Hypnosis & Past Life Regression, Telehealth

Hypnosis & Past Life Regression, Telehealth

Cert. Hypnosis, Past Life Regression & Consulting, Online-Coach
www.hypnotime.de/online-coaching.html I use classical elements as well as modern hypnosis.

I am a Certified Consulting Hypnotist of NGH, Swan Protocol practitioner, educated too at Thermedius Institute. My work is always individual and will fit to your personal problem or aim. "Claudia is a very professional, successful and caring hypnotherapist. Because of her skills she is able to achieve the required results every time. She works within an impressive ecological frame and I have no he


It is stunning to get to know WHO used hypnotherapy to get better, worth a read ! πŸ‘πŸ™‚ "Orlando Bloom was so hooked on chocolate as a child, his mother called in a hypnotist to help him shape up.

Fergie, the lead singer of the Black Eyed Peas, keeps a hypnotherapist on speed dial when she’s touring, according to Marie Claire magazine.
Lily Allen (singer)
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (former member of the British Royal family)
Sophie Dahl (model)
Geri Halliwell (singer)

Bruce Willis – Walter Bruce Willis (born March 19, 1955) is a German-born American actor and singer. He came to fame in the late 1980s and has since retained a career as both a Hollywood leading man and a supporting actor. Being the leading actor in some of the greatest action movies Bruce Willis has had stuttering problems throughout his youth and was always scared it would affect his acting career. Fortunately, he successfully overcame it.

Julia Roberts – Academy Award-winning actress. Julia Fiona Roberts (born October 28, 1967) is an Academy Award-winning American film actress and former fashion model. Roberts has become the highest paid actress in the world, topping the annual power list of top-earning female stars for four consecutive years. Julia Roberts admitted the fact that she stuttered when she was younger, but she now speaks fluidly and is a respected actress.

Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud developed modern psychiatry as a result of learning about and practicing hypnosis.

Mozart (1756-91) apparently composed the famous opera β€œCosi fan Tutte” while hypnotized.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) physicist – was known to go into a trance through self-hypnosis every afternoon. His theory of relativity came to him during one of these sessions. He also used trance states to develop his ideas.

Lord Tennyson Alfred (1809-92) wrote complete poems while hypnotized.

Thomas Edison used selfβ€”hypnosis on a regular basis

Aldous Huxley used trance-like states to explore the nature of Consciousness.

Rachmaninov (1873-1943) reputedly composed one of his concertos following a post-hypnotic suggestion.

Sir Winston Churchill used post-hypnotic suggestions in order to stay awake and carry out his duties as Prime Minister during WWII.

Halsey, Chelsea Handler, Mark Knopfler, Matt Damon, Debra Messing, Drew Barrymore, Ellen DeGeneres, Ben Affleck, Ashton Kutcher, Ewan McGregor, Adele, and Charlize Theron beat their smoking habit through hypnosis.

Sylvester Stallone worked with the famous hypnotherapist Gil Boyne while filming Rocky in 1975.

Adele used a hypnotherapist to help her lose weight.

Kevin Costner flew his personal hypnotist to Hawaii to cure his seasickness.

Jackie Kennedy Onassis used hypnotherapy to relive and let go of tragic events in her life.

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965) politician used post-hypnotic suggestions in order to stay awake all night and avoid tiredness during W.W.II.

Reese Witherspoon has used hypnosis to overcome her insecurities.

Jessica Alba, pregnant with her second child used HypnoBirthing. Gisele Bundchen used HypnoBirthing too. According to The Mirror, Kate Middleton used HypnoBirthing to stay calm and visualize birth." etc.

Β© Copyright 2023, The Center of Success


Dear follower. I offer that you at first book the necessary consultation with me, in which you tell me about your concerns. Here you can already find out a lot about yourself and I can understand your biography and goal. After that you can make an appointment for the hypnosis session, if you wish.

Hypnosis is always indicated when nothing can be changed for the better with the conscious will alone. Then you should consider to work with a Certified Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist .. to work on the subconscious level. Hypnosis is real and its effectiveness has been scientifically proven in over 100 studies.

