ICORP - Germany

ICORP - Germany

Die Seite dient zur Information, der durch Wilderer bedrohten Elefanten und Nashörner. Ausserdem be


To all our Germany ICORP followers and friend's. ICORP has decided that they will only use the official FB page to promote, inform and represent the organization. Please like the official page.This ICORP Germany age will be taken down with in the next week. Look forward seeing you all on the flip side.
· Nonprofit Organization

Home ICORP Official Merchandise 08/11/2020

Home ICORP Official Merchandise We create amazing designs.

Photos from Marc Mcdonald's post 07/11/2020

To all our friends on our ICORP page.. please make a small pledge to assist us in creating wildlife safe zones.Visit our PayPal or bank account option's on our website

Photos from TERRA Organics's post 29/08/2020
International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) 10/08/2020

Handing our birthing kits in Mozambique.. our full circle approach Rangers, Communities and wildlife. We value our communities and continue to work closely with these folks..Anyone out there wants to help us, to maintain providing this important box.. for new mums and mums to be.It costs $50 to put together a birthing kit. Soap for mum and baby. Newborn nappies, baby blankets and a few sets of baby cloths, baby lotion and powder for baby and for mum. Pads for mum.Clamp for um... Mehr ansehen

Vor 4 Jahren
Deine Erinnerungen anzeigen

Marc Mcdonald ist in Massingir, Gaza, Mozambique.
10. August 2016 · ·
Providing assistance to our mothers to be, and families. our communities are our corners stone to a healthy and safe environment. This is the building blocks of training and eduction. Project for 2020 continuing in the Mapai region, Please assist ICORP to provide on this difficult time.

International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) The ongoing fight  It’s an ongoing fight to ensure that wildlife stays protected and secure. In 4 months our ICORP unit has removed 350 snares and 5 Gill nets. Apart from physically chasing poachers with dogs and machetes, some that are armed, several arrests made, a huge difference has been made...


Please assist our Rangers on the World Ranger day 31 July 2020. These dedicated Rangers have to remain effective in this fight to stop and destroy any poaching activities. They are a disruptive force out in the field. Let’s join hands and donate.


Please assist us in staying effecrive


We have started uploading some of the pictures of us, doing what we do. Please go and have a look on our website https://icorprotection.org/about-us/

ICORP protecting wildlife during Covid 19 25/06/2020

ICORP protecting wildlife during Covid 19 Help us support our ICORP Unit Rangers during this time of need. Every day, our committed Rangers work as an essentail services organization to support the wildlife and community we serve. Now, they need your help. Our organization is committed to ensuring that our Rangers ...

Statistical models and ranger insights help identify patterns in elephant poaching 13/06/2020


Statistical models and ranger insights help identify patterns in elephant poaching Statistical models and the knowledge of on-the-ground rangers are valuable and complementary sources of evidence for biodiversity conservation.

Photos from Marc Mcdonald's post 05/06/2020

Let’s make sure that our units are supported.

Pay International Coalition of Rhino Protection using PayPal.Me 02/06/2020

Es ist so wichtig, dass unsere ICORP-Unterstützer und -Freunde über die Folgemaßnahmen informiert werden, die ICORP seit dem letzten Update vom 29. Mai 2020 durchgeführt hat. Daher zerlegen wir langsam ein gut organisiertes Verbrechersyndikat für den illegalen Handel mit Wildtieren. ICORP-Einheiten sind in Betrieb auf einem Konglomerat von Reserven mit viel Erfolg und konnten die Wilderungsaktivitäten um einige Stufen rückgängig machen. Die folgenden Ergebnisse sind eine Reserve, die noch nicht Teil unseres Portfolios ist. Wir sind jedoch hier, um sicherzustellen, dass die Tierwelt am Leben bleibt und sich dazu verpflichtet fühlt. 40 plus Schlingen, die innerhalb von 24 Stunden aus dem Verkehr gezogen wurden. Das sind 40 Tiere, die vor dem sicheren Tod gerettet wurden. Die Mathematik ist einfach, aber beängstigend. Ihre Spende wird sicherstellen, dass diese Operationen nachhaltig wirksam bleiben.
EIN Nummer 82 1618781 USA 501 © 3
ABN 86 869 838 535 Australien nicht für Profit / Wohltätigkeit
SA NPO-Nr.: N221-788 Reg: 19/043089/08

Pay International Coalition of Rhino Protection using PayPal.Me Go to paypal.me/icorprotectionorg and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.

