Developmental Pathology Bonn

Homepage of the Department of Developmental Pathology, Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Bonn. Head of department is Prof. Dr. Hubert Schorle.

Facebook homepage of the Department of Developmental Pathology of the Institute of Pathology of the University Hospital Bonn. The working group consists of PostDocs, PhD students, Bachelor and Master students, technicians and keepers. Here, you will be updated about recent activities of the group! We analyze the normal and malignant germ cell- and placenta development. Additionally, we screen for


Attended the second Düsseldorf Te**is Cancer Symposium, organized by our former lab member Prof. Dr. Daniel Nettersheim. Very interesting but also fun, and nice to network with the community. Big thanks to Daniel for organizing and the invite.


Attending the Rosenmontagszug in Bonn, motto was "Siegfried and the Dragon" in order to raise awareness to donate blood. All had great fun!

by Simon Schneider & Andjela Kovacevic et al, in eLife November 2023 06/12/2023

Very pleased to see that a video from our latest paper in eLife about Cylicins by Schneider, Kovacevic et al. is featured on an MRC website called biomedical Image of the day.

by Simon Schneider & Andjela Kovacevic et al, in eLife November 2023

Cylicins are a structural component of the s***m calyx being indispensable for male fertility in mice and human 28/11/2023

Today our latest paper came out in eLife. It’s about Cylicins which we found to be essential for s***m structural integrity in mice. Together with our colleagues in Münster, we were able to identify ai infertile patient with variations in these genes. This demonstrates, that our model is perfectly suited to look into the complex biology of s***m structural protein interactions. Congratulations to all contributors and especially the two co-first authors Simon Schneider and Andjela Kovacevic from our lab.

Cylicins are a structural component of the s***m calyx being indispensable for male fertility in mice and human Cylicin 1 and Cylicin 2 are essential components of the s***m perinuclear theca and their loss results in impaired s***miogenesis and thus in infertility in mice and men.

Mögliche Ursache für männliche Unfruchtbarkeit 29/10/2023

Check out the press release to our Actl7b-story, which got picked up by IDW-news outlet.

Mögliche Ursache für männliche Unfruchtbarkeit Bonn, 27. Oktober – Reife Samenzellen bestehen hauptsächlich aus einem ovalen Kopf, einem kurzen Mittelstück und einem langen Schwanz für die Fortbewegung. Jetzt fanden Forschende vom Universitätsklinikum Bonn (UKB) und vom Transdisziplinären Forschungsbereich „Life & Health“ der Universi...

Actl7b deficiency leads to mislocalization of LC8 type dynein light chains and disruption of murine s***matogenesis 27/10/2023

Today our paper describing the results from our very successful Ph.D. student Gina Merges were published. She established and analyzed a mouse deficient for Actl7b. She showed, that male mice have a block during s***miogenesis, which prevents the remodeling of the roundish cells to the typical sleek and delicate shape of s***m cells. Well done, well deserved, congratulations Gina!

Actl7b deficiency leads to mislocalization of LC8 type dynein light chains and disruption of murine s***matogenesis Summary: Actl7b-deficient mice display s***matogenic arrest, which is likely due to loss of the interaction of ACTL7B with DYNLL1/DYNLL2, a s***matid cytoskeleton protein.

Postdoc (m/w/d) PhD student (m/w/d) 489_2023 20/06/2023

Great news! We are hiring. Accepting applications from today on.

Postdoc (m/w/d) PhD student (m/w/d) 489_2023 Entdecken Sie unseren Job "Postdoc (m/w/d) PhD student (m/w/d) 489_2023".

Gene scissors find target for testicular cancer therapy 11/04/2023

..and here is the english version:

Gene scissors find target for testicular cancer therapy Bonn researchers uncover contribution of protein degradation processes to cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumors: Cisplatin is used successfully in the chemotherapy of testicular cancer. However, patients who develop resistance to the cytostatic drug urgently need alternative therapy options.

Genschere findet Angriffspunkt für Hodenkrebs-Therapie 11/04/2023

Our latest paper got featured in a press release today. Really proud to have found this new mechanism leading to cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumors

Genschere findet Angriffspunkt für Hodenkrebs-Therapie Bonner Forschende decken den Beitrag von Proteinabbau-Prozessen zur Cisplatin-Resistenz bei Keimzelltumoren auf Bonn, 11. April – Cisplatin wird in der Chemotherapie von Hodenkrebs erfolgreich eingesetzt. Patienten, die jedoch eine Resistenz gegen das Zytostatikum entwickeln, brauchen dringend alt...

Genome-scale CRISPR screen reveals neddylation to contribute to cisplatin resistance of testicular germ cell tumours - British Journal of Cancer 07/04/2023

Check out our latest research on the genetics of Cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumors (GCTs) which has just been published with in British Journal of Cancer. Using a CRISPR-screen, we found that upregulation of NAE1 - a master regulator of the neddylation cascade contributes to Cisplatin resistance. Congratulations to Kai Funke, the first author, who completed his PhD thesis with this project. Read here:

Genome-scale CRISPR screen reveals neddylation to contribute to cisplatin resistance of testicular germ cell tumours - British Journal of Cancer Type II testicular germ cell tumours (TGCT) are the most prevalent tumours in young men. Patients suffering from cisplatin-resistant TGCTs are facing very poor prognosis demanding novel therapeutic options. Neddylation is a known posttranslational modification mediating many important biological pro...


AG Schorle wishes happy holidays to our friends, colleagues and students. 🎄🎅🏼May 2023 be full of success and groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
Cheers 🥂

Photos from Developmental Pathology Bonn's post 26/10/2022

Congratulations to 👩🏽‍🎓Naila Umer who successfully defended her PhD thesis today! During her PhD at AG Schorle, Naila worked on the role of Profilin3 and Profilin4 in s***matogenesis and published two papers.

AG Schorle members wish you all the best in future 🍾

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