Consultation, approx. 45 minutes = 40 EUR. I've been working online since 2012. This work is just as effective as on-site and offers you the opportunity to start making positive changes at any time, easily from the comfort of your home. This opportunity is very much appreciated by my clients. You feel close to me and safe and you'll achieve the desired results. My success rate is close to 100%. I look forward to meeting you. Kind regards, Hypnotime 🌼🌿 =>>https://www.hypnotime.de/online-coaching.html


3 Secrets To Being A Successful Hypnotherapist 25/02/2023

​FREE LIVE EVENT πŸ™‚ on march 7, at 7 pm UK time. If you are interested, sign in now.



3 Secrets To Being A Successful Hypnotherapist During this FREE LIVE EVENT Bob Burns hypnotherapist and creator of the


You don't even have to 'believe' in , because it is real and its effectiveness has been scientifically proven in over 100 studies. πŸ‘


For some people it might be the most wonderful season of the year, but for some it will be a difficult time. Humans experience losses, broken relationships or broken friendships. Some never had a loving family. In that case you are able to take help if you wish. I support you with my life coaching and hypnotherapy. Please don't hesitate and write me a message. Let us chat. Looking forward to meeting you.


Some coaches say everything is good, but it isn't. It is black AND white, good and bad. People get problems and they suffer. My aim is to understand you and help YOU to get better. Message me please. 🌼


"Good morning Mrs. Knichel. I would like to thank you for this successful session; by the way, I didn't talk to anyone about it afterwards, the feeling of lightness and inner peace was far too nice for that ! I felt like I was awakened after our session, clouds, everything felt different, I was somehow in the present, but at the same time far away. I perceived nature and the people around me completely different. A part of my soul has changed, this woman from a previous life, my name was ( # # #) by the way, I remembered this name. And during the session, this part of my soul that I had rejected, because of this experience, connected with me, like a missing piece of a puzzle !! You really helped me, I literally feel like a new person and I finally have the confirmation that we can really come back and my connection to my subconscious and my perceptions are not crazy !! Some of my reactions from my current life became understandable for me. A heartfelt thank you for that !!" - A feedback after a Past Life Regression I held online.


How hypnosis works: Your brain controls your thoughts, feelings, behavior and your body. If we change something in your subconsciousness, through the communication with your subconscious mind, then we change the brain functions and patterns for the better. We can rewire our brain in hypnosis, which is a great natural phenomenon ! πŸ™ Your brain is not an immutable structure, but has the so-called 'neuronal plasticity'. This simply means that your brain is able to learn. Synapses and entire areas of the brain can be relinked and interconnected ! The brain actually learns new and good patterns in the hypnotic change process.Β This is how hypnosis helps you to live a better life. 🌿 That has been proven in way over 100 studies. 🌺

Sometimes in life we just come up to a point where the conscious will alone won't be enough to get a better outcome for ourselves. In this case you might be willing to use the incredible power of hypnosis and work with me.


None of us can someone if the person doesn't want it. I can you if you really want it, but I cannot if you do not want it. And you cannot change a member or a against his/her will. Someone can only learn or heal if he/she wants it. ❀


Well said ! πŸ‘πŸ™‚

Today is International Childfree Day! What better person to feature on this day than Jennifer Aniston, who may just possibly be the world's most persecuted female when it comes to being asked if, when, how, and why won't she just get pregnant already.

What has happened to this celebrity shows that we live in a culture steeped in baby fever. Even though not having a child is more than 50 times more helpful to animals and the environment, failing to produce biological kids is somehow still frowned upon.

Help change the narrative and help animals along the way by speaking up in defense of the childfree.

Gaslight (1944) 31/07/2022

Have you ever been 'gaslighted' by a narcissist ? Watch this great thriller with Ingrid Bergman to see the manipulating and destructive behaviour of narcissist and understand how dangerous this can be for your soul (even if your perpetrator does not want to kill you in the end). πŸ‘

Gaslight (1944) Ingrid Bergman stars in this classic thriller as a devoted bride whosegroom is trying to make her insane as part of his plot to murder her.


"If we cannot ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create." - John


" grant me the to accept the things I cannot , the courage to change the things I can, and the to know the difference."


How often is transmitted, good to know.

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We do have chances. 🌼


Many people try to compensate emotional and by , (or alcohol). However, it is advisable to process the inner conflicts first and to use other strategies to reduce stress and really . This is where can help like no other method. Together with you and your possibilities, we also develop habits that help you (instead of harming you). The first is of charge). Just give me a call or send me a message here on FB. Telephone: 0049 9567 2970130.

