Daily SKINspiration

Daily SKINspiration

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Welcome to my page! Created this platform to talk to skincare, beauty and healthy lifestyle.


Dear All,

In the last couple of days I have been spending less time on social media and spent time with reflection over the last year.

There were many accomplishments and challenges as well and honestly, I felt totally tired and just wanted to slow down.
I have spent 3 years in my business, met many nice people and had some mediocre success.

During the reflection I came to the point to decide, whether to go further on with my business or not.
After going through all the things I have done and that I have not - because it did not feel right most of the time - I decided to give myself a new start from 2023.Maybe I failed, maybe not, I did try and gave it a chance. 🤷🏻‍♀️

At this point I am not sure if I will do any online business again, what I know for sure that I want to focus on my health more and spend more time with my family.👨‍👩‍👦

Thank you everyone who have been supported me along my journey and thank you for my customers, who supported my business. ❤️

If you need any help, feel free to message me in private, as I will keep learning about the skin for my own entertainment.


Happy Holidays!⠀

The last couple of weeks were so busy for us and it is really time to slow down.⠀

From business point of view I thought we are done with the promotions but my partner company announced that we will have the last sale of 2022 on the the 27th of December, so I wanted to share this opportunity with you! ⠀

In the EMEA region you will be able to g*y your galvanic body spa device package with 3️⃣0️⃣% discount, just for a single day!⠀

This set is not only a great gift idea for loved ones or for yourself but also helps you to get in shape, especially when you deal with cellulite, stretch marks or saggy skin due to weight loss.⠀

The treatment is super easy and takes only 5 minutes per body part. Recommended to do 3 times a week to see remarkable results.⠀

The firming body lotion is used after the body treatment and could be used alone daily.⠀

Personally I have experienced that my stretch marks became less remarkable after 4-5 treatments, so this really works. 🤗⠀

For more details, and link to shop please feel free to ask me!


Yesterday we had guests coming over and when I told them that I am a skin care consultant, they were surprised and told me that indeed my skin looks great.⠀

I was also asked how old I am and let them guess. Many times people think I am under thirty and say I look 28, but in reality I was 28 when I got pregnant with my son, now 4 years old.⠀

This is what I want to highlight here.⠀
You will get old, but you do not have to look old. You can always look younger than your actual age.⠀

The not so secret of slowing down skin aging or as some say, reverse the signs of aging is in your lifestyle and daily routine.⠀

Behind the scenes I am working on a new offer launching in January which will help you to just do exactly this.⠀

To get informed about my upcoming offers, please put your hands up in the comment section. 🙋🏻‍♀️⠀


As we are getting older, the cell renewal process of the skin is slowing down from one month around the age of 30 to two month by the age of 60.⠀

The good news is that there are couple of skin care ingredients which can help speeding up this process and could make you look younger.⠀

Glycolic acid is one of the acids which is recommended for mature skin because it helps removing dead skin cells and make fine lines and wrinkles less visible.⠀

Do you use acids in your skin care routine?


Today is Sunday and for me it is the time of slowing down. One of my favorite ways of slowing down is reading. I love books and read 2-3 books per month on average.⠀

The title of this book I am currently reading is A passage to India, published in 1941. ⠀
This book was printed in 1967 and was translated to Hungarian by a former prime minister of the country.⠀

Comment a ❤️ if you love books too.⠀


Do you get up early during the weekend? Personally I like to extend my sleep and use the time to relax more and recharge my batteries.⠀

It is very important to get enough sleep, because your body is regenerating itself overnight.⠀

When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin has an increased risk of aging prematurely. ⠀
Regardless of the creams and serums you use to protect it, it will be more prone to the signs of aging.These include fine lines, dark spots, sagging, and pigmentation problems. ⠀

At night, the skin is meant to repair itself, like the rest of the body, but if you don’t get enough sleep, your skin isn’t able to. ⠀
Over time, this leads to your skin becoming weaker and more prone to problems.


What happens exactly?⠀

Free radicals can cause large chain chemical reactions in your body because they react so easily with other molecules. These reactions are called oxidation. They can be beneficial or harmful.⠀⠀
Antioxidants are molecules that can donate an electron to a free radical without making themselves unstable. This causes the free radical to stabilize and become less reactive.⠀

This is a great example how our body is aiming to find balance. When antioxidant levels are low in the body, it is harder to fight against oxidative stress.⠀

There are some studies searching for connection between aging and oxidative stress, but till now they could not confirm a direct connection.⠀

Oxidative stress can contribute to inflammation in your body, diabetes and heart disease - just to name a few - due to the damage free radicals could cause in the cells.