Pay International Coalition of Rhino Protection using PayPal.Me 02/06/2020

Its so important that our ICORP supporters and friends are updated of the follow up operations that ICORP has conducted from the last update 29 May 2020..so we are slowly taking apart a well organized illegal wildlife trade criminal syndicate..ICORP Units have been operating on a conglomerate of Reserves with much success and have been able to reverse the Poaching activities down a few notches.. the outcomes below is a Reserve not part of our portfolio yet. We are however here to make sure wildlife stay alive and comitted to do so....40 plus snares taken out of circulation in 24 hours.. that is 40 animals saved from certain death..the math is simple but frightening.Your donation will ensure that these operations remain effective sustainable.
EIN number 82 1618781 U.S.A. 501©3
ABN 86 869 838 535 Australia not for profit/charity
SA NPO No: N221-788 Reg:19/043089/08

Pay International Coalition of Rhino Protection using PayPal.Me Go to paypal.me/icorprotectionorg and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.


Over 6 days 11- 18/04/20 - we have raised $215.00 !!>> --LAST call to assist - We need to keep trying for the sake of wildlife here PLEASE folks we need to keep the chopper in the air, and vehicles fueled up..This is a strong appeal...tell your friends.. any amount will do.. it adds up..
Over the last couple of weeks, as you are all aware, globally ,many businesses have been in lock down. We have extremely important essential services that have to function, protecting wildlife. All Units on the ground, must be supported by an aerial unit, an eye in the sky and to pick up K9 units and drop them close behind poaching gangs. There are vehicles that need refueling, K9 to be fed, units to be supplied with rations, as well as helicopters to be refueled with avgas. Since the covid 19, all the lodgers in these Reserves have closed, and hereby no funding is coming to the grassroots levels where it's desperately needed..To keep these operations effective FUNDING is needed folks. ICORP also wants to assist Jana Meyer the pilot to ensure that areal support continues. She usually subsidizes her Counter Poaching flights with Tourist flights. This has stopped. ICORP is making this appeal to all - .please help us keep this essential services effective and this important areal support service in the Sky..rhino, elephant, and so many species will be protected and saved. We know, Hope for Wildlife Helicopter Services has assisted ICORP before, and rhino were saved.It's time that all APU units/organizations start standing together to assist one another in this fight. Poaching has increased, rhino have been killed..and there are more orphans. Snares have increased, and the poaching groups with machetes and dogs.PLEASE let's keep that essential services effective and a helicopter in the sky..PayPal.me/icorprotectionorg and mark clearly for aerial support we need to raise $1235 today!!

Poachers Kill More Rhinos as Coronavirus Halts Tourism to Africa 12/04/2020

Poachers Kill More Rhinos as Coronavirus Halts Tourism to Africa A two-month-old white rhino was placed in a Rhino 911 helicopter for rehabilitation in South Africa’s North West province on March 8.Credit…Nico Jacobs By Annie Roth The past few weeks have n…

Timeline photos 04/04/2020

Maintaining the edge.. training and more training, thanks to Marco Damaso

Timeline photos 03/04/2020

Main suspect 4 - caught red handed. well planned operations.
This is what our units are all about. Please folks - wherever you are in this time. Could you spare a $10/$20 for your ICORP team out there. Australia, UK, USA, South Africa...R20-50 rand..every sent helps keep this unit operational.

Video message from Jane Goodall on Covid-19 19/03/2020


Video message from Jane Goodall on Covid-19 Jane would like to send a message to the people around the world who are now suffering so terribly from the current coronavirus outbreak. “It is a truly terr...

International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) 16/03/2020

International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) The reality on the ground folks This is happening daily on many Reserves in Southern Africa. When will these populations collapse? ICORP is operating on a cluster of Reserves.. its shocking , the disrespect of wildlife, and the enormous illegal trade in wildlife parts amd meat in that region.An econ...

Two suspected rhino poachers shot dead in KwaZulu-Natal game park 16/03/2020

Two suspected rhino poachers shot dead in KwaZulu-Natal game park Two susected rhino poachers have been killed in a shootout at the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, KwaZulu-Natal Environmental Affairs MEC Nomusa Dube-Ncube...


This special offer is available at ICORP - Germany! You can get information about the offer from the manager or from Ruben

International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) 29/02/2020


International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP) The reality on the ground folks This is happening daily on many Reserves in Southern Africa. When will these populations collapse? ICORP is operating on a cluster of Reserves.. its shocking , the disrespect of wildlife, and the enormous illegal trade in wildlife parts amd meat in that region.An econ...


Breaking news: Corona Virus source found!!!! Patient X was infected because of the use of rhino horn. Pls share!
No rhino poaching no Corona Virus!!!

