Kambo Healing Berlin

Kambo served With Love
Kambo & more, harmonizing with other modalities for deeper healing experience


Update from a person I served.
I feel honored to support people on their healing path.
Offering 'Kambo and more' -

" Hello guardian of the secrets of the forest!! I take the time to write you very nice news (which will not surprise you)... I will make a long short story: while my oncologist did not think it possible, I integrate a radiotherapy protocol. In her eyes I am a miracle where 6 months ago she told me to start saying goodbye.... Well, the last petscan (and the first so far that scanners not petscan that alone show the "life" of the cancer cell) shows: I NO LONGER HAVE A TUMOR ON THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN!! NO MORE GANGLION!!!.. in short the path to remission is becoming a highway! I'm just waiting for my next schedule (which will have in the coming days) -> to come and see you or make you come: we will see together according to the dates I have.
I know it’s thanks to the works we have made together with his majesty kambo!!
I am so blessed and grateful…
Can t wait to see you again
You are medecine
🔥🙌🏻💜🕉️🐸🌿🌿🌿 "



Bernauerstr 93