It was considerably colder today morning than in the last couple of days and it felt like your face was freezing.⠀

On such winter days it is so important to reach out for a rich cream and also use sunscreen.⠀

You can even layer two moisturizers, starting with a light one and continuing with a thicker one.⠀

Well moisturized skin will make you look fresh and will make fine lines and wrinkles less visible.⠀

Remember: it is not about whether we age or not but how we age.⠀


Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and helps not only with reducing sun damage but also brightening your skin and boosting collagen production.⠀

The concentration of vitamin C in skin care products is between 5 and 15%.⠀
If you have sensitive skin, it is advisable to do a patch test before using the product, because it could cause irritation.⠀

It works well with CoQ10 and and it can enhance UV protection when used together with SPF.⠀

What kind of skin care products do you use which contains vitamin C?⠀
Check out my stories to see mine.


The recent couple of weeks were quite challenging and served as a reminder, why it is so important to slow down.⠀

Time is energy. This is what I learned from my coach and I feel that it is absolutely true.⠀
When you give someone or something your time, you give your energy as well.⠀

During this weekend I have chosen to slow down and be a bit away from social media.⠀
I felt exhausted and somewhat sick so my body was sending me signs, that it is time to get some extra sleep.⠀

I always want to do something,I am not the person who sits down and do nothing but I got to condition myself to stop and relax.⠀

It is important to learn and accept that you should not burn the candle from to sides and take a break when needed.⠀

When you recharge yourself, you operate from a much better space and your energy level is totally different.⠀

What do you do to relax and recharge?


I was traveling recently and it became so obvious that winter is here.⠀
Honestly, I like spending time under the blanket, read a good book and drink tea.⠀

During this time of the year, especially as the temperature goes below zero, the cold, wind, the differences between indoor and outdoor temperatures are challenging for your skin.⠀

To avoid dry skin - especially hands and lips - it is important to hydrate and moisturize your skin. The good news is that most skin care products have both type of ingredients so you do not need to worry too much.⠀

Well hydrated skin looks more fresh, fine lines and wrinkles are less visible. ⠀

Honestly, for me, it always feels good to put a rich moisturizer on my face and layer sunscreen afterwards before stepping out into the cold.⠀

To get extra hydration, you can look for hydrating cleansers and toners or masks snd swap some products in your routine.⠀



Yesterday I was invited to join a live video about being a mom and running a business.⠀

Personally I could talk about this topic for hours but the reason why I joined is to encourage others to take the step and have faith in themselves.⠀

In real life and as well as in the online world it is a huge help if you have a supportive community and you can talk to others, who understand you and can also cheer you up.⠀

Collaboration is a great way to support each other and help with the visibility, which could be challenging in the ever changing online space.⠀

If you are a fellow mom who runs a business and wish to collaborate with me, please feel free to DM me or simply comment and I can get back to you.⠀


Couple of years back it was quite - or maybe still is - trending to give shower gel and body lotion packages as a gift, especially during the holiday season.⠀

Do you need a quick gift?⠀
Let's grab something from the drugstore.⠀

Although there are some nice ones, I felt kind of bored from these gifts and decided not to follow this path when giving gifts, but pick something personalized.⠀

Since I am a skin care advisor, my mission is to help you to find suitable skin care products and during this time of the year, also to help you with some gift ideas.⠀

Comment 🎁 if you want my help. ⠀
Let's put together some great packages together.🙂


Our Magic Days Promotion will start on the 5th of December and will end on the 9th of December, unless we run out of stock.

There will be 11 great products on sale - 20% discount - and you will also be able to get a beautiful gift bag.

To check the products, visit the link in the comments. ⬇️


Today I had a discussion with a fellow skin care mom about hyperpigmentation and possible treatments.⠀

Hyperpigmentation is often triggered by excess sun exposure but also could be caused by hormonal changes or appear as side effects of certain diseases.⠀

Vitamin C is one of the most popular ingredients treating hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone due to its skin brightening and anti-oxidants properties.⠀

Glycolic acid and lactic acid are working as chemical exfoliators which also help with cell turnover and skin renewal.⠀

Although these are powerful ingredients, you cannot expect your skin to show changes overnight. ⠀

It can take up to 6-7 month to see remarkable changes on your skin.⠀

Selfie-time could be a great way to track your progress month by month and see the little changes month by month.⠀

For skin diagnosis and consultation please comment or DM me as I have limited slots in December.


