Baekjul Demonstration-Team

Die offizielle Seite des Baekjul Taekwondo Demonstration-Teams aus Rheine. Herzlich Willkommen auf der Seite des Baekjul Demonstration-Teams.

Wir haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht die koreanische Kampfkunst Taekwondo bekannter zu machen. Baekjul ist eine Abkürzung des koreanischen Baekjul Bool Gol, dem 5. und höchsten Ziel des Taekwondo, der geistigen Unbeugsamkeit. Alle Mitglieder des Demo-Teams sind Taekwondo-Sportler und versuchen stetig dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Diese Seite informiert Sie über aktuelle und vergangene Veranstaltungen,


Wollt ihr wissen wo unser Logo herkommt? Zu sehen ist ein Seeadler beim Beutefang.
Der Adler steht für Stärke, Mut und ewiges Leben. Außerdem ist "der König der Lüfte" und zeigt extreme Präzision beim jagen. Dies lässt sich mit unserem Namen und wofür wir stehen verbinden. "Baekjul" ist nämlich abgeleitet vom koreanischen 백절불굴 (Baekjul Boolgool), dem höchsten Ziel des Taekwondo. Übersetzt bedeutet das "unbezwinglicher Geist", also Mut, Stärke und Erhabenheit über jeden Zweifel.

Wanna know the origin of our logo? You can see an bald eagle cathing it's prey. The eagle is a symbol of strength, courage and eternal life. Moreover he's the "king of the skies" and shows extreme precision while hunting. That is connected to our name and what we stand for. "Baekjul" is derived from the korean 백절불굴 (Baekjul Boolgool), the highest tenet of taekwondo. Translated it means "indomitable spirit", courage strength and being beyond any doubt.

Timeline photos 15/02/2020

Wir begrüßen unsere neuen Mitglieder Caitlin, Cem und Rodion in unserem Team!
We welcome our new members Caitlin, Cem and Rodion to our team!

Timeline photos 02/02/2020

Ihr findet uns jetzt auch unter "BAEKJUL" auf TikTok - schaut Euch gerne unsere neuen TikToks an!
You can find us as "BAEKJUL" on TikTok now - take a look at our new TikToks!

Timeline photos 24/12/2019

Frohe Weihnachten und schöne Feiertage wünschen wir euch und euren Lieben!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your loved ones!

Timeline photos 30/11/2019

Schaut morgen vorbei bei unserem zweiten Auftritt auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Rheine-Mesum! Wir legen um 16:30 Uhr los, wir freuen uns euch dort zu sehen!

Come and see our second show tomorrow at the Weihnachtsmarkt in Rheine-Mesum! We start at 16:30! We look forward seeing you there!

Timeline photos 19/11/2019

Fjying kick by our team member Jascha.

Timeline photos 13/10/2019

Taekwondo Schule Song in Rheine



Highlight of yesterday's show at the German Championships of the DTB e.V.

Timeline photos 25/09/2019

Ihr wollt uns in Aktion sehen!?
Unterstützt uns bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft am 28.09. in der Kopernikus-Sporthalle - schaut Euch die beeindruckende Eröffnungsshow des sowie spannende Wettkämpfe (ab ca. 10.30 Uhr) an! 💪🏆
ℹ️ Tickets:
Erwachsene im Vorverkauf 5€ und an der Tageskasse 10€. Eintritt für Kinder und Jugendliche ist frei.

Timeline photos 06/09/2019

Bald ist es so weit - am 28. September findet die Deutsche Meisterschaft des DTB e.V. hier in Rheine statt! 💪👏

Timeline photos 26/08/2019

Summer time is vacation time ✈️
Our team leader Michael is in Peru at the moment and still knows how to kick, even in 4340 meters altitude.

Timeline photos 26/07/2019

Today, we successfully cast our new members Thea Heuwers, Michael Gelser and Sebastian von der Haar. We are looking forward to the training with our future trainees.

