Marcus Schinkel Trio, Bonn Videos

Videos by Marcus Schinkel Trio in Bonn. Connecting with worldwide concerts diverse musical styles jazz, rock and classical music: crossover

Happy Birthday Joe Zawinul! (7.7.1932-11.9.2007) innovator of Jazzrock.
One of the few synthesizer players who made an own characteristic synth- sound with his bands Weather Report and The Zawinul Syndicate.
Many years ago we made a concert tour through Vietnam, visiting the loveley Halong Bay - so I was inspired from the exciting nature hearing the sounds of Zawinul.
Find the complete song and video on and you can follow us on

Other Marcus Schinkel Trio videos

Happy Birthday Joe Zawinul! (7.7.1932-11.9.2007) innovator of Jazzrock. One of the few synthesizer players who made an own characteristic synth- sound with his bands Weather Report and The Zawinul Syndicate. Many years ago we made a concert tour through Vietnam, visiting the loveley Halong Bay - so I was inspired from the exciting nature hearing the sounds of Zawinul. Find the complete song and video on and you can follow us on

Napoleon's Last Dance - Marcus Schinkel Trio- basierend auf 7.Symphonie, die Beethoven anlässlich der vernichtenden Niederlage von Napoleon durch Duke Wellington und nicht durch Duke Ellington komponierte. Neue Live Termine! 19.02. Kunstring Ruurlo/NL 04.03. Jazz In Habenhausen/Bremen 05.03. Jazzclub Minden 06.03. Bürgermeisterhaus Essen 17.03. Jazzclub Hürth 20.03. Over The Border Festival Harmonie 25.03. Pantheon Bonn 27.03. Unterhaus Mainz Details unter Komplettes Video auf meinem YouTube- Kanal

Hear the famous 5th symphony of Ludwig van Beethoven in a new jazz arrangement - complete video on my Channel, sheets available on