To contribute to your skin health you should:⠀
✔️ drink plenty of water⠀
✔️ make healthy food choices⠀
✔️ get enough (8 hours) sleep⠀
✔️ change your bedsheets and towels regularly⠀
✔️ clean your makeup brushes and your phone⠀
✔️ minimize stress in your life⠀
✔️ have an active lifestyle⠀

It is easier to say than to be done, but if you just have the intention to tick some of the items from this list, you are on track.⠀

Currently working on my new workshop about skin health and will share the details in the upcoming weeks.⠀

Stay tuned!


It is almost the end of the month and this is a busy period for me.⠀

Behind the scenes I am publishing a blog article, preparing my monthly newsletter and planning to share some interesting content here along with some gift ideas.⠀

Last year this time we were busy moving so I did not have that much time to help you out with tips, but this year I will prepare some gift boxes to give you some inspiration, which could fit for any occasion.⠀

Who is excited about December?


Do you get your moles checked?⠀

Just recently came across a post reminding people to get there moles checked, so I wanted to remind you as well.⠀

➡️ It is recommended to go to the dermatologist and have your moles checked at least once a year.⠀

➡️ It is also advisable to check yourself every 3 month.⠀

➡️ Any change in size, color, symmetry and shape could indicate a problem.⠀

This checkups help to avoid or treat skin cancer at an early stage which is crucial to avoid further compilations.⠀

Please share if you found this post useful.


It felt so good to slow down today.

How did you spend your Sunday?



This week was so busy that I was looking forward to slow down during the weekend.⠀

As we are approaching the end of the month, I am already planning what topics I will bring you next month.⠀

In November we talked a lot about skin health and in December the main topic - the topic if the month - will be skin aging.⠀

Just found this book in a book swap shelf and cannot wait to start reading it. ⬇️


Couple of days ago I saw a meme about Elon Musk and that he will buy Snapchat and remove all the filters.⠀

Girl, you do not need any filters, just a good skin care routine. And that does not have to be the most expensive out there to see results. It needs consistency and patience.⠀

A good skin care routine will not only support the health of your skin but also will help you to have a natural glow and feel good in your skin even without makeup.⠀

You do not have a fix skin care routine?⠀
No problem, we can set up one for you.⠀

DM me if you wish to have an appointment before the end of the year!⠀


But behind all the crazy moments there was gratitude. I felt grateful for my mom, who tried to keep my son busy while I had a meeting, my customers who support my business with their orders and my friend who told me to start my own business.⠀

As a mom who worked in corporate and runs her own business, I think that there are very few things in your life which can give you such a freedom as a business, where most of the things are automated and you "just" take care of your clients.⠀

10 minutes. This is the average time we need to pick up the products with my clients and from the point that the order is submitted online I have little to nothing to do.⠀

Even as a busy mom, I feel happy that with all the technologies available these days we can connect, talk and get things done quickly.⠀

In the last 2 years my intention was to help other women become beauty ambassadors - just like how I started my business back then - but unfortunately more people gave up than those who stayed.⠀

If you are a woman, who is determined to build up her own beauty business, let's have a chat. We might want to get the same out of this worldly life.⠀


Behind the scenes...⠀

I was busy sharing the Black Friday deals with my customers so that everyone can get their favorite skin care products during the sale, which will start tomorrow!⠀

Meanwhile I feel a bit under the weather with soar throat, which I have probably got from my kid over the last week since he is sitting at home sick.⠀

But back to tomorrow.⠀
The promotion will start as follows:⠀
United Kingdom: 7 AM⠀
Ireland: 11 AM ⠀
Rest of EU: 12 PM⠀

Products included:⠀
✔️ ageLOC boost device with activating serum for a firmer, plumper and brighter skin⠀
✔️ Tru Face Essence Ultra anti-ageing serum locked in capsules⠀
✔️ Nutricentials Here You Glow exfoliating toner⠀
✔️ Nutricentials Dew All Day Moisture Restore Cream⠀
✔️ 180 face wash with active vitamin C⠀
✔️ TR 90 complex C and complex F - part of our weight management program ⠀

