10min German
Interactive E-Learning for Learners of German.
Endlich ist es Montag!
Ich fühle mich wie ein Löwe!
Finally, it's Monday!
I feel like a lion!
📌 der Löwe, den Löwen
Do you remember the N-Deklination?
Can you name other masculine animals ending in -e that have the N-Deklination?
Wie viel Uhr ist es?
What time is it?
Please answer in German in the comment.
Have you ever eaten "mirror" eggs? Well, in Germany you can! 😁 🍳
der Spiegel - the mirror
das Ei - the egg
das Spiegelei - the sunny side up
🍳 Did you notice that the article of a compound noun will be the same as the article of the last noun? 🍳
Let's talk about the n-Deklination today!
All masculine nouns ending in an -e get an -n ending in the Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv singular and Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ and Genitiv plural forms.
Here are some examples for you:
Experte, Kollege, Kunde
Junge, Neffe, Gatte
Postbote, Zeuge
The names of many masculine animals end in -e, but it's a category on its own, as other masculine animals the names of which don't end with an -e belong to this group as well.
e.g. Löwe, Hase, Affe, Schimpanse, Bulle, Oche, Rabe, Falke, Drache
+ Bär, Fink
Let's talk about the n-Deklination today!
All masculine nouns ending in an
get an -n ending in the Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv singular and Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ and Genitiv plural forms.
Can you name a few nouns that have the n-Deklination?
Let's talk about the n-Deklination today!
All masculine nouns ending in an
get an -n ending in the Akkusativ, Dativ, Genitiv singular and Nominativ, Akkusativ, Dativ and Genitiv plural forms.
Can you name a few nouns that have the n-Deklination?
Wie habt ihr Ostern gefeiert? Habt ihr viele Schokoeier gefunden? :)
Did you know that the body of an old lady wearing uncomfortable shoes who has just heard a spooky story is full of BIRDS? 😱
Let's see which ones!
die Krähe - crow
die Krähen - crows
der Fuß - foot
die Füße - feet
▶ die Krähenfüße (pl) - crow's feet, eye wrinkles
das Huhn - chicken
die Hühner - chickens
das Auge - eye
die Augen - eyes
▶ das Hühnerauge - corn (on the foot)
die Gans - goose
die Gänse - geese
die Haut - skin
▶ die Gänsehaut - goosebumps
📌 Please note that compound nouns (noun + noun) always have the same gender as the last noun.
1. das Haus - house
2. die Tür - door
das Haus + die Tür >> die Haustür
die Haustür - frontdoor
Can you name other German compound nouns?
Please write it in the comment. :)
A little help: 👜⛄☔🎂🐢💐🛁😎
Most fruits have the article DIE in German. It means that the grammatical gender of most fruits is feminine.
🍐 die Birne - pear
🍓 die Erdbeere - strawberry
🍋 die Zitrone - lemon
🍌 die Banane - banana
However, there are always some exceptions.
One of the following fruits has the article DER. Can you find it? Write your answer in the comment, please.
Kiwi, Mango, Ananas, Pfirsich, Kirsche, Wassermelone
Can you name another fruit the grammatical gender of which is masculine in German?
Was sind die 10 Wortarten?
Welche sind flektierbar und welche nicht?
Welche konjugieren wir und welche kann man deklinieren?
Übung 1 - Exercise 1
Lückentext - Fill in the gaps!
Which endings are missing?
Here is a little help for you:
masculine: keinen
feminine: keine
neutral: kein
plural: keine
I wouldn't like any ...
Ich möchte keinen / keine / kein / keine ...
Let's go through the conjugation of the verb "mögen" in Konjunktiv II (would like).
ich möchte
du möchtest
er / sie / es möchte
wir möchten
ihr möchtet
sie möchten
Send your answers until Wednesday! :)
Please check out the solution flashcard in the comment!
der Kaffee > keinen Kaffee !
die Milch > keine Milch
das Brot > kein Brot
der Kuchen > keinen Kuchen !
die Geschenke > keine Geschenke
das Frühstück > kein Frühstück
Have you ever been searching for the right last sentence to close your email with? Here is a little help for you. A very friendly and simple way to finish your business letter includes the verb "sich auf etwas freuen", which means "to be looking forward to something".
Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort.
I am looking forward to your answer.
You can, of course, use any other word you are looking forward to. Just don't forget that you will need to use the accusative case after "auf".
Besuch, r - visit
Anruf, r - call
Ich freue mich auf Ihren Besuch.
I am looking forward to your visit.
Ich freue mich auf Ihren Anruf.