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 20/06/2019

A while ago, in November, we had the privilege to do a demonstration for representatives of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame Europe©. We were honored by the visit of several great Masters and we're happy we could show off what our sport is about.
The representative were GGM Professor George Popper from Malta, GGM Winfried Raithel from Germany, GM Padith Pongpachith from Germany and the founder of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame Europe and President Werner Tewes. Our Master GM Heinz Evelt is a honorary member of the Hall of Fame as well. The Hall of Fame is a community to encourage social engagement in Martial Arts and honors extraordinary courage.
@ Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 20/06/2019

A while ago, in November, we had the privilege to do a demonstration for representatives of the Hall of Fame - martial arts europe. We were honored by the visit of several great Masters and we're happy we could show off what our sport is about.
The representative were GGM Professor George Popper from Malta, GGM Winfried Raithel from Germany, GM Padith Pongpachith from Germany and the founder of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame Europe and President Werner Tewes. Our Master GM Heinz Evelt is a honorary member of the Hall of Fame as well. The Hall of Fame is a community to encourage social engagement in Martial Arts and honors extraordinary courage.
@ Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine

Timeline photos 02/06/2019

Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine
Yesterday we participated the form-seminar of the DTB e.V., the German Taekwondo Association. Here you see our member Cedric Feismann, 3rd degree black belt, showing his best kicks.
Get ready for some new footage of ours after a longer-than-expected rest!

Timeline photos 01/01/2019

Happy new year everyone! May you and your friends and family have a successful year 2019!

Timeline photos 24/12/2018

Merry Christmas for you all and your families and friends!

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 07/12/2018

Highlights of this year's last show at the Christmas Market in Mesum. We look forward to next year! Thanks for the invite!


Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine

Timeline photos 27/11/2018

Come and visit these year's last show at the Christmas Market in Rheine-Mesum. We will begin at about 4:30PM right after Santa's visit on Sunday, 2nd December!

Timeline photos 15/11/2018

Come and visit our spontaneous show tomorrow at Song's Taekwondo School in Rheine, Christianstraße 19.
We're going to start at about 7pm, be our guest!

Timeline photos 11/11/2018

1st Place in overall Team-Competition at the German Championships
Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine on 🔥

Morgen mehr zu unseren Erfolgen bei der Internationalen Deutschen Meisterschaft...

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 19/10/2018

Fighting the bad guys at our last show at the Morgenstern Kindergarden in Steinfurt.

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 15/10/2018

Self defense demonstration at our last show at the Morgenstern Kindergarden in Steinfurt.

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 09/10/2018

When you focus on your aims you can reach everything.
Another highlight of sunday's show at the anniversary of the Morgenstern Kindergarden in Steinfurt.

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 07/10/2018

Highlights of today's show at the Morgenstern Sonderkindergarten in Steinfurt. They wanted to have us for their anniversary, thanks for the invite!
It's an integrative Kindergarten for disabled kids, in 50 years they held up their great work!

Timeline photos 10/09/2018

Unser Trainer Markus Arends hat am Samstag geheiratet!!!
Es war ein tolles Fest mit einer Überraschungsvorführung des Baekjul Demonstration-Team. Danke, dass wir daran teilhaben durften! Allerherzlichste Glückwünsche von allen Schülern und Trainern! 🍀💯👰🤵

Timeline photos 06/09/2018

Supplies for upcoming events.

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 30/08/2018

Markus Dropmann, a student of our school, Song's Taekwondo School in Rheine, invited us to do a demo at his father in laws summer festival.
Their farm celebrated their 25th anniversary this summer.
Here are some highlights of our demonstration on 14th July.

Timeline photos 29/08/2018

Song's Taekwon-Do Schule Rheine

Heute war auch unser letzter Artikel über die Taekwon-Do Weltmeisterschaften 2018 in der Zeitung zu lesen!
Hier gibt's noch einmal alle Artikel zum Nachlesen (und natürlich zum Staunen 😉).

Photos from Baekjul Demonstration-Team's post 16/08/2018

All our team members are back after the World Championships and World Taekwondo Hanmadang and it's time to remember our past shows.
We always like to help friends out, so we are happy and glad we could help out at the anniversary of Song's Taekwondo School in Tecklenburg.
They celebrated their 40th anniversary!
Here are some highlights of our demonstration on 8th August.

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Luta Livre/Grappling, Ringen und Kick-Thaiboxen - professionelles Training für Jugendliche (ab 13 J