For more details please check out my highlight, to shop, visit the link in my bio.⠀

If you have questions, feel free to comment here or simply send me a DM.⠀

*The promotion is valid till the 25th of November 11:59 PM and until the stock lasts.⠀


Do you sell skin care?⠀⠀
This is a question I often get when someone wishes to get to know me online.⠀⠀
The answer is simple. Yes.⠀⠀
Started my business in 2020 as a beauty ambassador of my favorite skin care brand with the idea to help people pick products which could solve their skin problems.⠀⠀
Since then I have learned a lot about the skin, skin anatomy, the connection between lifestyle and skin aging, seasonal skin care, skin diseases, just to mention a few topics.⠀⠀
By now I have a framework for my skin care consulsultation service where you and me go through your skin concerns, history, the results you wish to achieve and what routine you should have for that, alongside with product recommendations matched to your skin's state and needs.⠀⠀
Some of my clients come to me to take part in the consultation and get their routine mapped out and have me to follow up on their progress, while others are just looking for product recommendations for their existing skin care routine.⠀⠀
In any case I would recommend you to check out my website - link in my bio - and my highlight up there with the Black Friday offers because there are some great products included which you can add to your daily skin care routine.


Today the weather is grey and cold. ⠀
It feels like autumn is over and we enter the winter period with chilly mornings and cloudy days.⠀

This weather helps to slow down because you could really feel like snuggling under a warm blanket while sipping tea and reading a book in silence.⠀

Through the concept of I encourage you to relax and take time out for yourself.⠀

It is so important to recharge your batteries.⠀


Do you pay attention what type of food you eat? ⠀

Although there are some debates about how food could have an effect on your skin health, there is definitely a connection between healthy skin and healthy habits.⠀

In the upcoming posts I will share what kind of food considered beneficial for your skin.⠀
Here are 3 examples:⠀

🥑Avocado is a great source of antioxidants, vitamin E, fiber, potassium and healthy fats.⠀

🫐Berries are rich in antioxidants.⠀

🍊Citrus fruits support collagen production due to their vitamin C content.⠀

Do you include these fruits in your diet regularly?⠀

Photos from Daily SKINspiration's post 16/11/2022

We just got some excited news today which I just cannot keep for myself! 🤗⠀

I mean, who does not like to shop great skin care products and saving some money at the same time?! 😉⠀

We received the details of the upcoming Black Friday promotion in the European region!⠀

⚠️ 40% off on selected products!⠀
📅 23-25 November ⠀

Save the date – you don’t want to miss this! ⠀

Swipe to check out the products which will be included in the promotion! ⠀


More and more women are telling me in private that they put on some foundation to cover up the imperfections of their skin and looking for a solution which would resolve the problems.⠀

I am often asked from the business side if I have programs or high ticket offers and what transformation I can guarantee for my clients.⠀

The 2 things I currently offer is skin care consultations and workshops, because I believe that this is the best way to serve my clients. Not only telling them what to do but make them understand why.⠀

I am not a coach and with me transformation is not warranted in 3-4 weeks, because this is not how skin care works.⠀

Let's take a look into the topic a bit.⠀
➡️ It takes around 200 days for a new cell to become mature.⠀
➡️ A mature skin cell has a 7-20 days lifetime.⠀
➡️ As skin cells move up to the epidermis (outermost layer of your skin) they go through the process of keratinosis and become the building blocks of your skin barrier (stratum corneum) util they die and shed.⠀
➡️ By proper skin care routine you can keep your skin barrier healthy which serves as a protection for your skin.⠀

From the above mentioned data it is clear that you need couple of weeks to see results after you embark on a skin care routine and/or treatment plan. ⠀
⏳The average time in most of the cases are 6 weeks, but could differ based on each individual.⠀
⏳To experience and see real changes, you would need to be patient for around 6 months.⠀

Through individual consultations I can guide you through your skin care journey so that you can feel good in your skin, feel confident and go out without makeup if you wish so.⠀

📲 I am a DM away if you need me.


