like word games and riddles? Here is one for you. I will give you three sentences with a gap for a missing word. Try to find ONE word that fits all three sentences.

1) The children stood in a neat ______ waiting to go into school.
2) Terry hasn´t been selling many products lately and apparently his job is on the _______.
3) His parents are quite laid back but they drew the ______ at bad language.

So which ONE word is missing in all three sentences? Let me know your guesses :-)


Today, I´ve prepared for you a picture by my favourite photographer, Ami Vitale. I like her photos because they are playful.

Have a look at the picture and try to describe it using these words: SPEND, VULNERABLE, EXTINCTION. You can write your description in the comments. I would love to know what you think about the picture.


My approach to the current situation is to do my best to stay relaxed, open-minded and use my time in a worthwhile way. Here is an English phrase that could say all this - “go with the flow” ( = be relaxed and accept a situation rather than trying to alter or control it). Let me know if you can find any quote with this phrase. 😉 How difficult is it for you to go with the flow?
And I see it like this:


Here is a good quote to contemplate in the current situation:

"Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock." Ben Hecht

What is your favourite quote?


Recently, I was writing "… there is always space for improvement…" and I stopped - something seemed wrong. Can you see it too? No matter how good you are, there´s always ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT. So how do you improve your English? Have you ever used the phrase "room for improvement"?