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β€œThe beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” :-) BB King


β€œThere are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance. We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create. Evolution and all hopes for a better world rest in the fearlessness and open-hearted vision of people who embrace life.”
― John Lennon


"I'd spent five hours that morning trying to write a song that was meaningful and good, and I finally gave up and lay down. Then, 'Nowhere Man' came, words and music, the whole damn thing, as I lay down." - John Lennon ❀❀

'Relaxation By The Sea' - light trance, meditation 26/04/2022

Here I have helpful hypnosis for you, based on a light trance. This recording πŸŽ™ will help you to relax, center yourself and recharge your batteries. After a calm introduction, gentle sea waves are played. It is best to use headphones for listening. 🎧 It is a valuable everyday helper 🌼 (but of course does not replace the individual work with me, which is different and to use if you have any change requests or want to solve deep-seated problems). Please leave a like on Youtube, if possible. ENJOY. πŸŒŠπŸ¬πŸ–



'Relaxation By The Sea' - light trance, meditation A meditation, based on a light relaxation trance. It will help you to relax, center yourself and recharge your batteries. After a calm introduction, gentle s...

Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist 25/04/2022

Treating with


Psychology Today: Health, Help, Happiness + Find a Therapist View the latest from the world of psychology: from behavioral research to practical guidance on relationships, mental health and addiction. Find help from our directory of therapists, psychologists and counselors.


Truly good spoken ! Have a read. 🌼❀


growing , , ❀

Why It's So Hard for Men to Say No to S*x 09/04/2022

Why It's So Hard for Men to Say No to S*x ... and why saying yes to unwanted s*x has consequences.


Concerning the some people mix things up. Of course is wrong and yes, it is always the best when we appreciate ourselves (as long as we don't harm others). But nevertheless it is a fact that is absolutely unhealthy and can cause serious deseases. For everyone who wants to be healthy, fit and happy, it therefore is better to step out of emotional , unproductive behaviour and into a happier and better . 🌼


makes stop possible. πŸŒΌπŸ‘ Message me.


This is absolute stunning. πŸ˜³πŸ™‚β€οΈ



When you are for what you have, you can feel how rich you already are. When you are able to appreciate your , you can be . 🌻

5 Ways to Break a Cycle of Family Trauma 23/02/2022

Maybe hard to believe, but is the key to freedom in these cases. When you really forgive you can let go of exhausting and . You do it for yourself only. It does not belittle what happened and is not an excuse for the ones who wronged you, but it gives you the opportunity to heal.

5 Ways to Break a Cycle of Family Trauma 4. Find space for self-compassion every day.

Should Narcissistic Grandparents Be Kept Away from Grandkids? 21/02/2022

Should Narcissistic Grandparents Be Kept Away from Grandkids? 5 false myths, and 12 serious concerns.

Why Chemistry Gets Mistaken for Compatibility 15/02/2022

Why Chemistry Gets Mistaken for Compatibility How we trick ourselves into falling for the wrong partner.


A from a client, postet with permission. πŸ™

Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID 05/02/2022

Known since spring 2020 and I already posted about it. It is not a substitute for a , but so very important as well. I take high dosed D3, which always (!) needs to be combined with magnesium and K2. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID Bolstering previous research, scientists publish 'remarkable' data showing strong link between vitamin deficiency, prevalent in Israel, and death or serious illness among patients

Processing Grief 17/01/2022

is not wrong nor pathological. We need it to get whole again, even though this can be very painful. But some people get stuck, cannot move forward, suffer so long. can help you in this case.


Processing Grief Steps you can take to help yourself through the grieving process.

How hypnotherapy cured my binge drinking 16/01/2022

How cured : With more than ever expected to ditch this month, Nicola Moyne shares how she harnessed the of to banish the ! πŸ‘


How hypnotherapy cured my binge drinking With more people than ever expected to ditch alcohol this month, Nicola Moyne shares how she harnessed the power of hypnosis to banish the booze


Agreed. πŸ’–

MindSci Cafe 01/01/2022

There is a session, from the wonderful Hypnomaster Barry Thain, for all of you who want to get vaccinated, but do have a . πŸ‘πŸ™‚ It will help you.


MindSci Cafe




Breathe in and hold it, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... breathe out... relax... repeat ⭐

no yourself, nice ✨✨


Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 22:00
Thursday 14:00 - 22:00
Friday 14:00 - 22:00