Their Nails

Official page for Their Nails: nail decals for everyone. Who said that only women can wear nails?

Don’t be afraid to break genders stereotypes and be yourself unapologetically.


We are supersizing our creativity these days and we couldn’t be more proud of our art. That’s such a great feeling! We want to share that feeling with all of you. When you wear our nails we want you to feel empowered, confident, strong, and most importantly, authentic.
Take a look at our shop with the link in our bio to start shopping your next look 💗

Oh yeah, you want a side of fries with that? 🍟


The most amazing thing about nail decals is that they can fit any mood or occasion. Feeling punk? We’ve got you. Elegant? Check. Creative? That’s our middle name 😉

No matter how you’re feeling, there’s a way to express yourself with our decals. We’ve carefully selected designs that can work for everybody while still being unique.

Have you tried them yet? What do you think? How have you been expressing yourself?

Send us your designs in our DMs, we’d love to see how you’ve been getting creative 💚
🌈 **kgenderroles **kgender


After a small issue with our Etsy store we are so happy to say we are BACK and ready for action 😍 Our apologies to anyone who tried to place an order with us during the last week or two.

How have you all be doing? What’s keeping you creative? As always, we’re taking inspiration from nature, water, animals, and color. Neon colors especially are speaking to us in a huge way right now.

Why not take a look in our shop for some new inspiration? Or browse through our Instagram page and leave a comment on your favorite look.

We hope you’re doing great! Sending you love wherever you are 🧡💖

xo TheirNails
***rnails ***r ***rnails ***rbussiness


“What’s your style?”
We don’t believe in “style” in the traditional sense; our fashion can change based on the weather, time of day, or even (especially) our mood. That’s why we created our temporary nail decals, so you can feel your authentic and creative self whenever and wherever.


loves me... loves me not... loves me...

How are you styling your summer looks? We are loving all things nature so of course we’re using our Mother Nature edition to help our creative visions come true 🌻

Get outside if you can! Enjoy the freedom of summer! And don’t forget to be yourself unapologetically ❤️


Do you know the feeling when you accomplish something you previously told yourself you couldn’t? When was the last time you felt that? Don’t you think it’s time for that again?

So often, life tricks us into being complacent and stagnant...but we have the gift to create our own lives and our own realities. Opportunities are all around us; all we have to do is reach out and grab them.

We started our little brand last year as a creative outlet during the beginning of the Covid crisis. Now, instead of focusing solely on products, we focus on uplifting and helping our small community to feel strong, inspired, and comfortable in their own mind/body. If you’re here with us on this journey, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You all are incredible and brave individuals and we’re proud to have connected with you

Take a look at our shop with the link in our bio to see if something inspires you 🌔

xo TheirNails



While you should celebrate yourself every month of the year, pride month is the perfect time to let your inner self shine. Why not have your nails represent you too?

Our LGBT+ edition is perfect for this month (and tbh every month but it’s rainbow season honey).

We are so proud of all of you for being yourselves. Thank you for being a part of this world as your beautiful self and thank you for always support our little business as well. We love you ❤️

Take a look at our shop with the link in our bio; get yours today!

Be yourself, unapologetically!

xo TheirNails


🌈 ***rartists ***rbusiness 💅 🌈



Link in bio ^^^^

We are excited and proud to announce our newest edition to our Their Nails family... Mother Nature! 🌵☘️🐜🌳🍄🐈‍⬛🌿
These decals are all inspired our beautiful planet Earth. Using neon colors found in nature we want to allow you to celebrate our home in a new and edgy way. Who says nature isn’t trendy?

These are live as of NOW in our shop so go and take a look! Link is in our bio!

Get to creating! We can’t wait to see all of your nature inspired looks 💚

xo TheirNails
***rbusiness ***rartists


So many of our ideas are blooming after our little two week break here at TheirNails. We hope you all are healthy and happy; we’ve missed you! Big news is on the horizon for us, and we will be sharing it with you in the next few days. Until then, take a look back at our Instagram posts to get some inspiration for your upcoming summer looks. We’ve got you covered 😉 Link in our bio to shop 💅🏿💅🏽💅🏻
💅 ***rartists ***rbusiness ***rart


Though it’s true we’re each only a small person in a huge world, our opinions and choices can help us grow to unimaginable sizes. Never underestimate the impact you can have once you open yourself up to the possibilities life offers. Keep growing, keep learning, and overall, continue to let your mind be open because that is when the world becomes a better place. You are more important than you know. .
🌈 **kgender


How often do you branch out of your comfort zone? So often we get comfortable in our own bubbles and circles that we forget there’s so much to experience and explore. If you’re feeling stuck or blocked in your life, remember to think outside of the box because that’s truly where the magic happens.

Since starting TheirNails we have grown as a business but also as artists. Pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones has changed our lives and continues to do so. Thanks for being here with us! Stay creative!