Healthy lifestyle is not only about taking care of what you eat and doing sports but also about getting enough sleep.⠀

An average adult needs 6-8 hours sleep.⠀
When you get enough sleep you will not only feel better, handle stressful situations easier and be able to reach your health goals easier but also contribute to your skin health.⠀

Beauty sleep is a real thing and by giving the time for your body to recharge and run the processes, which includes those which repair your skin.⠀

Please comment 'SLEEP' if you want me to elaborate more on this topic.⠀

Thank you!


Sunday is my real day off.⠀

Although I love working on my business, create content and connect with people on social media, I believe we all need time to get away from it a little bit.⠀

Did you have a relaxing Sunday?


Do you know what that does that little jar symbol mean on your skin care products?

It indicates how long you could use the product with safety and the time frame you shall use up your product after opening.

The most skin care products can be open for 3, 6 or 12 month.

If you use multiple products you can also write on them when you opened them, so that you can see if it is still ok to use it.

In good case scenario an old product is simply not working but in other cases it might cause irritation or allergic reaction.

Do not use that product if the color, texture or smell has changed and throw it out instead. 🗑️


This was on my mind since forever.


Niacinamide can reduce the look of redness, dark spots and dark circles under the eyes. ⠀

It can help with hyperpigmentation, smooth your overall skin texture and brighten your skin.⠀

Niacinamide has anti-inflammatory and anti-acne properties, help control sebum production and strengthen our skin barrier.


For your skin barrier to function properly you need both moisture and hydration.⠀
Ceramides, lipids and the natural moisturizing factors are key elements of your skin barrier.⠀

Niacinamide, glycerin, ceramide and hyaluronic acid are the most well-known ingredients when it comes to repairing the skin barrier function.⠀

My to go product for this scenario is the ageLOC Transforming Night cream which contains both glycerin and ceramides alongside with other ingredients which can support the repairing process overnight.⠀

This is a rich cream yet does not feel heavy on your skin and has a mild scent. My mom loves it so much and use it in her anti-aging skin care routine.⠀

Comment or DM me if you need product recommendations or would like to have a consultation with me. 🙂⠀


Have you ever been told that you compromised your skin barrier?

Let's stop for a minute.
What is this skin barrier exactly?

The stratum corneum - often called as h***y layer - is known about its barrier function which serve as a protection from harmful external factors and helps keep moisture locked in your skin.

This the part of the outermost layer of your skin (epidermis) and covered by the acid mantle which is responsible to maintain the acidic pH of your skin.

If your skin barrier is not functioning properly, you will experience different different problems, such as redness and irritation.

Follow my upcoming posts to learn more about the skin barrier.


Just a quote for


If you are fighting dry hands and chopped lips during autumn and winter, you are not alone.⠀

The colder weather with chilly mornings and wind are definitely challenging for the skin, not to mention the temperature differences between indoor and outdoor. ⠀

There are so many hand lotions out there and I have tried many of them to get relief for my dry hands. Most of the hand creams and lotions I tried felt so sticky and often contained way too much perfume.⠀

Couple of years ago I discovered this hand lotion which does not have a thick texture but still hydrates your hands well without that sticky feeling.⠀

If you need a good hand lotion, visit my story to check out the details of this one. 🙂


Retinoids and peptides are two of the most powerful ingredients in anti-aging skin care.⠀

Retinoids not only could help with wrinkles but also help with mild acne and uneven skin tone.⠀

Although they are great, you have to be careful how you introduce them into your routine. ⠀

When you first start using a retinoid, your skin can become excessively irritated and dry. ⠀
To minimize these effects, try using the retinoid two to three times a week for a couple of weeks or so. ⠀

If you don’t see any excessive irritation, then you can apply the product more often.⠀


Do you see in movies that the characters go to sleep or wake up in makeup?

While it looks good on the screen, this is not a good practice from skin health prospective.

Makeup can cause irritation and clog your pores when not removed properly.
This is why it is important to double cleanse your face in the evening when you wear makeup.


If you have watched my recent live video, you probably remember that I mentioned sun protection among my tips for autumn and winter skin care. ⠀
Sun protection is a very important topic hence you see reminders often, not to forget your sunscreen.⠀

UVA rays are still active during autumn and winter while UVB rays are less active compared to summer. While the latter leads to sunburn, skin diseases and skin cancer, UVA rays are the main culprit for skin aging.⠀

Apply sunscreen every day as a part of your morning skin care routine to avoid premature aging and protect the health of your skin.

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