Nearly 50 rhinos killed in Botswana in 10 months as poaching surges - France 24 27/02/2020

Nearly 50 rhinos killed in Botswana in 10 months as poaching surges - France 24 Nearly 50 rhinos killed in Botswana in 10 months as poaching surges



Der kleine und der große Willi

Nashorn-Jungtier Willi, der am 8. Januar in unserem Zoo zur Welt kam, wurde nach Tierpfleger Wilfried „Willi“ Eichel benannt, der bereits seit über 40 Jahren in unserem Zoo als Huftierpfleger arbeitet und in diesem Sommer in den Ruhestand gehen wird.

Der Vorschlag, das junge Südliche Breitmaulnashorn nach Tierpfleger Willi zu benennen, kam direkt von den Kollegen aus dem Huftierrevier als eine Art Abschiedsgeschenk für Wilfried Eichel, der bereits seit 1975 in unserem Zoo arbeitet und damit unser dienstältester Mitarbeiter ist.

Auf dem Foto sehr Ihr die beiden Namensvetter im Tierpflegerbereich des Nashorn-Hauses. Einer der dortigen Nashorn-Ställe verfügt über eine kleine Tür an der Seite, die so gebaut ist, dass dort ein Nashorn-Jungtier in den Tierpflegerbereich laufen kann, zum Beispiel, um es dort zu untersuchen. Nashorn-Jungtier Willi kennt diese Tür bereits und unsere Tierpfleger lassen das Nashorn-Kalb dadurch gelegentlich zu sich herüberlaufen, damit Willi und auch seine Mutter Shakina sich an diese Situation gewöhnen und zum Beispiel bei einer Untersuchung durch eine unserer Tierärztinnen nicht vor einer völlig neuen Situation stehen, was eine eventuelle Behandlung oder Untersuchung erschweren würde. Willi sieht die Tierpfleger bei seinen Ausflügen als Spielgefährten und ist dabei, wie wir es auch von den ausgewachsenen Nashörnern kennen, sehr zutraulich und lässt sich gerne streicheln. Shakina ist dabei sehr entspannt und hat die ganze Zeit über Sichtkontakt zu ihrem Nachwuchs, der jederzeit auch wieder zu ihr in den Stall zurück kann.

Vielen Dank an unsere Tierplfegerin Wiebke Dreesmann für das schöne Foto und an unseren Tierpfleger Wilfried „Willi“ Eichel für den Fototermin mit dem kleinen Willi!

Foto: Wiebke Dreesmann
Text: Marcel Stawinoga/Der Zoolotse





International Coalition of Rhino Protection (ICORP)

icorprotection.org Marc McDonald interview Our founder was recently interviewed by Lisa G on 107.3 HFM Listen to the interview below. Latest Press Release At ICORP we are in the process of securing a 15000-hectare sanctuary in Mozambique to ensure that all wildlife is safe and able to flourish.



ICORP has been busy and while we wait for certain processes to be completed, I can announce that the Sanctuary for Wildlife and Flora restoration and protection has become a reality in the Banhine National Park area. Our Communities have been identified, where much skills and development will be initiated, To all our ICORP friends and family, the next step is so important regarding the building block and foundation of this project, and that is to keep wildlife from wondering off the demarcated area – through water provision.

Two boreholes must be placed in the Sanctuary and to be fully equipped. We need to raise the necessary funds to provide this natural recourse and so I invite you to invest in water for wildlife. It is the height of the rainy season, yet no pans hold water, the grass is turning to powder and wildlife are dying at this moment. I have seen many droughts in my career as a conservationist, but this is shocking.

Please help ICORP raise $10 000 per borehole, and this includes equipping with a submersible pump, solar panels, electrical box, and pipes. We will be releasing a media statement on the project soon. Conservation and Community engagement are our core functions with additional components of Tourism and Training.

Thank you, Ben Raddatz and Filipe Tovela for your assistance and hard work over the last 2 weeks.



Some great herds still walk the savannah..ICORP will not stop protecting the wildlife of Southern Africa.We do however need you assistance by donating to our operations. www.icorprtection.org



The reality on the ground Folks..this is happening daily on many Reserves in Southern Africa..when will these populations collapse? ICORP is operating on a cluster of Reserves.. its shocking , the disrespect of wildlife, and the enormous illegal trade in wildlife parts amd meat in that region.An economic disaster if this is left unchecked.. will result in unemployment and collapse of a Tourism industry. Our veteran units arriving in March and April 2020. Please assist ICORP and any donation will do



By joining our Wildlife and Reserve volunteer program, you will be taking a huge and positive step towards curbing the threat of species extinction. We are a charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of wildlife. It would mean a lot to me and my support group to see you join our tribe and see that you have heard our call. We cannot lead the fight against poaching without a strong and supportive base.” Marc McDonald Founder of ICORP.
Please contact Greg Gordon [email protected]
