Original art, Impressionism, Expressionism. I am Katerina Ivanova, a self taught artist. I was using mainly soft pastels as a medium at this stage.
I am raised in a artistic family and I started painting professionally very young. I can say currently since I moved to the lovely city - Munich, my senses and inspiration dramatically increased. I paint mostly with oil colors, occasionally with acrylics and resin, depending on the motive and goal of the artwork. As a preferred surface I choose the canvas, but many of my old artworks in the past w
ere painted on wood. Officially, I am an engineer, working in a development environment, giving my creative attitude and ideas there, dealing with the extremely modern technologies. I can say though, this is my second love, as after counting 8-9 hours of work, I come home, at my studio and I throw myself into my first love – Painting. I pull my inspiration from the nature and the femininity, depicting them in a slightly different way, in a way I observe them and based on the emotions they awake in me. Guided and inspired by the famous Rembrandt’s saying “There’s only one master in this world – The nature” my whole view towards the life existence and the way of observing the surroundings affects my creations. Artist’s imaginations can never be stopped, can not be limited and every line painted on the surfaces is unique, full of emotions and inspiration. That is how I create, never doubtful in imperfect lines, I create from my soul. My art experience can be split in three phases so far:
(1998-2004) I started painting at my 8th year of life, when I visited a Fine Art private school and got in touch with a professional Artists, few of them very close friends of my family, which is also a half-artistic one. I was doing a lot of portraits, where I can say I mastered them to perfection. (2003 - 2008) Very soon and in the meantime, as my father is a carver, we decided to switch to something different. We then started working together on our orthodox icons, half craved and then painted. This is the period when I mastered the wood as a surface, using oil mediums. However, this period ended for me as I wanted to continue expressing myself in my own way, so I proceeded with my contemporary artworks. (2010 – present) In this 3rd phase as an artist, I continuously work with oil colors as my main medium, where I can experiment and play with the shades a lot more than I enjoy the acrylics colors characteristics. I paint natural motives and figurative art. Being experienced by the nature and the women lines, I depict them in my own way, in a cheerful and warm colors, trying to bring my feelings to the observer, which is very often the case. I’m raised in a family where the originality, people’s skills and the artistic spirit are highly valued. Thus, I’m investing my energy throughout my whole life on knowledge, discovering nature, painting and crafting. Nevertheless, people are born with a talent as a gift, some of them use the talent and some not. I am working on my talent every single day in my life and being an artist is something you’re born with, being an artists is very hard as well, as I say “We artists, we have tons of ideas, feelings, motivations and inspirations for our brain to sort them out and our body to deal with them. This has to be reflected in the best way on a blank piece of surface and that’s hard”. I love presenting every moment on my canvases, I love people to feel what I felt when creating the art piece.
Thank you!! 🌸🍾
Ich freue mich riesig, Teil einer großartigen Kunstausstellung in Augsburg zu sein! Kommt vorbei und erlebt inspirierende Kunstwerke in einer einzigartigen Atmosphäre. Ich würde mich freuen, euch dort zu sehen! 🥳🙌🫶🫶
Katerina IVANOVA .ivanova_art
Playful Waterlilies
Ich bin Katerina, eine Künstlerin aus Mazedonien, wohnhaft in Deutschland. Ich lebe, kreiere und liebe Deutschland schon seit 7 Jahren. Offiziell bin ich Ingenieurin, aber meine große Liebe ist auf jeden Fall Malerin.
Ich begann schon in sehr jungen Jahren zu zeichnen und als mein Interesse offensichtlich wuchs, beschlossen meine Eltern, in mein Interesse zu investieren. Also besuchte ich ab meinem achten Lebensjahr eine private Kunstschule. Ich besuchte die Schule gute 3–4 Jahre, wo ich mir bis dahin das meiste Wissen aneignete und von da an male ich ununterbrochen.
Ich begann mit Realismus, wir verwendeten und übten mit verschiedenen Medien, aber mit zunehmender Erfahrung wurde Öl zu meinem hauptsächlichen Arbeitsmedium und bis heute verwende ich hauptsächlich Öl und Ölpastelle als Medium. Pinsel und Messer sind meine liebsten Werkzeuge aller Zeiten.
In den letzten Jahren übe und entwickle ich meinen eigenen Stil, ich liebe und entwickle mich am meisten in Richtung Impressionismus, ich liebe auch schöne abstrakte Kunst. Ich liebe auch Expressionismus.
Mein Stil ist also lebendig, so sehe ich einfach Farben und lebe mein Leben. Ich hoffe, mein Gemälde wird Ihnen Freude bereiten!
Second set of floral cubes are done 💜🌺🌷
Ready to ship! 🇮🇪
Work work work in progress 👩🏻🎨👩🏻🎨
Something new ✨ Because it’s Spring 💕
Work work work…🪷
Working on something new! 🪷
A spontaneous one.. I am using the last days when the baby is in kindergarten and I have the whoooole freedom to focus and paint something nice!! 🥳😁
in oil 🪷🪷🪷🪷
🌸🖤 Swipe left for detailed view 🤩
Today we enjoyed the art museum “Alte Pinakotheke” in Munich. It was awesome, the baby enjoyed it 😃 Mama will teach her for sure to love art 💜
Small box shaped canvases ready to hang 🥰
The universe flower 🌸💜
Have a lovely evening friends!🤗