Color! 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣
We love it. We use it to express ourselves. We use it to create, and to feel, and to play with. Artistic expression is something that is unique to mankind and it’s something that helps us process emotions when words can’t seem to do the job.

How are you expressing yourself? What colors speak to you at the moment?


Sometimes we can feel like a block of marble; frozen, and unchanging. But when life decides to throw you a chisel, it’s up to you to sculpt yourself into a masterpiece. We are all works of art, and we are all constantly changing. Allow yourself the bravery to express your true self, and do it unapologetically.



Stereotypes have a way of caging us and our ideas in. We’re often told we’re “too much” or “not normal” when we break out of stigmas. How often we can feel like prisoners in our own bodies.

We’re daring you today to challenge those stereotypes and to break past the barriers stopping you from being your authentic self. If something makes you happy? Follow it! If something makes you feel confident and artistic, don’t tell yourself to forget about it.
Keep dreaming and keep expressing.

We see you, we love you, and we are you!

xo TheirNails
🌈 **kgenderroles **kgender


Do we really need a caption? 👄 Who needs words anyway? Let your nails do the talking.

Genderless. Edgy. Artistic. Who are you and what do you want to say? Check the link in our bio to start getting creative.


Aren’t you just going positively bananas over this manicure? 🍌 (also, does anyone else sing Gwen Stefani when spelled the word banana? 😂)

Send us your best photo of your manicure using our decals for a chance to get featured on our page! We love seeing what you come up with. And if you ever post something using our products make sure to tag us so we see it 🤩


Lera Ginsburg x Their Nails

It’s our absolute pleasure to introduce our first professional collaboration with the talented ! 🤩

Lera Ginsburg is all about transforming unique ideas into wearable art pieces to give the wearer a unique experience of creativity fused with class. We loved hearing about how her roots of gold crafting mixed with her artistic upbringing helped create Ginsburg Jewelry and the one-of-a-kind brand it is today.

We feel so lucky to have such creative people in our life, and even luckier to be able to work creatively together with them.
You can find more of Ginsburg’s work here:



When ideas and inspirations are floating around in your brain, don’t hesitate to reach out and grab them. Right now we are taking inspiration from beautiful Spring energy, sunshine, pastels, and the fluidity of water.

What’s swimming around in your head these days? If you’re having trouble finding inspiration, we’re here to tell you there’s always something worth catching.


Tattoo studios are still closed here in Germany...can you tell we’re dying to get inked again?! Until they open back up we’ll continue to ink our nails with our temporary decals. Since you get 75+ decals from one sheet we are more than occupied (and satisfied 😌).

Have you bought your set yet? Which design is your fav?
🌈 **kgenderroles **kgender


The only thing that’s coming down the pipeline for us is a future of acceptance, a future of equality, and a future of self expression. If you are feeling bold: BE BOLD! Trust your inner voice to let your true self shine 🌞

If you haven’t already heard, we’ve just launched our newest limited edition product: TheirNails - JEWELS 💎 aka jewelry for your nails. Yes that is happening.

Take a look at our shop with the link in our bio
🌈 **kgenderroles **kgender


Jewelry. Always. Fits.

We are proud to present our NEW limited edition : TheirNails - JEWELS 💎

These jewels allow you to take your nails to the next level. Nail jewelry is up and coming and (like always 😉) we are right on trend, honey. These are limited edition so reserve yours now before they run out!




Sometimes life puts up walls, barriers, and roadblocks that seem impossible to break through. Especially if you are challenging the status-quo. But when you realize the internal power you possess, simply by staying true to your authentic self, those walls become paper thin. If you’re looking for a sign to tell you to smash that barrier down that’s blocking you from being yourself: this is it.

Be yourself. Unapologetically.

P.S. Today (February 5th, 2021) is the last day of our FREE GIVEAWAY! Find out how to enter in our reels ♥️ good luck!

🌈 **kgenderroles **kgender


Permanent nail tattoos. Yes or no?
They’re trendy, sexy, and edgy... but the only downside is that you can’t change the design once it’s there.
What if you could change it every month? Every week? Or even every day if you wanted to?
Our product is designed to let you do just that.

Take a look at our store with the link in our bio 👽

P.S. You still have time to enter our GIVEAWAY which is live until Friday, February 5th, at 11:59pm CET. Check how to enter in our reels 🖤



In the darkness of the winter how can we focus on color and light?

We can make ourselves shine, that’s how! 🌷🌹🌸🌺

Recognize the moments of color in your day to day life, cling to them, and share them with everyone you meet (even if it’s virtual!)

Get yourself some flowers, some fresh air, and of course, get yourself a set of our easy-to-use nail decals to let yourself shine even more.

Link in bio to get yours!