I am looking forward to your call.
Angebot, s - offer
Ich freue mich auch Ihr Angebot.
I am looking forward to your offer.
Other possible and often used words are:
Nachricht, e - news
Rückmeldung, e - feedback, response
Anfrage, e - inquiry, request
It's easy to learn 6 words at once, isn't it?
Can you write a sentence using one of these verbs?
gehen - to go
kommen - to come
ankommen - to arrive
reisen - to travel
fliegen - to fly
fahren - to drive, to drive, to go
😎 Wort des Tages 😎
die Sonnenbrille - the (pair of) sunglasses
die Sonnenbrillen - the (more than one pair of) sunglasses
die Sonnenbrille - (la paire de) lunettes de soleil
die Sonnenbrillen - les lunettes de soleil
Hast du meine Sonnenbrille gesehen?
Brauchst du heute eine Sonnenbrille zu tragen?
Wusstest du? Wer die falsche Sonnenbrille trägt, schadet seinen Augen.
Hast du meine Sonnenbrille gesehen?
e Sonnenbrille, -n - sunglasses
DE mögen
EN to like
FR aimer
ich mag
du magst
er / sie / es mag
wir mögen
ihr mögt
sie / Sie mögen
Ich mag Katzen. Und du?
I like cats. And you?
Ich mag schwimmen.
I like swimming.
DE sprechen
EN to speak
FR parler
ich spreche
du sprichst
er/sie/es spricht
wir sprechen
ihr sprecht
sie/Sie sprechen
Sprichst du Deutsch?
Do you speak German?
Est-ce que tu parles allemand?
DE sagen
EN to say
FR dire
ich sage
du sagst
er/sie/es sagt
wir sagen
ihr sagt
sie/Sie sagen
DE das Make-up
EN make-up
FR le maquillage
DE der Lidschatten
EN eyeshadow
FR le fard à paupières
DE die Wimperntusche
EN mascara
FR le mascara
DE der Eyeliner
EN eyeliner
FR l'eyeliner
DE das Rouge
EN rouge, blusher
FR le blush
DE der Puder
EN powder
FR la poudre
DE der Lippenstift
EN lipstick
FR le rouge à lèvres
DE der Nagellack
EN nail polish
FR le vernis à ongles
Guten Morgen! - Good morning! (until about 10am)
Guten Tag! - Good morning! Good afternoon! (Literally "good day")
Guten Abend! - Good evening!
Gute Nacht! - Good night!
So why do we need all these different endings?
Well, because Morgen, Tag and Abend are masculine nouns and have the definite article DER, while Nacht is feminine and has the definite article DIE.
Then why don't we say "Guter Morgen" or "Guter Abend"? Well, it's because we actually mean "Ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Morgen", i.e. "I wish you a good morning". As "good morning" is the direct object of the verb "wünschen" (to wish), we need to put the adjective into the accusative case.
What do I wish you?
Guten Morgen.
guter > guten (masculine)
You don't notice the difference in the case of "Gute Nacht", because the nominative and accusative forms are exactly the same.
gute > gute (feminine)
just like when the noun is neutral:
gutes > gutes (neutral)
Ich wünsche euch einen wunderschönen guten Tag! ☀🍉🍀🍍🌴
die Früchte - fruits
der Apfel - apple
die Birne - pear
die Banane - banana
die Orange - orange
die Wassermelone - watermelon
die Himbeere - raspberry
die Kirsche - cherry
die Traube - grape
Can you name other fruits in German?
HABEN - to have
ich habe - I have
du hast - you have (informal)
er hat - he has
sie hat - she has
es hat - it has
wir haben - we have
ihr habt - you have (informal)
sie haben - they have
Sie haben - you have (formal)
Note that the following expressions need "haben" in German.
Ich habe Hunger.
I am hungry. (Literally: I have hunger.)
Du hast Durst.
You are thirsty. (Literally: You have thirst.)
Er hat Glück.
He is lucky. (Literally: He has luck.)
Sie hat Angst.
She is scared. (Literally: She has fear.)
The Articles: masculine, feminine, neutral, plural
Nominativ: der, die, das, die
Akkusativ: den, die, das, die
Dativ: dem, der, dem, den
Genitiv: des, der, des, der
In colloquial German you'll often find reductions in 2nd person singular.
hast du=haste
bist du=biste
kommst du=kommste
Here are some very common sentences you can hear in Germany. Can you recognize any of them?
e Kreditkarte - credit card
Die perfekte Kreditkarte bietet attraktive Zusatzleistungen.
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
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