Once you have your kit, take a photo or video and tag us in it here on Instagram so we can share it!
**kgender 🌈


We are entering a new era in humanity. What we are experiencing now is an explosion of self expression and love. It’s a revolution of color. Collectively, we are moving away from beauty “standards” and instead focusing more on internal love and confidence.

What does beauty mean to you? Answer below in the comments, we would love to start this conversation :)


When you think of a rose, what do you think of?
The sweet fragrance? The soft petals? The sharp thorns?
Life is like a rose. Right now, in life, it seems we are stuck on a thorny time period. While we may face international hardships, it doesn’t mean life has lost its petals or fragrance. There are moments of beauty and of joy all around us. Don’t forget, in times of crisis, it’s ok to stop and smell the roses 🌹🌹🌹

Why not treat yourself to one of our decal sheets? Not only will you be supporting our small business, you will be collecting a moment of confidence and pampering for yourself. Think of it as your own personal petal 🥀 Link in bio to get yours today ♥️
**kgender 🌈 💅


I spy with my little eye...something...
Badass! Artsy! Genderless, fashionable and all around fierce as Hell!

Yes you guessed’s our nail decals, baby!
With three editions on sale in our shop there is something that will spark creativity and passion in everyone.

Take a look, link in bio 😁
**kgenderroles ***rart


2020? We do not know her.

This year was the worst, the scariest, the hardest, and the most impactful we have ever experienced. We lost our jobs, we learned more about ourselves, and we made art through it all. If it weren’t for 2020, Their Nails wouldn’t even exist! But here we are; ready to say goodbye to this turbulent year. Though rough times are still ahead, we are confident that next year will be filled with so much joy and opportunity for growth.

We want to extend a HUGE thank you to all of you for following us and supporting our product. Our vision for the future is one of true equality and one where everyone can feel comfortable in their own skin...thank you for sharing our vision! From our home to yours, we’re sending you our love.

Though we have many things to be thankful for this year, we can wholeheartedly say:

🌈 ***rart **kgender **k2020


Don’t forget about yourself this holiday season. The holidays are a wonderful time of giving and love, but it can also be full of stress and worry for some. If you couldn’t afford gifts this year, couldn’t see a loved one, or even if you didn’t want to get out of bed some days: we see you and we want to remind you better days are on the way. We’re speaking from experience, your sun will shine once more, brighter than ever, and you will pull through this crazy moment in history.
Keep going! Love you! 🌺🌸🌺
**kgender 💅


Happy holidays from us at their nails to you. Wherever you’re celebrating we hope this next year is filled with joy, laughter, love and happiness ....
We love you however you are 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
# 🌈 ***rart **kgender


How much do you guys miss the sunshine and brightness in your life during the winter? Here in Hamburg, we’re lucky to get one day of sun per week (in a good week!) and the grey days can really bring you down if you let them. Keep finding your moments of brightness and light and hang on to them dearly.

What brightens your day when you’re feeling grey? (I didn’t mean for that to rhyme but you know...if the shoe fits 😂)
🌈 ***rart **kgender ̈gel ̈geldesign


We are our choices, and right now I’m choosing to be on a tropical island 🌴
Winter/Corona/Lockdown blues getting you down? Take a look at our shop (link in bio) and treat yourself to a little cheer 🤩
How are you staying positive these days?
💅 **kgender 🌈 ***rarts


Can’t take my eyes off of you 👁👁

How do you feel wearing nails? When you break “norms” eyes will be all over you. How can you personally use the power that you hold in these situations to change the world for the better? How can you use your platform to inspire?

Our mission is to help people feel confident in who they truly are, and to help others be themselves unapologetically.
🌈 ***rart **kgender ̈geldesign


As we enter a new lockdown here in Germany, we want to take a moment to reflect on the importance of community. Remaining isolated for long periods of time can lead to many mental health struggles, so it is critical that we stay active with our loved ones, even if it’s just in a virtual environment.
We are committed to spreading true equality and love throughout the globe and into the hearts of everyone around the world. From our community to yours, we are sending you love ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
We’re all in this together.
🌈 **kgenderroles 🌈


Did you know flamingos aren’t born pink?🦩 Their color gradually changes because of their diet.

If they can change their color, you can change up your nails, babe! With one of our decal sheets you can have a flawless, artistic, and easy manicure all in under 5 minutes.

It’s certainly a lot easier than eating algae and brine shrimp 👀

Check the link in our bio to get started 🦩
🌈 ***rart **kgender ̈gel ̈geldesign


Who said there can be too much jewelry? Probably the same person that said that nail art is gendered 🤷🏻‍♂️

Don’t listen to anyone but yourself when it comes to self expression. We love you just how you are, and you should too.

Check out our nail decals with the link in our bio to get yourself a kit of self expression ⚒

🌈 ***rart **kgender ̈gel ̈geldesign

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